A challenge called "Kasumi's Wandering"

It doesn't have to be, but to make it simpler you can assume it's a Kasumi/Rising Sun from an ECHOS universe.

Since this is an ECHOS you don't have to worry about matching closely the main universe or other stories written for this challenge.

Through if this does generate a few stories I'll work on expanding the "Skeltar" artifact story outline into a full fanfic and link all the submitted stories into it.

Write a story about one of the universes Warlocks Skeltar staff banishes Rising Sun to.

It is writer's choice if he wants to use a mind switch or a full body switch. In other words only Rising Sun's mind takes the place of an alternate version of herself or it can be Rising Sun's actual body and mind that are transferred to the alternate universe.

It's writer's choice how much of her Kryptonian aura comes with her to the new  universe anywhere from 0 SA all the way up to her nominal 75 SA.(slightly improved by Martial Arts Skill or MAS level.)

It's also writer's option how long she remains or what she leaves behind mentally for her alternate self.

It's writer's option if she will have full access to her alternate version's memories and/or how clear Rising Sun's own memories are when she enter the alternate universe.

It's also writer's choice how much of a copy Rising Sun leaves behind of her powers anything from 0 to 75 SA.

It is also writer's option to "kill" off Rising Sun while she is in an alternate version of her body. It is assumed that it is the alternate version that actually dies when that alternate version of Kasumi is switched back to a now dead body microseconds later from her point of

Be warned Killing off Kasumi has been known to generate hate mail from the "Church of Kasumi".  (I am not a member of that church.)


This is the rough story material that I was working on, it made me think of the challenge.

Feel free to ignore, it is mostly incomplete notes and  ideas

I found myself spending more time imagining Rising Sun switching out with alternate versions of herself or ending up in alternate universes than writing the story I set out to write around the Skeltar artifact.

In August of 2007 while breaking up a robbery in Hawaii Rising Sun is attacked repeatedly by a Silver Millennium artifact that was designed to banish extradimensional threats. At first Skeltar uses his staff on the lowest power settings and is only able to switch her "soul" from her body and into another version of herself in an alternate universe.

It takes repeated uses of the artifact at these low power levels to drive her to her knees then the floor and finally into a twitching unconscious state as her superhuman nervous system is overloaded by the repeated switching of Rising Sun's mind with other versions of Kasumi.

In desperation when Rising Sun quickly recovers from the knockout the "Warlock" increases the power supplied to his artifact and literally starts banishing Rising Sun bodily from the Universe. At first he is switching Rising Sun with alternate versions so quickly all he and they see is a staggering blur, but finally he ups the power enough to banish Rising Sun with out her being switched with an alternate version of herself. Finally at full power manages to increase the banishment period from seconds to nearly two hours allowing him and the criminals time to finally escape with what they have stolen.

From Rising Sun's point of view each time the artifact's energy strikes her during the low power surprise attacks she is racked by a intense pulse of pain followed by suddenly appearing somewhere else as Kasumi in a totally unrelated situation. During the "soul" switching phase she has some portion of her powers and after spending a random period as an alternate version of herself she is suddenly switched back to her body only to be fired on again by the "Warlock's" artifact.

The high power attacks that banish Rising Sun bodily into an alternate universe for a random period of time are just as painful, but are not a cumulative disruption to her nervous system as the "soul" switching was.

From Skeltar's, a self styled "Warlock", perspective each "soul" banishing attack only last for a few a few microseconds before Rising Sun is again returned to her own body.

Instead of one or two  low power blast driving Rising Sun unconscious for hours as was normal for un-enhanced humans the sudden abrupt change of neural activity in her enhanced body only staggers Rising Sun requiring many attacks to slowly overload Rising Sun's superhuman nervous system and drive her first to her knees then to the floor twitching and finally knocking her out cold for a very short period.

From Skeltar's point of view the first few higher power banishing attacks that send Rising Sun bodily from her universe only causes her to fade from view for moment before she returns. However he and everyone present quickly notice that her  helmet and uniform are getting progressively more damaged.

Finally as Skeltar is nearing a breaking pointfinal few and most powerful banish attacks cause her to seem to slowly  fade away uThe attacks that are powerful enough to banish her to another universe without having to switch her with another version of herself start to leave a fading after image that is slowly fading until she is completely gone not to return until several hours later long after the criminals have escaped and the police have left.


Again feel free to ignore this, it is mostly incomplete notes and  ideas.

I only included as a possible source of ideas for your own stories and to give you a better feel for what is happening to Rising Sun.


August 2007 7 DAYS BEFORE ROBBERY Magnum and Higgens aged friends, but both still in good health.

Magnum complains loudly as he helps the retired estate manager Higgens move a collection of Jewelry from the Robin's Nest basement workshop to the area where it will be displayed.

Magnum is claiming yet more "proof" that Higgens is actually the writer "Robin Masters" and trying to get his long time friend to admit it. (This has become a long running friendly argument between the two.)

Unknown to both men the semi-precious gems Higgens used in his workshop to make the jewelry, a gift to Higgens from a small tribe in Borneo are far more.

Higgens has the remains of several badly damaged Silver Millennium artifacts and more importantly their are 14 splinters of Black Kryptonite embedded in the ancient synthetic crystals.

Higgens conversion of the gems into Jewelry has caused one of the badly damaged artifacts to start transmitting a low power short range signal pulses.

Chad Olsen a mid level beauracrat working for Lancelot's League's ruling council is in Hawaii to meet with operatives from Japan, Hawaii and the Philippines. He is taking some time off and traveling around Hawaii with his wife and passes near the estate and like all members of the council he is wearing several devices hidden as Jewelry.One is a passive sensor device that receives the signal pulse and he marks location.

4 DAYS BEFORE ROBBERY late mid day
Chad frowned as he studied the estate checking it carefully as he drove by Robin's Nest.  What he was about to do did have an element of danger, but he felt it was worth the risk the low power signal that was characteristic of a badly damaged Judge's amulet was still present, but becoming more intermittent as if the power source was failing. It wasn't likely anyone would pick up the scan pulses he was about to use.  The other members of the League had already left taking public or private jets to their home territories and the Leagues own security check for Avalon operatives was probably still valid even if it was now two weeks old.

He had waited nearly three hours nearly giving up and going home when a perfect opportunity had presented itself for his drive by scan of the estate. Two slow tour buses with a trail of eight vehicles were making their way past Robin's nest.

He had quickly pulled out and then passing the rear most vehicle in the line his non-descript car fitting in well with the six other vehicles following the two buses.

After a moments hesitation well before the line of traffic reached it's closest approach to Robin's nest he placed his hand on the largest jewel in a device that seemed to be the gaudy merger of a black smith's and jeweler's interpretation of a modern lap top computer. A moment later the device give a soft beep as it acknowledged the mental command and started transmitting a series of low powered modulated pulses of microwave energy.

The low powered carefully timed microsecond long pulses were broadcast into the lower 6 dimensions of space quickly dropping below the background noise level as the wave front expanded badly distorted in the first 3 dimensions, but unhindered in the next 3 higher planes. The portion of the microwave energy transmitted in the lower mundane dimensions quickly died out absorbed, refracted and reflected by the large concentration of material present there. The passing signals barely enough to cause confused flickers of warning LEDs and a single truncated chirp on the Radar detectors present in several of the cars parked on the Robin's Nest estate.

The higher dimensional portions of the microwave pulse spread outward traveling nearly 150 kilometers in the higher planes before the signal dropped below background noise.  It's passage there creating a series of characteristic faint signal echoes in 14 unsheilded splinters of black kryptonite located in the Robin's Nest Guest house less than 2 kilometers from Chad's moving car. Those answering echoes and many of the secondary resonances were easily detected and stored by the League computer allowing it to slowly build up a picture of not only the artifacts position.

Looking up an old League friend (Tommy Ahab)

Researching Robin's Nest

Hiring 5 thieves unknowingly sometimes employees of the League all have worked for Tommy at least once in the past know him only as a voice called T.

Approaching each of them with T for planning (both Chad and Tommy  masked) using the League created black market identities of T and  "warlock".

Rising Sun fly's into a Hawaiian military base to pick up a small and secret shipment of advanced under water sensors earmarked for Japan's Navy.  The Shipment is packed incorrectly for flight by ultra-air and the base commander orders the base personnel to repack it.

Having an extra hour of free time Rising Sun decides to play tourist and wanders the Island.

Bad luck puts Chad, Tommy and his thieves working their way into the estate just as Rising Sun is starting to play tourist.

Rising Sun hears the familiar sound of a silenced submachine gun as a set of hired criminals tasked to steal the jewelry use their weapons to kill the estates security dogs and terrorize the staff at the estate into submission.

Nearly at the end of that hour Kasumi in her role as Rising Sun confronts the group of thieves that are half way through bagging a collection of jewelry at an estate that is also on the Island.

The collection being readied for a charity event the next day is already in it's display cases for the auction.   

When Rising Sun arrives five of the thieves have already tied up the estates caretakers and security and are busy bagging the jewelry.

The 4 professional thieves are giving up peacefully and Rising Sun is preparing to secure them. T draws Rising Sun's attention and Warlock  appears behind her.

Like the others he is dressed in black, but is literally floating silently up the wine cellar stairs from what originally was a lead lined fallout shelter.  He is clutching Skeltar a faintly glowing crystal staff that appears to contain a large skeleton specifically the Skull and a six foot spine of some out landish creature or alien monster.  

The staff is topped by a clear crystal sphere that contains a skull that is nearly as large as a humans and looks to be a combination of a of cat and reptiles skull.  The 6 feet of spinal bones are encased in the same clear crystal making it appear as if the man isn't actually holding the bony staff. Instead it appears to hover between his tightly gripping hands never quite touching them or anything else.

Kerry (the razor) Samuelson reaction to his boss living up to the Warlock code name.

Magnum and Higgens thoughts on the "Warlock's" appearance from the basement.

Staff raised and eyes glows a bright white light casting harsh shadows Rising Sun Staggers glowing the same white.(No beam from the staff  the eye sockets just burn bright each time it's used to attack Rising Sun)

Warlock's shock and growing fear when Rising Sun is only staggered, but remains on her feet.

Magnum and Higgens with two other staff watch their relief turning to shock then worry and fear as the man called Warlock lives up to his codename.

Chad forgets to increase the power out of shock at it's failure to stop Rising Sun and instead fires a flurry of low power banishments each staggering the hero and then slowly ever so slowly dropping her to her knees, then the floor.

T shocked to realize the Olan's family artifact is able to stun a  presidential class Ultra-human.

T focuses on watching  the twitching form of Rising Sun, while the hired help once again start to finish up.

Magnum trying to free himself.  

Higgens trying to free himself remembering a "magical" event from the 1940's he always put off to a concussion induced delusion.

The thieves almost finished loading the jewelry wonder why Warlock and T have just picked out several un-used semi-precious gemstones.

Magnum and Higgens are confused why those stones?

The Thieves are getting ready to leave when T realizes Rising Sun isn't twitching and signals Warlock to hit her again

Warlock renews his attacks on Rising Sun just before she can surge to her feet and she seems to be slowly fading from site finally she vanishes completely and  the Warlock is just relaxing when Rising Sun reappears. She is on her feet, but staggering and every one notices that her uniform suddenly seems much more worn.and damaged.

The Warlock groans in exhustion once again starts attacking her this time with an air of fear. Each "blast" from his staff is obviously more powerful and the  staff impossible to look at as the skeleton's eye sockets are glowing brightly and growing brighter with each blast.

Now with each attack Rising Sun is fading from view fore longer periods and returning with more and more damage to her costume.  

Finally Warlock speaks for the first time shouting "BEGONE!" and staggering back a step going to his knees the staff going dark after an intense flash that leaves everyone blinking and Rising Sun gone.

T and the others help Warlock back to his feet and all leave with thier stolen goods as quickly as possible.

The criminal leave Magnum frees himself and other after over 2 hours and discovers that the cell phones are no longer jammed calls the police.

The Salsa Brothers sitting at home counting their payment and discussing the fact that a man called Warlock was actually one and powerful enough to banished Rising Star maybe forever.

T and Warlock going through their own share and the damaged silver millennium artifacts that contain splinters of Black Kkryptonite.

Higgens is cleaning broken glass from the display cases when there is a rush of air and he turns seeing...

8 hours later Kasumi returns her uniform appears for an instant around her then settle to floor in tatters her helmet with a shattered, but seemingly intact faceplate and distorted shape hangs loosely on her head for an instant then crumbles and falls to floor in two crushed almost powdered halves.

Kasumi stands at the exact point she vanished from and shocked and surprised at suddenly being back at the scene of the wizard's fight from so long before.

Her attention caught by the destroyed rags of her uniform fluttering to the floor she watches them fall not realizing they are the remains of her uniform.

Finally her destroyed helmet collapse falling from her head in large fragments. the sound of glass hitting the floor breaks her shock and she finally notice Higgens.  An instant later Kasumi realizes her uniform is gone and vanishes behind a heavy curtain with a EEEP!  

Higgens eventually supplying some old clothing mostly to large, but better than a curtain.

Collect call to a certain very private number in Japan.

Kasumi talking to Higgens Unmasked enjoying his tales of time past and mentions some of the universe she was banished to.

The Tales of Kings and castles, Pretenders, Vampires, Alien snakes invading in flying pyramids and much more.

Discussion turns to why Rising Sun is allowing the belief that she is horribly disfigured and Ugly.

Kasumi hear's Magnum's arrival preparing to leave.

Higgens tossing her a ugly wooden native mask asking her to stay and meet Magnum so he will believe and listen to at least one of his stories.

Meeting Magnum before flying off, but pauses at 1000 feet listens to Higgens being teased by Magnum. Suddenly struck by a thought as he
examines the remains of Rising Sun's trashed uniform and helmet on the floor he demands to know if he saw her unmasked?  

Kasumi listens as Magnum attempts to get him to describe what she looks like. Is she disfigured? Does she have scars?

Kasumi Smiles and flys off. Leaving a irritated Magnum holding the crumbling remains of a helmet trying to figure out what Higgens meant with his description.(Find confusing quote about hidden inner beauty and mask of truthful falsehoods.)

A week later Higgens sends off a letter to a pen pal addressed to a drop box in japan.

Background data for characters and artifact.

Razor, Weights, Guts, Darky, T, Warlock(skeltar)

Kerry Samuelson age 36 (Razor)
professional thief 10 years Hawaiian Islands
Decent safe cracker and expert electronic security systems
1 arrest for attributed to peeping and trespass
prefers a straight razor as his weapon of choice

Paul Salsa age 28(weights)
professional thief 12 years Hawaiian Islands
weights  and a boxer
3 arrest assault and battery
prefers sub machine guns.

Tom Salsa age 32 (Guts)
professional thief 16 years Hawaiian Islands
no arrest
prefers a knives or sawed off shotgun

Pete Mathew age 24 (darky)
professional thief 8 years Philippines and Hawaiian Islands
married 3 kids
driver and car thief
8 arrest wreckless driving
some boxing
prefers billy club

Tommy Ahab age 233 (T)
professional spy 85 years "retired" to Hawaiian Islands
Widower 8 kids, 16 grandkids, 28 great grandkids
Hight 2 meter weight 90 kg
Operative for the League Personal long time friend of Chad Olson
expert safe cracker some experience with Avalon security systems
served 30 years Mystery Island Navy submarine security division.
served 23 years League intelligence European division (Nazi)
served 30 years League intelligence Asian division(assassin)
served 2 years classified/unknown  
Extensive training in torture and mental shielding.
No artifact, passed to first born daughter when assigned Hawaiian Islands.
Prefers knives or garrote expert with pistol and blowguns.

Chad Olson Age 95 (Warlock)
Mid level Beauracrat serving the League's ruling council.
Married to Volga Olson for 53 years,
Hight 2.01 m  Weight 86 kg
served 5 years in Mystery Island coast guard.
served 3 years part time police officer
martial arts hobbiest
The current holder of his family's major artifact the Skeltar Staff.

Chad Olson is a oddity within the League Beauracracy, a man known for putting his family first and his job a firm and distant second in importance. Oddly this has become an asset giving him the power to hold a position that allows what he considers to be sufficient free time. His lack of ambition and has adopted a fierce political neutrality that has made him a trusted asset of several of his superiors.

He has been happily married to Volga Olson for the last fifty-three years who has per their life contract given him four children. All children have left entering life contracts of their own.

Skeltar Staff
Gives it's bearer the ability to easily banish any extradimensional materials or life forms that are encountered. For a greater energy cost it can also banish native materials and life forms from their native universe for short periods. It also has two secondary abilities, the first allows the staff's current bearer to summon or send it from a distance as great as one planetary diameter. The second ability allows the user to surround themselves with a short term low level telekinetic
barrier that gives the ability to hover a few centimeters above hard surfaces or partially deflect or soften attacks.   

When used at the lowest power levels on normal humans or animals  natives to this universe the staff usually renders them unconscious for several hours. On the higher power setting the Staff can banish human sized objects from this universe for random periods of time that correspond roughly to the power used in the banishment.  The Staff cannot permanently banish any life form or material object that is native to this universe.

Commissioned by Sailor Pluto in 18608 BC as a back up weapon for use against the extradimensional invaders and was completed in 18604 BC. It was lost on Earth during the fall of the Silver Millennium in 18453 BC and resurfaced in the possession of the Olsen family in 1243 AD. The Olsen's were recruited by agent's working for Lancelot's League in 1803 in central Europe.

The staff's core is made from the partial remnants of a extra-dimensional Youma skeleton supplied by Senshi Pluto. The human sized Skull and six foot spine are encased in a thick layer of transparent synthetic diamond with a thin layer of translucent diamond coating the skeleton and containing a high density layer of esper circuits and energy transport circuits. This high density layer of circuits is designed to feed a burst of power from the esper circuits through the Youma's semi-metallic skeleton where it picks up low level extradimensional quantum dissonance from the skeleton and then channels it back into the diamond encasingr it.  There the energy is amplified and focused into the crystalline esper circuits that are designed to boost the telekinetic or teleportive abilities latent in most humans allowing the human using that energy to teleport object or energy out of the universe.

The Staff is primarily solar powered using the transparent outer  coating to absorb and channel energy into a high density storage core embedded inside the skull.  At full charge the staff has power reserves sufficient for nearly three hundred low power banishments that instantly render normal humans unconscious. --------------------------

howard melton
