Jusenkyo is a plot element taken from a Japanese Manga called
RANMA 1/2 it was drawn and written by Rumiko Takahashi's.
In Rumiko Takahashi's original version the group of pools
was a ancient martial art's training ground and each pool had the magical
ability to transform the person or animal that fell into the pool into
what ever had drowned in that pool.
The transformation was not permanent instead the victim
switched between the cursed form and their original form based on being
splashed with different temperatures of water. Cold water triggered the
transformation into the cursed form and Hot water returned the victim
to their original form.
There were many pools in the valley of Jusenkyo the hero
of the manga fell into a pool where a young girl drowned, his father
fell into the pool of drowned panda.
Below is the modified material for the Superman Unbound
shared universe it assumes you are familiar with both RANMA
1/2 and SAILOR MOON.
SAILOR MOON is a Manga created by Takeuchi Naoko
and like Ranma 1/2 also has anime based on the series.
Copied from SECTION4-Enhancement_Packages
Taken from sub section 4.7 Silver Millennium enhancements
The ONE HUNDRED and ONE pools of JUSENKYO are the remnants of Beryl's attempt to produce an enhancement comparable to the Senshi's HENSHIN rod based powers.
It was the original source of the Youma variant forms. Beryl used the pools to give her rebels a relatively powerful second body that could be hidden and remain undetectable until needed.
Originally Jusenkyo contained over eighty different types of powerful Youma forms all required life force energy to become fully functional and can absorb that energy from any life form they touch. Some Youma forms had the ability to touch an object and summon and control quantum shadows of that object turning it into a very small cloud of weapons that follow the will of their creator.
Only two Youma template pools survive to the 20th century and up until 1996 when a partial kryptonian aura was added to a female template pool, these remaining two youma form pools were the most powerful templates left at Jusenkyo.
Panty hose Toro has one of those forms, and it is partially defined in the file Martial_arts_Skills_comparison_list.htm.
Jusenkyo creates a complete alternate body based on the template stored in the pool and uses aspects of the victims aura.
The form not in use is moved very slightly out of normal space and held in stasis until the switch occurs, every effort was made to make this extra body undetectable by any method and the only reliable way of detecting this extra body is usually the applications of hot and cold water.
This method of detection only works if beryl's agent doesn't have a lock placed on the alternate form.
Rebellion had countless ways of locking and unlocking the extra forms
with any number of devices from bracelets to water from specially designed
containers. (see Section 5.0 TIME LINE 18596
BC - 17232 BC)
Only two triggers are know to cause the switching of Jusenkyo forms hot/cold water or the death of one body.
A week to five years after the current body's death the other form will appear from stasis near the place the other form died, allowing the individual to live on in that form.
The Pools represent a mixture of Silver Millennium technology and the technology of another race allied with Beryl that was attempting to invade earth from another universe.
The pools were secretly grown almost forty years before the downfall of the final Queen Serenity and represent a desperate move by Beryl to find a way to break the hold the Serenity line had on earth and the rest of the solar system.
The Youma form was only partially successful in matching the Senshi and great numbers and large forms were required to challenge the enhancements given by the henshin rods and other weapons of the Serenity regime.
In modern times all but two of the pools have templates of more mundane life forms, ranging from house cat sized animals to a few animals weighing around two tons and standing no more than three meters high.
The recent addition of a partial kryptonian aura to a pool that originally only gave a un-enhanced female form has stirred things up and indirectly united the local tribes and brought the the site to the full attention of China's ruling party.
The liquid in the Jusenkyo pools is simply water. The water has no special characteristics and is only a convenient suspension or working medium for the organically grown crystalline machines in the pool walls, and in the quantum focusing array grown in the pseudo bamboo rods set in each pool.
(See Section 5.0 TIME LINE 1996, 1999.5-2000, 2011, 2012.5 and 2016)
The Bird people of Phoenix mountain are fully human with a relatively minor genetic addition that enhanced their strength and gave them wings along with a group of highly specialized muscles.
These highly specialized muscles gave birdmen the ability to have a very short bursts of powered flight, possibly followed by long term soaring.
The animal templates and two remaining Youma templates available at Jusenkyo are not human and can not receive a kryptonian enhancement.
The Phoenix or God of the bird people is a human with the bird pool modification, but he also has an additional modifications that increase his abilities far above the other birdpeople.
The additional modifications give the Phoenix a raw strength and speed that is the equivalent of a 1 SA kryptonian enhancement as well as the ability to create fire-storms and is probably the only true immortal on the planet.
Completely destroying the Phoenix's body will cause it to spontaneously appear as a baby in an egg like structure and slowly regenerate with all memories eventually returning.
The Phoenix has a special relationship to Jusenkyo and to a certain extent can control it, but this is limited to a small set of pre-programmed orders.
Having a alternate Jusenkyo form does not interfere with the human form receiving or having a kryptonian enhancement, the kryptonian enhancement will not bleed from one form to the other.
copied from Section 5.0 TIMELINE
18596 BC
Beryl is born and at about the same time the alien race succeeds in opening a major portal in the area that will one day hold Tokyo and launch a major invasion of earth and tens of thousands of the Metellian's other worldly monsters pour out only to be met by the prepared Serenity and her twelve enforcers and a small heavily armed army. Serenity and the twelve princesses circle the alien portal and attack moving inward devastating the alien army leaving the well armed soldiers that follow to mop up the few hundred aliens that survive the passage of the Queen and her twelve.
Serenity and the twelve with her fight there way to the alien portal and hold it against the aliens but are unable to close it with their Henshin based powers finally after a two day stand off a desperate Serenity uses her broach to force the portal shut after she has converted one cubic kilometer of the alien's home world into antimatter. The strain on Serenity's life force in changing the nature of that much matter and shielding it from the normal matter around it for the critical few seconds it took for her to “unmake” the machinery holding the portal open nearly kills her putting her into a coma for two months.
Under the cover of the large invasion portal the aliens manage to slip ten Metellian advisors and several tons of equipment to the resistance at a hidden base in what will someday be part of China.
18510 BC
The First experimental pool of Jusenkyo is put into operation, it is the unexpected result of combining the aliens genetic manipulation technology with the aura/esper based quantum manipulation technology of the Silver Millennium.
The pool appeared to function correctly for several small test animals giving them an alternate bird form, but when the first human test subject was used the larger human form partially overloaded the pool template and instead of creating a second form, that can be hidden, the pool altered the test subjects into a birdman. The resulting single form was deemed a partial success, the merged form could never be hidden, but the enhanced strength and limited flight capability was deemed useful and nearly a thousand members of the resistant movement were altered to act as a security for the base and a reserve military force, setting up a hidden base in a nearby mountain.
18505 BC
The first Successful switching or alternate form pool is created at Jusenkyo and a dog template is selected over the next fifty some odd years agents for the resistance spy on Serenity and her planetary princesses and none ever suspect that the stray house pets they are so fond of taking in are actually agents and spies.
Two more pools are grown, these are the first of the Youma type pools both are cat variant types that produce a cat like humanoid alternate form that is nearly four meters tall and weighs nearly a ton, the form is nearly fifteen times stronger than any normal human, but these Youma forms lack the ability to absorb life forces, fire energy blasts or call weapons into existence and their strength is estimated to be less than a tenth of the raw strength of the weakest of Serenity's twelve princesses.
18501 BC
There are now fifty pools at Jusenkyo nineteen are normal animal forms mostly human pets the remaining thirty pools are all large humanoid Youma animal variants all are far stronger than a human and far weaker than Serenity's twelve enforcers.
Beryl is elected leader of the joint resistance movement six months later her great granddaughter's first child dies of the “sickness” accompanied by the time spikes, as always the security devices show nothing except for a two second glitch about a day before the child dies corresponding exactly to the time spikes.
18494 BC
The researchers at Jusenkyo develop a Youma form that can absorb the aura or life force of any living thing and use this energy to temporarily boost their strength to a two thirds of Serenity's enforcers the next forty pools are all tentacle or whip Youma types and bear little resemblance to anything from earth with the last ten being the most powerful and able to call weapons into existence if they can absorb enough energy, but none are a match for the Serenity enforcers.
18485 BC
The next ten pools created were all human pools male and female of several general types not based on any one human the pools instead were idealized and used for infiltration and to further extend the life spans without the problem of a non human second form, it had already been discovered that while in their Jusenkyo form that their original form did not age effectively adding the Jusenkyo created form's life span to their human life span
Beryl uses the Jusenkyo pool with the template of a lovely young girl giving herself a second form of about fifteen years old.
Beryl attends a ball hosted by the Nobility placed in charge of the day to day running of Atlantis and the rest of Earth, Beryl uses her second form and attends as a distant relative named after her older form, not fully use to her second form and overconfident about the advantage her actual years gave her, she is smitten with an older boy named Edeymon and he manages to get her drunk and talks her into going alone into one of the mansions bedrooms as four friends run interference.
The next day Beryl after getting control of her anger decides to use it to her advantage, Edeymon's family is above reproach and trusted by the current Serenity, in her older form she confronts the family about how Edeymon treated her namesake and puts them in the position of having to engage the two.
18483 BC
Beryl's older form is killed in a riding accident on her family's estate while entertaining princess Neptune two days later her younger form appears, Beryl has effectively lost her position in the nobility and is forced to allow her oldest daughter to take her position, she moves to Jusenkyo and concentrates her full attention on running the resistance.
Several months after Beryl's “death” her great grandson is visiting his favorite “Aunty” and the five year old boy gets away from her falling into the first pool created at Jusenkyo making her favorite grandchild a birdboy.
18480 BC
The researchers at Jusenkyo are unable to fully reverse the boy's bird form and Beryl decides if she can't change him from being a birdman she will make him more powerful, taking her resistant movement's most secret possession, a fist sized chunk of black Kryptonite she carefully places half the black Kryptonite deep within a nearby mountain that houses the birdmen. The mountain also has several geothermal springs being fed by a small underground river her technician's powder the other half the black kryptonite and several esper healers distribute the superfine powder into every nerve cell in the boy's body.
18479 BC
The boy's enhancement is a success beyond belief careful studies estimate that when the boy is fully grown his body will be two thirds as strong as one of Serenity's enforcers the so called planetary princesses, with an added advantage of near instantaneous regeneration. The Technician theorize that the black kryptonite distributed through out his nervous system is resonating with his aura allowing him to heal by pulling matter right out of the air around him, as long as he is receiving power from the buried chunk of black kryptonite he can heal any damage done to his body almost faster than damage could be done. The young boy has also started to manifest a thermal esper ability that if it continues to grow will be a near match for the princess of mars fire storms. It is not realized at the time but the boy is effectively immortal, literally having the ability to rise from his own ashes.
18464 BC
A new pool is created at Jusenkyo and has a template that produces a Youma that looks completely human.
Beryl again uses a Jusenkyo pool and gets an alternate form of a human looking female Youma the form appears to be human but has the ability to absorb life force and fire energy blast.
18460 BC
During the first six months of this year all four generals are kidnap and each is used in turn to make a template on a single Jusenkyo pool and are replaced by a person loyal to Beryl, in each case the person that replaces them has spent years at the generals side as a loyal pet.
The four general's are turned into pig's and held in pens, they are being kept for a very special hunt
Edeymon is invited over the last six months of this year on a hunt by his generals in each case the hunt is a great success and they get the wild pig they were hunting.
Beryl orders random attacks by a few of her Youma to mimic the reappearance of the alien scouts.
18458 BC
Beryl kidnaps two of Queen Serenity's closest friends and advisor, putting both asleep they are taken to Jusenkyo and given the forms of a white and black kitten, Beryl returns the advisors now in the form of kittens with a note saying you killed my child and countless other children soon in the name of Metallia, Queen Beryl will rule.
The daughter of the two advisors is a Serenity judge and because of her medallion enhanced esper sense realizes that the two kittens are her parents the Queen's advisors.
Queen Serenity is unable to change her advisor's back because she nearly burned herself out using the broach to destroying the alien's gate to this universe any heavy use of her broach will kill her.
18447 BC
The Baroness Jasper the ranking member of the resistance movement left at Jusenkyo goes insane and blames the destruction of their civilization on the Youma forms and personally destroys the equipment used to create their templates and kills the few remaining Aliens and their human assistants, they had trained, she then personally orders the templates of all Youma pools changed to match normal animals from the research zoo.
Beryl's great grandson, returns from a rescue mission and out ranking Baroness Jasper both in respect from the personnel of Jusenkyo and in being an heir to Beryl orders her imprisonment, stopping her before she changes the templates of the last three Youma pool.
Beryl's Great grandson afraid of others with similar feeling within the Technicians or wizards overseeing Jusenkyo orders the Them to lock Jusenkyo in a permanent search loop, the pools will only accept a new template if it meets a selected set of criteria.
17232 BC
Beryl's great grandson or Lord Phoenix as he is now known orders the thawing of the first pool created at jusenkyo and alters the large majority of normal humans to the bird form to eliminate the fighting and racism that was developing between the two groups in Phoenix Mountain.
13210 BC
The first city, since the fall of the Silver Millennium ”AMAZONIUM” is built on earth, but not a truly stable civilization because it lacked any knowledge of agriculture instead a nomadic group discovers a Silver Millennium artifact that was used in agriculture, the artifact used the latent esper ability of the person that touched it and could inhibit the growth of unwanted plants, while greatly enhancing the growth of selected plants, the range varied from 100 to 125 kilometers depending on the current “high priest” latent esper abilities. The single city set up to house the artifact and it's priests was surrounded by a large population of essentially nomadic people slowly traveling and harvesting in a circular area 200 to 250 kilometers in diameter the outer edge always defined by a dense layer of thorn bearing and noxious plants.
Krypton's mainland civilizations is trapped in two competing Roman level empires that hold the planet essentially in stasis for the next 3000 years.
13103 BC
The Amazonium people are on the verge of true civilization the plant priest of the city have developed a primitive written language and have developed methods for fighting insect and plant blight that are the equivalent of modern agriculture. There territory is a marvel of water ways and wooden wind powered machines mostly to move water.
Amazonium falls to nomadic warrior group that has develop the bow and obtained a cache of a dozen Silver millennium weapons called fire rings, Amazonium is burned to the ground killing most of the priest and the plant growth artifact is taken.
13101 BC
A large group of female slaves mostly Amazonium, but with a significant number of other tribes also part of the escape the nomads by stealing several bows and four fire rings, the Amazonium's quickly apply their superior knowledge of wood to produce composite bows that far out range the fire rings and the nomad's bows allowing the ex-slaves to drive off those pursuing them.
The Amazonium women are forced back into a nomadic lifestyle without the plant growth artifact and as a group they are perceived as weak and attacked repeatedly by other nomadic groups leading them to form a society of warrior women dedicated to increasing their combat skill, acquiring magical artifacts and keeping ancient knowledge alive. One group direct descendants from these ex-slaves survives into modern times in a mountainous region in China near the largest surviving remnant of Silver Millennium technology on Earth.
“Lord Of The Flys”
“Battleground Earth”
The New Kryptonians come to Earth announcing they will take over the planet, this is poorly planned invasion, pushed by Lord Nor and inspired by the recent discovery that a yellow dwarf star is giving New Kryptonians superpowers.
A representative from the New kryptonians invades the white house and captures the president making him hostage within the white house, others approach the UN and announce they now control the planet. Small Groups of New Kryptonians spread out "showing the flag" and doing biological surveys as they hold hostage world leaders.
Waldecker is still unable to fly, but approaching 20SA prepares to go to try and free the president and help in defending America.
Artemis the cat shaped Silver Millennium advisor living in England decides to reveal himself to his charge and gives her the Venus Henshin Rod and Avalon begins training her to help defend against the New Kryptonians. When the alien invasion fizzles the girl switches to crime fighting as a form of training eventually calling herself Sailor V.
Luna the Silver Millennium advisor living in Juban Tokyo
vacillates until the short lived New Kryptonian
invasion has ended. After the New Kryptonian's leave Luna decides
to wait until the group of princesses are older.
The Avalon council is divided on what to do about the invasion
and order thier operatives to not challenge the New Kyptonians,
when it ends they side with Luna.
During the New Kryptonian invasion a young Kryptonian
woman doing a biological resource survey of China washes mud off herself
and her uniform at a group of pools located in
a high mountain valley. The pool, part of a group
of pools collectively called Jusenkyo is a remnant
of Silver Millennium technology, Jusenkyo is programmed
to copy any form stronger than a set value and attempts to copy
her form into the pool she is bathing in. The pool is stymied
by her aura based bio-forcefield, however during her bath
the young New kryptonian lost a single strand of hair into the
pool and the technology of the pool was able to get a partial DNA
copy and drain 54% of her energy reserves adding a partial copy of
her Kryptonian aura and mixing her DNA structure with the pool's original
generic female template. The altered pool is unstable containing
a large store of aura energy, this change is unknown to the caretaker
or any of the surrounding tribes in the high mountain valley, somewhere
in the Bayankala Mountains.
Lord Nor is killed at his Smallville head quarters by the
American military and the remaining New Kryptonian leaders discover
that most countries are mobilizing atomic weapons that they fear
would damage Earth's Biosphere.
After a close vote the New Kryptonians suddenly retreat
only leaving a small number of agricultural and biological experts
in Brazil.
The Brazilian government and other nearby governments sign
a secret treaty with this small BIO-AGRI team or clan of New
Kryptonians and they start sharing high technology methods with
the treaty nations in return for help in studying Earth's Biosphere.
A man and his son looking for obscure fighting techniques, arrive at Jusenkyo, the boy falls into the Kryptonian enhanced pool and as designed the pool creates an alternate female form giving it a partial Kryptonian aura of about 10SA and 10SR, however as the confused boy now a red headed female stands in the pool, the unstable aura energy absorb from the kryptonian is discharged through the female form stunning her, throwing her from the pool and increasing her kryptonian enhancement to 20SA and 20SR. The boy's female form is roughly the same age as his normal form, but it is near maturity, and his extensive martial art's training allows her to further stablize the kryptonian aura and maintain the female forms power through the final maturing process.
A few days later the Saotome boy in his female form accidentally breaks the lower jaw of a nearby village's champion in a challenge match over a panda. In the violence that follows the boy inexperienced with the power levels of his female form accidentally contributes to the destruction of the amazon village and badly mauls three village elders, at first believed destroyed she escapes with the cause of the trouble, a greedy pet panda. The majority of the warriors and the last two unhurt village elders now carrying several powerful and ancient artifacts start chasing the girl while, the least hurt village elder interrogates the young woman's guide, finally returning with him to Jusenkyo, the elder is escorted by a few of the walking wounded. The elder test the pool first with the guide and then with two volunteer warriors and finally with herself.
The elder realizes the pool of drowned girl has changed and now gives a slightly older and superhuman female form. Eventually the tribes around Jusenkyo determine that the pool's template has been modified from a normal young girl to that of a superhuman young woman with a partial kryptonian aura, that is initially around 1 SA and 0.1SR and slowly builds over twelve months to 10SA and 10SR.
The Soatome girl and a panda, still running from the Amazon village's war-party encounters Herb the prince of the exiled musk dynasty, in the fight that follows this encounter Herb is quickly defeated, turning from Musk territory the girl and her panda start to climb Phoenix mountain. The following Amazon war-party now in an uneasy alliance with the Musk prince and his escorts arrives at the edge of the the bird people's territory unwilling to anger the bird people or their temperamental and powerful self proclaimed Phoenix god, they camp almost two miles from their territory, giving up the chase and planning to return to the their homes in the morning.
During the night a fight starts a quarter of the way up the mountain and the combined war party watches as the fire magic of the bird people proves ineffective and the flares and fireballs of their attacks show that they are being forced up the mountain and deeper into their sacred territory.
Finally near the summit there is a large explosion, followed by a burning flare that is thrown off the mountain slamming into the ground just outside the Phoenix's territory and relatively close to the Amazon and Musk encampment, the elders rush to see if anything was left of the outsider that destroyed their village, they instead discover the badly beaten form of Kima wearing a full set of the feared “magical” armour, the armour uses black kryptonite and was designed and constructed during Silver millennium by the Beryl rebellion for the first Bird people created at Jusenkyo.
The life saving first aid the Amazon elder gave the current leader of the bird people prevented a fight between the dis-trustful neighbors and for the first time in over a thousand years started to lay the foundation for a peace between the two groups.
Ten years Later the Amazon, Musk and Bird People of Phoenix Mountain stand together and stop the Chinese when the communist discover the existence of the kryptonian enhancement pool and move to finally take control of an area that had been largely forgotten.
Represents a simple percentage of superman's powers by definition superman is 100 SA. Your SA level determines how strong, how fast and what superpowers you have access to.
SR =Superman's Reserve