The SR  of an kryptonian enhancement is equal to the SA level.

The SA number's magnitude determines what kryptonian abilities the enhanced person can access.

ABILITY = Required SA magnitude or level.

QUICK 1  2  3  4  5  7  15  25  40  65  75  90 95  100



Superman or any other born with the full Kryptonian aura and raised from early childhood in our solar system.

Regenerates a limb in one month.

Body reaction speeds are 500 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 750 times normal.

X-ray vision now has a maximum range of 1000 km at point blank range 7.7 mm of lead or any solid element with a greater atomic number can block x vision, at 100 km 7mm of lead will block x vision at 1000 km 0.7 mm of lead will black x vision.

Maximum flight speed is 3930 mph and cruise speed is 2000 mph in atmosphere.

Maximum running speed 3000MPH flight aura not used in test, ideal hardness and surface friction conditions are required to approach this speed.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 25.0 inches of armour.

Can go about 700 days without water and just over 8 years without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -200 to 10000 degrees Celsius.

Roughly 950 year life span



Full telepathic abilities, able to make an un-enhanced human “hear” them.

All Kryptonian's not raised from early childhood in our solar system top out around 95 SA.

Body reaction speeds are 475 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 712 times normal.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 23.75 inches of armour.

Roughly 900 year life span



Empathic to some un-enhanced humans and limited weak telepathic ability to kryptonians or others 90 SA or higher.

X-ray vision has a maximum range of 900 km at point blank range 6.93 mm of lead or any solid element with a greater atomic number can block x vision, at 90 km 6.3 mm of lead will block x vision at 900 km 0.63 mm of lead will black x vision.

Body reaction speeds are 450 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 675 times normal.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 22.5 inches of armour.

Can go about 630 days without water and just over 7 years without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -185 to 9000 degrees Celsius.

Roughly 895 year life span.



Roughly equivalent to 37 rps depleted uranium 30 mm slugs hold less than a minute.

Now has extreme lift capability, can extend flight aura around super-tanker sized objects.

Gains the ability to use heat vision, microscopic vision and flight aura to repair objects.

X-ray vision now has a maximum range of 750 km at point blank range 5.78 mm of lead or any solid element with a greater atomic number can block x vision, at 75 km 5.25mm of lead will block x vision at 750 km 0.525 mm of lead will black x vision.

Body reaction speeds are 375 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 562 times normal.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 18.75 inches of armour.

Can go about 525 days without water and just over 6 years without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -162 to 7500 degrees Celsius.

Roughly a 890 year life span.



Ability to re-grow a body part, a limb would require 6 weeks to re-grow.

Can now extend flight Aura around Destroyer sized objects.

Body reaction speeds are 325 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 487 times normal.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 16.25 inches of armour.

Temperature ranges for survival are -147 to 6500 degrees Celsius.

Roughly 885 year life span



Can now start to extend flight Aura around small objects, such as a small car.

Maximum flight speed is 1768 mph and cruise speed is 900 mph in atmosphere.

Body reaction speeds are 225 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 337 times normal.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 11.25 inches of armour.

X-ray vision now has a maximum range of 450 km at point blank range 3.47 mm of lead or any solid element with a greater atomic number can block x vision, at 45 km 3.15 mm of lead will block x vision at 450 km 0.315 mm of lead will black x vision.

Roughly 865 year life span.



Now control movement at very high speeds and partially compensate for the use of super strength.

Maximum flight speed is 1572 mph and cruise speed is 800 mph in atmosphere.

Body reaction speeds are 200 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 300 times normal.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 10.00 inches of armour.

X-ray vision now has a maximum range of 400 km at point blank range 3.08 mm of lead or any solid element with a greater atomic number can block x vision, at 40 km 2.8 mm of lead will block x vision at 400 km 0.28 mm of lead will black x vision.

Can go about 630 days without water and just over 3.2 years without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -110 to 4000 degrees Celsius.

 Roughly 860 year life span.



Super cooled air stream, higher SA allows colder faster supersonic jets.

X-ray vision now has a maximum range of 250 km at point blank range 1.93 mm of lead or any solid element with a greater atomic number can block x vision, at 25 km 1.75 mm of lead will block x vision at 250 km 0.175 mm of lead will black x vision.

Body reaction speeds are 125 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 187 times normal.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 6.25 inches of armour.

Can go about 175 days without water and just over 2 years without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -87.5 to 2500 degrees Celsius.

Aura now extends slightly above the surface of the skin, thin skin tight clothing is slightly protected.

Roughly 790 year life span



Limited X-ray vision is now possible limited to a maximum range of 150 km. At point blank range 1.16 mm of lead or any solid element with a greater atomic number can block x vision, at 15 km 1.05 mm of lead will block x vision at 150 km 0.105 mm of lead will black x vision.

Microscopic vision limits increased to ultraviolet wavelengths.

Body reaction speeds are 75 times faster than normal and thought speeds are 112 times normal.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 3.75 inches of armour.

a MK 45 Five inch gun's, shells can badly bruise, multiple hits can disable or kill.

Hair retains enough energy to be very resistant to cutting, a blow torch is now required to get a close shave.

Roughly 675 year life span.



Near blood hound level sense, resistance to pheromones and other subliminal smells.

Body reaction speeds are 35 times faster than a normal human and can think 52 times faster.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 1.75 inches of armour.

Can go about 49 days without water and just over 207 days without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -60 to 700 degrees Celsius.

Roughly 450 year life span



See microscopic sized objects near red lights wavelength.

Body reaction speeds are 25 times faster than normal human and can think 37 times faster.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 1.25 inches of armour.

Can go about 35 days without water and just over 148 days without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -57 to 500 degrees Celsius.

under ideal conditions can leap 50 meters vertically and run 150 mph.

Roughly 400 year life span.



Equivalent of binoculars 2500x500 increases slightly with higher SA.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 1.00 inch of armour.

Roughly 350 year life span.



See with infrared and in very low light conditions.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 0.75 inches of armour.

a MK 15 Gatling's 20 mm shells bruise a sustained burst of 60 rounds can kill.

a hard surface, such as reinforced concrete, can allow jumps of over 30 meters vertically.

Body reaction speeds are 15 times faster than normal human and can think 22 times faster.

Roughly 300 year life span.


HEAR = 2

Supersensitive infra-sonic to ultrasonic ranges.

Can attain running speeds of about 60 mph.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 0.50 inches of armour.

Can go about 14 days without water and just over 59 days without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -53 to 200 degrees Celsius.

Roughly 250 year life span.


MIND = 1

Near photographic memory, high speed thought/reactions, IQ + 30.

Increased SA levels have little further effect on mental capabilities beyond improving reaction times and the speed of thought.

Body toughness roughly equivalent to 0.25 inches of armour.

Can go about 7 days without water and just over 29 days without food.

Temperature ranges for survival are -50 to 100 degrees Celsius.

Badly bruised by 0.50 caliber shells, could be killed by a sustained burst from a Ma Duce.

Roughly 200 year life span.


STRENGTH = simple % of superman's ability determined by SA.

The SA percentage of Superman's full strength, until 40 SA has problems using the strength effectively, must take special care with balance and center of gravity when moving things that exceed their weight, problems similar to a normal human in a zero gravity environment.


SPEED = simple % of superman's ability determined by SA.

The SA percentage of Superman's full speed, until  40 SA limited to superman's running or jumping speed, until 40 SA has trouble changing direction or stopping at high speeds.


JUMPING = 10 meters times the SA of the enhancement.

This is ignoring the flight capability that comes into play at 40 SA and


HEALING = simple % of superman's ability determined by SA.

The SA percentage of Superman's healing rate, also has very limited nerve regeneration, until 65 SA.




Toughness is rated in inches of armour, but the protective aura that toughness measure permeates the living body and is in some areas far better than the equivalent inches of the best composite armour.  The Aura gives better protection against radiation, shock wave and acceleration damage.


SA=Superman's Ability, In general this represents the percentage of superman's 100%.

SR=Superman's Reserve, the percentage of stored power, roughly how long you can do something.

100SR represents the ability to store about 100 days of trapped solar energy at sea level.

SR is replenished or recharged by exposure to light with the spectra of Earth's Sun

Four hours of sea level sunlight is required to replenish or recharge 1 SR, writers option determines how haze and cloud cover effect this recharge rate.

Orbital sunlight recharges SR at the rate of 1 SR per 15 minutes.