C&C is welcome.

 A experimental crossover between a Bubble Gum Crisis universe and the Superman Unbound universe.


Bobby Wells was an Airforce tech sargent assigned to an American base in Japan he has a 3 SA Ultraman enhancement and had the missfortune of being "harvested" by the GENOM Cooperation of a parallel universe.


Superman Unbound can be found at


Bubble Gum Crisis copyrighted by Artmic Inc. and Youmex, Inc.





 "When did the C55's switch their energy weapons to full power?"  Turning back to the wall sized display Quincy waited ignoring the rapid clicking as Madigan called up the data. He studied what had been Project Harvest's latest acquisition. The humanoid was shown frozen mid leap 10 meters above the facilities floor.


Quincy watched as his office computer slowly rotated a 3D model hastily synthesized from twelve Boomer's data tracks.  The humanoid's skin was clearly visible through several holes burned through it's chest covering. A skin unmarked by direct hits from a C55's energy weapons.


Cued by the Keyboard falling silent Quincy gave a slight nod and while still studying the humanoid he listened to Madigan read the data. After listing the power setting used and the time codes when each boomer changed its setting and fired Madigan fell silent waiting for a response from her CEO.

Quincy allowed the computer to return to the original orientation and continued to study the hole burned in the humanoids front covering before he turned to Madigan. Looking at Madigan, Quincy asked "Was the humanoid wearing his original covering?" Replying immediately Madigan said "No as is the standard procedure with all harvested resources they remove all external artifacts that accompanied the resource and subjected it to a complete scan before it recovers from dimensional barrier shock.

I also checked security sensors external to the boomers and all beam strength levels corresponds within the error margins of the sensors.  Only unit 14159C55 used the low level pain settings for it's energy weapons and at the moment of it's destruction all other responding boomers reset their energy weapons to standard power. Unit 14159C55 only fired five times before it was grappled by the humanoid and destroyed.”

Madigan halted her mouth open to speak as Quincy raised a hand and turning back to the display and said "CONTINUE!"  Turning to the Display Madigan once again watched as the humanoid's form was suddenly surrounded by a glare it's covering vanishing in an explosion, a dark cloud appearing that had the characteristic of burning or vaporizing synthetic materials.   She watched and listened as the humanoid appeared from the cloud screaming in pain as it continued it's trajectory only to land and roll moaning to the feet of a group of four C55 boomers.


Looking expectantly at Madigan, Quincy asked"How many energy weapons was the Humanoid just hit with?" Replying quickly Madigan said at least eight C55 mouth beams, all were set at 75% of that weapons rated safe maximum.


Turning back to the display Madigan watched the now nude humanoid suddenly rise it's moan changing to a low snarl of anger. An instant later the humanoid vanished and the four boomers seemed to explode heads and various limbs sailing from the explosion to strike several approaching security units with precise blows that staggered and slowed each.



Speaking quickly and in a whisper Madigan said "Use the one tenth setting." Quincy glanced at the woman and finished.


Madigan completely familiar with what would happen in the "explosion" instead carefully watched Quincy's face.

Quincy frowned as he realized that even played at ten times slower than normal the humanoid was hard to follow moving like a sped up video as it surged forward grabbing each arm of the C55 standing closest to it. Quincy noted that it's back muscles didn't appear to be under any undue strain as it jerked both arms from the boomer's shoulders and after a quick glance around the research center it's arms blurred tossing the still twitching arms toward distant targets.

Grabbing the arm less boomer near it's neck the humanoid put a fist into it's chest and then popped it's head off seeming to slow for a moment before sending the head in a blur across the room to bounce off the forehead of another C55 readying it's mouth cannon.

Quincy blinked as he realized that one of the boomer's legs had been rising in a kick, already dodged by the humanoid, with one hand still buried in the decapitated  boomer's chest it grab the still rising leg separating the lower half at the knee and using it to spoil a shot from another boomers even while positioning the torso to  absorb fire from the other three boomers chest and mouth weapons.  Quincy watched as the other three boomer faired as badly becoming shields or projectiles.  The humanoid was almost methodically in the way it separated and used their head, arms and legs as projectiles to slow or shake up the converging security forces.


Madigan watched as a hunger seemed to fill her CEO's face and he asked "What did the high resolution CAT, MRI and NRI's reveal about the humanoids  enhancement technology?"  Madigan fought down the urge to break eye contact and said "Nothing, as near as the imaging technicians and other experts can tell the humanoid is not enhanced by any method or technology known to our science."

The CAT, MRI and NRI along with a wide band Ultrasound revealed a normal human male with no recognizable implant enhancements or genetic modifications that deviate from the standard reference human body type.  The DNA analysis performed on a small amount of charred hair and other tissue left in one of the blast doors indicates a unmodified genetic pattern falling well within the normal eurasian norms.

Taking a deep breath Madigan continued When the humanoid was harvested the technicians started the standard procedure, but all attempts to surgically implant a long range tracking device failed, additional test were ordered and it was just after the Graviton mass distribution scan that the humanoid recovered from the dimensional barrier shock twenty hours earlier than any previous humanoid and commenced it's escape.

All non-invasive test indicated a humanoid that falls at the upper edge of the human scale it's lungs muscle and...

Interrupting Madigan, Quincy said with a frown"They never implanted a tracking device?" Shaking her head Madigan replied the technicians and surgeons could find no way to penetrate the humanoids skin and all attempts to insert a device into a body cavity failed.




Bobby stared up from the edge of the roof of the skyscraper he stood on unafraid of the seventy three floor drop mere inches from his bare feet.   His eyes were  focused on the huge pyramid rising in the center of the city it, more than anything convinced him he wasn't in his home universe anymore.

He had regained his sense wearing a very ill fitting hospital gown and rolling along on a gurney; he had first thought that the Chinese had abducted him, especially after he was attacked by those miniature battle robots.  Upon escaping he had quickly discovered it wasn't China; next he had surmised it was the future and questioning a random stranger had seemed to support that, but twenty-six years was just a little quick to completely forget both Superman and the Ultraman program.  Admittedly, both were mostly an American thing, but forgetting the aborted New Kryptonian invasion was a little much to swallow.

A few days searching had finally netted him a public library, and then it had taken him an additional frustrating hour to learn how to use the almost alien computer interface.  The keyboard had actually had an Anykey! and he would give a months pay to know what idiot in this universe had settled on useing a triple click.

Once that was out of the way, he had used three terminals to quickly check up on the last forty years of history and that had shown him he was nowhere near his home state of Kansas.   Oh there, was a Kansas in this version of Earth, but not the one he had come from.

Hearing the sound of rotor blades, Bobby glanced down and stepped back from the edge of the building hiding in the meager cover provided by the scrapers roof top support facilities.   Five small choppers were circling, threading between this building and several others unaware they were about forty stories below the target they were hunting.

Snuggling deeper into the alcove created by a large ventilation pipe, Bobby wondered what a "boomer" was.  The biker outfit he had worn into the library hadn't raised many eyebrows, nor had his lack of skill with the computers.  It had taken him nearly an hour, but he had finally managed to get one bored civil servant to give him a minimal explanation of the computer interface and show him how to access the help files.

He had been thankful for his ultraman memory enhancement as he scanned the help files, memorizing how to use the controls, and had wondered briefly why the middle aged woman had pulled back at his speed and quickly left muttering about boomers.

It was quite clear in his memory, but at the time it hadn't seemed important, like it hadn't seemed important the way the crowded library had started to grow silent, especially after he had activated three terminals and drove them to their limits speed reading newspaper archives for the last forty years.

He hadn't really noticed a thing external to his info search until he had heard several clicks of what had turned out to be 20mm pistols.

It had been his curiosity that had made him stand up when he heard the harsh shout of "AD POLICE FREEZE!" he had wanted to see who the police had cornered, it never entered his mind it might be him, well not until the first small grenade had hit.

He was thankful the grenades had been so small, back home the army had found out in 2005 that a 30 or 40 mm shaped charge grenade could kill a person with a 3 SA enhancement, assuming it got a solid hit at the optimum angle. There was no two ways about it he had been blessed in several respects. First off, only two grenades had hit him and both had been glancing shots with the small shaped charge mostly missing.

The Pistols were also all single shot weapons and, while the three officers had had five others covering them, they had only been armed with the same 20 mm pistols firing those small slow grenades.

He had recovered while the first three had their heads down reloading and the other five were waiting to regain a target. Once he had gotten on his feet, it hadn't taken him long to disarm and disable all eight officers. They had all been terrified when he had passed unharmed through the grenade barrage by dodging or slapping the shells aside.

It had actually shocked the officers and oddly several had seemed almost thankful when he had only disarmed them and immobilized them with a broken leg and a knot of power cabling well, one of the plain cloths detectives wasn't thankful.  That one had been madder than the proverbial wet hen after he had stripped him out of his street cloths.  It was only fair, those grenades had destroyed the cloths he had been wearing and it had taken him two days to get mugged by the proper sized fellow to get the comfortable outfit he had been wearing.  The guy should have been thankful he hadn't even broke his leg.

Listening to the choppers Bobby mulled over the fight, it was odd those police officers had been sure they were facing a "boomer" and just as sure it would kill them given the chance.

That was strange; if a boomer was so fearsome why were they armed with such primitive popguns given the technology they should have had at least one tripod mounted 40 mm grenade firing machine gun. The same with those small helicopters, they only mounted a couple of laser guided missiles and a 20 mm chain gun.

Shrugging his shoulders at the oddities of an alien universe he started emptying the small backpack of the assorted weapons and ammunition he had taken from the officers. After spreading the equipment around the roof  he picked up one of the 20 mm grenade pistols and started to methodically study and disassemble it. 

howard melton