4 tons
9 foot Humanoid Type 1
Power Plant:
Cold-fusion model A
Cruising Speed:
35 km/h
Maximum Speed:
65 km/h
Overload Speed:
85 km/h must use steam jet to cool down
Jump Jets:
1 Steam Jet 3 pulses auto refill any water source
Jump Capacity:
4 meters vertical height per pulse
0.15 inches unobtainium
Selected areas often protected by explosive reactive armour overlays.
Left arm and shoulder mounted 45 mm auto cannon 25 round clip, 120 rpm cyclic, 2 round burst
two 25 round clips.
Left Shoulder mounted 30mm grenade launcher, 300 rpm cyclic
50 rounds
Right shoulder mounted 30mm grenade launcher, 300 rpm cyclic
50 rounds
Right arm 7.62 mm machine gun, 550 rpm cyclic, 15 round burst
500 rounds ammo
Right arm 3 fingered manipulator
Can carry 0.3 ton optional weapon only compatible with the light Ironman pistol option weapons.
Left arm electromagnet spike 

Communications System:
KDB Spread Spectrum
Targeting & Tracking System:
BATS, heavily weighted toward sound and Infrared passive systems.
Production Dates
Prototyped 1998,  limited production 1999

First prototyped in late 1998 and produced for 25 years, the design is roughly based on the 3 meter tall Chinese Tinman prototype, but with an eye toward cutting cost where possible, it went into limited production in late 1999.

After 2001 when Chinese supplies of the prototype Tinman were sold out, the Wolf was produced in an export version without the super-armour and a  fuel oil based Jump Jet.  A high output diesel power-plant replacing the steam Jets and cold-fusion power system.

After 2005 Russia's closest Allies could purchase limited numbers of these mecha complete with the super-armour and cold-fusion power system and often used them as a cheaper stable-mate to the larger and more expensive Chinese Ironman battlemech.

In general this Russian battleMech's electronics package is a generation behind the Chinese Tinman. The musculature system of the mech uses a smaller compliment of artificial muscle fibers leading to lower strength , speed and most importantly limited the manipulator held weapon to only the light  pistol  types.

Initially five percent receive the neuro interface option, but this option were removed from all existing units and placed in the second generation mechs and the 5% neuro interface production rate was switched to the larger non humaniod Second generation Battlemech instead.

 The explosive active armour was added to the torso and legs in 2002 and retrofitted to all existing Wolf models, after 2005 control runs were added to all new production allowing the battlemech pilots to detonate selected brick-lets on command as anti-personnel or anti-missile protection.

 This mech carries less super armour than the Chinese Ironman and lacks the expensive 0.22 caliber gatling and the associated Lidar tracking system making it more vulnerable to anti-tank rockets and grenades.

 In a further cost saving move a 7.62 mm machine gun was used, as the free fire weapon instead of the Chinese standard 0.50 caliber machine gun, this weapon proved ineffective against even minimal 1 SA kryptonian enhancement and all attempts to create harder hitting ammo for it resulted in extreme barrel wear and high failure rates. However the huge stock-piles of ammunition, and the weapons effectiveness on un-enhanced and unarmoured transport kept the weapon a part of the design, until production  of the Wolf Mecha was ended.

In 2008 the addition of a cheap low power RADAR system to the Wolf along with a software override patch gave the 7.62mm weapon limited usefulness as a defense against grenades and anti-tank missiles fired in the frontal arc.

The 45 mm auto cannon was also a cost saving move by the Russian designers that in many ways actually produced a better weapon than the Chinese standard 25 mm auto cannon. The Light anti tank cannon pulled from existing obsolete stock piles was cut down and converted to an auto cannon with a very low rate of fire and the ancient weapons effectively had smooth bore's that limited accuracy, but the larger shell size and smooth bore proved to be such a benefit, that when existing supply's of obsolete 45 mm cannon were exhausted a production line was set up to produce and continue arming these mecha with a 45 mm smoothbore gun.

 When the American Ultraman program was revealed to the world, the larger 45 mm shell made it easier for the Russian engineers to design and produce a large selection of special ammo from flechetty rounds designed for 1 or 2 SA enhancements to the saboted and shaped charge rounds designed for America's 10 SA to 15 SA special forces, allowing them to effectively keep a near one shot kill rate even for the 15 SA enhancement level.

The electromagnet spike that replaced one of the expensive and complex 3 fingered manipulator on the left arm was a good compromise in flexibility. In spite of the relatively low cost many pilots grew deft enough in manipulating the simple electromagnet's controls to almost match the abilities of a 3 fingered manipulator for most magnetic objects.




15 tons
18 foot NonHumanoid Type 1
Power Plant:
Cold-fusion model 2A
Cruising Speed:
45 km/h
Maximum Speed:
70 km/h
Overload Speed:
110 km/h must use steam jet to cool down
Jump Jets:
1 Steam Jet 4 pulses auto refill any water source
Jump Capacity:
2 meters vertical height per pulse
0.30 inches unobtainium
layered active explosive reactive armour, with proximity sensor fired anti-missile/personnel brick-lets.
Left arm mounted 0.50 caliber machine-gun, 300 rpm, 10 round burst
700 rounds case less ammo.
Left Shoulder mounted 30mm grenade launcher, 300 rpm
50 rounds
Right shoulder mounted 30mm grenade launcher, 300 rpm
50 rounds
Right arm and shoulder mounted 85 mm auto cannon,  15 rpm
50 rounds case-less ammo
 Left arm 3 fingered 
Can carry 0.5 ton optional heavy weapon compatible with all Ironman pistol “hand” weapons.
Right arm electromagnet spike, sectionalized for improved control.
Communications System:
Spread Spectrum KDB & B
Targeting & Tracking System:
Hawk Eye
Production Dates
Prototyped 2002, limited Production 2007

 This 6 meter high battlemech frame and weapons systems was first prototyped in 2002 and even more than the Wolf was originally designed with cost saving as the main goal. The Bear was kept in extremely limited prototype production until after 2005 and all test demonstrated a very poor design. The prototypes had essentially the same cold-fusion power-plant, armour, limited artificial muscle mass and electronic system of the first generation Russian mech. This made for an extremely under powered frame that was unstable, clumsy and slow, on average a minimum of 8 months training was required for a Mech pilot to successfully maintain balance at more than a 10 km/hr walk.

In late 2005 after the Battlemecha did so well a surge of demand started, the Russian military High Command ordered the limited prototype production ended and the entire battlemech to be redesigned to better match the Chinese Dragon.

In early 2007 limited production was resumed with a much improved design and with the specifications listed above. The electronic systems are the equivalent of the Chinese Dragon and while not as much of the super-armour is used the multiple layers of active armour with anti-personnel proximity detonated brick-lets provide decent protection from anti-tank grenades and anti-tank missiles. In a controversial break from the Dragon design the Russian designers decided to keep the Jump jets, which required the use of a smaller cold fusion power-plant and resulted in a slower cruise and maximum speed, but also allowed the short duration overload speed to be retained as well as the improved tactical and strategic movement allowed with a jump capability.

The Electromagnet spike from the first generation mecha was retained and improved slightly by segmenting the coils and providing a better control interface.

Roughly 25% of these mecha were built with the invasive neuro interface option which became the only Russian design to use that type of interface, by 2008 all known Russian “Neuro” mecha were of this type.

 ULTRABEAR currently not fully defined

A new design created jointly by Russia and China after 2015 based on the frame of  Russia's second generation Bear Battlemech, but designed from the frame up to carry the finally perfected 20 mm magnetic Pulse rail gun. It has a higher rate of fire than the UltraDragon because of it's larger size and more Mass.