All  forms of C&C are welcome

This is meant to show some of the changes to the "all shook up" episode, mostly dealing with the space station's demise and the size of the asteroid and it's "chip".

This is set while superman still has no memory during the "All shook up" episode.


DETAILS  for 1994-01 


Watching at Nightfall

FIVE minutes!


It was really very beautiful the rain of solidified rock droplets that was burning in the upper atmosphere.  It along with the rarer gravel or boulder sized chunks  were all from Nightfall and were pelting Earth's outer atmosphere at well over 30000 mph.

Sam Berman turned from watching the glowing Sky and asked "Any Word?".  Henry glumly shook his head and said"I just came to tell you we just confirmed more than thirty additional satellite have stopped transmitting in the last hour."Turning from his Chief Of Communications the top NASA administrator continued watching the show as the evening sun settled further below the horizon and the night deepened.


FOUR minutes!


Sam sighed as he watched a particularly large fragment burn a bright trail across the sky, glancing at his watch and reading the LCD display by the fragments glow it's numbers mirroring the audio count down.

Superman had tried and succeeded in saving the human race almost certainly at the cost of his own life.  The world had listened to NASA send continuous course refinements as he orbited and then boosted a granite mountain top or "cue ball" as some smart alec news reporter had dubbed it during the live coverage.


THREE minutes!


Sam didn't think he would ever forget the feeling of elation as he watched the RADAR screen showing the Nightfall asteroid, the granite mountain top and superman's beacon trailing far behind his granite "cue ball" as it slammed into the Nightfall asteroid or the sharp shock and slowly growing horror when they realized the impact's plasma cloud had swallowed superman's beacon.

For a brief time they thought it couldn't get worse, but less than four hours later they realized the six mile wide asteroid had split into two parts one part was going to miss by roughly 50,000 miles and a much smaller fragment roughly a mile and half across on a course essentially unchanged from the original Nightfall asteroid was going to hit.  There was a slight chance it would skim through the lower atmosphere over the Atlantic ocean, but no one was counting on that happening and even if it did the shock wave would still be devastating.

Their best theory for why the "chip" had stayed on an nearly unaltered path was that Nightfall's vaguely dumbbell shaped iron core had once been two separate asteroids.  Superman's strike had sent a shock wave through NightFall that had neatly separated the smaller asteroid with almost no change from the original flight path, this also explained the large cloud of material that had been orbiting the composite asteroid before the strike and was now traveling with the smaller chip.


ONE minute!


Sam almost laughed his life's work was about to be smashed from the sky and now nature in spite of all calculation of probability was conspiring to give him and every other person in Florida a front row seat to the spectacular demise of just over twenty billion dollars worth of space station.

Sam fought the mental recriminations as he couldn't help but think it was somehow punishment for what he had done in the last twenty-five years to get Prometheus built.  He had shamelessly lied, stolen and even in one instance been party to a suicide to get his dream and legacy built and now it was being swept from the sky.


Sam attempted to pull his mind from the past by checking his auto-tracking telescopes alignment as he prepared to activated the high-speed camera if he survived the "chips" atlantic strike in a couple of days the impact data would be useful for the design of the next space station, especially if a chance bit of rock burning above had obscured the other telescopes view of the collision.




Sam fought the urge to turn his back as against the odds the Prometheus space stations flight path exactly intersected the coarse of a particularly dense clump of ejected material.   He watched as what radar said was two volkswagon beetle sized boulders and a dense cloud of condensed iron droplets swept twenty billion dollars and over twenty years of personal work out of the sky.

An instant later Prometheus brought fire to Earth as a fireball ignited just above the eastern horizon and the remnants of of the station and it's executioners slammed into the atmosphere over the atlantic ocean.

Henry watched behind his friend as the bright glow over the atlantic ocean slowly faded into the background glow of the countless dust and sand strikes. He had a hand raised to console his boss when Sam's back stiffened and he heard a whispered "It was really rather beautiful.".  He watched in surprise as Sam whirled and grabbed the loudspeaker and phone saying"Don't just stand there Henry we have a space program to save we have to get as much inland as possible before that chip off Nightfall hits and tidal waves flood the coast.


howard melton