"An interesting name for a nice guy, but I'm not really very interested
in American politics." Giles shrugged. "Now I did have a very important
book about demons that I was reading."
Buffy looked confused. "Yeah, a real nice guy. He would make a good president."
Xander's neck hairs were standing on end. He remembered that phrase all
too well from his purloined memories. But that catch in Buffy's
heartbeat... that wasn't normal. "Giles, I think we have a more serious
"Buffy's right, he's a really nice guy. He'd make a good president." Giles shrugged.
"G-Man, you're British. Why do you care if he'd make a good president?" Xander tried to interject.
"Well, he's a really... nice... guy?" Buffy shook her head. She felt
like she was fighting through a fog. "Hey, that reminds me. I had a
dream about him last night."
Her Watcher gave her a disproving looks. "I'm not sure I want to know."
She shot him a dirty look. "No, nothing like that. It was kind of
weird. I was in this big grassland, following this primitive girl until
we got to a ballroom with John Doe and some other guys in it. And then
all the guys around John Doe turned into vampires. Weird, huh?" Buffy
blew a bubble and popped it with a slight smile. Why did she have
this weird nagging feeling about this John Doe?
Gile took of his glasses and then wiped them clean. "Well, it could be
nothing... but it is possible... No, that hasn't happened in a long
time." "Mind driving that by us a few more times, I think we missed the
clue-bus there," the young man said while snickering.
"Slayers can have prophetic dreams. This could mean that we really must
need to go to Washington D.C. to deal with a Vampire threat. I didn't
think that Buffy had that talent, but maybe she's never needed it to be
where she needed to be before," Giles mused. He picked up his phone and
dialed a number. "I have to contact the Council about this."
"So Xander, you don't seem to like this John Doe? Any reason why?" the Slayer asked curiously.
"Yeah, he's a murdering time traveling psychopath." He wasn't smiling at all.
Buffy blinked and the turned to look at Xander. She stared at him, eyes unwavering. "He's a what?"
"He's a time traveler. That's tried to kill Superman."
"That *does* sound crazy. I mean Superman is fictional, he's not real," she pointed out.
"He doesn't exist in *our *universe. But I have memories of Superman. And of 'John Doe'."
Giles hung up his phone as he drifted back towards them both. "Well,
that was an unpleasant surprise. It seems Buffy wasn't the only one
that had that dream," he said as he furiously started to clean his
"Cool. The Watchers have people with prophetic dreams on top of Slayers?" Xander said brightly.
"No, we don't. Only the Slayer has prophetic dreams."
"But you just said they had someone that had a dream like mine?" Buffy asked, very confused looking.
"That's because they said they have another Slayer. Her name is Kendra."
"But I'm the Vampire Slayer?" Now she was beginning to be upset. "What about the One Called and all that crap?"
Giles shot a worried look. "They think she was called after the Master Vampire killed you."
The Vampire Slayer paled at that. "Because I was dead? But because I was revived...?"
"Another Slayer was called. The Council has decided to send Kendra
there to deal with the threat of any vampires attempting to take over
the American Presidency," Giles said as he sat down on his lounge
"Um, G-Man, I hadn't finished. We need to go to Washington D.C. to save
everyone *from* John Doe, not go there to protect John Doe. He's a
threat. With a Capital 'T'." Xander raised an eyebrow.
"And how did you come to this amazing conclusion?" the Watcher asked dubiously.
"Because his name is actually Tempest and he's tried to kill Superman. He's a time traveling megalomaniac.
"But he's a nice guy. He'd make a good president!" Giles countered.
Buffy blinked. Then blinked again. "Giles, why are you repeating that?
You don't know this guy. Heck, *I *don't know this guy and... I was
that?" She whipped back around to Xander. "Mind control?"
"And vampires. Do we really want vampires to get a hold of a super
advanced mind control device?" he said, looking back and forth between
the Slayer and
the Watcher.
"Well, no. I guess Buffy and I will have to go to D.C. and help this new slayer," the older man said dubiously.
"I need to go," Xander said as a stubborn look appeared on his face.
"Out of the question. Beyond the fact that I could only swing two
tickets, you are a normal person and involving you would bring up
unpleasant repercussions with the Council. They would look very dimly
about someone who is not supposed to know about vampires being dragged
into a dangerous situation!" Gile sat back into his seat with his arms
folded across his chest.
"So do you have something to say?" Buffy asked as she sat on the edge of her seat.
He shot her an appraising look. Xander pursed his lips, inhaled and
then sighed. "I don't really, well, generally qualify as normal any
Giles look looked at Xander in surprise.
The young man stood up and walked over to Giles' loaded crossbow and
removed the bolt from in and twirled it in his right hand. "Normal
stake-em crossbow
bolts, righto?" At Giles' confused response Xander put his left hand on
the coffee table and then slammed the crossbow bolt down on top of his
hand. The
bolt shattered into toothpicks.
"Xander! Hold on, I'll get a medical... kit?" Giles stopped on his move across the room. "I am not seeing blood."
"Nope, no blood," Buffy agreed. She took Xander's hand and checked it out. "No scratch either."
"Halloween, um, left a present. I'm no Superman... yet. But I'm strong
and tough and *very* fast." Xander gave one of his trademarked loopy
grins. "Cool but scary, all in one package."
"And that's why you think you need to go deal with this John Doe?" the Watcher exclaimed.
"And the fact that I know who he is and that he's tried this before.
Got some doohickey that controls minds through subliminal messages in
satellite TV broadcasts," he explained as he sat down.
"But he's a nice guy," Giles exclaimed.
"Giles... how about you get those tickets to D.C. so we can go and help
this new Slayer, okay?" Buffy said in a temporizing tone.
"Well, I suppose so. They really don't have any rules for two active Slayers," Giles said.
"Come on, Xander, let me walk you home. It's pretty dark now," she said as she nodded. "So we'll be leaving tomorrow?"
"Yes, bright and early," Giles said in a distracted tone even as he picked up the phone number.
She ushered Xander outside and started walking down the road past one
of Sunnydale's many cemeteries. "So that's what mind control feels
Xander gave her an appraising look. "I guess so, it didn't work on me.
So, you aren't planning on going to D.C. with Giles, are you?"
"I think a mind-controlled Watcher at my back is not the way to go, boyo!"
"So what are you going to do with him?"
"Tie him up and call Willow to free him when we get there," she said with a sunny smile.
"Why how treacherous, Ms. Summers!"
"Why thank you, Mr. Harris!"
Xander shook his head as he exited the airplane. "Man, security is so lax now."
"Now? When have you been to New York," Buffy asked as she shaded her
eyes. She had a pair of sunglasses on her and sensible jeans and
t-shirt combo
going on.
"So where to now?" Xander asked as he quickly changed the subject
quickly. That was a *Jesse* memory. "I'm kinda new to this super-hero
gig thing."
Buffy had a flashback to her latest dream from last night. "A fancy ballroom. I think I saw the president there."
"So, you think it's at the White House? That is, uh, very public. I mean * mondo* public. And guys with guns," he replied.
"You do have a point. Taking out a very public figure is not my idea of
fun." She gave him a new smile suddenly. A dangerous smile.
"You have an idea. I don't think I'm going to like this, am I?" he said bemusedly.
"You go find where some sort of transmitter that he could have added
his widget. I'll handle getting us the stuff. Luckily, Giles had most
of the funds for the trip in cash. We'll meet at the hotel later?" she
asked nonchalantly. Fun! Shopping!
"Fine. We'll meet at sundown." Xander had a couple of hundred dollars for taxi fare.
Willow stared at Giles, who was very trussed up. "She really wasn't
joking." She pulled the gag away from the Watcher's mouth. "Why would
Buffy tie you up and take off like that? Her mom is going to blow up!"
"Because she thinks that she needs to stop John Doe, instead of
protecting the nice guy!" Giles exclaimed. "Now, could you finish
untying me so I can make a few calls to deal with a rogue slayer?" He
was very livid, Ripper lurking just below the surface.
"Oh, right." Willow winced. It looks like Buffy was going to be getting it from multiple directions.
Buffy stared at the television in the department store as she
watched the news show that everyone in the area was watching. The
subliminal message grated just below her awareness, but she was capable
of fighting it off. She wondered if it were a Slayer power that Giles
had forgotten to tell her about?
"Wow, I would never have thought that Gore would be caught up in
something like that. I mean *three* prostitutes? And then the
television news showing up? And all he can say is 'he just felt like
it'? That's some chutzpah, I tell you," an older man that sounded like
he was from Boston said as he shook his head.
"Oh, look. There's President Clinton." They waited as the President of
the United States announced that he would be appointing John Doe as his
new Vice
President, whom he felt was a really nice guy and very qualified. "Yup.
That John Doe sure is a nice guy!" everyone but Buffy chirped like
"Oh, look-at-the-
"Ah, here it is. Looks bigger than Superman described it," Xander said
to himself. He was on top of the NBC satellite array in Washington D.C.
and looking at a large box that was attached to the transmitter. It was
amazing what taxi drivers knew. It had only taken him about an hour to
find the location he needed.
"Hey! You! Get away from that!" a voice called out from behind him.
Xander turned to see a couple of security guards coming over to him
with handguns out. He raised his hands, so they get closer. "Whoa!
Don't want to get shot here! I'm just looking. Didn't even touch!"
Just as they got outside of reach, Xander and his hands blurred forward
in stunning slaps that knocked both of them silly. A second slap
knocked them totally unconscious. "Well, that worked better than I
thought it would." Xander ripped the Subliminator out and jumped off
the roof of the building and ran off faster than anyone could follow
into a wooded area. He jogged for another ten miles to the hotel with
the Subliminator wrapped up in his jacket. "Oh, Honey! I'm home!" he
yelled out in his best Ricky Martin impression.
"So what type of demon are you, mon?" a sultry female voice asked.
Xander blinked and looked at the dark-haired woman. "Who are you and
what are you doing in my room? Not that I mind really hot chicks in my
room. I'm
just hoping that I'm not going to get beat up."
"This is Giles' room, is it not? That he shares with *Buffy *Summers?"
she asked right back. She reached under her jacket to pull out a wicked
looking dagger.
"Now hold on. No need to get *too* hasty. Did Giles mention the Mind
Control? With a capital M and C? And the threat that someone want to
take over the United States?" he replied, even as he held onto the
large bulky mass of the Subiliminator. It was about three hundred
pounds, but she probably wouldn't be expecting that.
"Is that what that annoying buzzing from de tele is, mon?" the new Slayer asked with narrow eyes.
"Flicker on the TV, buzzing high-pitched noise?"
Kendra relaxed slightly. "That still does not explain why you don't feel human. What are you, mon?"
"Just got super powers from a chaos god on Halloween."
"Sorry? Are all American's as... different as you?"
Xander set down the Subliminator on the floor. Kendra frowned as she
heard the floor creak under its weight. Xander cocked his head sideways
and thought hard for a second. "You know, I guess I'm a one of a kind
The door slammed open. "Xander! John Doe is being made Vice President
and I really think we need to stop him!" Buffy screeched to a halt.
"Who are you?"
"I am Kendra... the Vampire Slayer!"
"So exactly why are we here?" Xander asked in the evening as a light
snow was starting to fall. Across Pennsylvania Ave stood the White
"Because we dreamed it. We *have* to stop the Vampires tonight. There's a big party going on-" Buffy was going along.
"And those four guys don't have heartbeats," her friend interrupted. He
was looking at a group of dressed up guys being led up to the entrance.
"Nice ears, mon. So de vampires have shown. That does not deal with de
problem of de Secret Service, innocents and de press," Kendra said. She
glared at Buffy. "I still do not like having to leave my Watcher behind."
"Mind controlled guy with a crossbow at your back? Again, what are the good points of that?" Buffy rebuffed her problem vocally.
"Puh-lease! We need to work together. Ah... damn it," Xander said
suddenly. "He's got a heavy bulge in his right-hand suit pocket."
"So?" the first Slayer asked. "I've got a cunning plan. Where this!" Buffy tossed the other two plastic-wrapped packages.
"What's this?" Xander asked.
"It's a T-shirt," she proclaimed loudly.
"This is a cunning plan?" he asked dubiously. He opened up the package
and pulled out the shirt. "No way. I'm not wearing that. I'm no way
nowhere worthy to wear that shield." He gripped the Superman T-shirt
"I thought de American holiday where you dress up was last week, mon?"
Kendra asked, holding up her own T-shirt. The Batman logo was world
famous. "This is silly. We will save de Presidency and stop the
vampires without a silly costume."
"It's not silly. We wear the shirts and masks and defeat the badguys
and go home and not have the government gunning for us. Everyone thinks
its some weird gag except the people actually in the room!"
"Okay. I see where you are going at. I'll even wear the shirt. But I
*can't*go in there first. I think Tempus has Kryptonite," the young man
grimly. "Uh oh. The vampires are heading over to Tempus."
Tempus was shaking hands and nodding like *he* was already president of
the United States. He was in a corner, making everyone else come to him
to hobnob. Which he would be in just days.
"Mr. John Doe?" a guff voice asked. "We understand you have some interesting technology?"
Tempus turned around to see a group of four very pale fellows. "Oh?
Really? And who mentioned that little tidbit?" He seemed to be a bit
angry for some reason and had his right hand in his suit pocket.
"You, amscray!" a tough looking blond said to one of the politicians that was hanging around Tempus.
"Do you know who I am?" the senator said, pulling himself up to his full height.
The blond's face morphed into his game-face and he snarled. "You want to die?"
The senator answered by fainting dead away. Tempus looked shocked. He
turned to the first vampire. "What are you?" he said in a shocked
"Your death, if you don't come with us," the third one said.
And that was when a short blonde in a Batgirl T-shirt and a Zorro-like
mask kicked in the terrace doors. She had a grin on her face and
pointed her right hand right at the vampire. "Let that really nice guy
go! I won't let you hurt him!"
Tempus sighed. Well at least his mind control seemed to be working. In
a patented scared and high-pitched voice, he called out, "Save me!"
Two of the thugs moved towards Buffy, while the nearest one killed a fast-reacting Secret Serviceman in one blow.
"Who do you think you are, girly?" the blond that had threatened the
senator asked. His large and bald friend was watching her intently, but
seemed to have nothing to say.
"I'm Batgirl!" she chirped. She shifted her weight to her right foot,
letting the fist wiz past her cheek. The vampire was so surprised that
she easily grabbed his arm and threw him across a banquet table,
shattering it.
Big, quiet and quite bald tried to smash her when it looked like she
was distracted. He was startled when the very small blonde girl grabbed
his double hammer-fist, kicked his right knee hard enough to break it
and then judo tossed him towards the door where he skidded to a halt.
"This is stupid, mon," Kendra snarled, even as she staked the fallen vampire and turned him to dust.
"Doug!" the blond shouted, even as he stood up. "You bitch! I'm going
to rip your head off!" he snarled, his face contorting into a nightmare.
"Come, vampire! Be slayed!" she said with a dark look.
"What are you, stupid? You aren't the Slayer!" he yelled out furiously.
She sent a stake whirling through the air and into his surprised chest.
"Yes. I am." She turned to the last two vampires that were looking a
bit worried. The Secret Service was busy evacuating everyone else while
pointing guns at everyone. "What the hell is going on?!" a black
serviceman named Charles shouted.
Tempus popped open the metal case and held it up, showing a green rock.
"So, you have super powers. Superman follows me even here!" he said in
a deadly
calm voice.
Buffy theatrically collapsed with a 'no' on her lips. Kendra just gave her a very strange look.
Temps then spoke up, "Why that woman is very dangerous! I think you'd better put her under arrest!"
"But what about these two guys?" Charles called out, his gun never wavering.
"Just a momentary disagreement. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.
The two vampires shared a quick look. "Right."
He then shrugged from of the look, even as the shocked vampire slayer
found herself at the business end of far too many guns for her comfort.
Tempus kicked the Batgirl in her ribs. "How the mighty have fallen," he
said with a nasty smile on his face.
"Funny, I thought that was my line?" Buffy replied, even as her left
foot kicked out and knocked the lead box with the Kryptonite in it and
into her hand. She snapped the case close and scissor-kicked him,
dropping him to the ground while rolled to her own feet, just as a
Xander smashed through the bulletproof glass like it was a Hollywood
stunt prop make of sugar.
"Oh, you have to be shitting me. A masked Superman?" the beefier looking vampire complained loudly.
"I'm just a super-cadet,
Kendra moved, even as Buffy followed her, charging the two remaining
vampires in unison. "So you want to die?" the final thug yelled out.
His boss noticed an eerie unified method in their movements. They were
too fast for humans. The both reminded him of his one unfortunate
encounter with
the Vampire Slayer over two decades ago. The Batgirl pulled a stake
from her back pocket and suddenly the thug was dust as he became too
confused about
who to dodge.
"Slayers. That isn't *possible!*" he shouted, even as he turned to run.
Both Slayers threw their stakes, but Buffy's flew more true. Only dust
hit the ground.
Then the two Slayers turned to see something they hadn't thought
possible. They were stronger, tougher and just all around better than
most of the
vampires they faced, but they had a slightly hard time following the
blue-shirted blur that was dispatching guards as humanely as possible.
"Ladies, I think we have overstayed our welcome," Xander said with a
grin. He turned to Tempus. "I want the remote for the Subliminator.
"Who are you? How do you know about that?" Tempus shouted.
"I'm a super cadet. And as for knowing that... that's *magic*!" Xander
stared at him coldly, eye to eye and only fifteen feet away. "We don't
want you here. We've got enough problems without you mucking up our
world. Tempus."
"This is my world!" Tempus snarled back. "You just don't know it yet!"
With that, he activated his recall control and disappeared.
"And... he gets away. Let's book, people!"
Buffy had waited for their tickets to arrive, so they had a day to
wander around DC. After they had deprogrammed everyone using the
Subliminator, Washington had reverted to its normal situation it seemed.
They were in the Lincoln Memorial, staring up at one of the greatest
presidents of the United States. "You know, he really did want freedom
for everyone individually. We owe him a lot."
Buffy nodded absently. She had told her mom that she'd run off to go
camping and got stuck. She feared she was going to be grounded for
life. "Uh huh."
"Earth to Buffy?" Xander said, grinning. Then his face turned sober. "Buffy, I need you to do me a big favor."
"What?" she asked warily. The last time he dropped something on her, she ended up in *this *mess.
"I need you to be my Batman. Well, Batgirl, actually."
"I'm not getting the joke, Xander." She just shook her head. He could be a bit clueless and hard to follow at times.
"I need you to keep that Kryptonite safe... in case you need to use
it," he said seriously. "It's probably the only chunk of that rock on
the planet. Which means its the only thing that will be able to stop me
in a few months." He raised his arms as if he was drinking in the
wintery sunlight. "My super powers are still growing. In just about six
months, I'm going to be able to fly. In a year, I'll have heat vision
and it'll take a nuke to hurt me. And you probably couldn't hit me with
one. They would be too slow."
"So why do you need me to be 'Batgirl' then?" she asked curiously.
"In the comics, Batman has one of the few pieces of Kryptonite, to be
used to stop Superman if he becomes a threat to the world." He
continued to stare
off into the sky.
"Xander, you wouldn't hurt anyone. You're really a nice guy."
"And what if someone mind controls me? Or I get possessed by a demon?"
her snapped back. "Sorry," he sighed. "But you are the only one I can
trust with
"You are asking me to kill you!"
"No, I'm asking to do everything in your power to stop me. I'd really
hope that killing me is a last resort actually. Us people with super
powers heal pretty quick. According to Jesse's memories, he knew that
he could potentially regrow limbs if he needed to. So don't be afraid
to hurt me if it comes down to it," he said simply.
"I don't know. Why not give it to the Watchers?" she replied.
"Because I don't really trust them. Do you?"
"No, that Wesley guy is kinda creepy and Kendra... she's too slayerish, if you catch my drift. Too much into being the Slayer."
"That's why. I overheard parts of Giles' conversation with the Watcher
Council... and they didn't want to let him know about Kendra or that
she even existed. He wasn't in the need to know and they told him that
they didn't trust you. You weren't raised by the Watchers... and that
spooks them."
Buffy nodded suddenly. "I'll do it. I'll even keep the T-shirt and mask. Just in case."
"Thanks!" Xander suddenly grinned. "Man, did you see the look on
Kendra's face when that wanted posted showed up with her face on it?
She's on the FBI's top most wanted, even if they only have her picture."
"I told her she should have worn a mask!"