This is an example or ECHOS character and hopefully it will show how to use the two HTML pages “HowSuperIsSuperman.htm” and “Kryptonian Aura abilities.htm” to determine how powerful a enhancement makes a character.



In an attempt by China to create a superhero to compete with Superman and Ultrawoman and break or redirect the good will they have generated among the Chinese population the Chinese government decides to create a superhero.

A Chinese special forces officer intensely loyal to the Chinese communist party and military, as well as being a Grand Niece to the most powerful communist leader in China is chosen and undergoes extensive testing in 2001.

She has had extensive military training and is pilot rated for helicoptors and most fixed wing aircraft and has a Martial Arts Skill level of MAS 7. 

Late in 2001 she starts undergoing a large amount of plastic surgery that essentially sculpts her body into a living version of a asian barbie doll. In addition to the body sculpting she also receives two neuro interfaces one is permanently linked to an array of 4096 quad chip computers distributed throughout her body and networked together using fiber optics.

This built in neuro linked array of computers gives the young woman several abilities, she can sense magnetic fields and radio transmissions and store a digital record of what she sees and hears in the 16 gigabytes of RAM distributed through out her body.

The array of 4096 computers can be expanded out side her body and increased to up to 16384 computers.

The other Neuro interface is optimized for Battlemech interfacing, and the specially designed equipment the government plans on building.

Unknown to the woman she is also has several thousand brain implants and transmitters designed to allow the Chinese rulers to turn all or most of her mind off and operate her body remotely through a satellite linked virtual reality system.

Late in 2003 she is secretly sent to the US to undergo Gretchen's enhancement process. The Chinese purchase a Gretchen and Luthor enhancement of 28 SA and in early march of 2004 the woman that will become China Doll receives this enhancement.

Note an example follows showing calculations





Protective aura roughly equal to 7 inches of armour.

Survives 140 Tons of TNT(days of recuperation)

 |hurt by nothing less than 8 inch shell (deep bruise 1 inch diameter)



 Raw Strength 280 tons/lacks flight aura unable to fully use her strength.

equivilant punching strength:

 15.4 tons force lack flight aura cannot easily achieve this.


Has access to very short range personal rocket packs. She has access to a supersonic jet range 1000 miles.


Replaces flight 280 meters vertical off hard prepared surfaces.

Running Speed:

840 mph, ideal conditions are required.

has a hard time controlling movement and stopping over 50 mph.

 Reaction Time

140 X Normal Human Physical, 210 X Thinking


HEARING Infra sonic to Ultrasonic. near equivalent of superman's sensitivity lacks empathic ability to “hear” when close friends are in danger.

VISION Infrared to X-Rays x140 Magnification, Microscopic x-ray vision can be blocked by Titanium and higher atomic numbered elements.

TASTE Instantly aware of molecular amounts of dangerous substances.

MAGNETIC SENSE think very good metal detector

RADIO SENSOR 20 kilohertz to 1 Gigahertz


Ability to sense with aura attacks on small groups of cells or general tissues and try to defend against these attacks can usually sense the changes in cells caused by viruses . Has trouble with changes that cause extremely extremely slow changes in aura.

 Life Span

804 years

 Super Breath

Ability to generate 0.28 cubic meter of liquid nitrogen per minute and exhale it at supersonic speed.

 Mental Acuity

150 IQ, near Photographic memory.

China Doll Lacks

Regeneration, Touch Aura Repair Ability, Heat Vision, Empathic and Telepathic abilities.


same as above calculations now shown.


To determine China doll's superpowers you need to use the files “HowSuperIsSuperman.htm” and



 China doll has a 28 SA&20 SR enhancement


(China dolls SA divided by 100 SA) * (superman's actual ability) = China dolls actual value


28SA/100SA = 0.28


The “Section3-Kryptonian_Aura_Abilities.htm” shows what abilities she has access to at 28 SA.


How Super Is China Doll



0.28*500 Tons TNT = 140 tons TNT

Survives 140 Tons of TNT(days of recuperation)

0.28 * 25inches = 7 inches of armour


|hurt by nothing less than 8 inch shell (deep bruise 1 inch diameter)



0.28*1000 tons = 280 tons

 Raw Strength 280 tons/lacks flight aura unable to effectively use her strength.

equivilant punching strength:

0.28*55 tons = 15.4 tons

 15.4 tons force lack flight aura cannot easily achieve this.


 Unavailable lacks flight aura at 28 SA. She does have access to Chinese designed flight packs.

She has access to a supersonic jet range 1000 miles.


0.28*1000 meters = 280 meters

Replaces flight 280 meters vertical off hard prepared surfaces.

Running Speed:

 0.28 * 3000 MPH = 840 mph

840 mph, ideal surface friction conditions are required.

has a hard time controlling movement and stopping over 50 mph.

 Reaction Time

0.28 * 500= 140 X human physical 0.28 * 750 = 210 X thinking

140 X Normal Human Physical, 210 X Thinking


HEARING Infra sonic to Ultrasonic. near equivalent of superman's sensitivy lacks empathic ability to “hear” when close friends are in danger.

0.28 * 500 magnification = 140 magnification

VISION Infrared to X-Rays x140 Magnification, Microscopic

0.28 * Lead's atomic number is roughly Titanium's atomic number

X-ray vision blocked by Titanium

TASTE Instantly aware of molecular amounts of dangerous substances.

MAGNETIC SENSE think very good metal detector

RADIO SENSOR 20 kilohertz to 1 gigahertz


Ability to sense with aura attacks on small groups of cells or general tissues and try to defend against these attacks can usually sense the changes in cells caused by viruses . Has trouble with changes that cause extremely extremely slow changes in aura.

Life Span

at 25 SA=790 years, at 40 SA =860 years. Assume 28 SA is linear improvement between the two.

(860 years-790years)*(28SA-25SA)/(40SA-25SA) = 14 years longer than a 25 SA gives 804 years..

804 years

 Super Breath

0.28 * 1 cubic meter of nitrogen= 0.28 cubic meters

Ability to generate 0.28 cubic meter of liquid nitrogen per minute and exhale it at supersonic speed.

 Mental Acuity

initial IQ 120 add +30 and now has near photographic memory.

150 IQ, near Photographic memory.


China Doll Lacks

28 SA is below all the minimum SA listed in “Section3-Kryptonian_Aura_Abilities.htm”

Regeneration, Touch Aura Repair Ability, Heat Vision, Empathic and Telepathic abilities.


 Howard Melton