A fan fiction story revolving around the world of "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures" and "Ranma 1/2." No infringement of ownership is meant. It is just for fun.
Previous chapters located at http://www.geocities.com/supermanunbound/fanfics.html and http://www.fanfiction.net/~arthurhansen
"Colonel Carter! I heard this is the big day for your new dimensional aperture device!" a young man in a United States Space Force's dress uniform called out.
Colonel Samantha Carter turned from where she was talking to General Harrington. "General, this is Lt. Royce. He's been invaluable on this project. As a matter of fact, he was the one that mentioned the Dr. Loyd's new quantum fissure theory to me. Without that, we would never have detected the Null Hyperspace." She shook Royce's hand.
"Colonel Carter says that this may be the break we've been looking for to really get to the stars," General Harrington looked over the officer. "Is that a German accent you have?"
"Just a little bit that I picked up from my Grandmother, sir." Royce smiled blandly. They couldn't suspect, could they? "It looks like you are ready to start at any time. I'll just stand back here, out of the way."
"Of course. General? Would you like to join me in the observation booth?" Sam asked while gesturing towards the stairs that led to the upper level. "It won't be the same as a Star Gate, but it should allow us to cut light years off journeys, once we've installed Null Gates on both ends."
"So we'd still have to send probes to anywhere we wanted to go?" Harrington asked. His rugged looks would have shown him to be closer to forty, rather than his nearly eighty years. But he'd been an invaluable tactician during the seventies and eighties. And one of the biggest movers and shakers still alive from the last Cold War.
Sam just nodded in response.
Soon both of them we ensconced up in the command room for United States Space Force FTL research in Cheyenne Mountain. Right under NORAD. "Colonel Carter? General Harrington? If you are ready?" asked the newly promoted Brigadier General O'Neil asked. "Spin it up, Woz." In the large room below, the clunky looking 'gate' started spinning faster and faster. Electricity arced from the fifteen superconducting power relays. Fractal lenses of synthetic kryptonite had lasers of brilliant green energy focus on the gateway that was forming. With a roar, a shimmering white aperture opened.
"We have primary Null Hyperspace connection! Everything is reading stable. We have enough power to keep the connection open for five minutes- Sir! I'm detecting something breaching the barrier!" 'Woz' said suddenly.
Down below a figure stumbled out of the gate, followed by two more in rapid order. They raised hands to shield their eyes from the glare of the fiber-optic sun lamps.
"Shut it down!" Jack O'Neil looked down at the black garbed figures that were quickly getting to their feet. They looked human, Jack thought to himself. "Turn on the intercom. Hello down there!"
The lead figure looked up, squinting to see past the lights. He didn't seem to comprehend what Jack said. In perfectly unaccented Kryptonian he replied, "I am Zod. Where am I?"
Without missing a beat, Jack responded in Kryptonian, "Welcome to Earth, Zod!" He shared a very unhappy look with Harrington and Carter. The hairs on the back of his neck where trying to stand at attention.
"No comment! This area needs to be cleared immediately. This is a crime scene!" Kasumi Tendo said loudly. Just at that point, enhanced US Military Police and Secret Service were running down the hall towards this conference room with shocking super-speed.
Grumbling, the news reporters and cameramen backed out into the hall to let the authorities take charge. With practiced moves, emergency triage and first aid were being attempted.
Ten minutes later, what lives could be saved had been. Senator Schwarzenegger had been wounded with a bullet wound to his arm. He had gotten off lightly compared to one of his aides. Along with the aide, two of the unenhanced Secret Service had died during the alteration.
But because of their civilian enhancements, one Secret Service agent and two civilians would live even though he'd been hit with armor piercing bullets. While they were doing that, Kasumi led the Emperor and his assistants away. Only then did she take the time to quickly, at blurring super-speeds, change her own shredded blouse and suit-jacket.
"OZ to Rising Sun," a voice said over her ear-bug. "Retribution has been recovered, but seems to be a little upset out how hard you hit her. And having to walk back about two miles."
"Thank you, OZ. Tell her I really didn't have much choice," Kasumi said as she stepped out the set of rooms that had been designated for fallback in case of attack. The Emperor and retinue were now safe. It was time to face the music.
"Kasumi Tendo? Kasumi Tendo!" the reporters started to yell out.
"Yes? Mr. Kujo," she said, gesturing at the first reporter.
"Is it true you are Rising Sun?"
For just a moment, she was tempted to answer in the negative. But an easily seen through lie is useless. "Yes, I am Rising Sun."
Soun Tendo was listening to the news. It was such a troubling period of time he thought as he pushed the round piece on the shogi board.
"...as we call upon Japan to surrender a small portion of their enhancement facilities to the world for their crimes against humanity.
We also call upon them to publicly spurn their American over masters and join the world in stopping the Alien Invasion among us! Send the Kryptonian and his family back to the stars that spawned him! EARTH FOR HUMANS!"
"Once again, that was the Chinese Ambassadors statement in this tense situation. The Warsaw Pact nations are once again demanding access to the Japanese built enhancement centers. Tokyo Nightly News has found sources that allege they are demanding access to all enhancements sites, even our uncompleted Tokyo II center that has barely broken ground.
Jumo, what is your take on this?" the lead anchor on the popular news show asked his co-anchor.
"Kintaro, more and more, this is sounding like they are wanting us to let them bloodlessly invade our country for these valuable resources."
Kintaro looked distracted by something off the screen, Soun noted as he watched Genma sneak an extra piece onto the board. Nodoka just shook her head in quiet mirth at the two older men's antics while she knitted a sweater.
"This just in! There was a failed assassination attempt on Emperor Akihito just moments ago! Though saved by Rising Sun, she was forced to reveal her face and true identity as one of the Emperor's better known and often seen aides, Kasumi Tendo!" A picture of Kasumi covering the Emperor's body protectively, her eye glowing a startling scarlet color appeared on the screen. Her bullet ridden blouse barely covered her modesty, but showed that her own body was unbloodied or even scratched.
There was a sudden crash from the kitchen even as Soun, Genma and Nodoka stared at the TV in consternation and then growing shock.
They had all suspected who Red Hawk (and consequently
Retribution) was for quite a while, but the most placid and gentle of the
The phone started ringing as Ami walked in to the living room while putting it up to her ear. "Yes sir, I just heard over the television." She ratcheted a round in a larger than standard .50 caliber handgun, ear holding the phone to her shoulder. "Should I evacuate the premises?"
"Ami? What is going on?" Soun asked. The sound of the ongoing story was still in the background. He couldn't help but stare at the large gun she was carrying. Where had she gotten that?
"Yes sir. No one will kidnap them while I am here," Ami continued while holding up her hand to forestall more question from Soun. "Yes sir. You are sending over some of the JSDF to form a perimeter? Yes sir!" With that she hung up the phone. "I supposed you all have some questions?"
"Yes. Very much so," Soun said while pointedly looking at her fire arm.
"Just a precaution. It's unlikely that the Triad or other criminal organizations will be able to get here before a heavy security detail arrives, but I would ask that we close the windows until then. We are vulnerable to attack until then.
Nodoka quickly closed the rice-paper partitions, darkening the house immediately even though it was not that late. Suddenly, secret identities made a lot more sense.
Beeping was the first thing that Ranma heard. A very annoying beeping that was starting to speed up.
"She's waking up!" a male voice said.
"About time!" a very worried sounding Akane said loudly in the background.
"Don't worry, Retribution. That girl is tough as nails. She'll be all right now!"
Ranma finally opened her eyes blearily. "What happened?" It was no surprise to see that she was in a hospital bed. It vaguely matched her memories of the military hospital that was part of OZ.
"You stopped a suicide bomber, but that was just a distraction for the real attackers to infiltrate. They are definitely Earth First'ers," Retribution said in response. She opened the curtains a little wider. "Red Hawk should be up on her feet in no time now."
"The Emperor?" Ranma asked as muted pain started to filter through her nerves. She focused on her breathing and life force. Immediately she could feel her body starting to heal faster. Much, much faster.
Unfortunately, drugs were also being filtered out of her body. The pain was excruciating, but nothing that she could not handle.
"Safe. Rising Sun saved him. Some aides and secret service died. And her secret identity was compromised. Some one tried to have the press break in on the Emperor's assassinated body!"
"This was some sort of publicity manipulation?" the red-haired girl in the bed asked.
Retribution nodded. "They had magical artifacts. They took over my mind for a minute, so Rising Sun had to knock me out!" She rubbed her jaw. "She almost broke my jaw, actually."
Ranma slipped out of the bed, swaying slightly. "So what is going on now?"
"I haven't heard much. The Emperor has been under much tighter security. Not only does he have Rising Sun but President Lee loaned him Ultra Service Agent Daniel Bar for his personal safety for this last week here."
"Wait a second? Weren't we supposed to stay here two weeks?" the red-head asked as she carefully removed her titanium needle and intravenous feed. She shook her head.
"It's been four days. I'm glad you are up as I was very worried. The Emperor is going to be making a public speech in just a few hours."
"That's my brush, twerp!" a young woman yelled out. Her dark, slightly Asian looking eyes were narrowed in a glare. She flipped her long, black hair over her shoulder. "Give it back, Jane!"
"Who are you calling a twerp?" Jane shot right back at her identical twin sister. The two nineteen year old stared at each other for a second at the bathroom sink, before Jane glanced at the brush closely. "Oops. Sorry, Mary."
Mary took the brush, vindicated. She deflated a moment later. "I shouldn't have called you that. I'm sure it was an accident. When is Mom due back from the Daily Planet?"
"Not for a few hours. Ever since she was made assistant editor, she hasn't been able to get out as often. I don't think it's going to last, myself." Jane squinted around to find her own brush, spotting it behind the toilet. "How did it get behind there?"
"Have you seen how old Uncle Perry is getting?"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
Mary just rolled her eyes. "He's probably going to be retiring soon. You know how dad is always saying that she's Perry's protégé, right?"
"But then she'd have to quit... you know?"
Well, we've been talking about being a bit more public too.
Mom and Dad don't have to do all the big rescues themselves," Mary said as she brushed her hair.
"Do you think we're ready?" Jane asked as she slid on her a pair of glasses while her sister did too.
"You bet! Do you want to be Supergirl first or Ultragirl?"
Mary replied as they walked outside into the cold snow that was starting to fall. They closed the door to the Kent's small townhouse in Metropolis.
"Well, you were always Daddy's little girl so I think you should be Supergirl!" the other twin remarked with a grin.
"And you get to wear that purple outfit and the auburn wig?"
"Well, I know you don't like the colors..."
"That's the truth, but it's a uniform. Maybe I'll convince Mom to change it to something less... purple." Mary opened the door to the little subcompact the two girls used to visibly go places.
Jane turned on the radio by habit even as she frowned. "I'm not looking forward to Professor Hilbert's lecture."
"You were the one that thought a bit more science background would be useful in our extracurricular activity," her twin noted. "Remember, that we're supposed to head over to the Daily Planet later to do some research for Uncle Jimmy." Mary put it into gear and started to back out.
"You don't-" Jane started to say as a breaking news story about a sinking ship. In moments they had the car parked back in the driveway and they rushed back inside like they had forgotten their books.
Half a moment later, two streaks rocketed towards the harbor out the back window under the cover of the trees that their father had planted almost twenty years ago.
"Do you think this will work?" Jonny asked his partner.
"Yeah! I just heard over the radio that Superman and Ultrawoman are in Peru helping with a mudslide that's threatening some towns. Those ships will be on the bottom of the harbor before even they can get back!" Bill replied. "The Boss wants to make sure that those items are ruined."
Twin sonic booms seemed to herald Metropolis's pair of superheroes.
Bill raised his binoculars even while silently wishing his Luthor enhancement was a bit stronger so he didn't need it. "Dammit! They aren't supposed to be here!" He looked for a long moment. "Wait!"
"Unless Superman has visited Sweden recently, that ain't him." Jonny looked confused. "What do you mean?"
"Those are two dames! But they are wearing the uniforms? That doesn't make a lot of sense. Let's head down to the dry docks.
In just a few minutes, the huge container filled cargo ship was being lowered carefully by the two young superheroines.
Bill and Jonny elbowed through the growing crowd, "Hey! Who are you two girls?" Bill finally yelled out.
The girl in the 'super' outfit bowed at the waist in mid air. "I'm Supergirl!"
"And I'm Ultragirl!" the other girl said with a similar bow "And we're here to help!" they yelled out just before they took off at a subsonic pace.
Bill looked over at his partner. "The Boss ain't gonna be happy about this."
"No duh!'
"Emperor Akihito, are you sure you are up to this? Your system has had a very bad shock from the assassination attempt! You are almost eighty-four years old!" Rising Sun said as she stood to the side as the emperor checked his appearance one last time.
"You are being fussy, my dear! I feel alive and invigorated in a way I haven't felt for decades!"
"Akhito! You should listen to Kasumi!" Michiko berated her husband with a smile.
"This is too important! I must make this speech today, even with the increased threat of attacks." He took his cane and let Rising Sun lead him out onto the White House lawn where the press and dignitaries awaited.
Kasumi swallowed, but left her helmet off as she floated above and behind the emperor while scanning the crowds. She was in her formal outfit that looked like a white military uniform with a red cape.
Shiny white boots, a red belt and gold tassels and a modest number of medals were displayed. It even included an ornamental saber that was part of her custom JSDF uniform. How odd to actually be referred to her JSDF rank of Major with her real name.
President Lee spoke for a while, stressing the goodwill between their countries and importance of continuing relationship. The real speech that would be making headlines would be from Akihito, not Lee this day.
Kasumi nodded pleasantly to Dan Bar and a few other Ultra Service Agents here protecting the President and visiting dignitaries. She carefully overlooked the Chinese and Russian ambassadors with a very bland expression.
President Lee's address finished up to polite applause. The White House Press Secretary took a moment to introduce Emperor Akihito of Japan.
Carefully leaning his cane against the podium, Akihito gripped the podium carefully. "People of the world and our dear friends in the United States, I come to you in troubling times. Enemies at our gates demand that we surrender without a fight. To give up our rewards for our hard work and promising future with threats and declaration of war." The emperor took a deep breath, his chest tightening. "With accusations of treachery and terror, they seek to subjugate us and steal from us our hard wrought peace and prosperity."
The Chinese ambassador suddenly stood and stalked off, unable to bear to hear the accusations. Behind the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese delegates looked on in shock. Usagi Tsukino face was taut with stress and fear. Strangely, her brooch seemed to be glinting brightly in the sunlight.
"The Dark Dragon casts a shadow across the all of our lands! It brings fear and despair with its wings of war. Only the Eagle of Freedom stands between us and a new era of war and doom! Today, people of Japan, I come before you not merely as a remembrance of our historic past, but as a citizen of our fair country. I ask that our friends here in the United States protect us as they have in the past. We have had a peaceful life, but peace must always be worked towards. Always protected! We can not quietly let the warmongers of the East take our country from us through our inaction." Akihito gripped the podium a bit tighter. The audience in front of him was enraptured, listening to his every word.
"People of Japan, if I could I would ask that you follow me in defense of our lands. But we do not have the ability to do so. The western nations and the United States in particular have been our defense for a long time. They can not do it alone in this dark age! They need our help." Akihito again gripped the podium even as sweat burned his brow.
"Japan has come far from our sordid past and become a valued member of the International Community! We can not stand alone, nor can our great friends here in the United States stand alone. Our leadership has failed us my countrymen and women. They seek to pay the robber on the road for a few moments of fearful peace." He took a deep breath. "But a bully does not quit if you give him your coin and wallet. It merely shows him that you are weak."
With a sudden shout, he banged his fist on the stand. "But we are not weak! Not Japan nor our friends in the United States! What a great phrase that is, to be 'united'! My friends, my family, my country! Let us be strong and united with our trusted allies!" Blood was pounding in his ears even as the pain (oh, that's what that was!) grew in his chest. "My noble people! Let us choose! Choose between the Dragon and the Eagle! Choose between Darkness and Light! Choose- Choose between fearful peace and stalwart defenders! I came to this great country to beg President Lee to save my country, my home! But the only way- The only way is to let them carry our sword, while we carry their shield. Let not our pride keep us from our allies! Let us join these United States! United but diverse! United in freedom and prosperity!"
"Choose the Eagle, my people! The Eagle!" Emperor Akihito said in a harsh low voice. And with that he started to topple and sag, his face beading with sweat and pale with exertion.
With a blur of super motion, he and Rising Sun disappeared.
"He should have been dead!" the oriental looking spy said into a odd crystal that glowed a pulsed. "I hit his heart hard enough to kill a man half his age!" He wove in between cars away from the White House. "We should have gone with the stroke! Instant death!"
Blinding light, far brighter than the Sun in the sky shown in front of the car. In a panic, the assassin jammed on the brakes.
"Who the hell is that girl!" a taxi driver yelled as he stared at the young woman in the short skirt. She sure was showing an awful lot of leg in that outfit.
Sailor Moon looked very, very angry as she walked up to the car door that stood in between her and the assassin. With a casual wrench, she ripped the door off and tossed it fifteen feet away.
"Stay back!" the assassin screamed as he tried to scramble to the opposite door.
"No! You won't escape. You won't harm another old man or the dreams of peace that he promotes! Your tainted League will not harm anyone again!" Sailor Moon shouted. Her brooch was glowing brightly suddenly, as the arcane objects in his possession just disappeared. She grabbed the front of his shirt and hauled him out. "Someone please call the police. This man needs arresting."
Zod looked over at the brightly garbed newcomers that had arrived at the 'Star Gate' project. Such gaudy cloths this Kryptonian wore. At his side stood a woman with supposedly as much power as himself.
"Greetings, Zod," Superman said in Kryptonian. "I don't think I've heard of a Kryptonian name like that."
Zod nodded to his companions. Without words, they prepared themselves. "I do not have a house name anymore. Though I would be curious about yours." Non and Ursa casually walked over to 'shake hands' as the Earthling custom went.
"Oh, you didn't know? I am Kal-El of house-El!" Zod almost shouted in surprise. "Your father was whom?"
"Jor-El. He was a great scientist that managed to send me-" Superman was saying when he was again interrupted by Zod.
"Never in a million years did I imagine this day." Zod suddenly pulled back his fist in a blur and punched Superman straight in the face.
Superman slammed against the side of the mountain with stunning force. This is not what he expected to run into at NORAD on his detour from Peru. He spat blood from his split lip while looking up at his attackers. "Why?" he shouted in Kryptonian as the Kryptonian with the goatee floated out of the hole in the side of NORAD towards him. 'Lois!' he mentally yelled
"Kneel before General Zod of the Imperiator Movement, son of Jor-El! Kneel or die!" the self-proclaimed General shouted as he floated in the air above Superman. "Long have I waited to make the House of El pay for imprisoning me in that timeless void!"
Non just grunted. "Just break him, Zod! I'll snap him like a twig!" The huge and burly Kryptonian looked like a caricature of some prehistoric brute. His hands were smeared in blood.
The darkly pretty Kryptonian woman just laughed. "Why don't we play some more with this 'Superman', Zod? We have a world to conquer after this, after all!"
"Well, Kal-El? Will you die or will you kneel before your new master?"
"Never!" Superman shouted as he charged Zod at full speed.
Zod, Non and Ursa were prepared though. Being nearly as powerful as him and extensively combat trained, he didn't stand a chance. In mere seconds, he was beaten unconscious. Zod did have some bruises and a split lip for his troubles.
"Kill him, my love!" shouted Ursa.
Zod flashed her a look of annoyance. Suddenly, evil inspiration shone in his eyes. "Non. I have a better idea." He floated back into the mountain through the hole he had made. In just moments, he was standing in front of the ring. He looked around, seeing the strewn bodies.
Many of the humans were still alive, he realized in surprise. "No, imprison the living and dispose of the dead. Ursa, use these primitive computers to turn on the Phantom Zone gate."
In moments, Non had removed all of the bodies. The brutish Kryptonian bent steel struts and beams around the surviving ones at super speed. Above in the control room, Ursa finished accessing the computers they had.
"General Zod, the gate will only be open for five minutes."
Colonel Samantha Carter raised her bloodied head surreptitiously. With a chilled heart, she realized that the only reason she was in as good a shape was because of her special forces enhancement. She only had a concussion, in comparison to the many broken bones she saw on the regular enhanced soldiers. She looked over at GI Jane, but the ultra soldier was very unconscious from Non and Ursa's double teaming. These were monsters! How could anyone with a shred of humanity kill unenhanced soldiers like that? They had been defenseless!
"Power is building. Phantom Zone aperture is now stable!" Ursa called out.
"Good! Kal-El, son of Jor-El, for your family's crimes against Zod you are hereby banished to the Phantom Zone until I can recreate my Cerebrum system again! And then you will kneel before your rightful ruler!" General Zod shouted just before he threw Superman through the shimmering white light.
"This one?" Non asked, his words more of a grunt. He toed GI Jane, turning her over. She groaned in response.
"Send her through the portal. With the information that Ursa gained from their computers, that only leaves Kal-El's wife to stand in our way. And she can not stand against us all."
GI Jane was summarily dropped through the gate, just before it cycled down. Without a backwards glance the trio of criminal Kryptonians left.
The moment they had left the room, the air shimmered as a figure appeared. Royce removed a blue mask. "League Central, I need to portal some explosives to me," he said into a strange crystal bracelet he wore. A rip suddenly appeared next to him in a blinding flash. With practiced moves, he started to lay the C4 explosives on the gate.
"What are you doing, Royce?" Sam shouted.
"Still awake, Sam? It should be obvious. I'm destroying this portal and stranding Superman in the Kryptonian prison of the Phantom Zone.
He'll never die, but it is impossible to physically escape by yourself."
Royce just grinned to himself as he finished. He held a triggering mechanism in his hand.
"Why? How could you betray your country like this?" she screamed at him.
"Because Superman is in the way of our true purpose. Not even the moderates in the League can stop us now! Arthur won't be able to stop us either and we will rule this Earth!" Royce raised his hand and the mechanism above his head. "Hail Hitler!"
Sam and Jack's blood ran cold at that pronouncement.