A fan fiction story revolving around the world of "Lois & Clark: TheNew Adventures", Star Gate SG-1 and "Ranma 1/2." No infringement of ownership is meant. It is just for fun.
Previous chapters located at http://www.geocities.com/supermanunbound/fanfics.html and http://www.fanfiction.net/~arthurhansen
Mrs. Hannah Jenns looked up at the knocking on her classroom door for college physics. "Yes? Enter?" She turned away from the chalkboard.
A very unusual looking fellow, wearing 19th century gentleman's clothing, opened the door timidly. "Excuse me, miss. I need to speak to Jane Kent for a moment."
Jane looked at the middle-aged man for a moment, before sending a querying look at her teacher.
The teacher eyed him for a minute. The little man looked like no threat, and she knew Jane Kent had a black belt in self defense. "Go on. Be back as soon as possible," her teacher said as she turned back to her board.
Jane followed the man out of the class. The near area of the hallway was nearly deserted at this moment, but there were some people just out of normal earshot. He blinked at her through his round-rimmed glasses. "My dear, it is very, very important that when your mother asks for your help in dealing with General Zod in one minute that you go directly to Cheyenne Mountain. Your father and the fate of the world depend on it."
"Who are you?" Jane asked in shock, her face suddenly pale and drawn.
"Oh! I am so very sorry! H.G. Wells! But you can call me Herb, if you like!" the eccentric author said quickly. "I did not mean to upset you, my dear!"
"The author? But..."
"Just ask your parents about me. After this crisis is over. And tell them that Tempus is back." He tipped his hat and turned to walk off.
'Jane!' her mother yelled out telepathically. 'Three Kryptonians have just attacked your father and are on a direct course for Washington D.C. Meet us there!'
Jane sat frozen for one second, and then started moving quickly down towards an empty hallway. 'Mom? Who is Tempus?'
'You stay away from him! He's nearly killed Superman before!' came back her mother's worried telepathy.
That decided Jane. In a whirl, she switched to her Supergirl outfit.
'Jane? JANE!' Lois shouted mentally.
General Zod looked over the manicured lawns of the White House with a sneer. In front of the building bodyguards were amassing. Primitive chemical powered guns and a few rocket launchers were being readied.
Of more concern were the twelve humans floating in the air above them. Wearing navy blue, tight fitting uniforms, they seemed to be Kryptonians. Kryptonians here!
Non and Ursa narrowed their eyes at this. The military records they had pilfered had stated there was only one Kryptonian on Earth. The so-called Superman. "This could be more exciting than we thought, General," Ursa said with a grim grin.
'Destroy their Kryptonite weapons,' Zod ordered telepathically. He sucked in a great breath and then suddenly blew all of the bodyguards away on the ground. Then blasts of heat vision stabbed out in rapid staccato melting the odd weapons in their hands.
"They've taken out the Kryptonite!" yelled out one of the men on the ground that had managed to keep his feet in that gale. The lead-line guns had carried the precious bullets of Kryptonite for use in just this sort of instance.
"Yes, of course," Zod pronounced. He suddenly pointed at what he thought was the leader of the floating men straight in front of him. "You! What family and house do you hale from!"
Arnold grinned tightly. "I'm a Stevens, of course. From Brooklyn, New York."
"Your Kryptonian house, fool!"
"I'm human, born and bred. Fool." Arnold snapped back. "We all are, except for Superman."
"What? But you have Kryptonian powers!" Ursa exclaimed.
"That's right. Ain't technology a wonderful thing?" the presidential bodyguard responded with a smug grin.
"Fascinating. Zod, may we keep one alive to torture for the secret of this technology?" Ursa asked in dark glee.
Non scowled at the figures floating in front of him. "I want to fight!"
"Go, Non. Kill all of them but one!" Zod commanded.
Supergirl flashed westward at her fastest pace, just skimming the atmosphere like her father had taught her. Up here, she could accelerate to 'super-super' speeds but still know how much to slow down. Something he had only picked up accidentally. In just seconds, she was going to be within visual range of NORAD.
Deep inside the FTL research center, Royce suddenly started laughing. "Yes, American. The Third Reich still lives."
"The Third Reich died along with Hitler during World War II. Royce, you are insane!" Samantha Carter shouted. She struggled futilely with the steel girder that was wrapped around her arms. She had the strength of fifty men and she wasn't nearly strong enough.
"Of course it died with Hitler," Royce replied mockingly. He went back over the explosives that he'd planted on the Phantom Zone gateway and the supports. "With this destroyed and you dead, the Lancelot League will know that our faction is correct. We shall destroy these alien supermen and take over, as we should have decades ago." He pulled out a little remote control and then held up a little crystal to his lips. "I need a teleport gateway now."
Reality seemed to fade and twist in a mind-numbing manner as a grinning crystal skull and golden chain appeared, tearing a jagged hole in the nothing of the air, revealing a dark chamber that bore a nightmare resemblance to Frankenstein's lab built up on a huge scale. It was filled with frantic activity, arcane machines, glowing crystals and just a step away, much to Samantha Carter's horror and shock, a man grasping the golden chain that was attached to the crystal skull that seemed to be warping space with his face lit by a hellish red glow that revealed the smiling insane continence of Adolph Hitler.
But that was impossible. It had to be impossible.
"How?!" Sam exclaimed.
"Needless to say, you won't live to really find out. But there are more Kryptonites than just red and green." With that, Royce stepped through the portal that closed right behind him.
BOOM! The sudden shock of displaced air and a blur of red and blue flashed around the room, ripping loose all of the bombs in the room. Supergirl paused for just a second to look at Sam and the comatose General Jack O'Neil, then tried to speed outside with the bombs. She barely made it to the door when all of the bombs went off with a thunderous explosion. The doorway was a shattered ruin and Supergirl was flung backwards to land up against the wall.
"Owie," she said in complaint as she sat up. "That actually stings." Supergirl stood back up. "Let me get you out of there." With a casual strength belying her skinny form, Supergirl ripped off the girders that had been holding Sam back.
Sam scrambled over to Jack's comatose body. "Jack!" she shouted, then breathed a sigh of relief as she felt a pulse.
"Ami! Minako! Makato! Rei! You really made it!" Usagi shouted from across the lobby. Her old friends and boon companions across the ages had arrived, just like they said they would.
Rei just rolled her eyes. Would their leader ever realize her potential and grow up?
Usagi led the way to the motel, past the police barricades and the construction crew. The police just nodded at her "That should be the end of the exciting part of this trip," the blonde said. "I've got your rooms ready and we can use the sauna they have here to relax-"
"What's that?" Ami asked, pointing at the TV in the lobby.
Usagi stopped and looked. "Well... It looks like some sort of superhero thing."
Minako looked it over. "Another Kryptonian invasion?" she asked worriedly.
"I think the technical term for that would be 'bad,'" Makato said in a half-hearted attempt at humor.
Non squeezed down hard on the Ultra Agents neck. This would be the first one to die at his hand, mere moments into the fight. Several of the bodyguards were already unconscious; all of the guards were wounded. The full kryptonians were far more dangerous than their numbers would have suggested. Attached to their wrists were exotic energy weapons that they had cobbled together in Colorado.
Ursa was busy blinding two more with blasts of heat vision. One of the female Secret Service agents suddenly lashed out with her own, weaker heat vision in a desperate bid to push her back. Zod had Ursa's back, an agent in an elbow choke-hold while he used yet another to bludgeon his friends.
The massive, bearded kryptonian suddenly roared in agony as his hands that had been crushing the life out of his foe were suddenly scalded by searing heat vision.
"Surrender!" Ultra Woman shouted as she and Ultra Girl floated down. Just a moment later, two more figures zoomed in from downtown. Rising Sun and Dan Barr moved to flank them.
"Ah, the Ultra Woman. The one that wears false Kryptonian symbols," General Zod exclaimed. "The one that has a special place in Kal-El's heart. I will enjoy crushing you as much as I did him."
All of the humans were shocked at this. Superman, defeated?
Zod started laughing. "Oh, the looks on your faces. Yes! Your savior will not be coming to save you today! The house of El is finished!"
"No it isn't!" Ultra Girl blurted out angrily. Her fists were tightly clenched.
"Ultra Girl!" Ultra Woman snapped out angrily. They had not talked about going public about their family. Though they really hadn't had much time to discuss anything about their daughters going public like they had.
Zod just smirked as he released the bodyguard he'd been choking and flung the other one away. "The House of El died with Kal-El."
"The House of El is larger than you think," the young woman snapped out in her heavily accented Kryptonian. "I am Mar of House El." She was telling the truth, just not the full truth, as was normal for her family. The Kryptonian Enclave that was secreted in Brazil had wanted her family to be more in touch with his side of the family, so had entered them into the New Kryptonian records under the House of El.
Dan Barr raised an eyebrow at that. So that persistent rumor that Superman was married with children had some truth? Oh well. It wasn't really his business.
Zod's face flushed scarlet. "It doesn't matter. Once I've killed you, I will finally be free of the House of El." He rocketed right at Ultra Girl and smashed them both through the fencing and onto Pennsylvania Avenue. "I will crush you as easily as I did your Superman!" he shouted as he clasped his hands around her throat even as her own fingers clawed at his wrists.
"Echo-Baker-Alpha, you are clear. Good hunting men!" General Hampton called out. The commando squad he was sending out was the primary strike team, equipped with some of their best items they still had or could make. "Well, Adolph? Are you happy?" he asked the shorter man next to him.
"Happy? Of course not! We shouldn't need to send a second team to clean up this mess! The Emperor of Japan should already be dead and Japan falling to the Eastern Block Powers." Adolph Hitler's temples were starting to gray finally. He was close, he knew, to finally realizing his plans for world domination.
"We can't fail this time. The rest of the league is convinced that we can not allow Japan and the United States to rally in mutual defense."
"I truly hope so. I worry about this Sailor Moon. The old records tell of the ancient dictator, the Queen of the Moon and that she was an immortal goddess, horrible and strong. Our great magics are nothing more than the remnants of her kingdom. Only now in this modern age are we beginning to understand that her magic was merely advanced technology and she must be dead," the Nazi leader said. "Lieutenant Lungren will have to succeed. We can not allow anyone but ourselves control the ancient artifacts of Atlantis."
"Yes, of course."
"Ranma! Hurry up! Kasumi said we had to take over primary protection for the Emperor!" Akane shouted as she finished pulling on her mask.
"Where is my mask?" the sometime girl complained. She squinted around, looking through the bed and into the different drawers of her hospital room. Suddenly, Ranma and Akane both looked around, feeling an imminent sense of danger. With barely a moment to focus their minds, they blurred out of the room far faster than the un-enhanced eye could follow.
The soldiers wearing nondescript military uniforms were running fast down the hall past startled nurses. They turned the corner and spotted four surprised bodyguards. Silenced gunfire rang out, cutting three of them down but only wounding the final soldier.
"He's enhanced! Use armor-piercing rounds!" the captain of the assassination squad shouted out. He ducked for cover as the bodyguard started snapping out accurate shots in reply. The bodyguard managed three headshots before the assassins gunned him down. But the retort of the bodyguard's unsilenced pistol had surely alerted any remaining security. They had only moments before enhanced American security showed up.
Like a well-oiled machine, the captain aimed and then fired his undercarriage grenade launcher. His grin died before it could even blossom as a blur caught his grenade. Ranma reached out with her free hand and ripped the handle off the nearest door still in super speed. She threw the handle at the window at the end of the hall, followed almost instantly by the grenade. She turned back just in time to see a slightly slower red and black blur cannon into the mysterious soldiers.
To the unenhanced, it looked like twin red and black tornadoes tore into the soldiers, leaving broken, bleeding and very unconscious assassins in their wakes. The distant sound of the grenade going off punctuated the end of the fight.
Ranma looked around carefully. "That's all of them!" Behind her she could hear the telltale bleep of a camera from a cell phone. She just raised her eyebrow at the nurse and then shook her head. Seeing her without her mask was not going to ruin her 'secret ID', after all.
"Right, Redhawk!" Retribution called out. She reached into her belt for the special zip-ties made of nano-filaments that could hold even enhanced people. She was just reaching down for the first one when the body seemed to flicker in three directions.
"Dammit!" Ranma yelled out. "Not again!" She clenched her fists tightly.
"Face facts, Redhawk. We need to talk to the experts if we are going to unravel this problem," her partner said with a sigh.
The redhead winced, clutching her wounds. She'd probably overdone that. "Yeah. I guess we need to call that shrine."
"Oh my head," Jack O'Neill said in complaint as he came back into consciousness again. "Did anyone get the number of that bomb that hit me?" He sat up and shook his head carefully, to make sure everything was in one piece.
"Sorry, sir. How are you feeling?" Samantha Carter asked. She was glad to see him conscious again. Though with him fading in and out like that, he had to have a severe concussion.
Supergirl tried to pat the bomb stain out of her cape. "Drat. I just made this," she bemoaned.
"You are all right, I take it?" the major asked with a quirked eyebrow.
"Yeah! It just stung a little. I take it saving that... thing was important?" the maid of might asked. She looked over at the strange circular arch.
"Only if you consider saving Superman important," Sam replied archly at the strange complaint the girl stated. She was more worried about her outfit than the bomb?
"What in the hell happened while I was out of it?" Jack snapped out.
"Zod and his cohorts knocked out Superman and GI Jane and threw them through the portal into the null hyper dimension we were going to use as a FTL network," the scientist explained. "While not as useful as the Ancient portal system from the alternate-"
"Later, Sam! How do we get Superman back so he can help take down these rogue Kryptonians?" her superior officer asked.
"Well, with a bit of work and repair, we can probably get the portal operative in an hour!" Sam started to mentally tally the needed items. Luckily, the damage really was superficial from the near blast of the bomb.
"That's too long! Ultra Woman and Ultra Girl are going to be facing off against these psychopaths right now!" Supergirl exclaimed. It was obvious that she was very worried.
"Well, you are probably fast enough to get it done in just a few minutes, but you don't have my knowledge. Unless you are some high powered telepath, we are a no-go for that," Sam responded.
"We could use telepathy?" the young girl said, a muted note of horror in her voice.
Sam shared a quick glance with Jack. There had been rumors for years that the Kyrptonians were telepathic. "Yes. I'll guide you through things at super-speed."
'Then let's get started,' the young woman transmitted telepathically. She sent out tendrils of her mind into the colonial's in ever-stronger strands.
'You... this is amazing,' Sam responded. She reasserted herself, ignoring the odd duality of the mental contact she was feeling. It wasn't like she had a lot of experience with this telepathy thing. 'This is what we need to do,' she sent telepathically. The layers of protection that each mind used to shield itself from unpleasant truths within were being stripped back.
'I understand,' Supergirl replied even as she began to blur into super-speed.
Jack stared in surprise and then awe as both women started to work. Sam was a slower blur, but the damaged kryptonite laser array was quickly bent back into shape and heat vision welded the connectors. The main frame was slightly twisted back into perfect alignment by two sets of super-strong fingers even as the brigadier general watched in amazement. He whistled in awe.
In just a few minutes gate to the null hyperspace field was rebuilt.
"Great job!" Jack said with a smile as he clapped, like they were a circus sideshow.
Both women smile fondly at him in eerie duplication. Then they frowned and slowly their expressions started to shift and change. Relief shown on Sam's face while Supergirl's twisted in concentration.
"Remind me not to do that again," Supergirl complained.
Sam gave her an odd look. "Right. Well, let's get this powered up."
A computerized voice spoke up, counting down the time until the device would activate.
Zod grinned wolfishly as he strangled the daughter of El in his hands. His eyes glowed for a moment, just barely warning her to activate her own heat vision in defense. Breaking all known interactions of radiant energy, they collided and blocked each other.
"You will die here today. The House of El will die, Mar of El!" Zod yelled loudly in Kryptonese. But nothing he could do could force his heat vision to burn out her eyes.
"Never!" she shouted in reply, even as she broke the grasp on one of his hands and punched him twenty times in his kidneys. Unfortunately, superspeed robbed her blow of much of its strength.
Behind him, the brutish Non was tussling with Rising Sun and Dan Barr, in what appeared to be a haphazard manner that tumbled them into all of the other Secret Service agents. Meanwhile Ursa and Ultra Woman traded blows. Ultra Woman seemed slightly outclassed in power and speed, but her fighting skills seemed to be holding her steady until the female Kryptonian criminal used one of her hand weapons to blind her in a black mist of energy. Three super-speed nerve pinchs nearly put her out of action until Ursa's next lethal blow was blocked by a far weaker Arnold Stevens. He may be weaker, but he was still super powered. He used his whole body as his sensei Tendo had explained to smash a punishing blow to her chin, even as her leg kicked out far more powerfully to return the blow to his stomach.
"Gnitsalb pots Doz!" a female voice said in a seemingly nonsensical manner from just off the side of the battle.
What happened was quite shocking, as Zod's heat vision... just quit. In that collapse, he was blasted by Ultra Girl's heat vision, scorching his eyes. Zod screamed as his eyes were burned accidentally, as Ultra Girl had only been blocking his own attack.
Non took advantage of the momentary shock to crack the distracted Rising Sun and Dan Barr's head together with stunning force. He turned to find out what had happened to his leader, the infamous General Zod. The general was kneeling while he had his hands clasped over his scorched and smoking eyes.
"What have you done?" Zod screamed in agony. "How?"
"I cast a spell on you," the woman in her tuxedo jacket and shirt, but wearing high heels and fishnet stocking. She completed her outfit with a top hat on her medium length black hair. She tipped her top hat in a mock salute. "I do thank you for announcing your name to all who could hear it!"
Ursa raised her eyebrow at that even as she took a step back. Ultra Woman was still incapacitated by her little device, while the remaining Ultra Secret Service was watching her carefully for any other kryptonian weapons. "Magic? Impossible!"
"That's the definition of magic, my dear! Impossible! And for my next trick, I give you... peels ot og asru!" she quickly incanted while wiggling her fingers at the female Kryptonian
Even as Ursa fell to the ground, sleeping like a child, Non reacted instinctively. No genius like the other two criminals, he was a vicious fighter with harsh instincts that did not fit well on his native world. His blow shattered her jaw and sent her flying fifty feet. Just before he could fly over and crush her; small, petite hands stopped his fists.
"That's enough!" Supergirl announced. With a twist and spin, she spun Non around using an super-judo move to smash him headfirst into the ground.
"Supergirl! It took you long enough!" Ultra Girl shouted out, letting herself be distracted from Zod for just a second.
That was a mistake, as Zod's eyesight had recovered enough. In a blur of super-speed, he smashed into Ultra Girl. Holding her from behind, he started to twist her neck with the crook of his arm. "The House of El will die today, Mar of El!"
A sense-shattering boom rocked Washington D.C. and suddenly Zod's arms were wrenched from Ultra Girl's neck. "Let her go, Zod!" Superman declared coldly. Behind him floated a very angry looking GI Jane, her cheek bruised and her nose still broken.
Off to the side, Ultra Woman started spinning rapidly. The inky black energy tar that encased her was shed spectacularly.
"How? I left you stranded in the Phantom Zone!" Zod exclaimed, shaken by the sudden appearance of Superman. The criminal 'general' broke free from his grasp with a desperate burst of strength.
"Supergirl and a few very good people in the military staged a rapid rescue. You can't take on a whole planet, Zod. Your kind of criminal isn't wanted here and won't be tolerated. You are out numbered and outgunned," Superman said, eyes still narrowed in anger.
Zod pursed his lips in sudden thought. Non was at his back, but Ursa was still unconscious on the ground from that supposed 'magic'. "Very well, Kal-El. You have carried this day." He smiled coldly at him, floating in the air with over a dozen super heroes behind him. "But can you defuse all of the bombs we dropped in this city as we arrived?
Or will you attempt to capture us instead." He pressed a small button. "Thirty of your seconds. Be quick!" And with that, he took off to the east, Non following right behind him."
In an eyeblink, all of them immediately took off, spreading out in a pattern. Superman was fastest, followed by his two daughters that were barely slower. Ultra Woman and GI Jane were next, followed by the dozen of the Secret Service that had the ability to fly. Thirty seconds later, twenty bombs went off as one... high in the air and no danger to anyone.
The super humans all landed back on the battlefield of the front lawn of the White House. Most of the bulletproof windows on the old building had shattered, showing the violence of the conflict. A couple of quick bursts of super-cold breath and all of the fires were out.
Superman narrowed as he saw the sleeping form of Ursa lying on the ground. "Now we have to figure out what we are going to do with her," he said finally.
"If you'll back away, Superman, we'll handle it," one of the Secret Service men stated. He had just walked out of the White House. "I'd suggest everyone with Kryptonian super powers to step away." He pulled out a little, gray box.
Dan Barr led almost all of the super powered heroes a good distance away, close to the shattered gates on Pennsylvania Avenue. Even at that distance, they could feel a small ache as the green glow of kryptonite lit up the sleeping form.
"Who was that, Mr. Barr?" Superman asked.
"That's Robert Smith," Dan replied grimly, giving out the false name. "He's the President's failsafe."
"They aren't going to kill her, are they?" Supergirl asked worriedly.
"Oh, no. Just dose her with enough Kryptonite that she loses her powers for a few days. She'll be transferred to the Slab's Red Zone. It'll be painful daily doses of kryptonite until her powers fade, but that should only be a few days," he replied.
GI Jane pursed her lips and nodded. "It looks like Project Gold will get its first subject too."
"Project Gold?" Ultra Woman asked.
The premiere superhero for the military winced as she realized what she said. She nodded again in reply. "I'm sorry, Ultra Woman, but I've probably said too much."
From beyond the gate about fifty feet away, a man suddenly shouted. "Superman! Superman! Are those your daughters? Inquiring minds want to know! The public deserves to know!"
Superman grimaced a second, then turned towards the crowd at the gate. He put his hands on Ultra Girl's and Supergirl's shoulders, guiding them closer to the gate. Ultra Woman followed closely. "Of course. My daughters decided that my wife and I needed a bit of help when we were out of town."
The crowd suddenly roared with cheers and yells.
"The propagandist lies of the decadent sycophants of the aliens will not be heard or allowed to sway our glorious cause. China believes this General Zod is nothing more than a ploy to distract the world and gain support for their nefarious purposes; to weaken our nations for the upcoming invasion of Earth by the vile aliens. We condemn the United States for allowing the so-called hero Superman to procreate and dilute humanity with his alien genetics! We will proceed with the acquisition of the Japanese enhancement facilities for the protection of the Earth as soon as Japan's leaders graciously submit to our reasonable requests."
"And that was Mr. Chu Wi, the Chinese ambassador to the United Nations. Mounting tensions over the Ultra Enhancement Facilities has reached new levels. Sources within parliament have stated that talks with China over the demands to turn over the centers has stalled. The DIET has finished drafting the national referendum for the audacious plan presented by the Emperor to join the United States as full states within their union. A vote could be called as soon as January 3rd. Over to you, Miko."
A fist smashed the television. "General Nyueng! What is going on here? Just weeks ago, you promised us that Japan would fall to us without firing a single weapon and now this situation is rapidly escalating! Where is the spine of rubber you told us the Americans were made of?" a heavyset man in a simple suit shouted across the large desk at the man in the uniform of the People's Liberation Army, Ground Forces.
General Nyueng shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Intelligence indicates that their president may want to back the Japanese, but their Congress would never be willing to go to war over them. It would require a drastic outlook change to make a difference at this point."
Outside the window, a group of ten Iron Man mecha stomped by in formation. The bright red mecha saluted the window and the general and the dignitary from Beijing.
Soun Tendo and his friend Genma Saotome shook their head. Just yesterday, their country had humbled itself to put aside its own national identity to join the United States of America. Genma idly wondered if the nation would be renamed to fit the fact that it was not just in the Americas any more.
"Well, I'm off," Kasumi said as she walked in the door from the stairs. She was garbed in her white bodysuit. The red trim stood out brilliantly, her helmet held easily in her left hand.
Nodoka stuck her head out from the kitchen. Ami was busy cooking a stir fry behind her. "When will you be back?"
"Probably tomorrow. You should see it on the news before I head back, I think, Auntie," Kasumi said.
"Where are Ranma and Akane?" the older woman asked worriedly
Kasumi shrugged. "I think they were going into the city for a while." Lying had become second nature. Ranma and Akane would be assisting with Upsy-Daisey.
"Be safe!" Soun said solemnly.
"Oh, I will be. I'll probably do a quick patrol and then be home." Kasumi put her helmet on her head and then lifted off. Soon she disappeared off into the distance with a sonic boom.
Rising Sun landed on the supercarrier Ronald Reagan just minutes later. She saw a distinctively painted orbital space ship on the deck. The small spaceship was the President's premiere method for visiting other cities and nations. Air Force One sat on the deck with President Lee talking easily with his Secret Service agents. Today, he was tagging along with his bodyguards as they did a very important job. William Waldecker shook his hand, his space helmet thrown back. The Secret Service agents with 'Presidential' enhancements were all here except for the one covering Washington D.C. and congress. Even the four 'military' Ultra Agents were present and accounted for.
She smiled to herself as she saw her sister and her fiancé in the background, looking uncomfortable. Did they realize that they were nearly as famous as the presidential Ultramen?
"Here comes the 'super' family now," Dan said just loud enough for his friend Steven to hear easily. Super eyesight saw the four strongest people in the world flying over the horizon as they shed speed from their suborbital jaunt from Metropolis.
General George Winston III looked up from his conference with Admiral Matthew Stanford. As Superman, Ultra Woman and their daughters landed, he looked around expectantly.
"Mr. President, if we could have you board Air Force One in case of any unpleasantness, we'll get started. GI Jane, if you will please," the general said loudly to the group.
GI Jane handed out a folder to each of the superhuman flyers. Each of them read the briefing at superspeed. "If you'll take your positions on the hull of the Ronald Reagan, we'll get started."
Retribution sighed. She bounded over to the control tower and gripped the rail. This should be an exciting ride. All of the jets were stowed carefully, excepting Air Force One. That ship was tied down, but ready to release in case of attack.
Superman led the super powered beings under the aircraft carrier to painted markers on the bottom. Carefully, they pressed their hands and 'felt' their auras mingle and merge. Superman could have lifted the Ronald Reagan up into space by himself. Its one hundred kilotons would have weighted him down considerably though. And speed was of the essence, in this matter.
Superman felt his wife to his left, his daughters to the right and in front of him. He had to smile at Redhawk filling in the spot behind him. The weakest of the people with kryptonian super powers that could actually help, she was positioned close enough so that the super powered family could compensate if she were to falter.
A hypersonic whistle from GI Jane was the signal to lift. The mightiest muscles in the planet, backed by dimly understood hyper physical five dimensional auras lifted the Ronald Reagan easily out of the water. Rising to an altitude of one mile in just a minute, they slowly accelerated, pushing their powers more and more.
President Lee sat in his acceleration couch, buckling himself in. "Jerry? How fast are we going?"
His pilot turned back to him. "About MACH 3, sir." He just shook his head. This was only a few hours jaunt from the Mediterranean Sea at these speeds.
And this would only be the first ship delivered this way! Each of the smaller should would be picked up by at least five of the kryptonian powered beings.
"This just in. Sources within the military just confirmed that the United States has just relocated three additional fleets to the Sea of Japan. In an unprecedented move, the President of the United States used his Ultra Secret Service to move the CNV Ronald Reagan in just hours. Already in position to stave off any rapid attacks that could be launched. Only hours later, the rest of its fleet was delivered to it. Our military correspondent for Hong Kong, Lei Won, has more." The older man turned to the middle-aged woman next to him.
"This move has caught everyone off guard. Several of my sources are telling me this is a very strong signal that the United States is totally behind Japan at this time," she said. She shuffled her cards. "The United States has the strongest navy in the world. With the ability that they just displayed, they can now re-deploy their military assets with a speed that no one else can even hope to match. How the New Warsaw Pact nations will react to this is unknown, but it is unlikely to be taken well."
"This, following the annexation of Japan by the United
States, can only be seen as a dangerous imperialism rearing its head from
across the Pacific."