
 If you find a problem with this web site then use this email address.

Writing and Submitting Fiction for the Superman Unbound Universe.
If you wish to write a large number of  stories for this universe we would prefer you join the Group
  It's members provide C&C for the fiction and it makes it easy to process drafts.

If you don't want to join the group and only wish to submit a oneshot you can send it to
It will then be posted to the groups mailing list and it will be up to them to send private C&C to you eventually your final version will be posted.


In general the only two rules needed to get your fic posted on this website is please keep the fiction PG-13 and it must be related to the subject of this list.
Note: Related fiction archived on other sites with worse rating  than PG-13  can get a link on the link page.
These rules are subject to change without notice.

There are several Tags used by the group to help classify the fanfic the tags are DETAIL, ECHOS, FANFIC, TIMELINE, YEAR.

Are tied closely to a year in the Timeline and should expand on what is mentioned in a particular year or years.
This doesn't have to be text it can be, images, descriptions of artifacts, Mecha, characters and more.
Examples can be found on the FANFIC page.

This tag tells the group your submitting a fanfic that doesn't follow some or even most of the back ground or Timeline and all C&C will ignore those issues.
A DETAILS or FANFIC both can be tagged as an ECHOS submission.
Examples can be found on the FANFIC page.

This is to let us know your submitting a work of fiction to be posted on this site.
If you are a member of the Yahoo's group then it is often neglected the context there usually makes it obvious.
NOTE you will find fanfics listed under the various years in the TIMELINE or on the NEW page.
Examples can be found on the FANFIC page.

This tag tells the group that you are wanting to insert new years or new events into years that are already present.
In General it will be harder to get a Timeline submission on the website.
Fanfics and Details can be declared Echos and will still be put on the website, timeline submission don't have that option.
The Merlin Saga in the Timeline which goes from 297 to 541, is an example.

The fanfic will Eventually be accessed based on where it places in the Timeline even if it is an ECHO and doesn't follow the Timeline.
It will help if you give us an idea of the time period it's set in.

These tags that are not as critical to use.
 C&C, "Timeline C&C", Spamfic


Below is a Template for a TIMELINE submission, it also provides an additional explanation of the use of  the TAGS above.


20967 BC
This is the year the maximum resolution of this number is to the month of a year. The AD is neglected but the BC must be included.
New years or new months can be inserted, when required. New events for already listed years will be merged into the description.

FANFICS (look under NEW first)
This will be pointer to the Fanfics that can be said to start in that year or timeperiod.

Any fiction that fails the timeline check will be put into a second folder of the timeline called ECHOS this will be for fiction set in the general back ground of this universe, but changes or contradicts the accepted timeline.  The Echos tag is a method of sorting stories only.

DETAILS (currently Look under NEW)

This will contain material that expands on the description part of the year it is  listed with.

It isn't limited to short fiction, but the object of fiction should be to provide more details and facts about the terse comments listed under that year.

Their doesn't have to be a plot just a clear presentation of some facts in a setting from that year. It could be a original one time use character watching the events with accuracy or a character pulled from a Fanfic.


DESCRIPTION (look in the timeline)

Description holds major events of that year or minor events that are going to be important later. In some ways a lot like Details, but  much shorter and far less detail.