A fan fiction story revolving around the world of "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures" and "Ranma 1/2." No infringement of ownership is meant. It is just for fun.

L&C Year: 2005 AD

China Doll Mecha Machinations!

"And for our security here while trying to breach the inter-dimensional barriers to other worlds, we of course have twenty Iron Man class battle mecha, supplemented with five Dragon Class mecha." Professor Sing Wu nodded to the assembled Chinese delegates from Beijing. More than his own job depended on the outcome of this today's presentation.

"What an utter waste of time and resources!" General Tzieun shouted as he stood up. The burly man had been vocal against this project for months. "We should be preparing to use the Green Kryptonite from the downed alien vessel to kill Superman and the other Ultra-Class warriors of the Americans! It is absurd to hope that we might gain an even greater technological edge by opening a gate into another Earth!"

Sing Wu just rubbed his hands nervously. "I understand your position, General! But the Chairman would not let this proceed if there was the chance that we might encounter something similar to Superman on the other side without the forces necessary to repulse any attack!"

Tzieun just huffed in annoyance. "Let us just get on with it!"

Professor Sing could not agree more. He nodded to the scientists and technicians to start. "It should only be momentarily before we have locked onto the test location. Lieutenant Chin in IM-52 has volunteered to enter into that world and recover a knowledgeable citizen to see if they have useful technology. The Party's own China Doll is ready as well for a quick rescue mission, just in case."

"Sir! We are detecting a flux in the grid. Something is appearing in the landing zone!" a technician called out.

Everyone turned to the large, open field on the screen that held the transport grid as space distorted and warped. Arcs of lightning shot through the air as a small figure appeared in the middle of the field.

It seemed to look around, ignoring the pyrotechnics of its arrival.

General Tzieun jumped to his feet. "China Doll! Confront this interloper and determine his intentions."

Professor Sing nodded his agreement to that. "Dragon 10 and 12 should accompany her!"

"Of course."


China Doll strode from the large bunker, the two five meter tall mecha tromping up behind her. She wore no mask like Ultrawoman or Rising Sun. She was a proud public servant of China! Her almost too perfect body was clad in a skin-tight deep black-red body suit. She wore high tech gauntlets and a jet pack.

"Invader, why have you come to this place?" she demanded arrogantly in her native Mandarin.

"I was investigating a possible inter-dimensional incursion into my own world. May I inquire as to the reason for this?" the stranger asked in perfect Mandarin. His armor was quite garish, painted in bright red and yellow hues. It was laughably small in comparison to the mighty Dragons that accompanied the Chinese super-heroine.

"Of course! I am China Doll, the Chinese's greatest hero. My government is investigating possible allies against the threat of the American Ultramen!"

"Of course, I can understand why you would want to defend yourself!" the unknown armored warrior declared.

"If you don't mind, I would ask that you accompany us to a safe area." China Doll started walking off.

The odd red and gold figure just stared for a second before following. He seemed to take in the much larger mecha with interest. "An interesting application of robotics, if I don't say so myself."

"Yes, the Dragon and Iron Man battle mecha are the backbone of our resistance to the Americans that have fallen to the aliens."

"Iron Man? How... interesting. I take it that something has happened to the Americans?" the figure asked.

"Yes. From our intelligence, it appears that aliens from the world of Neo-Krypton are intent on conquering our world! These mighty aliens will let nothing stop them in their quest to conquer us. They are even willing to inflict genetic treatments to alter humans into their own race." China Doll could not help but let a bit of self-loathing into her voice. She stopped and looked over at him. "Are you transmitting something?" She had caught the merest whispers of some sort of encrypted communication.

"I was just verifying what sort of world I had fallen into," he started to explain.

"Desist or be destroyed immediately!" she commanded instantly.

"All I am trying to do is-" the man tried to interject.

"Dragon-10, destroy the alien intruder! Now!" China Doll yelled out as she backed away as quickly as possible.

"Yes, comrade commander!" the black and green mecha boomed as its .50 caliber machinegun in its own arm roared to life, peppering the much smaller figure with lethal intent.

"Okay, I think I've had just about enough of your hospitality," the much smaller figure said. "Seems one Chinese dictatorship is the same as any other! Now you've gone and made me mad!" It seemed to totally ignore the unceasing barrage of high-caliber bullets that bounced off of it.

China Doll just gaped in amazement as the red and gold figure aimed its fists at Dragon-10 and unleashed a blast of energy that chipped the armored shoulders of the mecha. "Dragon-12, assist! Use full, lethal force."

"Okay! The kid's gloves are off! I'll show you the power of a true Iron Man!" the small figure rocketed into the air like a missile.

"It can fly!"

"It has a name, too! And you can call me Iron Man. The original, thank you very much!" the self-proclaimed Iron Man said. He was momentarily surprised when the Dragon-10 jumped up and grabbed him. Reacting almost instantly, he spun the mecha around and tossed it about a thousand feet in a high arc.

China Doll flung herself at him, igniting the rocket pack to fly at the absurdly slow 'Iron Man'. She revised her opinion as he evaded her without even looking with inhuman ability.

Iron Man twisted and jinked, following an impossible flight path. The Dragon's were having trouble lining up return fire as he would make improbable and impossible 90 degree turns.

"I can't lock onto the enemy! He's jamming me somehow!" Dragon-12's pilot screamed in shock.

"Me too!" said the other pilot.

China Doll landed softly and looked up at the dodging figure. He really seemed to be relatively safe, as the heavier weapons of the Dragon's just couldn't be used effectively.

Iron Man was in the process of keeping his attackers busy while continuing to access this world's news databases through a geosynchronous satellite. He discovered that alien invaders had attacked the US and its alien superhero protector, that was true. Little else seemed fact for certain. The alien had never hidden himself, being quite forthright about it when he was asked. He did operate under a 'heroic identity,' but Tony Stark didn't think that odd at all.

He was dragged from his ruminations and data search by heavier caliber weapons striking him, smashing him off course. He plowed out of control into the packed ground, leaving a huge furrow.

"Synchronized volley fire appears to be successful! Continue the bombardment!" China Doll commanded. The rest of the Dragons and Iron Man mecha had caught up and were attempting their best to destroy the intruder. "Keep firing!"

Clouds of smoke and dust obscured the impact point as more explosions rocked it.

"Jamming has ceased!" Dragon-10's pilot announced.

"Cease firing! IM-32, verify the destruction of the target. Everyone else, reload your clips," the Chinese super-heroine called out.

Said mecha tromped out to the blasted crater to check it out. "I'm going to start sifting. I hope there's something big enough to identify."

China Doll suddenly spun around, hearing a rumbling sound from behind them. The ground exploded as a slightly worse for wear Iron Man rocketed out of the ground. She felt and heard a huge buildup of power within his suit, just before a massive burst of energy erupted from it.

Iron Man skidded to a halt on dying boot-jets. "One high energy EMP burst, made to order. That ought to take the wind out of their sails." He walked over to China Doll, who had collapsed to the ground while clutching her head.

"Barbarian, how could you use such a weapon," she gasped out.

"Invasive neural interface technology. It's going to take a while for you to recover. It shouldn't cause permanent damage. You might have to repair that built in neuro-computer though." His MRI/Ultrasound scan continued. "Hmm. That looks like an external over-ride system there."

"What are you talking about? I have the latest and greatest of Chinese neural network computers. There is no over-ride system within me. My loyalty to the Party and the Cause is unquestionable!" China Doll said with a snarl. What a headache she had.

"That what they always say. Looks like your masters don't trust you as much as you trust them," the American superhero said. He pulled out an interface probe from his gauntlet and pointed it at her. "Let's see what's in that optical memory core."

"Get out of my mind!" she screamed and she bounded to her feet, ignoring the pain in her head.

He sighed as he found the information he wanted. "Not surprising. Plundering other worlds for their technology, hmm?" Iron Man said, wrongfully ignoring the threat in front of him. These Communist regime countries were almost always like-.

China Doll's fist to his helmet's face slammed him into the sky. He shook his head as he slid across the ground for another two hundred feet after impacting. He barely rolled to the side as she slammed her fist where his head had been.

He continued his roll to get to his feet, blocking a blindingly fast punch. Her knee to his stomach produced little effect, as did her chop to his neck.

"How?" she exclaimed in surprise. She was easily able to hurt him just a moment ago.

"Inertial dampners. Never leave home without them-" he started to boast.

China Doll breathed super-cold air at him, freezing him into a block of solid ice in moments. "Not so cocky, now, are you?"

The icy prison exploded. "That wasn't nearly enough cold to even slow down someone who's defeated the Blizzard!" Iron Man explained. "It was a good effort, but I'd better take you out of the picture. You're much more durable than I thought, so the kid gloves come off!"

China Doll crouched low and dodged to the side as he unleashed another salvo of energy-blasts at her. She wondered only for a moment why he didn't actually aim that at her, as the ground exploded with the force of hundreds of pounds of TNT.

She flew through the air unaided by her rocket-pack, stunned. Before she could recover, Iron Man had zoomed up to her and punched her directly. The ground shook from her impacting it, knocking her insensate and lying in a ten-foot crater.

Iron Man landed next to her. "You're a pretty scrappy kid. Maybe if you are given a chance, you might even be able to be a hero." A few moments of scanning convinced him that what he wanted to do was possibly, while downloading the information that he wanted from her computers.

He shook his head as he realized that this China Doll was far more cyborg than he was. Ten seconds later, he finished. Super-localized micro-wave EMPs fried only certain cyber nodes inside her skull. He couldn't free her entirely, but maybe he had done enough to give her a fighting chance.

He stood up and seemed to talk to the air. "Iron Man to the Avengers. Do you read me on the hyper-dimensional communicator?"

"Reading you loud and clear, Iron Man? You're about five minutes late on reporting in. I was getting ready to send Thor on through," the male voice on the other side responded.

"I had a pretty hot reception. It looks like an alternate Earth's China was looking to use their dimensional gateway to steal our Earth's technology. They seem to think that their United States is under the unfriendly control of alien 'supermen'. I'm going to remove their capability to use this gateway and then double check their US. Iron Man out." Iron Man closed the radio communication before he could hear Captain America's response.

It was probably pretty loud and damning. Oh, well.


"Sing Wu, give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now?" the general exclaimed angrily. "That alien thing just decimated one of our strongest fighting forces!"

"He's coming this way!" Wu exclaimed, diving below a desk with remarkable ability for someone his age.

"You fool! We are within an impregnable bunker-" Tzuien grabbed at the nearest desk as the building shook.

Behind him, the wall exploded into the room.

"There's the main computer system. Excuse me gentlemen, but I'm going to have to render that unusable," Iron Man said as he tromped over to the computer room. He just glared at the guards with their rifles. "I would suggest you consider what the ricochets from your shots are going to do to you and everyone else in this room before you attempt to shoot me."

The guards got out of his way with alacrity. In moments, he had rendered the very expensive computer into so much slag.

"And now to remove the focusing element from your dimensional gateway generator." Iron Man pointed this palms at the floor, blasting right through concrete as if it was butter.

"Stop him! He's after the kryptonite!" Sing Wu exclaimed.

"How? He has rendered us impotent!"


Arthur Hansen

More of Arthur's fiction can be found at
PEN NAME Arthur Hansen