Time Jumps(get you somewhen quickly.)

  Dead Zone   First wave  Second Wave Kobol 13TH Colony Atlantis Krypton  Kryptonian Aura Magic   Silver_Millennium Mystery_Island  Metellia Youma Beryl   Jusenkyo Bird_Men Phoenix Silver Millennium falls  Amazonium New_Kryptonians  Merlin Avalon  Excalibur King_Uthur  King_Arthur Camelot  Guinevere Lancelot  Lancelot_League Krypton's_Doom  Nautilus Cylon  Jor-El King_Arthur_Returns  Ka-El Krypton's_Death  Clark_Kent Zatanna  Sailor_Moon   Cold_Fusion  Lois & Clark ChinaMech  Ultrawoman New Kryptonian Invasion  Elvis Presley   Sailor V  Presidential_Ultramen  GI_Jane  Ultrawoman's_Return  RisingSun Ranma  Captain_Spaced  Fort_Knox  Earth_First  Closing_Thunder  Mars_Colony 



8.5 billion BC

In the area of space later occupied by the Krypton system a binary star system is formed. Star A is a Red super-giant of 35 million solar masses. It has 4 planets all gas giants ranging in size from 1/2 the size of Jupiter to 8 times larger than Jupiter.     

Star B is yellow star the near twin of Earth's own sun. It has 8 planets. The innermost is the size of Mars and is a hot rock like Mercury. The second planet is a Earth-like planet. Next is an asteroid belt. The next 5 planets are all gas giants ranging in size from 25 times the size of Jupiter to something that is a near twin of Jupiter. The outermost planet is also the size of Earth but is 50 percent farther out than Pluto.

These two stars are 1 light-day apart and orbit around a common point. The two stars are moving towards each other and will meet in about 7 billion years.


8 billion BC

A rogue black hole passes close enough to Star B to alter is path to have the black hole swing by star A. The end result of this is to accelerate the orbital decay of the two stars to bring about collision in 5 million years.


7.995 billion BC

The two stars collide and set off a supernova. The core remnants form a super massive neutron star. This neutron star is stable for the next 3.5 billion years.


4.5 billion BC

A black hole 25 light years from the krypton neutron star destabilizes and explodes. The gravitational shock waves from this event causes the neutron star to break-up. The break-up is very short lived and and the

fragments collide with each other. The force of this collision liberates a huge amount of energy and spreads the kryptonite all over the local area.

A new solar system then forms including the planet Krypton. Which collects large amounts of kryptonite into its core.

This black hole lay between Earth and Krypton thus the explosion also provides the impetus for the formation of our solar system as well.


1 billion BC

A Genocidal war is started between two very advanced galactic empires neither side hesitates in using every weapon at their disposal from the bio-weapons we today call molds and viruses to massive planetoid sized machines originally devised for mining on a planetary scale.  Even the two stellar scale refineries that were the crowning achievements of each civilization were converted into weapons that tore and distorted space.  The stellar refineries which consisted of carefully controlled black holes that were fed entire stars, the resulting superheated plasma jets were harvested and used to provide nearly limitless amounts of energy and material wealth to their respective empires.

 The war lasted 2,000 years and died more in a whimper of silence than any definable victory for either side. Leaving a legacy of dead or dying biospheres, shattered worlds and dark zones or sargasso seas of space where the EM spectrum is dampened and trying to use most forms of FTL travel has deadly if undefined consequences. This devastated area of space eventually becomes the Dead Zone and most races quickly learn to avoid the area, most galactic civilizations have outlawed travel into what has come to be called the Dead Zone.


500 million BC

The massive fleet of star wanders called the First wave enters the Dead Zone called this by the few star traveling civilization born after their departure. The Dead Zone comprising most of one galactic arm of the milky way galaxy is an area know for perpetual plagues caused by the spread of the artificial semi-life know as viruses and the highly engineered bio-form called mold that was the virus's counter part weapon. Both weapons have destroyed countless biospheres turning them to dust or limiting them to the simplest forms barely clinging to marginal niches. The solar systems are littered with asteroid fields with asteroid strikes a common problem.

The First wave for unknown reason develop an immunity to the bio-weapons and switch from the much faster Hyperdrive ships to slower, but dead zone safe  and reliable Warp core drives based on black kryptonite.

The First wave bio-forms countless worlds building or rebuilding rich biospheres based around reptilian lifeforms, there appeared to be no pattern to their planetary choices, but a relatively small scattering of worlds were given life again. Life that was resistant or even immune to the still active bioweapons, ultimately these reptilian worlds dotted the dead zone like oasis dotting a desert.


230 million BC

The first wave arrives at what will one day be called Earth and establishes the reptilian biosphere. At about the same time Krypton is also successfully bioformed in spite of the life threatening multidimensional disruption caused by the massive amounts of kryptonite in the planets core and crust.


229 million BC

Kobol is bioformed and is one of the countless mysteries about the First wave. Why did they bother to find a brown dwarf star buried deep in one of the many navigational sargasso zones and then somehow revive it to red dwarf stage just so they could bioform the single viable world?



 Second Wave

100 million BC

The Second wave arrives another large gypsy fleet of star wanderers, this group alters most of the bioformed worlds of the first wave by using a massive asteroid strike to apparently opens space for the more modern in our terms mammals and bird derivative species.  The second wave has also managed to engineer resistance to the still active bioweapons.


65 million BC

The Second Wave fleet arrives in Earth's vicinity and uses an asteroid to start the process of modifying the planet to better fit mammals. It should be note that the second wave missed Krypton or for unknown reasons possibly related to the kryptonite failed to modify it's biosphere to include mammals. 


60 million BC

Kobol is discovered and modified by the second wave to suit mammals and the life forms associated with them.


35000 BC

The first crude writing are made by humans in stone on Kobol, rough translation's speak of a long night crossing.


28110 BC

Kobol humans venture into space


20967 BC

A large Refugee fleet enters Earth orbit and an argument begins between factions in the fleet over the habitability of the Ice bound planet below. The planet shows obvious signs of being terra-formed by the First and again later by the Second Wave with the characteristic asteroid strike it's biosphere is very compatible with human biological needs. Most factions within the refugee fleet think the planet is spiraling into a never ending ice-age and want to continue their search, but a large minority of about one million human colonist think the planet is just coming out of an ice age and decide to settle on a small Island continent near the equator they name it Atlantis and call the planet Earth.

The Refugee fleet spends six months replenishing and repairing what they can in orbit around the newly christened Earth, finally breaking orbit the fleet leaves seventeen ships in high earth orbit all are deemed beyond the fleets or fledgling colonies ability to overhaul.



The Earth colony loses contact with the refugee fleet as their search for a habitable world takes all the vessels beyond the 62.8 light-year range of the Atlantis colonies three FTL starcoms.

The Atlantis colony sets up several punishment camps near the equator on the ice bound and unpopulated continents of their new home world.


20951 BC

All ships in the wandering widely scattered searching Refugee fleet are finally called to a star system nearly 400 light years from Earth by one of the survey ships. The second planet from the local star, like Earth the planet was terra-formed by the first wave, but somehow the planet missed the second wave's standard terra-forming practice, of dropping an asteroid to cause the die off of the first waves larger reptile species, the planets biology is a slightly worse match than Earth for the humans of the refugee fleet.

Using low radiation fusion bombs the fleet wipes out the larger first wave reptilian forms on most of the larger islands and one small continent opening several biological niches for mammals of a second wave terra-formed world.


20949 BC

The fleet names the planet Krypton because of the relatively large concentration of kryptonite in the planets upper crust and core. The Kryptonite in the planets crust is similar to the Black kryptonite used in the ships FTL drive and com system.  Like Black Kryptonite it is a trans-uranium element or group of elements that exist in more than the normal three dimensions. Unlike Black Kryptonite the coloured kryptonites, like green or red does not extend as far into the higher dimension as black kryptonite and causes a dimensional distortion in the normal three dimensions that is dangerous to all life forms.  On primitive sensors this slight distortion of the lower three dimension is often mistaken for radiation. Black kryptonite extend into higher dimensions than the other forms of kryptonite and is safe to use.

FTL communication is impossible within the Kryptonian solar system because of the large amount of kryptonite in the planets that orbit the local star.

The Refugee's weary and growing desperate assume Krypton is a safe world for them to colonize. Because of the lush reptilian biosphere containing many species familiar from Kobol they assume the natural green kryptonite is as safe as the black synthetic version and quickly colonize the hurriedly terra-formed sections of the planet spreading nearly five million people across the planet, dismantling ninety percent of their starships to build a self sustaining civilization on the planet.

The Atlantis colony, on Earth is finally getting on its feet restarts limited research into enhancing or augmenting the esper abilities present in all humans.


20937 BC

The Kryptonian medical personnel discovers that the colonist are slowly dying from long term kryptonite warp stress field, their scientist discover that the natural green kryptonite, unlike the black kryptonite used in their ship's warp cores and other FTL equipment, is causing warp stress in normal three dimensional space. A volume of space two light seconds across centered on Krypton has enough warp stress leaking into normal space to slowly kill every colonist on the planet.



A report is leaked that shows the kryptonian colony doesn't have the industrial capacity to rebuild the needed ships in time to save most of the colonist, several riots break out killing dozens and causing minor damage to several cities.


20934 BC

A Kryptonian colony is started in a nearby star system, but it is marginal at best, able to support a few thousand humans in very austere conditions.

The Earth colony of Atlantis is thriving more than 5 million people as of the last census, starting to do formal in depth resource surveys of the ice bound continents.


20933 BC

Atlantis starts refurbishing two of the abandoned ships preparing them to carry a small crew. One is tagged to head back to dead Kobol and maybe beyond to try and find where the other twelve refugee fleets settled, the other is going to search for the rest of the thirteenth colony fleet and see if they had settled down or want  to return to earth.

Meteorological studies indicate the ice is retreating the Atlantis colony decides to fully develop the plentiful minerals and rich farm lands of Atlantis and delay any large scale development of any other continent, of the more than five million humans on the planet less than 100,000 live off the continent of Atlantis.


20926 BC

The two refurbished starships leave earth neither are seen again.

Kryptonian unrest is growing as fewer and fewer options are being presented to the population.

One percent of the humans on krypton are starting to exhibit symptoms identical to low level radiation poisoning.

The ruling council on Krypton starts a massive research project trying to understand how the First wave reptiliods are thriving under the low level kryptonite warp stress.

Ground is broke on a massive research center set up on the mainland it is designed as a small self sufficient city the council worried about the collapse of their civilization push to make the research center self sufficient as possible.

An Atlantis census places well over ten million people now living on Earth.


20925 BC

The Kryptonian ruling council is dissolved fracturing into twenty small city states or territories each trying to get, their people off the planet and out of the dimensional stress or warp zone.

The research project studying the first wave reptiles continues relatively safe in a fortress built on the mainland among the gigantic reptile forms it's personnel are studying.

 Four percent of the humans on krypton are starting to exhibit advanced symptoms identical to radiation poisoning.

 A movement starts among the young especially the females of the Atlantis Earth colony, originally geared toward increasing the number of young people on the ruling council, it later changes into something that could be best be describes as a violent radical feminist cult called Silver.


20924 BC

The research center discovers anomalies in the aura's of all the life forms native to Krypton, they appear to have a very specific pattern that extends partly outside normal space into the other dimensions. The native animal's aura also stores energy gathered from their star's light and are somehow using that energy to cancel out or block the unique Kryptonian stress field around the planet.


20920 BC

Low level confrontations continue between the city states on Krypton each state is preventing citizens from a neighboring city from embarking on ships headed for the emergency colony, roughly ten percent of the planets population is exhibiting kryptonian poisoning symptoms.

Atlantis doubles the size of it's ruling council all new members are under the age of twenty-five, slightly less than half are female, there are nearly twelve million people living on Atlantis.


20919 BC

A plague starts at the Kryptonian emergency colony and spreads rapidly in the austere and crowded conditions, most ships rather than risk the plague or return to the Krypton, instead strike out for other nearby marginal worlds listed in their data base or make a desperate attempt to reach earth.


20918 BC

None of the ships sent to the emergency colony have returned, but the city states continue building and sending more ships, the research center on the mainland is completely abandoned to its own devices, the personnel and scientist continue to try and apply what they have learned about the reptiliod life forms to the human life form.


20916 BC

The search ship from earth arrives and starts to enter high orbit, for confusing reasons it is fired on by one of the city states, the ships defensive fire causes several other states to react and a limited war occurs killing nearly thirty percent on the planets remaining population and disabling the ship leaving it in a wildly erratic orbit around Krypton.


20915 BC

The Research center on the mainland discovers a way to add the multi-dimensional aura of the life forms native to krypton to a human colonist and it is effective in protecting a human from the damaging effects of kryptonite.

 The Research center announces their discovery and broadcast the plans on how to build the machinery needed to add the overlay to a human's aura, the complexity and cost of the equipment is so great that several war damaged city states can't build the needed hardware.

 It is discovered that the aura overlay is passed from mother to child naturally without the need of the machines, once the mother has it.

The overlay is no help in reversing the damage done by green kryptonites dimensional stress field it only prevents further damage, the research center estimates that probably 85% of the people who do receive the overlay with still die within ten years.


20913 BC

Open war is again being fought between the Kryptonian city states as they fight for the resources to build or maintain the machines that are adding the overlay to the surviving colonist.

 The war lord of the largest city state starts using the “walking dead” as armed human waves to take control of several other city states, a powerful speaker this dictator claims to have discovered a method that will reverse the damage to the millions that are dying, all he needs is more resources to build the machines.

20911 BC

On Earth an Atlantis census place the population at over fifteen million people with just over 140,000 living off the island continent.

 An Atlantis  hobbyist with a extremely high latent esper ability, starts playing with a samples of black kryptonite by embedding them in gemstones and accidentally discovers a way to manipulate the universe at the quantum level creating what he calls shadow matter, presenting this to Atlantis's ruling council they commission several research projects into the hobbyist discovery.


20910 BC

Krypton's population has fallen below a million, the research center on the mainland is the only remnant able to maintain their technology above an early 20th century level.

The mainland researchers try to start a program using hover cars to rotate survivors through their functioning Aura overlay equipment, but attacks and equipment failure ends this after just under 4000 more people are given the overlay.

A Mainland research center estimate based on the partial reports from the failed hover car program places the number of humans protected by the aura overlay as just over 600,000.


20890 BC

The Kryptonian research center discovers a way to tweak the protective aura and give all kryptonians a form of weak telepathy allowing them to communicate with close family.

Using the last of the functioning hover cars the research center determines that less than 500,000 colonist survive all under the age of thirty and with exception of the research base existing mostly as early iron age technology level.

Atlantis establishes the first major mainland colonies in area's we today call Egypt, Peru and Mexico.

Great strides have been made in the black kryptonite technology first developed by a hobbyist, the Three multi-ton FTL transmitters have been converted into almost magical production facilities.  A latent esper trained as engineer can use these facilities to literally imagine a complex multi-ton machine into existence as a form of shadow matter and then make it a permanent part of reality, by feeding an equivalent amount of mass into what is called a warp event fracture.


20810 BC

Their are more than a half billion people on Earth most living in Atlantis. The ruling council of earth decides to start the Henshin or Senshi project and salvage the black kryptonite warp cores from the thirteen remaining colony ships and place the multi-ton chunks of black kryptonite deep within the crust of the solar system planets and several of the largest moons. Each warp core is made to resonant with a specially designed control called a Henshin rod that they plan to linked to a group of specially trained latent espers. When completed and activated the Henshin rod link will allow the esper to tap energy from that world and use it on earth or when on their link-world reform entire sections any way they can imagine. The Atlantis council plans to use these specially trained espers to terra-form the nine planets and several large moons for colonies.


20800 BC

The survivors on krypton are finally getting back on their feet and their civilization is starting to recover already having reached the late 19th century in sustainable technology with the the Kryptonian research center managing to stay in the mid 20th century.


20710 BC

The badly damaged Earth ship, it's eccentric orbit badly decayed finally strikes Krypton hitting the ocean it causes quakes and tidal waves that flood nearly every coastal area on the planet and doing major damage to the planet's islands, leading to an mini ice age.

Most of the original Kryptonian cities are coastal or Island based and all are badly damaged or flooded in the near global tidal waves caused from the crash or the quakes that followed it.


20700 BC

Less than 300,000 humans survive on krypton all have moved to the mountains, for the next 1000 years krypton's climate varied wildly reliable cultivation became impossible and the survivors were forced to take up a nomadic lifestyle driving them to near stone age levels.


20650 BC

There are well over a billion people on Earth with most living on the continent of Atlantis, the research into black kyptonite's use in quantum manipulation and esper devices continues and is steadily improving..


20600 BC

The manager of a major research and development center dies and his assistant named Serenity takes over his position two weeks later twelve recently assigned research techs, secretly working for Silver movement, help Serenity steal all the research and more importantly the completed, but untested and unlinked Henshin rods. The Henshin rods are the culmination of two hundred and ten years of research, using these rods thirteen members of the Radical Feminist movement called Silver blasted there way out, killing half the personnel.

Serenity using her Henshin rod armed assistants quickly overwhelms the security at three nearby research centers, one of which held a five ton block of black kryptonite in storage.

Serenity and her Twelve assistants hold the conventional government forces at bay for nearly two months as deep moles placed by the Silver organization work feverishly to complete a project that is a combination of each center's line of research.

The Device finally complete Serenity waits an additional week until 50,000 reinforcement arrive and are preparing to crush her, then she activates the device and “Serenitizes” reality in a sphere 200 kilometer across, she replaces reality with a version where she is the unquestioned Queen.  The Device a technological equivalent to a wishing stone allows Serenity to alter reality and she uses the stone to essentially kill everyone within 200 kilometers replacing them with loyal subjects. The device fails after this one use as it's five ton heart of black kryptonite is reduced to splinters because of an unanticipated feedback loop.


20590 BC

 The last organized resistance to Silver's bid for world domination is destroyed and Serenity sets herself up as Queen of Earth with her twelve enforcers that she calls her princesses.


20500 BC

The first major rebellion called the Ring's rebellion occurs against Serenity a group of research scientist or wizards working under Serenity's rule steal two kilograms of black kryptonite splinters, after they have developed a new type of black kryptonite artifact.  The artifact only uses a near microscopic amount of black kryptonite embedded inside a specially grown diamond that is usually set into a titanium gold ring, these rings depending on the impurities used in the diamond gave esper based abilities.  The majority of these rings give a telekinetic ability, usually allowing the wearer telekinetically  move 50 kg of mass and form a protective cushioning field around their body, other rings gave the ability to move heat allowing the wearer to cool and heat objects by concentrating or spreading the heat around it.


20499 BC

The Ring rebellion is quickly crushed, the rings are far weaker than the Henshin rods and lack the ability to change reality on the quantum level, they cannot call forth a small blizzard or fire storm like the henshin rod enhanced enforcers of Serenity's rule. Several thousand rings are produced for the Ring rebellion, eventually Serenity acquires the ring technology and continues low level production throughout the Silver Millennium the rings are given to ranking officers and to the royalty she has created and often passed down within families.


20224 BC

The first Queen Serenity dies at the age of 340, before her death Serenity reveals to her heir a small broach made of the largest remnant of the black kryptonite taken from the original device she used to change reality.  The broach is essentially a miniature version of the destroyed machine and can also alter reality to fit the wearer's desire, but it draws on the wearer's life force and by some terrible turn of fate it is only resonant to the thought frequencies associated with caring and love. The broach is passed to the ninth daughter of Serenity, who then takes the name Serenity, it is unknown what happened to the other eight children.


20222 BC

Mystery Island is about the size of three modern US states Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi combined and is located roughly midway between Australia and Africa, just north of the south latitude of 45 degrees.

The Island was picked by the Second Queen Serenity in 20222 BC as a isolated place to train herself in the use of the Serenity Broach.

Using the Serenity Broach's ability to alter reality She decided to modified a minor cave system into a underground home.  Toward this goal she strengthened the natural cavern by transforming the cave walls, floor and ceiling into more than a half meter of clear flawless diamond that closely matched the shape of the original rock.

The cavern system had several exits to the surface including five that opened out the side of a shear cliff facing the eastern shore of the Island. The clear diamond at those eastern cliff entrances each morning acted as collectors that caused the walls to glow for hundreds of meters back down the winding tunnel.

On a whim she filled her cavern network with a tropical garden containing plants that normally could never grow that far south.

Turning her accidental discovery into a hobby she improved on it and altered or created an extensive, and well lighted cave system that after nearly two centuries of regular visits extended more than five kilometers inland from the east coast and run for hundreds of kilometers along nearly the entire length of that cliff strewn coast. 

The third Serenity also used the Island to train and after about ten years, moved a large number of grounds keepers and servants to the island and created a palace for her family.  She started the practice of creating large networks of isolated cavern gardens that echoed other parts of the world. Her cavern networks were usually located under cliffs or under rough terrain that prevented or limited plant growth on the surface, allowing her to create Skylights and light collection crystals that didn't compete with surface plant life.

 The Fourth Serenity also created several cavern networks and added to the Second Serenity's extensive eastern network creating a desalination system based on diamond focused sunlight that increased the humidity and temperature within the eastern cavern network.

Obsessed by her hobby of subterranean world building the Fourth Serenity created a very deep and extensive cave system near the heart of Mystery island's two largest mountains.  The cave system's center piece and lowest point was a large chamber more than two kilometer below the largest mountain's tip.  The chamber was almost a kilometer and a half in diameter and is over a third of kilometer from it's floor to roof.

The entire cave system was lighted by large diamond shafts extending up through the two mountains and the lowest portion held a small lake supplied with sea water from a system of small tunnels that was constantly exchanged by the tidal flow.


20223 BC

The second Queen Serenity as part of her acceptance speech orders research begun into getting back into space. To further this goal she opens all knowledge on black kryptonite setting up special schools to train the needed researchers, she continues and intensifies her mother's ban on equipment, books or knowledge brought to Earth by the original colonists.

By the end of the second Queen's reign 200 years later the only major remnants of pre-serenity technology exists in the Queens archives on the moon and the majority of the humans in the solar system exist as serfs with a hereditary nobility ruling over them, the only exceptions is the“wizard's” schools that will accept anyone who can demonstrate an ability to learn, these schools teach and study ways to use black kryptonite a material that Serenity has a near monopoly on.


19992 BC

 A colony from Earth is established on or above every planet and several of the larger moons in earth solar system, the current Serenity renames the planets and moons after her enforcers and makes them the nominal rulers of each world.


19522 BC

Near the end of the fourth Serenity's reign all but one of her daughters are assassinated along with the nobility and guards at one of her palaces in Atlantis. Unable to find more than vague rumors of a group called Cronon she moves her remaining daughter to the moon and turns the entire colony there into her royal palace.

The fourth Serenity feeling remorse for being on Mystery Island instead of in Atlantis with her children she evacuates all grounds keepers and servants from the Island and her other royal palaces and takes over the Lunar colony vowing to never return to Earth.

The Fourth Serenity's last official act from the surface of the Earth was to loan Mystery Island to Princess Callisto allowing her to move the biological research program from the Callisto colony, where it was occupying space needed for expansion and the experiments were constantly contaminating life support.

The Fifth Serenity as part of her traditional training modified a minor cavern network on the western side of the Island and also completed a larger cavern network for Princess Callisto's ongoing Biology research.

The Fifth Serenity's efforts marked the end of the creation of large extensive tunneling and the next three Serenity's combined only increased the caverns living area by five percent to roughly 87% of the Island's surface area.


19495 BC

The Fifth Serenity makes two surprise announcements at her acceptance speech, she establishes a system of judges appointed by Serenity and subject only to her, the nobility is surprised when several of these judges come from the wizard class and many are former serfs. Over the 219 years of the Fifth Serenity rule these judges set a precedent for honesty and not favoring the nobility often forcing the nobility to follow the few laws that apply to them.

The second announcement is the creation of a healer class of wizards that are available to all within ten years these healers are traveling with the Serenity judges as they make their rounds.


19492 BC

Serenity commissioned the development of special pendants for the judges, these pendants contain a tiny sliver of black kryptonite and with the specially grown blue diamond allow the judge to sense the emotions of anyone within five meters, in addition the pendants can also be used as a short range communication devices allowing the judge to ”speak”with any other judge within roughly 314 kilometers.


19483 BC

Serenity orders the designing of a special hammer, when the two esper rings, the judges were issued proved insufficient in several confrontations with the nobility. When the hammer was in hand it served as a power storage device and booster for the judges rings and pendant of office boosting the power, range and endurance by a factor of three.

The hammer contained no black kryptonite, instead the hammer head held copies of high density capacitors copied from a pre-Serenity cutting laser and a piezoelectric charging device both devices were made from examples stored in the Serenity Lunar archives and the handle was a resonant crystal/metallic device that converted the stored energy into a bio-aura form that could be moved safely across the judges natural aura to super-charge her rings and pendants of office.


19379 BC

A research center working on enhancing the thirteen henshin rods develops a way to store an echo of the memories of the person when they were using the Henshin rod, over the next ten years this technology is slowly applied to the Serenity Judges equipment and from their it is copied into all newly created equipment for the nobility.


19310 BC

Serenity orders all but a select few black kryptonite devices to be recycled and remade as more powerful tools using the improved techniques developed in the last few centuries, the new designs use less black Kryptonite allowing the number of devices to increases, allowing Serenity to cut the flow of black kryptonite from her stock-piles.


19300 BC

Krypton's climate is slowly stabilizing and warming making agriculture possible again in a few areas, these areas are eventually discovered by the nomadic humans and over a few centuries permanently settled as farming is rediscovered. These relatively stable pockets of humanity on Krypton eventually form the seeds to the starting of civilization as the planets stable areas slowly increase over the next 2000 years.


19273 BC

The Sixth Serenity announces at her coronation that no longer would the benefits of “magic” only be limited to the nobility and wizard class, she places several common black kryptonite devices under what she terms community property and requires the nobility to extend, where possible, their benefits to every serf in there domain. Most inventions“given”to the peasants were agricultural in nature and originally developed for the gardens and grounds of the nobility, but some such as the “Dome of Shielding” were for limited localized weather control and protection.

It should be noted that the Serfs still did not have direct access to any black kryptonite devices and had to rely on the nobility to actually extend the benefits. The nobility was reluctant at first, but this changed after two spectacular cases where the Serenity judges with the full backing of Queen Serenity's twelve enforcers strips the nobility, lands , and rights from the two most powerful families of Atlantis and gives their wealth and position to the cadet branches of other ruling families.

During the sixth Serenity's 205 year reign there was isolated attacks on her judges mostly by disgruntled nobility, but no large organized revolts were uncovered.


19064 BC

The Seventh Serenity coronation announcement is the declaration that all serfs have five rights that must be observed by all, among these was the right of free movement. Every serf had the right to petition a judge for a pass and to search for another estate, this proved to be an economic catastrophe for several of the harsher noble families as close to seventy percent of their serfs left many migrating to the population hungry planetary colony of Mars and the floating cities of Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.


19050 BC

In a judgment considered harsh by the nobility Serenity ordered the execution of twelve of a minor house's nobility including the ranking baroness and her husband and their four oldest daughters, they were convicted after ordering and carrying out the deaths of over 47 serfs, these serfs were killed as warning to the rest not to try and leave the floundering estate.  It should be noted that the death penalty was imposed not for killing the Serfs, but for trying to use that as a means to illegally keep the peasants on their estate.

Five major clandestine organization working against Queen Serenity were started in the ten years following the executions, but by the time of Beryl's birth the two surviving organizations had merged.


19010 BC

The small but explosively growing liquid gas mining colony of Pluto is destroyed when a tiny asteroid is converted into a weapon and crashed into the colony, killing more than ten million people most are immigrants from the harsher run nobility estates on earth.

Horrified at the cruel act by radical elements of the nobility and the loss of life, Serenity the seventh secretly orders the construction around Charon of a project originally shelved because of the nearly eight tons of black kryptonite needed.


19007 BC

The project on Charon is completed and activated and a small asteroid is compress by a warp field forming a micro-singularity that opens a crack in time. A staff like henshin rod is linked to the singularity and given to the surviving princess of pluto and she is charged with the security of the Serenity realm.

Sadly from the point of view of Serenity the gate of time isn't perfect, it only allows travel from the moment of its creation to about five hundred years into several possible futures, in practice the guardian of time can only find someone if they cause noticeable events within that range of time.

The formation of the singularity causes ripples across several parallel universes including one with a very aggressive and violent alien species calling themselves Metellia giving them a glimpse of earth's universe and solar system they begin to search for ways to invade Earth's universe.


19006 BC

Two of the five clandestine organizations are warned of the time gate's creation and watch with growing worry and fear as the other three organizations are ripped to shreds after a single attempt to strike at Serenity.


19002 BC

The two surviving organizations shocked at the effectiveness of the time-gate agree to share the information they have managed to steal about it's capability.

Statistical researchers working for both organizations independently discover that their is a new threat to young children, this “sickness” seems to hit within the first four years of life and strikes the nobility far out of proportion to the wizard or serf class.

The two organizations carefully bury themselves and stop all attacks on Serenity's government and set themselves the task of gaining access to time travel or finding a way to shield themselves from the time-gate near Charon.


19001 BC

Serenity's healer wizards develop a technique that will more than double the Queen and her twelve enforcers now commonly called planetary princesses lifespan increasing it from the three plus centuries to well over seven however this method can only be applied when the Henshin rods are transferred to their chosen daughter.


18859 BC

The eighth Serenity at her coronation announces that she will make available a technology to the peasants that will extend their lifespan from an average of fifty years to more than a hundred and ten years with the onset of old age being held off until people enter their late 90's.  She also includes the explanation that because of superior heredity most of the nobility already live nearly two centuries and they will have that increase to three centuries.  Serenity claims her divine nature allows her life span and the life span of the planetary princesses to be well over 400 years and that the new technology will increase it to over 800 years with old age only setting in within the last ten years.


18852 BC

Researches working for the two buried resistant organizations now essentially operating as one discover a method for sensing where a time portal is opened. The Technicians and leaders grimly start to watch as close to thirty newborn baby's a year die of the ”sickness” across the solar system each clearly marked by the telltale spikes of an opening and closing time portal.

The technicians also discover that there is hundreds of time spikes associated with the areas associated with the serfs, and there is often a debilitating accident that might be connected to the time spikes.


18710 BC

Technicians working for the resistant organization develop a way to jam or prevent a time portal from opening, the leaders are unwilling to test it afraid it would be noticed by Pluto and she would call the other twelve enforces or planetary princesses into the area to deal with the threat and destroy the jammer.


18613 BC

The aliens manage to start opening point portals to earth all are sensed by Pluto and the few Metellian scouts or youma that make it to our universe are usually fried within the first five steps.

The resistance carefully watches for nearly ten years before deciding to try and contact the aliens.


18604 BC

After ten years of watching every scout sent to our universe killed the aliens discover the resistant movement and manage to hide the creation of a partial portal that allows two way voice and visual contact between the two universes.

The resistant movement guided by the aliens quickly starts to develop radically new weapons and techniques based on the Metellian scientist's help.


18596 BC 

Beryl is born and at about the same time the alien race succeeds in opening a major portal in the area that will one day hold Tokyo and launch a major invasion of Earth and tens of thousands of the Metellian's other worldly monsters pour out only to be met by the prepared Serenity and her twelve enforcers and a small heavily armed army. Serenity and the twelve princesses circle the alien portal and attack moving inward devastating the alien army leaving the well armed soldiers that follow to mop up the few hundred aliens that survive the passage of the Queen and her twelve.

Serenity and the twelve with her fight there way to the alien portal and hold it against the aliens but are unable to close it with their Henshin based powers finally after a two day stand off a desperate Serenity uses her broach to force the portal shut after she has converted one cubic kilometer of the alien's home world into antimatter. The strain on Serenity's life force in changing the nature of that much matter and shielding it from the normal matter around it for the critical few seconds it took for her to “unmake” the machinery holding the portal open nearly kills her putting her into a coma for two months.

Under the cover of the large invasion portal the aliens manage to slip ten Metellian advisers and several tons of equipment to the resistance at a hidden base in what will someday be part of China.


18510 BC

The first experimental pool of Jusenkyo is put into operation, it is the unexpected result of combining the aliens genetic manipulation technology with the aura/esper based quantum manipulation technology of the Silver Millennium.

The pool appeared to function correctly for several small test animals giving them an alternate bird form, but when the first human test subject was used the larger human form partially overloaded the pool template and instead of creating a second form, that can be hidden, the pool altered the test subjects into a birdman. The resulting single form was deemed a partial success, the merged form could never be hidden, but the enhanced strength and limited flight capability was deemed useful and nearly a thousand members of the resistant movement were altered to act as a security for the base and a reserve military force, setting up a hidden base in a nearby mountain.


18505 BC

The first Successful switching or alternate form pool is created at Jusenkyo and a dog template is selected over the next fifty some odd years agents for the resistance spy on Serenity and her planetary princesses and none ever suspect that the stray house pets they are so fond of taking in are actually agents and spies.

Two more pools are grown, these are the first of the Youma type pools both are cat variant types that produce a cat like humanoid alternate form that is nearly four meters tall and weighs nearly a ton, the form is nearly fifteen times stronger than any normal human, but these Youma forms lack the ability to absorb life forces, fire energy blasts or call weapons into existence and their strength is estimated to be less than a tenth of the raw strength of the weakest of Serenity's twelve princesses.


18501 BC

There are now fifty pools at Jusenkyo nineteen are normal animal forms mostly human pets the remaining thirty pools are all large humanoid Youma animal variants all are far stronger than a human and far weaker than Serenity's twelve enforcers.

Beryl is elected leader of the joint resistance movement six months later her great granddaughter's first child dies of the “sickness” accompanied by the time spikes, as always the security devices show nothing except for a two second glitch about a day before the child dies corresponding exactly to the time spikes.


18496 BC

A group of teenagers consisting of Queen serenity's twin sons and fourteen daughters of Serenity's enforcers including Pluto's twin daughters are dining and watching a play in an enclosed room over the course of the play the two pet dogs and three pet cats the children had brought with them each sneeze several times releasing transparent clouds that eventually saturate the room.  Over the next ten years another pet sneezes near one of these children and within six months that child dies a horrible death as a some minor sickness suddenly turns incurable, the first two to die are the twin daughters of Pluto.

Beryl orders the technicians to keep a precise record of the temporal spikes that could be related to these children, as an after thought she orders a search of the temporal spikes to see how they match up with the children's known location.

A week later Beryl orders a celebration, after she reads a report about the fourteen children for every time where the children's position is know there is a solid mass of temporal spikes linked to the same area, the report ends with an apology for not seeing this sooner and a suggestion that these near constant temporal spikes can now be used to determine the position of these children and possible there family in real time.

At the end of the Celebration Beryl orders the death of the Pluto twins and a month later a pet bird sneezes, five months after that sneeze both girls are dead.


18495 BC

Technicians report that the death rate among the nobility from the “sickness” took a sudden sharp dive after the twins death and the deaths and accidents among the serfs and wizards children has dropped to nearly nothing.



Beryl is advised that the death rate from the “sickness” among the nobility is starting to rise again and beryl orders the death of Serenity's twin sons, four months later the first one dies and three months after this the other boy dies.


18494 BC

The researchers at Jusenkyo develop a Youma form that can absorb the aura or life force of any living thing and use this energy to temporarily boost their strength to a third of Serenity's enforcers the next forty pools are all tentacle or whip Youma types and bear little resemblance to anything from earth with the last ten being the most powerful and able to call weapons into existence if they can absorb enough energy, but none are a match for the Serenity enforcers.


18485 BC

The next ten pools created were all human pools male and female of several general types not based on any one human the pools instead were idealized and used for infiltration and to further extend the life spans without the problem of a non human second form, it had already been discovered that while in their Jusenkyo form that their original form did not age effectively adding the Jusenkyo created form's lifespan to their human lifespan.

Beryl uses the Jusenkyo pool with the template of a lovely young girl giving herself a second form of about fifteen years old.

Beryl attends a ball hosted by the Nobility placed in charge of the day to day running of Atlantis and the rest of Earth, Beryl uses her second form and attends as a distant relative named after her older form, not fully use to her second form and overconfident about the advantage her actual years gave her, she is smitten with an older boy named Edeymon and he manages to get her drunk and talks her into going alone into one of the mansions bedrooms as four friends run interference.

The next day Beryl after getting control of her anger decides to use it to her advantage, Edeymon's family is above reproach and trusted by the current Serenity, in her older form she confronts the family about how Edeymon treated her namesake and puts them in the position of having to engage the two.



Beryl now several months pregnant with Edeymon's child is having to spend almost all her time in her younger form to keep the timing right, she is taken by agents working for Serenity and her child is aborted, the next day Queen Serenity announces that her only daughter will be engaged to Edeymon the prince of Earth. When Beryl confronts the family in her older form she is told by Serenity in no uncertain terms to make the girl vanish and to never mention the engagement again.

Beryl is unable to kill the Queen's daughter she has already received Queen Serenity's henshin rod, making her immune to any feasible attack.


18483 BC

Beryl's older form is killed in a riding accident on her family's estate while entertaining princess Neptune two days later her younger form appears, Beryl has effectively lost her position in the nobility and is forced to allow her oldest daughter to take her position, she moves to Jusenkyo and concentrates her full attention on running the rebellion.

Several months after Beryl's “death” her great grandson is visiting his favorite “Aunty” and the five year old boy gets away from her falling into the first pool created at Jusenkyo making her favorite grandchild a birdboy.


18480 BC

The researchers at Jusenkyo are unable to fully reverse the boy's bird form and Beryl decides if she can't change him from being a birdman she will make him more powerful, taking her resistant movement's most secret possession, a fist sized chunk of black Kryptonite she carefully places half the black Kryptonite deep within a nearby mountain that houses the birdmen. The mountain also has several geothermal springs being fed by a small underground river her technician's powder the other half the black kryptonite and several esper healers distribute the superfine powder into every nerve cell in the boy's body.


18479 BC

The boy's enhancement is a success beyond belief careful studies estimate that when the boy is fully grown his body will be nearly as strong as one of Serenity's enforcers the so called planetary princesses, with an added advantage of near instantaneous regeneration. The Technician theorize that the black kryptonite distributed through out his nervous system is resonating with his aura allowing him to heal by pulling matter right out of the air around him, as long as he is receiving power from the buried chunk of black kryptonite he can heal any damage done to his body almost faster than damage could be done. The young boy has also started to manifest a thermal esper ability that if it continues to grow will be a near match for the princess of Mar's fire storms. It is not realized at the time but the boy is effectively immortal, literally having the ability to rise from his own ashes.


18466 BC

The Princess of Pluto, also known as the guardian of time is killed by a time traveler called Tempest entering this universe from a parallel universe, Princess Pluto goes to destroy the invader and he senses her presence and uses his time machine to kill her as she stands just out of phase with time readying a strike. The traveler calling himself Tempest then uses an unknown technology to shift the time gate out of this universe closing the crack in time and eventually using the singularity to creat a barrier isolating a large number of universe's from the greater multiverse.


18465 BC

Beryl discovers that Serenity has lost control of the micro-blackhole called the time gate and immediately starts accumulating Jusenkyo enhanced troops and spreading them to the planetary colonies.

Kryptonian civilization is slowly rebuilding and has reached the technology level roughly equivalent to the later Egyptian's, the population is well over 20 million humans and climbing, the fertile civilized areas are far from the original cities and the swampy coastal areas and the still rough oceans are avoided, legend warn to avoid them and call them the dying places.


18464 BC

A new pool is created at Jusenkyo and has a template that produces a Youma that looks completely human.

Beryl again uses a Jusenkyo pool and gets an alternate form of a human looking female Youma the form appears to be human but has the ability to absorb life force and fire energy blast.


18463 BC

Edeymon is put in charge of Atlantis's security forces he assigns his four closest friends as generals of various sectors of earth.


18460 BC

During the first six months of this year all four generals are kidnap and each is used in turn to make a template on a single Jusenkyo pool and are replaced by a person loyal to Beryl, in each case the person that replaces them has spent years at the generals side as a loyal pet.

The four general's are turned into pig's and held in pens, they are being kept for a very special hunt

Edeymon is invited over the last six months of this year on a hunt by his generals in each case the hunt is a great success and they kill the wild pig they were hunting.

Beryl orders random attacks by a few of her Youma to mimic the reappearance of the alien scouts.


18462 BC

Beryl is quickly building her army and spreading it to the colony worlds, she is getting worried that Serenity or those loyal to her will notice the Serfs and Nobility vanishing to receive their alternate forms and military training for the coming attack.

Several small towns near where the Metellian invasion portal appeared are apparently attacked and destroyed the few surviving eye witnesses say that alien monsters came and carried off the people as they destroyed the village, the first few attacks are staged the people carried off are loyal to the resistance movement and the few left behind are visitors or relatively recent immigrants to the area.

Beryl has several attacks staged on villages in the areas most loyal to the resistance to explain the disappearances, several villages and small towns are really destroyed with the people carried off and later killed.


18458 BC

Beryl kidnaps two of Queen Serenity's closest friends and adviser, putting both asleep they are taken to Jusenkyo and given the forms of a white and a black kitten, Beryl returns the advisers now in the form of kittens with a note saying you killed my child and countless other children, soon in the name of Metallia, Queen Beryl will rule.

The daughter of the two advisers is a Serenity judge and because of her medallion enhanced esper sense realizes that the two kittens are her parents the Queen's missing friends and advisers.

Queen Serenity is unable to change her adviser's back because she nearly burned herself out using the broach to destroying the alien's gate to this universe and any heavy use of the Serenity broach will kill her.

18456 BC

Queen Serenity's Wizards and Senshi are unable to help, the best the Technicians can do is increase the kitten's lifespan to about a hundred years and embed a black kryptonite device under the skin on the forehead the devices gives the cats several minor esper abilities among these abilities is the ability to telepathicly project a human voice to anyone nearby, telekinetically move small objects and teleport small objects into and out of a shallow subspace pocket that seems to be connected to their forms.


18454 BC

Queen Serenity secretly decides to step down the following year, Beryl is informed of this decision within a day and plans her attack for then, all the enforcers will be present at the royal palace on the moon.


18453 BC

The day of the coronation Beryl forces transform and attack all across the solar system with the bulk of her most powerful Youma's following her into the Serenity palace colony on the moon, the surprise is complete across the solar system and the colonies and cities are quickly falling to Beryl's forces, only the palace colony on the moon is putting up a partially effective resistance.

Serenity sees the reports of Youma appearing in every city and the defenses collapsing under the onslaught of what she believes to be human turn coats aided by alien hordes and can only watch as her security forces are slowly destroyed soon only her twelve princess defending the central palace, with herself, and Edeymon badly wounded by his turn coat generals and a few retainers huddling inside.

Serenity feeling her daughter and the other twelve princesses slowly weakening even as she watches the alien monster drain the life force from her subjects and use it to attack. Serenity develops a desperate plan and tells the advisers trapped in house cat forms her plans and then orders them to take the broach when she dies and find a hiding place. Serenity already in the first stages of releasing the broach to her daughter can only place a final set of commands or programming in the broach. She programs the broach to use her life force to alter the thirteen henshin rods and Edeymon's rose medellian of office to record the full memories of their bearers up to the moment of death and then come to the broach, when the last returns the broach will activate the dooms day devices and then tap the power of the Henshin rods for power and place the two advisors in stasis and go to the original invasion site on earth the broach is programmed not to release the stasis until it senses the aliens returning scouts, after which fourteen barren couples will be chosen to bear genetic duplicates of Edeymon, her daughter and the twelve princesses.

Serenity activates the broach and dies and the cats take the broach and hide spending two hours watching as Beryl's forces slowly whittle down the defenders.

The Senshi dies and the broach activates the dooms day devices all over the solar system and leaves the Lunar palace with the cats thirty seconds later Serenity's Lunar colony is reduced to a large crater in a self destruction blast, the other planetary colonies are destroyed in nearly the same instant as the self-destruct charges placed by one of the early Serenity's detonates destroying them. Earth is ravaged by specially placed dooms day devices planted under the polar ice caps and in the Atlantis continent's many fault lines starting the polar ice caps to rapidly melt and pushing the geologically unstable Island continent into a flurry of earth quakes and volcanic activity that quickly makes Atlantis un-inhabitable and slowly starts it sinking into the sea, within four years nearly every know city on earth is under water and Atlantis is gone.

Throughout the solar system only a few major Silver Millennium constructions survive. One is the Serenity Lunar Archives hidden under a airless mountain on the far side of the moon well away from what had been the Terra-formed Green hills of the Lunar colony.  Another was the Jusenkyo valley and what would come to be called the Phoenix mountain, home of the bird people.

At the time of the fall of the Silver Millennium in 18453 BC Mystery Island only had a relatively small contingent of humans working as research assistants to the current Princess Callisto and most of the Subterranean gardens had run wild turning into Jungles populated by exotic species from around the world living along side escaped or released genetic experiments.

The massive world wide tidal waves created by the sinking of Atlantis and other doomsday weapons devastate most of the surface of the Island, but left the subterranean gardens in there diamond caverns relatively unharmed.

The surviving researchers leave the Island a few years later when the ocean has again settled and are lost at sea when there cobbled together ship is destroyed in a storm.

Mystery Island with it's extensive geological and biological modifications is left untended until another Princess Callisto returns in the year 522 AD.

The majority of Callisto's genetic experiments in both the plant and animal kingdom proved to be less capable of surviving than the transplanted natural species, but a small number did thrive and a very large percentage of other experiments managed to breed with their original species introducing the modified gene sequences as recessive traits.

On Mystery Island It is fairly common for normally seeming animals to produce "mutant" off spring that are actually the result of recessive genes introduced by Princess Callisto's genetic experiments.

The Island is home to unknown species and known species with unique traits not seen anywhere else in the world.

When the Lancelot League refugees washed up on Mystery Islands shores in the 520's they found a world beyond myth and nearly as alien as another planet.


18447 BC

The Baroness Jasper the ranking member of the resistance movement left at Jusenkyo goes insane and blames the destruction of their civilization on the Youma forms and personally destroys the equipment used to create their templates and kills the few remaining Aliens and their human assistants, they had trained, she then personally orders the templates of all Youma pools changed to match normal animals from the research zoo.

Beryl's great grandson, returns from a rescue mission and out ranking Baroness Jasper both in respect from the personnel of Jusenkyo and in being an heir to Beryl orders her imprisonment, stopping her before she changes the templates of the last three Youma pool.

Beryl's Grandson afraid of others with similar feeling within the Technicians or wizards overseeing Jusenkyo orders them to lock Jusenkyo in a permanent search loop, the pools will only accept a new template if it meets a selected set of criteria.


18440 BC

The volcanic activity reverses the Earth's trend of steadily growing warmer to growing colder and for the next 5000 years the ice age deepens and human civilization is reduced to near stone age levels, with only a few carefully hidden and protected remnants of Silver Millennium knowledge surviving, the actual technology lacking moving parts and based on crystal material partially survives world wide.


17232 BC

Beryl's great grandson or Lord Phoenix as he is now known orders the thawing of the first pool created at jusenkyo and alters the large majority of normal humans to the bird form to eliminate the fighting and racism that was developing between the two groups in Phoenix Mountain.


13532 BC

Earth's induced return to ice age has ended and the planet is now back to the point just before the original colony fleet arrived, human civilization is essentially stone age with “magical” artifacts rare but know to all.

Krypton's civilization is just below the what will one day be Earth's Roman civilization and most humans living there are in the grip of two competing warrior based slowly expanding empires. Several defeated refugee groups have fled first to the swampy coast and then later to what legends say to shun the dead places in the sea or the Islands of krypton's oceans and seas.

13210 BC

The first city, since the fall of the Silver Millennium ”AMAZONIUM” is built on earth, but not a truly stable civilization because it lacked any knowledge of agriculture instead a nomadic group discovers a Silver Millennium artifact that was used in agriculture, the artifact used the latent esper ability of the person that touched it and could inhibit the growth of unwanted plants, while greatly enhancing the growth of selected plants, the range varied from 100 to 125 kilometers depending on the current “high priest” latent esper abilities. The single city set up to house the artifact and it's priests was surrounded by a large population of essentially nomadic people slowly traveling and harvesting in a circular area 200 to 250 kilometers in diameter the outer edge always defined by a dense layer of thorn bearing and noxious plants.

Krypton's mainland civilizations is trapped in two competing Roman level empires that hold the planet essentially in technological stasis for the next 3000 years.

13103 BC

The Amazonium people are on the verge of true civilization the plant priest of the city have developed a primitive written language and have developed methods for fighting insect and plant blights that are the equivalent of modern agriculture. There territory is a marvel of water ways and wooden wind powered machines mostly to move water.

Amazonium falls to nomadic warrior group that has develop the bow and obtained a cache of a dozen Silver millennium weapons called fire rings, Amazonium is burned to the ground killing most of the priest and the plant growth artifact is taken.


13101 BC

A large group of female slaves mostly Amazonium, but with a significant number of other tribes also part of the group escape the nomads by stealing several bows and four fire rings, the Amazonium's quickly apply their superior knowledge of wood to produce composite bows that far out range the fire rings and the nomad's bows allowing the ex-slaves to drive off those pursuing them. 

The Amazonium women are forced back into a nomadic lifestyle without the plant growth artifact and as a group they are perceived as weak and attacked repeatedly by other nomadic groups leading them to form a society of warrior women dedicated to increasing their combat skill, acquiring magical artifacts and keeping ancient knowledge alive. One group direct of descendants from these ex-slaves survives into modern times in a mountainous region in China near the Jusenkyo pools the  largest surviving remnant of Silver Millennium technology on Earth.


12592 BC

Krypton's mainland societies are stuck in roman era empires that are at near technological stasis, but several desperate refugee groups have managed to cross the unpredictably dangerous oceans to coastal Islands and have more dynamic societies slowly building in relative isolation.


10903 BC

Two Kryptonian Islands separated by some of the deadliest open water on krypton develop submersible ships to allow safe passage, the two large Islands are just visible to each other from the tallest hill tops had been in contact for the last century through a set of large mirrors placed on the hill tops. One Island with several fertile well protected valleys was ideal for farming , while the other had several rich mineral deposits, but lacked an area that was well protected from the near constant storms blowing in from the ocean and sporadic trading had been attempted for centuries with little success, with most ships not surviving a single voyage. A long distant relationship developed between the two Island Librarians and flourished for several years, in desperation they researched their archives and developed theories for crossing the open water safely and passed them to inventors and ship builders, it took fifteen years, and several lost ships, but eventually a design was developed that worked, able to submerge if a storm or water spout blew in and armed with the recently developed gun powder rockets to defend against the large ocean reptiles started making regular runs, within twenty years their ships were aggressively trading between all the coastal Islands.


10300 BC

Krypton's two mainland warrior empires have unofficially been aware of the thriving and growing trading cultures living in the dead places, for two hundred and fifty years, but they are largely ignored because of the legends and fear the people of the mainland had of the sea, this changed when a mineral rich, but swampy mainland peninsula was colonized for mining and the radical ideas and technology started to seep into the surrounding peasants the resulting rebellion in three provinces scared the ruling class in both empires and started a war that lasted through two centuries of uneasy stalemate where the huge number of well trained warriors was balanced by the relatively quickly evolving ideas and technology of the Island culture.


9970 BC

The two Kryptonian mainland Roman style empire start to collapse more or less at the same time as the idea's and technology they were forced to embrace to stand against the Islanders creates internal stresses that break the two empires into dozens of warring kingdoms.


9912 BC

The Kryptonian dark ages begin as the Islander economies are unprepared for the total chaos created as the empires fall apart and the well trained renegade warriors turn to barbaric activities that takes the Islands down with them. The fragile and relatively limited resources of the Islands allows the dark ages to last nearly a thousand years.


9007 BC

By tradition this year is chosen to mark the end of the Kryptonian dark ages, in this year the King of Aljerzon signed into law the Decree that all citizen had to be able to read and write or suffer expulsion, originally intended as a method of population control this law along with the later related laws dealing with Algebra, Geometry and History instead resulted in a near 100% literacy rate and a semi-black market education system that within fifty years had turned Aljerzon into a center for learning and technological redevelopment.


8786 BC

Krypton's technology is roughly equivalent to mid 20th century Earth, near the end of this year a archeology group discover an intact time capsule in the foundations of a building in one of the partially submerged cities, it contains an intact collection of books running from a child's first reader to his or her tenth year, this collection of books become the Rosetta stone for the remnants of high technology scattered over Krypton and floating in orbit.


8778 BC

Earth's nomadic groups are slowly growing and starting to rediscover farming, but hindered by the continual disruptive shifts in power as Silver Millennium artifacts are discovered, lost or stolen leading to almost constant warfare at the tribal level.


8776 BC

Krypton puts a satellite in orbit, within ten years they have managed to place archaeologist on several of the abandoned platforms still orbiting Krypton.


8760 BC

Krypton's civilization is rapidly expanding back into space and has redeveloped copies of the Fusion and atomic power plants found in orbit.


8699 BC

Krypton launches three large FTL ships constructed with green Kryptonite warp cores the ships spend a year inside the Kryptonian solar system performing a shakedown mission.  Following the Shakedown mission the ships start a trip to the long silent emergency colony, hopefully to solve what the popular media are calling the greatest mystery since the fall.


8698 BC

The ships leave Krypton for the near mythical emergency colony, because of the use of inferior green Kryptonite for the ship's warp core the trip will take just under two years.

Four months after the ships leave Krypton one of several dozen sublight kryptonian ships doing a survey of the equivalent of the Ort cloud discovers a dead star ship and over the next six months it is carefully analyzed by Kryptonian archaeologist. It is one of the original vessels sent to the colony all aboard are dead apparently killed by a plague running rampant at the colony.


8697 BC

The dead ship placed in a parking orbit around one of Krypton's small moons is being carefully studied, among the discoveries is the coordinates of Earth's solar system, but with Krypton's current FTL technology the trip would take two hundred and sixty years one way.


8696 BC

The Plague long dead with the original crew is isolated and made viable again by a Bio-Archaeologist working under cover for his state, he secrets the samples in lead lined containers to insure they survive the high radiation de-contamination process and they make it back to krypton sadly the containers could not stand up to the abuse of the luggage handlers and leaked the plague contaminating several thousand containers at a major planetary airport hub.

Medical personnel quickly develop a vaccine, but the sudden wide distribution of the plague makes it impossible to get it to the people fast enough, half who contract it die with nearly 55% of krypton's population ultimately dyeing from the sickness or the chaos it causes. One blessing is that Krypton's human population is no longer suffering from low level radiation sickness and the plague is not 100% lethal as it was among the already sick refugees at the emergency colony.

 The three survey ships return and find a radically different world the political back lash has replaced the multi-state system with a single very conservative government that is clamping down on all research and is in the process of outlawing space travel.


8695 BC

Krypton's surviving population is terrified and the new planetary government has quarantined all space travelers no one is allow back on the planet once leaving the atmosphere.


8693 BC

Krypton's government starts cutting back on the one way supply missions to the nearly 40,000 kryptonians marooned in orbit

 Late in the year a atmospheric shuttle with two hundred passengers is destroyed by a low yield atomic tipped missile as it try's to enter Krypton's atmosphere.


8691 BC

The Kryptonians trapped in orbit, already vaccinated against the plague decide it is better to move to the emergency colony and try and rebuild it than to starve in orbit around krypton.

Over the next fifteen years the three ships with the green kryptonite warp cores plus one more ship with a salvaged black kryptonite warp core, make regular runs that slowly move stranded population and space assets from around Krypton to the emergency colony.

The Government on Krypton slowly grows more repressive all types of research is stopped and all innovations must pass a board of directors.


8687 BC

The Kryptonian Government starts shipping prisoners into orbit, most are dissidents or scientist that have broke the restrictive rules about research.


8679 BC

A prison shuttle is put into orbit, all on board had been secretly infected with a “superflu” that was immune to all known Kryptonian medicines.

This “superflu” kills roughly eight hundred people including all but fifty in the convict shuttle, before the medical personnel in orbit develop fully effective medicines.

The Government of krypton uses this “new plague” to further solidify their grip on the planet, all dissidents are now executed.


8675 BC

Four shuttles are launched and the world government tells those in orbit it is more dissidents instead the shuttles contain atomic missiles and these are launched at the remaining space assets, the missiles are large and slow and are quickly destroyed by rebuilt energy weapons found at the dead emergency colony.

The few remaining orbital facilities are harassed on a weekly basis by atomic tipped missiles.


8674 BC

Krypton's government announces plans to build ground based energy weapons to sweep the sky of the plague carrying monsters.

Late in the year several dozen missiles are fired at the last green house left in a high orbit around Krypton the missiles in a surprise move detonate a few hundred miles above the atmosphere and bath the facility in bomb pumped x-ray lasers, the extreme range prevented the x- ray lasers from punctureing the hull, but the radiation devastates the facility trashing most of the electronics, sterilizing the crops and consigning the 300 kryptonian's tending the crops to sixteen days of slow death.

Fearful of more pop-up attacks the kryptonians abandoned the green house and the few remaining assets in similar orbits.

8673 BC

Krypton's system is at last stripped of all space assets and the last ship prepares to leave it's parking orbit around one of Krypton's small moons.

The ruling council of Krypton is gathered and announces a planetary celebration as the plague threat from above has been driven away.

The ship drops two large objects and slowly accelerates from the system, about a day later when the ship is well out of range of any weapon on Krypton two large missiles are ejected from their platforms and using a new type drive accelerate to 75,000 kmph one slams into the main government complex in the planetary capital killing thousands and taking out the planetary government, the other slams into the only space port left on the planet destroying it.


8672 BC

Krypton in spite of the chance it was given reforms a repressive government with essentially the same policies as the original.


8670 BC

The planet with the emergency colony is renamed New Krypton and unlike the first colony attempt every viable square kilometer of the planet is given over to agriculture, no cities are built or rebuilt on the planet instead the majority of the 86000 New Kryptonians must make do with living in orbit near the mining and production facilities.

In spite of these measures and severe birth control, starvation is a real concern in the New Kryptonian colonies right up to what on Earth will be called the twenty first century.


8665 BC

One of the FTL ships checking other marginal worlds listed in the old records finally discovers a live colony the planet has less than ten thousand humans and has dropped back to near stone age levels.

The ship estimates the world could safely support thirty thousand with their modern methods and quickly returns to new krypton with the news.


8664 BC

Two of New krypton's FTL ship returns to the world with 8,000 colonist to establish a colony, like New Krypton the planet is given over to agriculture, with cities and production facilities to remain in orbit or placed in the asteroids and small moons.


8630 BC

The New Kryptonians start making infrequent mining trips to their home system to obtain the natural kryptonite that abounds there, all ships come out of hyperdrive in such a way as to put Krypton's star between them and the inhabited planet.


8000 BC

The New Krypton state is spread across twenty star systems, but all the habitable worlds are marginal and there are less than eight million citizens, New Krypton can barely maintain twenty starships only three of which have salvaged black kryptonite warp cores.

All New Kryptonian starships have a "solariums", which are a critical part of the life support especially on voyages lasting longer than fifty days.  The protective aura of a Kryptonian must be bathed in the light spectra of a red sun regularly or it will lose it's protective qualities.

In what at first appears to be a improbably unrelated coincidence all New Kryptonian colony worlds orbit stars very similar to Krypton's and their protective aura  produces no noticeable enhancements.  New Kryptonian technology is heavily based on red and green kryptonite and it is extensively used in nearly everything not  just the systems found on a starship. All New Kryptonians have come to consider Red star light a necessary part of human life and while they have an extensive set of exploration programs they are ignoring any solar system which does not have a Red sun.  


7500 BC

New Krypton's population has been allowed to grow to ten million, slightly worried about their genetics and the relatively small original gene pool a public expedition is sent to Krypton and is received with shouts of monsters and waves of little improved, but much larger and longer ranged x-ray laser missiles, unwilling and unable to fight a war the New Kryptonian ships publicly leave the system.


7413 BC

Three New Kryptonian starships with much improved green kryptonite warp cores are sent on a two hundred year mission back to the coordinates where ancient records hint of Earth, the crew spends most of the nearly 90 year journey to Earth in recently perfected cold sleep.


7325 BC

The New Kryptonian starships enter Earths solar system and the crew is brought out of cold sleep, surprised at the primitive conditions and yet relatively large concentration of people they miss the remnants of the Silver Millennium and start their primary mission of gathering genetic samples over a fifteen year period nearly fifty thousand young children are purchased from parents, slave traders and warring tribes. These “volunteers” are given copies of a Kryptonian aura to protect them from the ships Green Kryptonite warp cores and placed in cold sleep. The crew worried about plague type sickness spends little time off the ships returning every ten days for a careful checkup and decontamination.  The frequent returns to the starships and the on board red sunlight solariums keeps the New Kryptonian's protective aura charged with red starlight preventing the crew from absorbing enough yellow sunlight to start developing superhuman abilities or gaining a weakness to kryptonite. 


7310 BC

The Three New Kryptonian starships leave earth, less than thirty adult Earthling leave Earth with them mostly spouses picked up by the ships small crew, no New Kryptonians remain behind. The starships are badly worn and because of the inability to fully repair or rebuild the ships the voyage home will be done at reduced speed and take nearly a hundred and fifty years.


7110 BC

The Three New Kryptonian Ships finally arrive back in New Krypton space. One ship suffered a partial break down and rather than separate the ships they all travel at reduced speed. The children are distributed randomly to volunteer families all across New kryptonian space and the genetic material is eventually used to clone and test tube several million more children that are also distributed across the now thirty worlds of New Kryptonian space.


7100 BC

New krypton's population has grown to nearly thirty million and facing near starvation as one of the better farming worlds suffers an outbreak of a new mold that devastates the main crops , it takes nearly five years of hard work to develop treatments and introduce modified crops that are resistant, nobody quite starves, but it is a very close call.


7043 BC

New Krypton is planning on sending a larger fleet of ships to Earth on a second genetic harvesting mission. About six months before sending the fleet a chance discovery reveals a way to turn a starship invisible. Instead of a long and dangerous voyage to Earth the New kryptonian council instead opts for many small raids of Krypton.


7040 BC

A New Krypton ship successfully enters Krypton's atmosphere and hides in the ocean over the next two years it kidnaps people in isolated boats carefully sinking their vessels with "accidents".  When it finally sneaks back off world it has nearly fifty native Kryptonians in cold sleep.

These “Gene” raids continue at this level for nearly a hundred years until New Kryptonian infiltraters manage to establish agencies on Krypton and other methods are used.


6945 BC

Nue Kryp an upstart company on Krypton that under bids and beats out several other companies for the disintegration contract at a Island prison, within twenty years Nue Kryp has all disintegration contracts on the planet and between five hundred and a thousand criminals a year are being funneled through their seaside center and off the planet to New Kryptonian space.


6883 BC

Krypton's government discovers the New kryptonian activity , but rather than pushing them off the world they instead infiltrate their planet based organization and watch it closely.


6862 BC

Nue Kryp is allowed to take over the prison system and establish “Island” prison's for those prisoners with life sentences. Almost simultaneous with this the Krypton government cracks down and extends the number of crimes that receive life sentences.


6732 BC

Starvation again faces the New Kryptonians their populations now at 63 million, one of their colony planet's star has an unpredicted increase in sun spot activity and increases radiation output. The radiation isn't a threat to the New kryptonian's, but the colony world has a thin atmosphere and the extra radiation badly damages their crops. The New Kryptonian have stock piled food obsessively, but the persistent mold, on their best world for the previous ten years has left them with less than a three year's surplus of food and at least five years will be needed to deepen the ozone layer over the colony world, with another two to get crop production back up.


6731 BC

The Kryptonian council decides to replace it's emergency supply of food, Krypton has a steady population of six billion people and the Kryptonian council keeps enough food stored around Krypton to feed a billion people for six months, the emergency food is stored in a high tech form similar to earth's 20th century MRE's, but with a hundred year self life. The council decides to replace these emergency rations fifteen years early and gives a large portion of the old emergency rations to the prison system, with the rest being snapped up by hastily created New Kryptonian front organizations.


5772 BC

An asteroid is discovered by Kryptonian astronomers on a collision course with the planet.  Initial calculations indicate it will hit within the year, but calculations done when the asteroid passed from behind the Sun show it missing Krypton by a large margin and heading back into deep space.


5001 BC

Both New Krypton and Krypton have roughly the equivalent of 300 years of technological growth and improvement in the next 7000 years when it is compared to the explosive growth of the 19 th and 20 th centuries of Earth.

New Krypton has a hundred million citizen spread across fifty worlds in forty star systems, in 5000 BC and by the 20th century it's population is barely two hundred million. It's technology is slowly improving, but they lack the population to develop quickly and are hindered by the marginality of the worlds they are forced to live on.  Kryptoforming of planets has turned out to be a expensive slow process with many near lethal stumbling blocks to avoid.

During this 7000 year period Krypton has a stable population of 6 billion people, but they live under a very restrictive social and political system that is dedicated to protecting it's people from changes and have purposely limited their technological growth. The illegal, but accepted transfer of renegades and dissidents to New Krypton has increased that groups technological innovation. But the New Kryptonian economy is saddled with building entire worlds and can't exploit most ideas fully for centuries, if ever.


5000 BC to 4000 BC

Earth's public history from known archeology digs and known translatable writing begins.




Early in this year the first self declared King Pendragon employs a young welsh Bard named Merlin, four months later the Romans slaughter Pendragon and his small army.

The bard one of the few english survivors goes insane at the horror and ruthlessness of the Romans during and after the battle. The Bard flees into the hills living in caves and singing senseless songs for the next 5 years.



Merlin while living in an ancient cave discovers a buried skeleton. The skeleton is the remains of Tartholon, a Serenity era high ranking Tech or "wizard".  Tartholon survived the destruction of Atlantis and the other Silver Millennium cities on Earth, and died during the renewed ice-age.

 Merlin removes the various crystal Silver millennium artifacts from the nearly decomposed skeleton and takes them for his own.

 Merlin is one of Tartholon's descendants and gains full access to all the memories echoed in Tartholon's personal tools. Merlin in his insanity makes the echoes his own, eventually coming to believe he is Merlin Tartholon the last wizard.


a DETAILS for year 302 may be created for the artifacts taken from the Skeleton. For now the skeleton was wearing two Rings, a technician or wizards necklace and a high "wizards" work bracers.

The bracers are designed for testing, building and modifying the crystal esper interface circuits that surround a black kryptonite splinter and the necklace has a sensor array. This sensor array gives Merlin the ability to sense inactive Silver Millennium artifacts within two kilometers and active artifacts within 220 kilometers.



Merlin now believing he is Merlin Tartholon starts moving among several small villages, using his ancient knowledge to help and heal the sick, where he can.

 Merlin is guided by his bracers to one more Silver Millennium skeleton, she was a Serenity Judge and her amulet, rings and hammer are mixed in the remains along with a teacher's bracelet.

 The artifacts are useless to Merlin he isn't a close enough descendant and worse yet is male.

 The Teachers bracelet was a fairly rare device used by some Judges to teach the peasant children. The device allowed the Judge to create a 3D illusion from any light source up to 2 cubic meters in size.



Merlin marries a 16 year old orphan from one of the villages he is helping and gives her the Judges artifacts she is a descendant and slowly gains access to the memories and functions of the Judges artifacts.



A Roman centurion hearing of Merlin goes in search planning on using him to get back in the good graces of his commanders and make his way back to Rome.

 Late in the year he attempts to kidnap Merlin and loses 5 troopers to Merlin's Fire Ring and telekinetic ring, Merlin escapes.

The Centurion try again later making a Kidnapping attempt at Merlin's home village. The attempt is quickly ended when Merlin appears to conjure a small fire breathing dragon to protect himself and the village.



Merlin leaves the villages with 30 able bodied men heading for the area where he believes the only Silver Millennium era city on the Island was buried.



Two Centurions return and attempt to invade the villages the dragon appears to return during the night and drives the Romans away badly burning several with it's fire.



Merlin and most of the men return Ten are armed with various Silver Millennium Rings and a small amount of salvaged metals mostly gold and aluminum.

Merlin has used his bracers to modify several damaged artifacts into a large crystal staff he carries.

The greatest find was the discovery of reparable dome of shielding, long buried under the rubble created by the city's doomsday device.



Merlin receives word of 3 legions marching on the "rebellion" supposedly centered on their small village.



Merlin's village and four others move to the valley that once held the small Silver millennium city called Avalon.

Merlin and his wife, with the help of the five villages have built a stone tower and installed the repaired dome of shielding and are powering it from the natural geothermal vent, that had been at the heart of the Silver Millennium city.



The Roman Legions enters the area looking for the Wizard and the rebels he guards. The Legions instead find dismantled villages and hastily harvested crops.



The three legions track the five villages to the valley and discover a large newly constructed village containing about 400 people all defiantly waiting behind crude fortifications.

Two legions form up and prepare to attack, while the third acts as a reserve and starts construction of a camp fort.

The attack goes forward and the Roman's easily block a small wave of stone tipped arrows, remaining in good formation as they charge the village lines entrenched before them.

The Romans formation shatters as the front lines are suddenly pitched to the ground by the appearance of a shimmering frictionless surface slowly rising above the heads of the villagers nearly 100 feet away. A half dozen Romans die trampled to death by the others their feet losing purchase and falling.

Hundreds more die in the hail of arrows and large stones, as the villagers take advantage of the Roman's confusion.

The shimmering ceiling flicking in and out of existence overhead as it allows the projectiles to pass while continuing to impede the Romans.

The Romans unsure how to deal with this unique defense regroup and retreat to the camp, finally deciding on a siege.

The Roman sappers eventually discover the low shimmering dome is over 2000 feet in diameter, on the surface, and that is probably only the exposed portion of a sphere nearly 10600 feet in diameter, most of it buried in the ground.

The Romans can only watch in confusion and unease as the native villagers go about planting crops in spite of the approaching winter.



The Romans are not happy when they realize that the entire area inside the dome has been given over to farming and the dome is somehow keeping it warm enough to protect the crops from frost and snow.



The Romans huddled in crude huts against the cold watch as the villagers work their fields with silvery tools that glint in the cold winters light.

Several ponds are growing under portals in the dome allowing snow and ice to collect at the villagers command.



Merlin and his wife stage several "dragon" attacks both on the Roman units holding their village under siege and any Roman garrison with in a month's travel distance.



All attempts to defeat the shimmering dome are foiled, the large siege engines are mostly destroyed in their first shot when the shattered stones repulsed by the dome slam back into the launch area devastating the crews and damaging or destroying the machines.



The Dragon raids end with the first snow as Merlin and his wife return to the protected village.



The Romans legions watch as the peasants appear to be getting 3 crops a year from the land inside the dome.

 Merlin and a few of the villager wearing aluminum armour and bearing Silver millennium artifacts stage a night attack and burn half the Roman fort before escaping back to the dome.



The Roman's frustrated by the now constant harassment, move their fort back out of the valley and start a careful survey of the valley.



The Land survey completed, three more legions arrive bringing nearly two thousand slaves and the digging begins.



Merlin realizes what the Roman are doing and desperately tries to stop the undermining of two steep hills which allow their valley's small river to exit.

 The Roman forces guarding the project are too well entrenched and all Merlin and his people succeed in doing is freeing a few slaves.



The hills are collapsed forming the foundation of a large dam and the slaves are put to work enlarging it and creating a stone lined spill ways to prevent the small river from cutting a deep channel into the Earthen dam.



The newly forming lake has water more than 40 feet up the 90 some odd feet of the dome's maximum height and is slowly rising.


312 -06

The last five feet disappear after a storm and a newly created lake swallows Merlin and his village.



Roman divers report the top of the dome is under more than 15 feet of water, almost 10 feet deeper than the land survey predicted.



Unknown to the Romans, Merlin had reduced the dome of shielding elevation during the time the divers were investigating, after they left he raised the dome enough to allow about 3 feet of the top to poke above the surface and allow an open vent.



The legend of Merlin and "The lady of the lake" is slowly growing as Merlin, his wife and the other trained villagers secretly use their Silver Millennium knowledge and artifacts to help the peasants.



Merlin is recognized by a Roman officer and is forced to openly use his "magic" to defend himself. Merlin is far from the lake and the Roman's assume he escaped the village before it drowned, they begin an Island wide search looking for his new home.



An expedition made up of Merlin and 30 single men and women leave the village, now called Avalon to search the world for Silver Millennium artifacts.



Merlin's wife uses her artifacts to appear as Merlin and confront a distant garrisons with his "dragon". She continues making erratic appearances widely scattered across the Island until Merlin's return.



The first man from Merlin's expedition returns with a young wife and 5 minor Silver Millennium rings all are usable by him or his wife.



The second group returns to Avalon with several outside spouses and 3 minor silver millennium artifacts and an additional complete set of Judges artifacts that no one in the village has the heritage to access.



Merlin's orders the last part of his group home from China as he prepares to use his staff to cross to one of the Islands that will one day be part of Japan.



Merlin growing weary is preparing to turn for home with the few followers he has picked up from what will become the Japanese Islands along with two minor artifacts when his equipment senses an active Silver Millennium device. The active artifact turns out to be the Serenity broach and 14 of the most powerful devices the technology of the Silver Millennium era ever produced.

Thirteen henshin rods and a rose pendant are powering the Serenity broach, as it maintains a stasis field.

The Serenity Broach is buried in a small cave or hallow fifty feet below ground level. The hallow was created by the security shields that surround the Broach and other artifacts.

Merlin's makes a tunnel and enters the small cave, his firm belief that he is the Silver Millennium Tech Tartholon along with the possession of that man's personal artifacts gives him the key to pass the outer security shield and approach the Serenity Broach.

After two weeks of careful study Merlin discovers that the remaining security is only concerned with maintaining the stasis field and watching for the aliens return. Merlin realizes as long as his actions do not interfere with those constraints he is free to do what ever he wants.

Planning carefully he decides to take the four weakest Henshen rods and Edeymon's rose pendant. Over the next three months he removes and reconfigures the power pattern of the remaining Henshen rods waiting days at a time to allow each new configuration to stabilize.

Merlin alters several small gem stones and carefully places them around the cavern just outside the security barrier. These small modified gems generate a cloaking field to better hide the serenity broach and the energy pattern it is emitting.

Merlin's last act before sealing the cave is to inserts a single crystal into the pattern of artifacts around the serenity broach. The Crystal contains a carefully recorded message that will be played for the two living occupants in the stasis field and will also send a signal to the five powerful artifacts he has removed.



Merlin returns to Avalon and his "lady of the lake" with a small group of Asian followers, several minor artifacts and 5 major artifacts. the Rose pendant of Atlantis and the henshin rods for the moons of Ganymede, Callisto, Titan and Triton. These five artifacts are the weakest and were the ones Merlin felt safest in removing.

Included among the small group of followers is a young Asian couple the Asian man has enough genetic heritage to partially access the power of the Ganymede henshin rods, it is hoped one of the Inverse families daughters will have the ability to fully access the henshin rod's power.

Merlin test the Henshin rods and other artifacts with the nearly 1000 villagers living under the lake. Only Merlin's wife or daughter can make full use one of the Henshin rods and his wife becomes princess Titan, giving her Judge's artifacts to her daughter.



Merlin and several village healers study princess Titan's active Henshin rod, along with the "remembered" medical knowledge taken from salvaged medical equipment allows Merlin and the healers of Avalon to modify all artifacts extending the life span of most of the villagers to nearly 3 centuries, however they only have the resources to do this for just under 2000 people.



An Asian blacksmith, working with his native counter parts starts experimenting with ideas taken from the memories stored in the various artifacts and blending them with the sword making techniques practiced by his people.



The first of a long line of steadily improving swords is produced and used by Merlin and the citizens of Avalon, the tradition of naming and inscribing the name of each sword in the blade, is started.

Avalon fairly isolated under the lake and strongly influenced by their access to Silver Millennium memories is slowly taking on some characteristics of a Silver Millennium era society, women are playing a very strong role in leadership when compared to the outside culture.



The Inverse family finally has a baby girl their sixth child, Merlin determines that the baby girl, named Lina Inverse will be able to fully activate the Ganymede Henshin rod and become the princess of that moon.



The Inverse daughter raised to be Princess Ganymede is now 18 years old and in a Avalon ceremony she is given the Henshin rod and spends two years training under Princess Titan.



Princess Ganymede along with her father, mother and two of her older brothers leave headed back to the Island their parents came from in hopes of finding spouses that are descendants of Silver Millennium princess Titan. The only Silver Millennium artifacts the Inverse family take are the Ganymede Henshin rod and 3 esper rings. All are wearing chain mail armour of a quality better than the royalty of the period with swords and crossbows arguably among the best in the world.



Princess Ganymede, her father and one brother return with 2 spouses and a widow, all are badly battered and her mother and one brother was murdered on the way back in bandit attacks.



Princess Ganymede starts using her powers to disguise herself and travel the roads killing any bandits who attack her illusionary traveling party. After two years The Avalon council worried about her growing fame forbid her from hunting anywhere on the Island.



The construction of Excalibur begins, the Avalon black smiths are commissioned by Merlin to make a sword as a gift to Merlin's son Uther, for his 90th birthday. Merlin's son and daughter have filled the role of village Judges for the last 50 years, working under Merlin and his wife now the default rulers of the submerged town.



The blade completed by the blacksmiths is given to Merlin.

After two weeks preparation Merlin aided by his wife and her Titan henshin rod manages to split the blade into fifty edge wise slices.

Merlin's starts the process, made laborious by the use of jury rigged and salvaged equipment, of slowly growing a thin layer of diamond on each of the fifty slices. Merlin's equipment powered by lady Titan's henshin rod manages to slowly grow a thin layer of diamond on each sword section by plucking carbon out of the air and slowly forming a thin diamond layer on each slice.



Excalibur now existing as two un-merged halves made up of alternating layers of diamond and steel is ready for the final process and Merlin places a single splinter of salvaged black kryptonite at the exact center of the blade. Merlin using his equipment powered by his wife's henshin rod seamlessly merges the two halves into a whole.

 After two weeks of designing from memory Merlin alters the layers of diamond forming esper frequency circuits and resonance chambers to focus, boost and direct his son's latent esper ability into an energy field that extends roughly 6 millimeters from the actual edge of the weapon. This boosted esper energy field is designed to weaken the molecular bonds of any substance it encounters before the actual diamond edge of the weapon makes contact.



Merlin and his wife give Excalibur, to their son on his 90th birthday and formally ask him to take command of the village's small defense force and turn them into offensive force to drive the Romans from the area.



Merlin's son backed by the power of two planetary princesses and five "magical" knights armed with silver millennium artifacts and diamond coated aluminum armour quickly drive the Romans from the area gaining control of almost 5500 villagers.



Merlin's son using the name Uthur Pendragon continues over the next 25 years to slowly drive the Roman's from England. Uthur at first aided openly by Merlin, the lady of the lake and his "magical" knights slowly phases the submerged town of Avalon and most of their Silver Millennium support out as more of the Native Islanders join his army.



Uthur Pendragon is declared King by a loose collection of chieftains and over the spring and summer drive the remaining Roman garrisons out of England.

The same month the Avalon council debates revealing themselves, but after a long debate decide to keep their existence secret. Only allowing the knowledge of their existence to continue as a half believed legend associated with Merlin, and the "lady of the lake".

Merlin, Princess Titan and Princess Ganymede agree with the council all are worried, the memories in their Silver Millennium artifacts have them thinking about the possible return of aliens or others like them.



King Uthur begins the process of creating a system of government for the Island that is modeled closely on the Silver Millennium government.

Uthur creates a system of titles and nobility that most think are based on ancient legends and gives these titles to the chieftains and men fighting for him.



King Uthur establishes a standing force of knights to defend against the barbaric Angles, Saxons and Jutes raiding the coastal areas, frustrating all their attempts to invade the Island.



The Angles, Saxons and Jutes unable to gain a foothold on the Island that will one day be called Angland and then later England decide to send spies to look for weakness and internal enemies to defeat King Uther.



King Uthur begins a series of unpopular reforms meant to bring his kingdom more in line with the memories and ideals of the Silver Millennium.



Uthur Pendragon meets Igraine duchess of Cornwall and marries her, fourteen months later King Uthur's son is born and named Arthur.



A large minority of King Uthur's nobles angered by his reforms and encouraged and aided by foreign spies decide to eliminate him. They plan on raising Uthur's son without his farther's influence, teaching the boy the correct way to a figure head.



Princess Ganymede returning to Avalon from one of her periodic trips to the mainland to slay bandits is traveling cross country, when see see's smoke rising and finds a burned out peasant village that had been know as Le-Fay. All are dead or have run into the forest save for a two year old child, a child she calls Morgan of Le-Fay.



Merlin test the child and discovers that she has the ability to fully access the powers of the Triton Henshin Rod. The lady of the Lake in her role as Princess Titan takes responsibility for the training of the child.

King Uthur on a boar hunt outing is attacked by 40 heavily armed noblemen and over fifty archers, his small lightly armed party is slaughtered leaving only King Uthur badly wounded, but partially protected from the arrows by his personal Silver Millennium artifacts. He is chased, for miles, badly wounded until the noblemen bring him to bay and in a moment of gloating reveal their plans.

Uthur drives Excalibur into a large stone outcropping declaring "Only he who can remove the sword can be king" he reverses the sword's power to weaken molecular bonds, causing it to instead strengthen them.

When none of the Noblemen present can remove the sword they slaughter the peasant archers killing all but four who escape notice by crawling into a shallow cave near the sword.



Merlin follows the rumours spread by the surviving archers and finds Excalibur, easily reading his son's memories from the artifact.

Arthur is taken from the traitors by his grandfather Merlin and he spends the next few years growing up in Avalon becoming fast friends with a small slightly older girl training with his Grandmother.

Over the next six years Merlin's "dragon" hunts down and burns the traitors and most of their families gutting King Uthur's ruling nobility and throwing the carefully crafted remnants of his son's government into disarray.

Merlin strengthens and alters his son's last commands to Excalibur, now each time someone touches the sword it uses their innate esper abilities to strengthens the molecular bonds of the stone around the sword, only when King Uthur's family touches the sword will it revert to weakening the molecular bonds.

The lady of the lake and Merlin make use of the burning of the traitors to build the legend of the sword and link it to the idea a "curse" has been brought on the land.



Merlin and his wife reluctantly allow Arthur to start spending most of his time away from submerged Avalon staying with a poor Knight still loyal to King Uthur. This decision is made to keep the boy more in touch with the people he will rule, the society of Avalon or the village under the lake is now very different than what exist outside.



The Jutes a Germanic group manage to invade taking advantage of the disrupted government, they succeed in getting a foot hold on the Island.

Merlin, the lady of the lake, and the Avalon council allow this group along with the other German tribes to control part of the Island as a form of punishment that has far reaching consequences.

The Avalon council votes to keep an even lower profile in the outside world all are worried by the memories of the Youma invasion and the lack of "magic" to meet a second invasion if it should ever happen again.



A small village called Camelot has grown up around the Sword in the stone and through the clandestine efforts of Merlin and the lady of the lake, the chieftains along with remnants of King Uthurs government now meet yearly at Camelot to try and "pick" a new King.

Merlin's wife decides to travel in her guise as princess Titan, designating her eldest daughter to fill her role as the Lady of the Lake. Princess Titan learning from Princess Ganymede's ill fated trip picks five of the best empty hand and stick warriors in Avalon and makes every effort to appear to be poor traveling minstrels something Princess Ganymede in her Lina Inverse identity has recently done to death as a lure for bandits. Princess Titan's mission is to search for Youma signs and Silver Millennium artifacts, she is also hoping to find other groups with access to Silver Millennium technology.



Princess Ganymede and Merlin start a desperate search for Morgan Le- Fay who is missing from Avalon only to find her visiting Arthur in the outside world. Unknown to them Morgan has confessed her love to Arthur and the children have made a pact to eventually marry.

Morgan ask to become one of Merlin's students and he starts training her as a black kryptonite technician or wizard, the girl is a prodigy with the black kryptonite technology surpassing all other students Merlin has taught, especially in medicine and the use of devices that generate illusions.



Princess Titan's search party returns from the mainland sheltering a small group of "Gypsy magicians" that have several minor Silver Millennium artifacts and have been making a living using them in minor magic acts.



Merlin agrees with his wife's assessment that one of the three Mage families can successfully use a set of Judges artifacts stored in Avalon's vaults. Merlin has been unwilling to modify the set, of artifacts for anyone in the village, because doing so would destroy the stored memories.

The Avalon council and Merlin, not fully trusting the Gypsy families decide to hold the Judges artifacts until the youngest child a 3 year old girl has spent at least 20 years living in the village.

Merlin, Princess Titan and Princess Ganymede decide it is time to install princess Triton and in a ceremony attended by all Morgan of Le-Fay is given the Triton Henshen rod.



Morgan Le-Fay is severely reprimanded, when it is discovered she has been sneaking out of Avalon and using her powers as princess Triton to make weekly visits to Arthur as he trains to be a knight.



Arthur, for the first time is allowed to attend the yearly meeting at Camelot with the poor knight training him and in searching for a sword for his adoptive brother pulls Excalibur from the stone, well ahead of his grandfather, princess Titan and Avalon's schedule.

The Chieftains and Rulers are Unwilling to allow such a young boy to rule them, instead of declaring the boy King they vote to return next year to further "test" the child.

Merlin watching Camelot from the submerged village immediately dispatches some of Avalon's Knights and sends word to his wife who is currently off the Island with both princesses training.



Arthur returns to Camelot, over the past year there has been five attempts on his life, the first stopped by his adoptive brother, at the Camelot meeting itself and the rest stopped by the apparently young Knights that have started to congregate around Arthur and take up his cause. The Knights sent by Merlin from Avalon are all actually in their late 50's, but due to the Silver Millennium black kryptonite technology and advanced medical knowledge they look to be in their early to mid twenty's and are physically the equivalent.

 Arthur is challenged by a Chieftain to a duel for the crown. The Chieftain is unaware the "boy", while appearing to be in his mid teens is actually in his early twenties and has completed a dual training program. One part was as a Knights squire and a second hidden one based on ancient advanced knowledge and blended with some of the best fighting techniques taken from across half the planet.

 The Chieftains and nobility reluctantly declare Arthur King and swear loyalty to him, over the next fifteen years Arthur slowly consolidates his rule.



Morgan Le-Fey frightened by the multiple attempts on Arthur's life approaches Merlin with an idea, taken from the memories she is gaining from the Triton Henshen rod.



Morgan presents King Arthur with a scabbard for Excalibur, the scabbard has 3 diamond encased black kryptonite splinters woven into it. It is designed to store energy radiated from King Arthur's aura and turn his aura into a sensor field that senses any attack protecting him by forming a rock hard shield at the point of the attack.



King Arthur officially declares Camelot his Capitol, that same year he is given a Round table that is "enchanted" by Merlin to show the name of the fifteen knights allowed to set the table with the King.



King Arthur feels his kingdom is stable and starts assembling knights to drive the Jutes and other Germanic tribes from the Kent area, instead as he is preparing to move on their strong holds, word arrives that several nobles have declared themselves a new King and have invaded the territory of several nearby noblemen loyal to King Arthur.



In a political move to quell the continual fighting in his kingdom King Arthur marries Guinevere, a sixteen year old daughter from one of the most powerful families standing against him.

The same year Lancelot graduates from the submerged village's military training programs, he is the top of his class and is one of the best swords men in the village able to defeat men with a hundred years experience.



Guinevere is allowed into Avalon for a check up, while there the council allows her to receive several treatments that will prolong her life and is given a severely damaged esper ring that only has a 1/4 of the black kryptonite of most rings it has been modified by Merlin to improve her health, all are hopeful it will help her to bear the King a Child.



King Arthur's Knights are slowly driving the Jutes into the ocean, the only reason they have not done so completely is Arthur's fear that allowing all his knights to enter the fight would be seen as an opportunity for the dissatisfied Nobles to restart the civil war.

Guinevere has not provided the King with an heir, but despite this Arthur has come to love her deeply and refuses to take another wife or concubine.



The Second set of Judges artifacts are given to the 21 year old Gypsy Girl and her training as a Judge begins.

Merlin and the Lady of the Lake worried about Guinevere's inability to provide the King with an heir approaches Morgan Ley-Fay and asks her to seduce their grandson.

Late in the year Morgan successfully seduces King Arthur neither is aware that Guinevere has observed their actions, informed by one of her and Arthur's servants.



Morgan Ley-fay gives birth to twins a boy she names Mordred and a girl she names Athene



Arthur declares himself and Guinevere the Twins "god parents", much to Guinevere's displeasure.

That same week Sir Lancelot returns part of the successfully attempt to drive the Angles from their holdings on the Island leaving only the Jutes holding one heavily fortified peninsula.

Guinevere is seduced by Sir Lancelot who is initially unaware of her true identity having dressed as one of her lady's in waiting and is wondering about Camelot trying to get a handle on her anger. Guinevere gives in easily to the handsome young man's advances the memory of the twins fresh in her mind.

A servant guides King Arthur to Guinevere and Sir Lancelot's bedroom and as Arthur prepares to use excalibur. The servant in her excitement of seeing her mission completed and ignorant of the Kings upbringing in Avalon makes a comment about a woman's place and a man's rights. Arthur freezes at her words and after several seconds turns to leave silencing the protests of the servant with a dagger to her throat.

A few days later in a private confrontation Guinevere and Arthur discover it was the same servant that lead them to the others crime.

The servant is taken and admits under interrogation to be working for a group of noble's dissatisfied with the changes King Arthur is making.



Guinevere and Arthur do not have a complete reapproachment their "God children" are standing in Guinevere's way of forgiving her husband.

Sir Lancelot is ordered on a quest and is secretly told by King Arthur to make sure the quest keeps him outside Arthur's Kingdom.

Morgan is not happy when Arthur refuses to see her again, but he continues to allow the twins to visit.



Lancelot returns going first to Avalon where he drops off the small Zatara clan they have one High Royal class artifact and several rings and bracelets that are Silver Millennium Artifacts. Lancelot continues to Camelot to warn King Arthur of rumours concerning the Jutes and other Germanic tribes or kingdoms.

Lancelot is allowed to stay and is named a knight of the round table.

In mid July a large fleet of Angles and Jutes lands on the occupied peninsula and attempt a break out, but knights led by the King and Sir Lancelot succeed in stopping the force driving them back to their fortified peninsula.



Mordred's training begins in the Camelot Court under King Arthur, he is well liked by all the Knights and learns quickly, most are unaware of who the boy's father is.

The same year Guinevere starts seeing Sir Lancelot very discreetly.



Sir Lancelot and Guinevere are discovered in bed together by two of King Arthur's most loyal Knights in the following fight both are slain by Lancelot, the deaths and Guinevere's infidelity is revealed.



The King facing a civil war as major elements want both Guinevere and Sir lancelot whipped and then drawn and quartered, while Guinevere's family are threatening rebellion if she is killed.

The King unwilling to kill Guinevere instead has her head shaved and strips her naked and parades her through Camelot to be imprisoned at a small abbey for nuns.

Sir Lancelot is given to the family of the Knights he killed and they hold a public beating with whips until they believe he is dead eventually dumping the body in the trash heaps.

Morgan Le-Fey in her guise as princess Triton retrieves his body intending to give an honorable burial to one from Avalon, instead she discovers he is alive and reluctantly hides and slowly heals him over the next five months.



Guinevere with the aid of the abbey nuns secretly gives birth to a boy she names Arthur.



Lancelot contacts the Zatara clan in Avalon and they recruit others that are sympathetic to him or unhappy with Merlin and his wife's rule. Late in the month when the supporters of Lancelot "rebel" and take several major artifacts from the Avalon vaults including the Callisto Henshin rod, almost 500 members of the small submerged city of Avalon leave including the entire Zatara clan and one Judge. At about the same time Lancelot takes Guinevere and her baby from the abbey. Merlin and Morgan along with King Arthur's daughter are visiting Modred in Camelot, Princess Titan and Ganymede are off the Island one is hunting bandits and the other is searching for artifacts or other Silver Millennium groups.



Three large forces land, on the Island the Jutes attack from the occupied peninsula and the Angles and Saxons land at different places driving inland toward Camelot from two other directions.

Avalon is still disrupted by the rebellion and theft, all her remaining forces are out looking for the Zatara clan and their followers.

King Arthur takes his Knights and quickly meets the Jutes destroying their forces turning from that he stops and is regrouping his forces around the abbey where Guinevere is supposedly imprisoned.

Guinevere's absence is discovered by her family and others during the night and fighting breaks out between her family and the family and friends of the two Knights Lancelot killed. The opposing factions each claiming it is the other that have taken her. Her family believes

Guinevere was executed and those opposing them think she was freed from her punishment. During the fighting Arthur has encountered his son Mordred and given him his protective scabbard, later in the night a Knight in black armour severely wounds King Arthur and he falls.

King Arthur believing his wound to be fatal tells the two Knights with him to take him from the camp to a certain lake to bury him.

When dawn arrives King Arthur is gone and a rumor has spread that he is dead. When word arrives that the Angles and Saxon forces are nearing several of Arthur's best Knights band together and try to use Mordred as a figure head to organize an attack on the invaders instead factions unwilling to allow a Pendragon to continue ruling claim they saw Mordred kill his father, pointing at the scabbard as proof of his crimes.

King Arthur's army disbands each Knight retreating with his followers leaving the Saxons and Angles unopposed, one week later a nearly abandoned Camelot is plundered and burned to the ground, of the round table there is no sign.

At about the same time Camelot is burning the two Knights arrive at the lake with the unconscious form of King Arthur, they are met by Morgan Ley-fey just returning from her fruitless search for Lancelot and his followers, she quickly starts applying her healing ability and takes Arthur to Avalon even as she summons the others back to Avalon.



King Arthur is still in a Coma and only Morgan's skillful use of her henshin rod is keeping him alive. Princess Titan and Princess Ganymede are out searching for Princess Triton's son Mordred.



Arthur finally wakes up and tells Morgan that Mordred has his scabbard, using this Merlin starts searching for the scabbard.



Merlin's personal Silver Millennium artifacts finally pick out the scabbard and he traces it to Guinevere's family holding, where he finds it hidden in a well, accessing the memories leads him to Mordreds killers and Merlin and the three planetary princesses destroy Guinevere's family sparing only the children under five.



Merlin and the 3 planetary princesses have determined that the 4th henshin rod and the other stolen artifacts are no longer on the Island and widen their search, first to France and then all of Europe.



The Angles and Saxons unprepared for such a complete victory have fallen to fighting among themselves and several of Arthur's Knights band together and surprise the larger force driving them from half the land they have occupied.



King Arthur partially recovered attempts to return and take control, but shouts of demon and witch causes a riot and he is severely beaten saved only by his scabbard and Morgan's timely arrival, as Princess Triton.

The land is alive with rumours blaming Morgan Ley Fay and Mordred with Arthur's death and tales of her creating "seemings" to try and put her son in the King's place.



The Avalon council votes to withdraw support from the Native Celt population and withdraw to the wooded area around the man made lake that hides their village. Avalon essentially abandon the people for the next three hundred years. The search for Lancelot and his followers continues centering mainly on the European mainland.



Merlin, all three planetary princesses and the security devices around Avalon detect the characteristic spike of the Callisto Henshin rod being activated for the first time in millennia, but the spike is not repeated and is of such a short duration that range or bearing cannot be accurately determined.  Avalon's greatly boost the search, for the renegades but after no quick encounters or early success the searchers change the focus to looking for Silver Millennium artifacts.


521 (pre storm season month)

The Lancelot league now existing mostly as a single large coastal fishing village is discovered by Avalon artifact hunters.  One spy is discovered and captured and the Lancelot League is warned.

The League very aware that they cannot face Avalon having just recently managed to produce a female child with the right genetic heritage to use the Callisto henshin rod and even ignoring her age they are doubtful she could stand against even one of Avalon's Senshi or Avalon's large collection of Silver Millennium artifacts.

 The League quickly starts confiscating any ship that calls on their small port and converting fishing boats and small ships into vessels to evacuate their families before Avalon forces arrive.

The storm season arrives early and the town's leaders are dismayed when scouts report a Avalon force headed up by two Senshi's is slowly massing for an attack. Representatives of Avalon boldly enter the town and give the League a surrender ultimatum, telling them they have no other options.  The League's leaders play for time and make the decision to give the eight year old girl the Callisto henshin rod and abandon the town under the cover of a storm.

The newly minted 8 year old Senshi, princess of Callisto is able to use her powers to create a bubble of calm in the storm and the League escapes in their heavily loaded ships and boats. 

The untrained child forced to delve deeply into the Callisto rod's stored memories lacks the life experience to fully handle those memories and loses control sending the storm and the fleet hidden at it's center out to sea, she is unconsciously making for Callisto's home on Earth, Mystery Island.


522-??(storm season for where ever the town is.)

The storm dissipates far out at sea leaving a confused fleet well out of the sight of land and unaware their only Senshi is unknowingly  manipulating wind and sea currents to send them to her home Island months away.

Roughly four months later Princess Callisto and the rest of the League survivors arrive at Mystery Island on water logged crowded ships in near starvation conditions.



Merlin is over 250 years old and wishing to live to help fight the Youma and to see the return of the rule of Serenity, Merlin with Morgan's help succeeds in building a stasis device using a salvaged medical artifact. The stasis chamber is big enough to hold two people, but the Rose Pendant is unable to provide enough power to create a long term stasis field, all it can do is provide enough power to slow time by a factor of roughly 200.



Arthur Pendragon heart sick at what is happening to his people and bitter at their rejection of him, as their King starts spending time in the Chamber with Merlin and they quickly settle into a pattern of sleeping in stasis for 2 months and then spending a day with their family before returning to the stasis chamber for what to them is 8 to 12 hours sleep. They are living and aging roughly 7 days year.

This Continues for the nearly 1500 years up until 1940 when Arthur decides to try and help his homeland, and quits using the stasis chamber.  Arthur stops using the stasis chamber and goes out with the current Princess Titon, Merlin's great granddaughter, to help England against the Germans.

Merlin continues to use the stasis chamber until 1982 when the telltales he placed around the Serenity broach are activated.



Princess Callisto aware that the Lancelot League is effectively trapped on Mystery Island and believing her people are quickly falling behind Avalon in the race to collect Silver Millennium artifacts makes the decision to use the rods memories of being an expert in biology and the enforcer training to recognize the forbidden pre-Silver Millennium technology as a means to redevelop that technology.



The Lancelot League colony is finally on it's feet and has managed to reconstruct a small fleet of coastal fishing boats and launch the first vessel capable of operating outside Mystery Islands coastal waters.



The Lancelot League establish the first of what will eventually be hundreds of small outpost in France, Germany and several other European countries.

Early in the year Lady Callisto finally uncovers the buried remains of a Teleport portal on Mystery Island.  The Teleport portal was one of only thirty such devices in the solar system and was Callisto's private means of traveling between Callisto colony and her research center on earth.

Late in the year The league succeeds in getting it working and attempt to find another functioning portal, but fail receiving only a dim echo from Germany.



 Early in this year the Lancelot League finally discovers the source of the dim teleport portal echo in Germany, it is Merlin's stolen round table taken from Camelot by the Germans that sacked the town. Lady Callisto and her researchers discover that Merlin modified several components from a damaged Silver Millennium era teleportation portal and the League use their working example to convert the round table into a passive two way focus for the one on Mystery Island.

Avalon's operatives grown complacent since the Lancelot League vanished more than two hundred years before are shocked when operatives from the Lancelot League surprise a shipment of Silver Millennium artifacts that includes a recently recovered "Dome of Shielding".

The same week several Avalon outpost are hit by Lancelot League operatives leaving only confused reports that mention strange monsters taking part in the attacks.

Avalon is terrified that the aliens have returned and think the League has formed a pact with them. Eventually a careful study of several destroyed animals allow Avalon experts to determine that the "monsters" aren't the feared Youma, but are primarily chimera's with DNA that was a mixture of Earth species.



The League had developed Wooden Submarine's slightly less advanced than what were experimented with during the American Revolution are developed.  The designs are based on what Callisto remembered about spacecraft and are put into limited use in the relatively shallow coves around Mystery Island.



The Lancelot League uses the Dome of shielding powered from a large thermal vent to create a sunken city off the coast of Mystery Island.  They activate the dome allowing it to enclose sea water, then use their submarines to slowly remove the water from the dome before starting the construction of a city they call New Atlantis.  



Callisto uses her Senshi abilities to create a access tunnel that connects New Atlantis to the shore and fresh air.  She is unable to change the tunnel walls to diamond, but seals the stone by melting it and then cooling it in the desired form.



The Lancelot League succeed in creating their first small wooden submarine propelled by a black kryptonite drive system.  The Drive is a crude version of what was used during the Silver Millennium to move the interplanetary spaceships and like those spaceship's the power is  transmitted instantaneously via quantum resonance effect from New Atlantis's geothermal vent directly to the submarine.



The Lancelot League is having very limited success in redeveloping pre Silver Millennium technology.  They are hampered by their relatively small population , the incompleteness of Callisto's knowledge and the very advanced state of pre Silver Millennium technology.



Researchers working for the Lancelot League succeed in developing a  steam engine very similar to Hero's Globular steam jet. Diving bells and submarines supplied with air pumped by work crews are in common use by maintenance crews and aquatic farmers around New Atlantis, the crew's work areas are lit by primitive battery powered carbon arc lights.

Two areas of technology redevelopment the League is having some success with is general chemistry and electricity.  They have managed to produce chemical batteries and are building primitive prototypes of solenoid type electric motors and generators.

During the Silver Millennium the Senshi of Callisto were in charge of Biological research and the extensive training in chemistry, while lacking a lot of details about technology still contained the basic foundations for electrolytic cells and the fact that magnetic fields and electric current were related.


 Krypton's Doom


A New kryptonian mining ship taking Kryptonite from krypton's home system notices a anomaly in routine sensor reading of one of the inner planets the planet has had a marked increase in geological activity and there has been a noticeable increase in the dimensional stress in normal space around the world. The Ship makes note of the changes and other ships are tasked with making more complete sensor scans.



The Lancelot League has made great strides in steam technology and submarine technology and have fielded a small number of coastal cargo ships that are steam powered, all are paddle wheel and are limited to about 15 knots.

The League is experimenting with diving suits and have started construction of a lighter than air aircraft that uses Helium as the lift gas, they hope to provide power from a natural gas steam engine.

The League is using a large number of wooden submarines in operation around New Atlantis most are battery or human powered and are limited to about five knots.

Experiments are underway for testing and constructing a large all metal submarine that will use black kryptonite as the primary propulsion system.



After nearly a century of observation New Kryptonian scientist realize what their data is telling them about the inner planet, it is showing a natural slowly building chain reaction in the krytonite within the inner planet's core, they estimate within a hundred years the planets core will go critical and try to enter hyperspace resulting in the planets destruction.



The recovery of several black kryptonite artifacts gives the Lancelot league the ability to build eight large submarines and power them from New Atlantis's geothermal vent.

The first called Nautilus is over 70 meters long and designed as a commerce raider, with it the Lancelot league hopes to obtained more black kryptonite artifacts by sinking ships known to be in the service of Avalon.

 Helium filled flying machines exist on Mystery Island and are capable of speeds over 25 knots with their natural gas steam engines.

 The League's electrical technology is mostly limited to lighting systems having turned up a blind alley focusing on solenoid or linear motors and generators that are relatively weak and inefficient in converting between mechanical or electrical power.



The Lancelot League is nearly a hundred and fifty years ahead of the rest of the world in most technologies and are experimenting with steam powered armoured cars and steam powered heavier than air flying machines that use solid fuel rockets to get airborne.  Only Avalon's advantage in Silver Millennium Senshi and artifacts is preventing them from dominating the world, forcing the League to remain hidden.



The planet goes critical and explodes spectacularly, but the explosion occurs on the far side of the sun from Krypton and it is shielded from damage, most of the planet is converted into energy, but a small amount goes super-luminal and spreads out from the kryptonian solar system.



The Lancelot League council is growing worried at the emergence of radical groups that want to confront Avalon openly.  Mystery Island's growing population has an increasing number of citizens that are chaffing under the cloud of secrecy.

The League council worried about the surge in technology that is narrowing their technological advantage decide to step up the activity of their submarine raids on Avalon shipping and announce the construction of secret mountain bases in America, Japan and Germany.



A careful study of Krypton reveals it has the same problem, but it's slightly smaller size and less gravitational stresses has given the world more time the initial estimates are of at least 500 years. The New Kryptonian council sits on the information as it tries to decide what to do and how to present it to the Kryptonian council.



A Long range Cylon crewed scout ship is several light years from Earth's Sun heading back toward cylon space. The long duration scout ship is in the final leg of it's 40 year survey mission when a fatigue crack develops in it's Green kryptonite warp core and the feedback destroys 3 of the main fusion power plants and damages the remaining full size power plants.

Dropping out of warp the ship's robotic crew jury rig repairs getting 2 of the main fusion units back on line and switches two of the 3 smaller backup cold fusion reactors in line and go back to low warp heading for the nearest solar system.



Dropping out of warp very close to our sun's 4 AU FTL limit the cylon ship heads for the nearby double planet, (Earth/Moon) to make repairs.

Initially the cylon's plan on landing on the smaller atmosphere free planet, but gravitational stresses caused by the double planet system causes new cracks to form in the warp core and the feedback takes out all the fusion reactors connected to it.

The ship goes into free fall and is captured by the larger planets gravity. The crew determines that they will be unable to make repairs to any of the larger cold-fusion power plants before entering the planet's atmosphere.



The Cylon ship still in free fall enters Earths atmosphere over Tibet and the crew switches the remaining functional cold fusion reactor in line and turn their headlong plunge into a aerodynamic and anti-gravity warp assisted crash that brings the ship down in an very rough and isolated mountain valley in Tibet.



Three of the 12 cylon crew survive in functional condition, these manage to repair seven more and get one of the small backup cold-fusion power plants running and immediately start work on salvaging and rebuilding the ship.

At Launch, the Robotic Scout ship was several generations behind the state of the art in the colonies and was designed for ease of repair. It contains within it's cargo hold the production equipment needed to literally build copies of itself from common raw materials found on most know worlds.



As programmed the Cylons have created a crude repair facility and from local raw materials are slowly building the production equipment needed to repair the heavily damaged ship.



The Cylons have managed to get all the small backup cold-fusion generators functioning and have set up a production line to replace the damaged hull components.

These components are being "forged" from the Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Aluminum and Silicon that are present around the ship.

The composite material closely related to Silicon carbide and Aluminum Oxide also incorporate's a fullerene lattice that gives it a resilience greater than the best steel and a hardness and strength equal that of a diamond with a temperature range equal to ceramic materials.

The manufacturing process is relatively simple, a small heated vat of the molten purified raw materials and a special group of catalyst are kept mixed as the energy from a specially tuned microwave generator causes the super-strength material to self assemble at the surface of the molten material.



The Cylons have been forced to halt work on the Cold-fusion rebuilding program and create a production line to replace their badly worn body parts mostly the artificial high voltage muscle analog that moved their appendages.


1905(The Masters of the World) Jules Verne

The Lancelot League council has several seats taken by radical elements wanting to escalate the war with Avalon.  The reports of the 1903 Wright Brothers flight just reaching Mystery Island is to blame for the loss of the conservatives and the new council decides to send orders to their Mountain base in North Carolina.  Over the next few months it is to use it's resources to prepare an "attack" on the United States.

Because of  League worries about Avalon interference the decision is made to isolate the base and make it appear to be a facility constructed by fringe elements of America's Scientific community.

The eventual defeat of the North Carolina base by American agents and elements of the United States military gives the conservative elements in the Lancelot League an advantage that keeps them in the majority until the mid 1920's.



The Cylons have completed the Cold-fusion production line and because of the lack of a key material are building copies of the smaller less efficient backup cold-fusion reactors, replacing the six larger units with ten smaller ones that only produce 2/3 of the power.



The Cylons have completed three of the Cold-fusion power-plants and are beginning to rebuild and reconfigure one of the salvaged chunks of green kryptonite as a smaller and slower warp core.



The Cylons start testing the new warp core and have several key hull sections removed as they rebuild it.



At 4:29 am a multi-ton chunk of green kryptonite catapulted to super-luminal speed by the 1781 explosion of the second planet in krypton's solar system slams into the our sun's 4 AU warp limit.

The large chunk of kryptonite shatters under the stress as it is forced from FTL speeds to roughly 25% of light-speed. The shotgun spray of fist sized and head sized chunks of kryptonite mostly pass harmlessly through the system and back into interstellar space with a few hitting the sun and one small chunk slamming into the third planet.

At 7:14 am a chunk of Kryptonite hits earth over Tunguska and the resulting high altitude multimegaton explosion sends shock-waves around the world and brings a avalanche of snow down burying the Cylon ship and trapping or rendering non functional all Cylons.

The ship's warp core is destroyed when a rock enters the hull through a open repair port and destroys a key part of the control system sending a power surge through the warp core turning it into a slowly cooling molten ball of titanium and kryptonite.

Two day's later the snow covered cylon ship is partially covered by a the first of several minor avalanches of rock and dirt.



The current Princess Callisto activates a heavily modified dome of shielding over Mystery Island.  The modified dome doesn't prevent entrance or exit from the island, but instead causes a distortion in the air around the Island that creates a mirage that usually hides the Island from sight until you move through the Dome's perimeter.

The mirage is similar to what happens over a paved road and hides Mystery Island behind the illusion that it is open water.

In order to build the "invisibility" dome the black kryptonite drives of three submarines were removed and the craft enlarged and converted to natural gas electric submarines roughly the equivalent of late world war two submarines.

The dome was originally intended to only work with the visible optical spectrum, but in the early 1950's lancelot League technicians and engineers managed to enhance it's distortion effect to include common RADAR and infrared frequencies.



A Lancelot League member raised in Austria joins a labor movement in Germany.  The spy has taken over the movement within months and turning it for the use of the League.



A high level League spy is captured while taking part in a uprising he is imprisoned in Germany after being convicted of treason.



There is a power struggle on Mystery Island and a radical group takes control of the Lancelot League.  This group is confident that the relatively advanced technological of Mystery Island gives them a unprecedented, but rapidly vanishing chance at defeating Avalon and they set plans in motion to create puppet governments in several key countries.

The Lancelot League spy in Germany still imprisoned as a traitor to that country is picked to head their project. The League council pull strings that get him freed and eventually place him firmly in control of his political party.



The Lancelot League's attempt to establish puppet government in Germany Succeeds as their man is given the second highest political office in that nation.




The Decision about revealing Krypton's doom is taken out of the New Kryptonian's hands when Jor-El a young physics expert working under the close supervision of Krypton's ruling council discovers the building Kryptonite dimensional stress and in less than a year correctly interprets the reason for the rise.

As soon as their man consolidates his power over Germany by purging his enemies from the the government the Lancelot League starts the expansion of several secret underground bases into factories.  These factories will be producing tanks, aircraft and other weapon systems that are nearly thirty years ahead of the rest of the world and yet still twenty years behind what is on Mystery Island.

Jor-El mistakenly calculates that Krypton has nearly a thousand years left and presents those figures to the ruling council of Krypton.



The Kryptonian council is not convinced, but enough interest is sparked to allow the studies to continue, with increased funding.

The New Kryptonians carefully make their observations available to a few members of the Kryptonian Council and place the few locally produced astronomy reports on the inner planets disappearance where Jor-El will discover them.



The Lancelot league nearly lose control of their man running Germany and as a punishment they slow work on the construction of the secret factory that will produce advanced fighters and Tanks.  The training and other forms of technology transfer continues to German's scientist, engineers and help is given to Germany's native production facilities.



The council with careful prompting from the New Kryptonians decides a mission to Earth is an important first step and six of the largest defense missiles bodies are converted to an FTL probe design, the warp core is a design taken from the archives and supposedly thousands of years old, but it actually represents the latest most reliable design New Krypton had available. The black kryptonite for the warp cores came from a stockpile the Kryptonians council has held for centuries and with this material the probes will require less than year to reach earth.

In May of this year the Lancelot League deny Germany access for one year to the just completed under ground high technology factories.  The Lancelot League council has two reasons for doing this, the first is to punish their over reaching operative and the other is to show the native leaders how much they need the Lancelot League's support.



The Lancelot League council is embarrassed by Germany's success without their direct help and frightened they may be losing control of their puppet state decide to reopen the underground factories and enter full production of jet aircraft, battle tanks and shoulder fired rockets that won't be developed by the rest of the world until the mid 1960's.

The advanced equipment is being stockpiled and slowly accumulated for the invasion of England and the confrontation with Avalon's defenders.  The League council and the German high command both agree it is best to keep these advanced weapons in reserve for when the true battle begins with the forces of Avalon, once the invasion of England is underway.

The Kryptonian Council appoints Jor-EL's to the Directorship of the Earth probe project and the first two probes are launched and both reach earth eight months, later spending four months in low earth orbit before returning to krypton as programmed.



An adventuring american archaeologist looking into legends of the King Arthur's round table and a pair of English Historians investigating rumours about the round table in Germany come together.  Reluctantly the archaeologist and the English Historians agree to work together and eventually discover the Round Table being used as a teleportation device by the Lancelot League.  They also discover the factories and stockpile of super weapons that were to be used in the invasion of  England.

The two Historian are forced to reveal themselves as representatives of Avalon named  Arthur and Althea, the returned King Arthur and Merlin's great grand daughter the current lady of the lake and Princess Titan.  Princess Titan manages to destroy the underground factories and most of the stockpiled advanced German equipment, but is killed when the League's own Princess Callisto uses Merlin's Round Table to teleport in and surprise her, minutes later Princess Callisto unaware she is facing the legendary King Arthur makes a careless mistake and is be-headed with Excalibur.

King Arthur and the archaeologist manage to recover both Henshin rods and escape, but they lose the Callisto Henshin rod when King Arthur cannot disarm the fail-safe and it returns to the oldest Child of the last princess Callisto.  They are also unable to destroy the King's round table or remove the black kryptonite devices  embedded deep within and are forced to leave it in the hands of the Germans and Lancelot League operatives.

The American archaeologist now the Last Knight of the Round Table and the despondent King Arthur make there way back to England and then Avalon.

King Arthur and Avalon are unaware that the Callisto Henshin rod is now effectively lost to the Lancelot League. Lady Callisto's oldest son, Luigi was exiled to a minor post in France for disagreeing with his mother and the League council, when the Henshin rod appeared in  to him he spent a few minutes mourning his mother's death and then gathered his five year old son John and wife, escaping the Lancelot League in the confusion of the fall of France.

Luigi eventually makes his way to America where he changes his last name to Zatara and goes into hiding with his wife and son.



The invasion of England fails, without the super weapons destroyed by Lady Titan and King Arthur the German forces cannot gain a foot hold across the English channel.

The Lancelot League is unwilling to transport any of their most advanced weapons from Mystery Island fearing that without a Lady Callisto they are going to need every fighter jet and tank to stop the Senshi of Avalon.

The Earth probes return to Krypton and the data is quickly reviewed and changes are made in the programming of the next two probes sent to survey Earth.



Surprised at the open warfare on the planet, the kryptonian council decides to continue refurbishing and reusing the probes to carefully watch earth, for the next ten years at least one Kryptonian probe is continously in earth orbit observing the planet.



The Gyab's, a large family fleeing the general unrest and chaos left over from world war II enter the valley containing the crashed cylon ship and discover a strange metallic cave.

They enter it and take several devices including several sword like cutting tools with mono-atomic edgeds and a pistol shaped laser used by the Cylon crew for welding and cutting.

The Gyab's flee in terror when nearly half the family is electrocuted by damaged power lines within the Cylon ship.



The survivors, of the Gyab family have made their way out of Tibet into China and encounter elements of the communist chinese PLA, they use the tools they took from the Cylon ship as weapons and are quickly capture eventually under intense interrogation the survivors reveals the devices came from a valley in Tibet.



The only adult member left of the Gyab family dies during questioning and the Peoples Liberation Army is unable to localize where the Tomb of the metal men is in Tibet.



The Kryptonian Council is at a loss, the sudden and from there point of view rapid development of earths technology leaves a queasy feeling in their stomachs, the planet went from primitive radio's to RADAR, missiles and Atomics in the space of less than ten years.



The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army or PLA invades Tibet and the clandestine search starts for what their scientist theorize must be a crashed alien spaceship.

The search will continue for 31 years, finally succeeding in 1981.



Unsure what to do the Krypton council slaps top secret on the survey data and buries it deeply in their archieves.

The New Kryptonian's are equally surprised by Earth's sudden jump in technology and their council decides to take a wait and see view they publish a condensed version of the probes data, for their citizen's viewing and start carefully pushing for Krypton to send the high speed probes to un-surveyed worlds.

The same year Jor-El makes the surprise announcement that his initial calculations were wrong and Krypton has little more than twenty years to go before it will self destruct, after a mad scramble both the New Kryptonians and Krypton's council decide he is wrong and ignore his research reports, but leave him in charge of the fast probe program.



Jor-EL frustrated at the lack of preparation secretly begins to acquire spare parts from the Probe program and begins work on a probe designed to carry his wife and himself to earth in cold sleep.



Probes are lunched to un-surveyed worlds, Krypton's council is supplied with a complete list of solar systems holding New Kryptonian colonies or that have been surveyed and the council is careful not to choose solar systems from that list.

Late in the year three probes return and the data is carefully studied none of the star systems appear to be worth visiting again.



Two more probes return, just after the three refurbished probes are lunched to other star systems, one probe contains data on a promising solar system and the New Kryptonians mark it as possible system for another colony.

Four New Kryptonian starships are pulled off trade routes and ordered to Krypton.



Jor-El the director of Krypton's fast probe program manages to get the refurbishing time down for the probes to two months and an average of five stars are surveyed per year until Krypton's end.

Krypton's dimensional stress levels have passed the hundred year mark as compared to the exploded inner planet.



The New Kryptonians worried by the sudden jump in dimensional stress level, push the Krypton council to allow them to openly evacuate what they can, the council refuses, but mentions that it wouldn't be noticed if ships started vanishing, after all the oceans were getting hazardous.

Soon the news is filled with reports of cruise liners and other ships being lost at sea using this method the new kryptonians manage to kill the cruise ship business and save nearly 12,000 kryptonians by kidnapping them and their surface ship.

New Krypton's economy comes to a near standstill as every available starship is ordered to Krypton.



The Krypton Council orders the replacement of the stock piled emergency rations thirty years early and the New Kryptonians begin the process of moving the rations off of Krypton.

The Kryptonian council allows the New Kryptonian to use a research military base on a remote Island and all captured surface ships are taken to that Island.

Ten of the captured cruise liners are converted into space worthy Greenhouses that are ”tanked” and towed into orbits that mostly keep them on the far side of the sun from Krypton.

The few mining ships in the Krypton solar system are hurriedly converted to carry refugees.



The Kryptonian council worried by new studies that have radically reduce the planet's time to less than fifty years allow the New Kryptonians to isolate a remote island and take the fifty thousand residents then after salvaging as much equipment as possible for use in space they destroy the Island, the council claims it was volcanic activity

 Fifteen large cargo ships are taken with their crews by the New Kryptonians and converted into Greenhouse ships Late in the year they are “tanked”and towed into far side orbits.

 New Krypton makes the decision to place as many Kryptonian refugees as possible in cold sleep and starts bringing the few colony ships they have and parking them on the far side of the sun and loading them with every Kryptonian they can capture, these ships are limited to 50,000 adults each.



Two Colony ships arrive and two more Kryptonian  Islands are lost to “Volcanic activity” and forty thousand Kryptonians are carried into space, with all the equipment and supplies that could be carried off the Islands.

 The Kryptonian council gives the last small stockpile of Black kryptonite to the New Kryptonians and the two largest ocean going vessel on the planet are converted into a small and extremely fast starships that begins making two week runs carrying a thousand kryptonians to the nearest New Kryptonain colony.

Zatanna Zatara is born she is the first female child born into the Zatara family since her Grandfather escaped France and went into hiding from the Lancelot League.

Soon after Zatanna's birth her mother tells John she is leaving and vanishes without a trace.



The Krypton Council claiming to have found a design flaw orders the replacement of most of the planets cold sleep facilities and four thousand are placed in the two converted ocean vessel, the ships each miss six trips, but the following trips are carrying 4500 passengers 4000 Kryptonians in cold sleep and 500 awake.

Rumors are starting to spread among the general kryptonian population in spite of the council's complete control of all communication media, rumors of new plagues, rumors of war, rumors of an asteroid strike and rumors of alien pirates kidnapping entire chunks of the population, but no rumors of the planet blowing up.

Fifteen converted ocean vessels redesigned to hold five thousand cold sleep units each are slowly being filled with units as quickly as they can be manufactured and redirected to them, the production rate is allowing one ship every ten months to be completed and filled with kidnap citizens.



The New Kryptonians reveal to Krypton's council that the dimensional stress levels are slightly above those of the inner planet's ten years before it exploded.

Jor-El and his wife receive permission, from population control to have one child, he is already frustrated by being unable to modify a probe to give a single adult more than a thirty percent chance of reaching Earth. Jor-El with his wife's support reluctantly redesigns the converted FTL probe to carry a small child and is pleased when the calculated survival chances increases to ninety percent.

The Kryptonian Council orders their military forces to start partially dismantling the thousands of defense missiles, and replace the warheads with an extremely simple airtight compartment complete with a small atomic power source and two cold sleep chambers, the chamber's power source is designed to operate two beacons and keep two Kryptonian adults alive in cold sleep for up to ten years.

The Council orders the traditional ten missile test a year is increased to a hundred, instead of warheads the missiles contains two to four kryptonians in cold sleep, most from the families of military personnel, four converted ocean vessels are tasked with following the beacons and towing the pods to safety in a constantly adjusted far side orbit.



The Kryptonian council orders the immediate family of all military personnel shipped off world and one of the converted ocean vessel starts carrying nearly 12000 mostly military children in cold sleep with 500 adults chosen from the military or their immediate families.

Luigi Zatara sees a familiar face from his days in the German embassy, Luigi recognizes her as a League operative and manages to make sure she doesn't see him or his wife, but he is very worried, it's only been twenty years and the League has pictures of them both.

Luigi Zatara and his Milessa already distanced from their son John because of his decision to hide in plain site as a small time stage magician, reluctantly decide to make one last visit to their son and granddaughter giving little "Zata" father the Callisto Henshin Rod and the two rings he received twenty three years before. 

Three more volcanic Islands are taken by the New Kryptonians and 150,000 Kryptonians are rounded up and shipped off world by various means.

 Krypton's economy is in a shambles the ocean going shipping industry is nearly dead only the government is keeping supply ships going to the populated Islands.



The dimensional stress levels have exceeded the Five year mark and increasing, all Kryptonian ships are ordered to stay “hot” on the planet and be prepared to leave within four hours if the stress levels jump drastically.

The Kryptonian Council earmarks several missiles as escape pods for themselves and start putting their families into the clandestine refugee stream.

Volcanic and seismic activity has increased slightly New Krypton's council worried about feeding refugees make the decision to convert ten of the twelve remaining hulls waiting for cold sleep chambers to green houses.

Late in the year New Krypton space ships start taking the government run resupply ships meant for still populated Islands, the crew is removed and the ships are quickly sealed against vacuum and lifted away from Krypton.



New Krypton aware that the Dimensional stress levels are above the one year mark decides to use a one of a kind bulk asteroid capture ship and it's specially designed warp field to envelope a city of fifteen million in warp compression stasis, the Krypton council allows this in broad daylight. The ship leaves krypton on a fifty year journey to the nearest colony, the same week the New Kryptonian Island base is abandoned.



Jor-El's child is born they never take the child more than an hour from the small FTL escape ship, later as the stress levels start to increase at a higher rate one is always near the escape probe with the child.

Their is a general outcry from the public demanding that the council protect them from the aliens, the council responds by starting to launch an increasing stream of “defensive” missiles at the ”aliens”.

 The New Kryptonian council orders all New kryptonian starships to far side station now a huge collection of of hulls under constant orbital adjustment to keep the sun between them and Krypton.

Only Ten of New Krypton's fastest ships are allowed to approach krypton most simply capture a cargo vessel from the now very rough oceans order the crew into their vessel and then head for far side towing the unsealed cargo vessel.



A converted FTL probe carrying a small child leaves Krypton Twelve hours ahead of it's final destruction, two hours later alarms sound at the missile defense bases and military personnel start loading into the converted missiles three hours later a wave of over 12,000 missiles head for deep space rondevue on far side.

 Krypton's natural kryptonite warp core goes critical an hour before the first of the missiles reaches the protection of the sun and 80 percent of the coldsleep pods are destroyed in the explosion as the core of the krypton attempts to enter hyper space far to deep in a stars gravity well. Small amounts of kryptonite manage to go super-luminal instead of becoming part of krypton's light-speed energy pulse, this material starts to enter nearby star systems being yanked out of hyper-space as it passes deep enough into the gravity wells of a star. 



The New Kryptonian council estimates that over twenty million Krypton refugees are spread out across their space with the bulk in transit in warp compression stasis.


A small ship, carrying a Kryptonian child discards it's kryptonite warp core and enter Earth's atmosphere and lands, he is found and adopted by a human family.  The child's aura has the multidimensional bio-energy field intended to protect against the large amounts of red and green kryptonite on krypton.

The child's aura under the influence of a slightly higher frequency mix of sunlight and the lack of kryptonite stress allows the protective aura to start storing solar energy instead of using it to move the Kryptonite stress field into higher dimensions out of  three dimensional space. The child's growth keeps disrupting the aura's energy buildup limiting him to only slightly above normal human abilities until his growth slows, in his late teens.



John Zatara is captured by  Avalon operatives, that don't realize who he is or that he has the Callisto Henshin rod, all they think is that he has a large concentration of  Silver Millennium artifacts and they want him to "join" the Avalon cause.   John activates the Callisto Heshin rod's fail safe and his daughter receives it and two rings in much the same fashion as her Grandfather did in 1940.

The Avalon Council, the Lancelot league and every active senshi on the planet feel the linking of Zatanna to the Callisto Heshin rod, but the fail-safe mode fuzzed the traces and automatically goes to stealth preventing them from getting a fix on a boarding school in North America.



A Chinese search team working for the PLA discovers the Cylon crash site after 31 long years of searching Tibetan mountain valleys, work begins immediately on carefully excavating the crash site.

 The Cylon Ship and the associated repair and production equipment is well preserved in a deep layer of snow that had been covered by a thick layer of insulating rock and dirt in later land slides.



The Kryptonian child's growth has slowed enough and the expansion of his energy reserves has started to level off so that his aura is now stabilizing and his available energy reserves are building. This reserve of power causes his kryptonian aura to bleed energy from a higher dimension he instinctively uses this surge of energy to improve his bodies functions and to to increase his speed, toughness, strength and to even warp space around his body allowing him to form an aura based forcefield and even eventually manipulate gravity fields.

He is currently about one percent of his full capability with a three percent energy reserve or 1SA at 3SR.

Clark Kent wins a contest for future Journalist the prize is a trip to Japan during summer vacation while there he is to keep a Journal that will be printed in school papers across his home state.  The Young man's slowly growing kryptonian aura activates a long buried Silver Millennium artifact holding a stasis field, the artifact or Serenity Broach misinterprets the boy's high energy aura as the return of the aliens and releases the stasis field on Serenity's advisors and over the next three months the advisor choose nine newly married couples living in the Juban district of Tokyo directly above the Broach. The Broach artificially creates conception in the nine wives producing nine genetic duplicates of the long dead daughter of Serenity and eight of the planetary princess of the Silver Millennium.

The two advisors still trapped in their black and white house cat forms move among the couples as pets carefully watching the nine unwitting surrogate mothers and their husbands. These advisors have seen Merlin's ancient original message and were met and helped by Avalon representatives. Nominally in charge they listen to the Avalon agents and to Auther Pendragon the current owner of the land holding the cave containing the Silver Milleneum artifacts.



China reluctantly hires Russian scientist to help unravel the alien crash site, it is after hiring these experts that several breakthrough are made in making sense of the alien technology.



The Russian and Chinese Scientist manage to get the 3 production facilities set up by the Cylons operational and start to carefully study them as they function.



A Japanese man and his wife are transfered to England from Juban taking a white cat that has been a family pet for seven years the black cat remains in Juben moving as a house pet between the remaining eight families raising the Silver Millennium clones.

The Chinese and Russian Scientist have managed to make crude copies of the Cylon production equipment and are applying a vigorous program of testing and experimentation to the copies.



Mikhail Gorbachev is elected as first executive president, the Hard line communist responsible for the shared research on the alien technology bury it under layers of secrecy, all records of the alien technology and the developments are removed from Moscow.



The Chinese and Russian researchers finally get the copies of the production line for the high strength structural material working and start producing a cruder version of the original material at a extremely high security facility called Prometheus Forge. They name the high strength material Prometheus, but the western name of unobtainium applied in the first few years of the twenty first century quickly replaces it.



The Chinese succeed in producing the first functional cold fusion power plant from the production line, it is very crude and enters thermal runaway after 3 days operation destroying itself.



All three copied production lines are operational and as an experiment two old T-72 Tanks are upgraded using the alien technology. The main diesel power plant is replaced by a cold fusion power plant and specially designed electric drive motors, it's armour is upgraded with 0.20 inches of the superarmour and the turret's rotation system is converted to use the artificial muscle fibers.

Testing shows the T-72 is is now very resistant to most current anti-tank weapons.

The Cold fusion power plant and drive motors is nearly 15 miles per hour slower, but with a range limited only by the life of the drive train and track system.  It also has the additional advantage of the removal of the diesel fuel and it's replacement with the smaller molecular hydrogen fuel supply allowing it to carry 24 more  rounds of ammunition.

Late in the year one of the converted T-72 is lost and two of it's crew are killed in an attempt to increase the top speed of the converted tank. The overloaded cold fusion power plant enters thermal runaway and the extreme heat detonates the ammunition before the crew can get completely clear.




"Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman"

Superman appears, America, Russia, China and other countries starts researching a means to fight him.



Requiem for a Superhero”

Lois father is a robotics and medical genius, to help fund his research he is creating robotic limbs for boxers, the boxers are abusing the superhuman strength and hurting other boxers. Lois and Clark investigate.

NOTES off air additions to this show

Chinese operatives have a hand in this they need his neuro interface technology for their own mechsuits, Chinese spies manage to copy most of the medical and technology files of Lois father, Chinese scientist greatly expand this research and start tentative design work on Large man like battle armour.


Near the end of this month the Chinese start adding layers of Lead shielding to their unobtainium production center called Prometheus Forge.




China starts using knowledge gleaned from the Cylon crash site. They merge this alien knowledge and Lois's father's stolen research to help develop powered battle armour, they hope that will be able to stand up to superman

."All Shook Up"

Superman must stop an asteroid that is roughly six miles across from hitting Earth, but he gets amnesia from his first partially successful attempt at altering the asteroid's path. He is flung back to Earth unconscious with a portion of the asteroid still coming it's flight path unchanged.

NOTES  mostly off air changes to this episode

Superman uses the sheared off top of a a granite mountain peak as a "cue ball" he accelerates it to high speed aiming it at "nightfall".  Superman following his "cue ball" to closely gets caught in the effects of the high speed impact as the granite peak and a portion of the asteroid flashes into plasma.  Superman and a large cloud of debris is scattered back toward Earth at a higher speed than the asteroid. This first strike is a partial success and  the asteroid breaks along an ancient merger line, a "chip" roughly a mile and half across continues on the Nightfall's original coarse and a larger four and half mile portion has it's coarse altered enough to make it miss by about 50,000 miles. The calculations show the "chip" is going to enter the atmosphere somewhere over the atlantic ocean.

While superman is missing with amnesia the space station Prometheus is destroyed carried out of orbit by shards and recondensed rock from superman's first  attempt, no lives are lost the station had been evacuated for several days.

Superman recovers as per the episode and uses another granite "cue ball" on the one and half mile fragment forcing it to pass just about 10,000 miles above the Earth's surface.

A large number of Weather and communication satellite are destroyed along with Prometheus.  America and the UN make noises about building a second space station as the constellation of satellite around Earth are slowly replaced, but no serious effort is made until 2000, when William Waldeker takes interest in space and uses his 75SA enhancement to build an ad hoc space station that leads to him eventually being responsible for starting a second space race.




This episode didn't happen at all, there was no Vatman.


Instead Gretchen discovers that the newborn baby clone she was ordered to produce is a normal human child similar to superman in body shape. The baby has no discernible superpowers or alien characteristics. Lex secretly adopts the child and “gives” it to Gretchen who hires a nanny that takes care of the child throughout his early years.

Gretchen uses Lex Corp resources to start experimenting with “force growing” clones to any desired age and giving the person manufactured memories.

See “Luthor Junior” by arthur Hanson 




Barbarians At the Planet”

Lex buys the Daily planet and gets an answer to his proposal to Lois, acquires some green kryptonite.

Fall of the House of Luthor”

Lois comes very close to marrying Lex Luthor. Clark, Perry and others finally discover that Lex is the cause of the Daily Planets money problems and his purchase of the Daily Planet was not legal.  Lex uses the green kryptonite to nearly kill superman, and later he apparently falls to his death from his apartment and declared dead by the emergency personnel.

NOTES off air additions to this show

Gretchen acquires Lex luthors badly damaged body from the morgue and recognizes he is using one of Asabi's trances to stay alive. Gretchen using embezzled Lex Corp resources places Lex on life-support in an experimental cold sleep chamber. Gretchen begins preparing to rebuild Luthors body by producing six clones and using the experimental force growing techniques to age the babies enough allow their use as donors. Later she murders five of these comatose twin brothers as she cannibalizes their bodies to repair the damage done to lex's body and nervous system.



This old Gang of Mine”

A scientist clones several old gangsters and force grows the babies to adulthood giving them a set of memories based on the extensive criminal records and memoirs each had written. The process he uses is flawed and the clones do not long survive.

NOTES off air additions to this show

The scientist working on the cloning process for Lex Corp before Luthor's Fall from power, keeps the research and attempts to make money with it himself by completing the Lex Corp program with the criminals and implanting the memories. He cuts corners after funding is cut off and the clones die quickly.

Late in the year China manages to merge some of their alien research and Lois's father's stolen research and start development of powered battle armour, they hope that will be able to stand up to Superman.

Bolt from the blue”

While Superman was saving Waldeker's life a 75% copy of Superman's kryptonian aura is transfer along with a small amount of energy by a lightning strike to Waldeker. Later Gretchen tunes a multi-frequency high voltage machine, by trail and error to try and take Waldekers power and transfers a 50% copy of Waldeker's Aura to herself. Superman incorrectly assumes it was only his powers or stored energy that was transfered and uses Gretchen's machine repeatedly to drain Waldeker and Gretchen, the machine drains both but as a by product of that it disrupts the partial kryptonain aura's both now have returning them to near human levels. The Kryptonian aura's are not removed and will slowly recover in the following years giving Gretchen's about 35% or 35SA Kryptonian enhancement, while Waldeker's kryptonain enhancement will eventually climb to 75% or 75SA. At this time both Gretchen and Waldeker are near human normal and their kryptonian aura will require close to 2 years to slowly recover.

NOTES off air additions to this show

This episode from Superman saving Waldeker's life to Gretchen's machine takes 3 weeks.

On waking the day after the lightning strike Waldeker accidently wrecks his apartment and quickly realizes the lightning strike gave him superpowers, after three days he feels confident enough to leave his apartment and carefully takes a bus out of the city to try and safely adjust to the sudden superpowers, he returns later and starts charging for the use of his superpowers.



"Metallo” A andriod trys to rob a Jewelry store, but it's computer brain malfuctions.  Later the petty criminal boyfriend of Lois's sister is shot in a robbery and his partners give him to Dr. Emmett Vale.  Vale is a scientist at Lexlabs who is obsessed with making a cyborg and he along with his brother successfully transfer the petty criminal's brain to a Andriod body.  The Vales use kryptonite in the cyborg body as a power booster and when superman tries to stop him he is weakened and badly beaten by the cyborg.  Superman  eventually defeats the cyborg by melting his legs and body imobilizing him. Rollie Vale takes the kryptonite from the immobilized cyborg and escapes.

NOTES off air additions to this show.

The fleeing Rollie Vale is picked up by Chinese operatives that are the representatives of a front company. The front company is funded by the Chinese government and is using American high technology to help crack and develop the alien technology found at the Cylon crash site. LexLabs was one of these unwitting companies and Dr. Emmet and Rollie had stolen the technology to build the Andriod body.

Chi of Steel”

The “Mystical” bracelets are actually Silver Millennium artifacts that can speed up a trained martial artist reactions to near superman's level and enhance their  natural aura into an energy field that lets them redirect any physical attack by absorbing part of the projectiles incoming energy and applying it at right angles to the direction of the attack.


Major Changes to Lois & Clark TV episodes begin with this episode.


Lex Luthor returns giving himself up to the police. Gretchen and Lex have prepared ”proof” that the crimes were committed by an unstable clone of Luthor. This clone was supposedly created by renegade members of his own board of directors to gain control of Lex Corp and replaced him. Luthor still loves Lois, but Gretchen has promised him something he loves more than Lois, power in the form of getting his company back and a chance at kryptonian powers. Gretchen claims her medical test show that kryptonian powers are slowly returning to her body.

In a major trail Lex Luthor is cleared of any wrong doing and a much reduced Lex corp is returned to his control, both Gretchen and Asibi become trusted members of his new board of directors.


When Irish eyes are killing” This episode is unchanged the "magical" artifacts do have origins with the Druids, but they were only discovered by them and they created the legend of a sacrafice need to access their power.




Lucille Newtrich  hit's Superman with a laser fired through a sample of red kryptonite transferring a 93% copy of his Kryptonain aura along with his solar energy reserves to Lois the red kryptonite beam disrupts Superman's kryptonian aura leaving him nearly human normal.  Lucille figures this out and later manages to transfer a copy of the Kryptonian aura to herself from Lois along with the solar energy reserve, Ultrawoman's kryptonian aura is disrupted and she is returned to human levels. Superman and Lois trick Lucille and Superman has his aura restabilized and the solar energy reserve transfered back returning his superpowers. Unknown to Lois and Lucille they now have a badly disrupted Kryptonian Aura that after two years will again be stable enough to start trapping solar energy returning their superpowers. After their Kryptonian aura fully stabilizes they will be at 93% of Superman's Ability or 93SA.

NOTES off air additions to the show

This episode from the Lois's initial enhancement till the powers are returned to superman takes two weeks.

Lois manages to save the truck with no brakes and then under Clark's careful instructions gains enough control to become Ultrawoman.  Lois has a few days of being Ultrawoman her skill with the superpowers growing quickly. In the battle where Ultrawoman lost her powers Lucille is defeated by her own lack of experience with super powers and goes into hiding for several days. Later confident of having mastered the superpowers Lucille is quickly tricked and has them disrupted and transfered back to superman.

 "Chip off the old Clark"

A young boy with super powers is discovered, these powers are eventually disrupted by his growth, it is not realized at the time, but once his growth stops his super powers will return eventually approaching 80SA with 80SR by the time he is in his twenties.




"Home Is Where The Hurt is"

Mindy Church tries to bring back Intergang and creates a Kryptonian virus and infects Superman with it.

NOTES off air additions to the show

The Kryptonian virus wasn't created by Mindy Church instead it is the final refinement of a largely unsuccessful Lancelot League anti-Kryptonian bioweapons program.  The League first attempted to use Earth based virus and ended with the genetic modification of a viral organism found in a small spaceship.

The League experts quickly realized that Superman's immune system was simply to powerful for any virus to defeat.  After several failures they hit upon the idea of incorporating kryponite into the virus itself as a means of making superman vulnerable to infection.  All attempts to use Earth based virus failed as test showed that any terrestrial DNA exposed at nanoscale distances to tiny amounts of kryptonite destroyed the DNA.

The League Bioengineers finally discovered that virus samples taken from a small spaceship could survive exposure to kryptonite and the virus was quickly modified to create a viral packaging that would also easily absorb a microscopic amount of kryptonite.

Dr. Lanes attempt to use Kryptonite to cure superman actually only speeds up his recover by forcing his body to fall back on the antibody form of protecting itself. When the kryptonite was removed superman produced a large number of  antibodies that overwhelmed the kryptonian enhanced virus quickly flushing the finite amount of kryptonite from his system.   

It should be noted that even without this "cure" the Kryptonite boosted Kryptonian virus was not lethal.  The extraterrestrial virus used was relatively benign to kryptonian humans.  At worst the enhanced virus was like a severe cold virus and only Clarks inexperience with sickness as an adult and a near total lack of childhood sickness made it appear worse than it was.



I now pronounce you-”

Double Jepordy”


Sorry folks these episodes never happened in this universe, instead Lex Luthor attention is pulled from Lois by the one thing he loves more “Power” in the form of Gretchen's returning kryptonian enhancement and the promise that she can also copy them to him, they are disappointed when Gretchen's powers top out at 35 SA or 35 % of Superman's Ability.




Through A Glass, Darkly”

Big Girls Don't Fly”

In addition to testing Clark the Kryptonians are doing a biosphere survey of Earth, the destruction of Krypton in 1965 has again made them dependant on fairly unstable biospheres not created by the First or Second Wave and are looking to use Earth as a replacement for Krypton, they are starting to feel the strain of the few million survivors they saved from krypton and know that a entire kryptonian city called Kandor will have to come out of warp compression stasis in a few years.

The Kryptonian's for the first time visit Earth in starships with Black kryptonite warp cores and discover that Earth's yellow dwarf starlight when combined with their protective Kryptonian aura gives them superhuman abilities.



Lord Of The Flys”

Battleground Earth”

The New Kryptonians come to Earth announcing they will take over the planet, this is poorly planned invasion, pushed by Lord Nor and inspired by the recent discovery that a yellow dwarf star is giving New Kryptonians superpowers. 

A representative from the New kryptonians invades the white house and captures the president making him hostage within the white house, others approach the UN and announce they now control the planet. Small Groups of New Kryptonians spread out "showing the flag" and doing biological surveys as they hold hostage world leaders.

Waldecker has reached roughly 60 SA and reluctantly preparing to try and free the president and help in defending America.

Artemis the cat shaped Silver Millennium advisor living in England decides to reveal himself to his charge and gives her the Venus Henshin Rod and Avalon begins training her to help defend against the New Kryptonians.  When the alien invasion fizzles the girl switches to crime fighting as a form of training eventually calling herself Sailor V.

Luna the Silver Millennium advisor living in Juban Tokyo vacillates until the short lived New Kryptonian invasion has ended. After the New Kryptonian's leave Luna decides to wait until the group of princesses are older.

The Avalon council is divided on what to do about the invasion and order their operatives to not challenge the New Kyptonians, when it ends they side with Luna.

During the New Kryptonian invasion a young Kryptonian woman doing a biological resource survey of China washes mud off herself and her uniform at a group of pools located in a high mountain valley. The pool, part of a group of pools collectively called  Jusenkyo is a remnant of Silver Millennium technology, Jusenkyo is programmed to copy any form stronger than a set value and attempts to copy her form into the pool she is bathing in. The pool is stymied by her aura based bio-forcefield, however during her bath the young New kryptonian lost a single strand of hair into the pool and the technology of the pool was able to get a partial DNA copy and drain 54% of her energy reserves adding a partial copy of her Kryptonian aura and mixing her DNA structure with the pool's original generic female template. The altered pool is unstable containing a large store of aura energy, this change is unknown to the caretaker or any of the surrounding tribes in the high mountain valley, somewhere in the Bayankala Mountains.

Lord Nor is killed at his Smallville head quarters by the American military and the remaining New Kryptonian leaders discover that most countries are mobilizing atomic weapons that they fear would damage Earth's Biosphere.

After a close vote the New Kryptonians suddenly retreat only leaving a small number of agricultural and biological experts in Brazil.

The Brazilian government and other nearby governments sign a secret treaty with this small BIO-AGRI team or clan of New Kryptonians and they start sharing high technology methods with the treaty nations in return for help in studying Earth's Biosphere.




Swear to God this time were not kidding”

This is the last episode used from the series all other episodes are not used, they might be allowed on a rewritten individual basis but Tempus is now off setting up his own empire in a parallel universe, the New Kryptonians have made a deal and some are secretly living in South America. Mr. Mxyzptlk arrival would be sensed by the active sailor scouts bringing them to Metropolis to confront him.

Elvis Presley is elected president of the United states and is reelected in 2000 serving an 8 year term. 


Gretchen's enhancement has reached the double digits and her early experiments has given Lex a low level enhancement.

 In the next four months Gretchen stops using herself as a donor and allows her enhancement to grow.  Both Lex and Gretchen are disappointed when her enhancement tops out at 35 SA.

Gretchen builds a device to measure percentage of superman's abilities, but incorrectly calibrates the device.  After determining that her power level has stopped improving she drops herself to 17 SA enhancing Lex to a immediate 18 SA that will build to 35 SA.

Boris Yeltsin is forced to turn control of the Russian military over to communist hard-liners, in a backlash caused by the aborted Kryptonian invasion and Russia's inability to develop any creditable defense for the few Kryptonians that passed through their country.

Elvis the new president of the United States is settling into his position.



Last “Lois and Clark” episode currently not used.(Lois has children later, after her super powers return.)

Russia and China both frightened by the New Kryptonian invasion and then by their sudden dissapearance secretly agree to strengthen the sharing of all research on the alien technology.



Lois and Lucille have reached SA levels in the teens. Lucille quickly noticed her returning powers due to a knifing attempt, still in prison she is approached by an American general, with questions.

The hard line communist move back to Russia and start construction of duplicates of the Chinese production facilities, at one of Russia's Siberian bases. Russia gives China a new software technology that improves the stability and control of a battlemecha's limbs.

A video game becomes a best seller in England, South Korea and Japan the game is based on an urban legend about a superpowered Asian girl running around in what most call a cheerleader's outfit. This masked vigilante has been a staple of the English tabloids for the last two years even nudging superman to the second page a couple of times.  A major gaming company out of Japan hires a Japanese girl living in England to be the model and creates a game based loosely on this mythical Sailor V.



Lucille and Lois have reached roughly 32 SA Lois is worried and hiding returning powers from Clark.

Jesse Stipanovic's mother is given a job working in a cafe near the military facility where Lucille is working for the General that removed her from prison. The General unwilling to take a chance that Jesse's super powers are gone for good puts him and his mother in the base's outer security ring and carefully selects several people to observe, interact and watch the boy and his mother.

Gretchen and Lex attack Waldeker and lose, Waldeker is more than twice as powerful, he goes into hiding with his sister stopping several other kidnapping attempts, over the next two months.

A English Tabloid claims it offices and printing presses were destroyed by Sailor V after revealing that She was Superman's half human illegitimate daughter.

Lois worried about her kryptonian powers attributes another change in her body to her returning powers she is unaware one of her and her husbands greatest desires has happened...  She is pregnant.



Lois has reached 46 SA finally tells Clark after a meeting with the same General that went to Lucille.  Lucille has been working for the military for over two months.

Waldeker goes to the president with a deal and his sister moves into the white house officially becoming a member of the cleaning staff. Walder takes two Secret Service agents and goes to the top of the Empire state building during a thunderstorm. These agents are the first to get what will be called the presidential package, Waldeker's SA level is dropped to the mid forties.

A break through based on stolen research in invasive Neuro interface technology allows the Chinese to start test production of a larger battlemech. The technology uses a direct link to the brain of the pilot to control the electronics of their still experimental battlemechs.



The agents enhanced by Waldeker return from a relatively isolated government warehouse set aside because of advice from Waldeker. There under waldeker's care they spend two weeks training until Waldeker deems it is safe enough to call in other secret service personnel to study the enhancement.

Scientist using RADAR data of Superman flying to critical emergencies and RADAR data of Waldeker's maximum speed determine he is currently roughly 50% of superman's speed and slowly climbing. 



Lucille has reached 68 SA and is having limited success in reproducing her ray-gun, with any available sample of red kryptonite.

Scientist in the U.S. military develop a device to measure Lucille's reserve energy levels and estimate actual strength potential.

Gretchen and Lex use her machine to enhance Asabi to 30 SA dropping Gretchens power level's greatly.

Waldeker not recovered from the first two enhancements takes another agent, finds a thunderstorm and enhances him, both have to take a bus to return the Isolation Warehouse.



The first two secret service agents enhanced by Waldeker finally hit 40 SA and gain the ability to fly.

Test using RADAR data show the enhanced secret service agents can fly at roughly 40% of superman's top measured speed.

Discrete feelers are put out, on the black market, by Lex offering super powers to any that can pay.

Lois has reached 77 SA, carefully using her powers from the background, Lucille is over 70 SA.

Russian/Chinese research on the Cylon cold fusion system succeeds in building a fusion reactor that will fit their under twenty foot battlemech.

Lucille accidentally exposed to a sample of mind altering red kryptonite and the super-hero GI Jane is born, just as Lucille's SA level passes 75.  The actual red kryptonite effects last a month, but the thrill and other feeling she has as she saves people's lives causes a change in attitude.

Gretchen and Asabi are each dropped to10 SA enhancing several customers.



Lois gives birth for the first time in the second week of November.

Ultrawoman makes her first official reappearance near the end of the month and a short time later announces she will be helping her“husband”.



Waldeker, who has just regained the ability to fly and both of the first two enhanced agents each enhance one secret service agent, none are able to fly after the enhancements and all have a rough landing in Florida. The White house now has access to 5 enhanced secret service agents, not counting Waldeker.

The Silver Millennium advisor living in Tokyo comes to believe that a cat burglar pulling off spectacular jewelry thefts is an agent for Beryl. The cat burglar has recently purchased a 2 SA enhancement from Lex Luther in America and has moved to Tokyo to use it to steal, the enhancement is making her look like a stealthed alien and Luna reveals herself to the cloned daughter of Serenity and gives her her family's HENSHIN rod, the Serenity broach is left in the cave now roughly 60 feet below a local arcade. 

The general overseeing Lucille's attempts to enhance military personnel uses his access to another military research program to produce the first artificial analog for red kryptonite, this material comes to be called synthetic kryptonite.  It is essentially harmless to Kryptonians and humans alike, but it's crystal structure partially matches real kryptonite.

Lucille drops herself back to 60SA successfully enhancing four special forces personnel to varying levels, none greater than 15SA. Research begins immediately on a method to Mass produce the effect, and limit or remove the draining of the donor.

Lex, Gretchen and Asabi slowly start building up a very small group of trusted enhanced henchman around 9SA they essentially act as guards and as self re-charging donors for Gretchen's machine.

GI Jane has a hobby of filling in at regular intervals, for superman usually alternate weekends and holidays also doing a few military missions, mainly backup for the special forces personnel she has enhanced.

China worried by the two new American “Kryptonians” creates a full production line and starts production of their battlemech accepting the 10% death rate from implanting the neuro interface in pilots.



Lucille finally back near 93SA enhances a high ranking special forces officer to 15SA.

The first successful test of the kryptonian aura modulation chamber produces a Hundred and three that will in twelve months reach 5SA the next test trying for 10SA burns out the aura modulation chamber and badly pits the synthetic kryptonite, twelve months later this second group of subjects only reach 8SA.  The lack of immediate results in the tests causes all to deem it a failure and the research is slowed.



The funding for the unrelated american armour program that produce the synthetic kryptonite is canceled.

Russian starts a full production line of Battlemech, inferior to China's but costing half as much, only 5% produced have the expensive direct neuro interface subsystem with the remaining 95% using sensors embedded in exosuits and other more traditional controls systems.

The Secret Service and the President make the decision to forgo further enhancements until Waldeker and all 5 kryptonian enhanced personnel enhancements stop increaseing and remain steady for a few weeks.



A security guard that was part of Lucille's's first enhancement test starts manifesting powers the two hundred odd subjects of the army's first two test are called back to the project for full testing.

 Russia makes a break through in power storage laying the ground work for a more powerful battlemech, they trade it to China for updated neuro-interface technology.

 A Russian study estimates that at their current levels 50 Russian Battlemechs would be required to stop GIJane, Ultrawoman or Superman.

 Waldeker and the other enhanced secret service agent's SA levels have reached levels that allow flight capability again.

 Several Jewelry stores along a city block in the Jubin District of Tokyo are heavily damaged in a fight between apparent super humans a jewelry store security camera manages to capture thirty seconds of a masked teenager in a brightly coloured copy of a Sailor V costume trading concrete cracking blows with a female figure dressed all in black. Eyewitnesses claim the young girl called herself Sailor Luna.



Several test performed in early January show that Waldeker and Agent Dan Bar's flight speed has reached a limit of 75 % of Superman's top flight speed, now dubbed 75 SA, by the Secret Service research scientist. The other enhanced agents fall in the range 70 to 75 percent of Superman's top speed, significantly only the 75 SA group has the ability to use heat vision. Two more Secret Service agents are selected and enhanced by agents at 70 SA and 73 SA.

Lucille settles into enhancing five carefully selected special forces officer to 10SA every ten months, this continues for the next 10 years causing GIJane's SA levels to hover around 85SA.

 The subjects, from Lucille's first large group enhancement test have reached a maximum around 5SA.

The overseeing General ask a senator to have the unrelated armour program restarted just to produce the synthetic kryptonite, the General tells the senator that it is for the “Ultraman” project, two weeks later the senator's son is killed by terrorist and he reveals the army's Ultraman project to the world, with a plea that it be applied to all military personnel.

At roughly the same time the American president and Japan's emperor are attacked in Japan, forcing three of the enhanced secret service agents guarding the president to use the full ability of their enhancement to save his life and the life of others, this is during a live news broadcast revealing their enhancement to the world.




A eighteen year old Japanese girl is badly wounded protecting the U.S. president (Elvis Presley) from a ninja assassin. The girl in her last year of high school wins a cooking contest along with nine other Japanese high school students, the contest was to cook and serve one dish each for a historic meeting of the U.S. president and Japan's emperor. One of the girls the eldest daughter of the master of an obscure martial arts form, recognizes a ninja style attack and takes an attack meant for the president, at that moment most of the security is occupied stopping twenty additional heavily armed assassins. When President Elvis learns that the poison has no cure and will kill the young lady within twenty-four hours he orders one of his enhanced secret service agents to take her to their “enhancement” facilities and try to use a Presidential level enhancement to save her life.

This order is given as the President, the Japanese Prime Minister and emperor talk under the protection of two enhanced secret service agents and is later carried out by enhanced Secret service agent Dan Bar. Only the Japanese emperor and Prime Minister are aware that an enhancement is the true method of attempting to save the girl's life.

The unconscious Japanese girl, named Kasumi Tendo is enhanced in a thunderstorm over the Hawian islands and then taken by Dan Bar to a military hospital in that state and a cover story is prepared, but her heroic sacrifice is missed in the shuffle and shock as copies of the live video feeds are broadcast around the world. The video showing a secret services agent taking a bomb laden car out to sea, while other agents blur picking bullets out of the air as they move to disable several assassins.

 Three days later, when it is clear the enhancement is going to save the Japanese girl's life the U.S. president announces that as an apology, he has allowed the enhancement of a single female Japanese police or military officer to the level of his secret service agents, as an apology to all Japan.

In what appears to be almost an after thought President Elvis also announces that the Japanese girls that had been about to present their prize winning Japanese dishes will be given a year as exchange students at an Ivy League American school as a personal apology to them.

That night Agent Dan Bar returning from the Hawian Military Hospital flys to the Tendo Dojo and request a meeting with Soun Tendo who has been searching desperately for his daughter, but has been largely ignored by the press and the police. Agent Bar brings a video tape that contains a message from Kasumi and a personal messages from President Elvis, the Japanese Prime Minister and Emperor praising Soun for raising such a heroic daughter. They ask him for national security reasons and Kasumi's and their personal safety to say nothing of saving the president's life and to use a cover story of finding her in a hospital being treated for minor injuries. The years absence for her “treatment”is to be covered with the exchange student story. The Tendo family are only told that a highly classified treatment developed for bio and chemical warfare is being used to save her, nothing is mentioned of it being a kryptonian enhancement.



Agent Dan Bar again returns to the Tendo Dojo with another video tape from Kasumi and what appears to be several personal request from secret service agents to start taking Karate lessons from Soun. It actually represents an personal order from Elvis and is made up of equal parts of Elvis trying to honorably help the family of the girl who saved his life.  Find a way to keep an eye on the girl's family and set the foundation for a reason for Enhanced secret service agents to appear regularly when the girl is returned.

The Martial Arts classes begin in the middle of March and start with enhanced and un-enhanced secret service agents flying directly into the American embassy two times a week to be driven in civilian clothes to the Tendo dojo.



The Secret Service agent were originally paying only lip service to the training, when in a demonstration of one of his schools advanced moves Soun performs a twelve foot standing leap and then apologizes for being so out of practice and not reaching the required altitude for the move. After a few more demonstrations of these and other moves the classes doubles and the enhanced agents are speculating that the training might give a 70SA Secret Service agent a fighting chance against New kryptonian if they ever invaded again.



A key research scientist familiar with every aspect of the production of China's artificial muscle fibers and an expert in the control system's for those fibers is presumed killed when his car drives off a collapsed bridge and the body is lost in the flooding river. Unknown to the Chinese the scientist, a Christian with Jewish sympathies was approached by spies from Israel and defected to that country taking the top secret production method with him.   When China and Russia realized in 2004 that an exact copy of their production method is being used by Israel they impliment extreme security measure on all processes and production techniques they have aquired from the downed Cylon space ship.


 The Calm Years


Canada makes a secret deal with the US and agrees to pay for the construction of a enhancement facility at a joint military base in Canada that will enhance 100 Americans and 200 Canadian military personnel a day.

 The US military now has over 40,000 enhanced personnel the majority are army personnel most have yet to reach their full 3SA enhancement level.

 A large set of regulations are put into place to control the Presidential package, and initially were applied to the Military package. Later as more was learned about the military packages the laws applied to enhanced personnel were reduced greatly, especially after the civilian program was started in 2010.

 The Number of active Secret service agents that can be enhanced with the Presidential package is limited to ten. A special per case vote is required by both the Senate and Congress to allow more enhancements and the disallowing of political office to any person with what is now called the Presidential enhancement.

 Luther is doing well and over the year enhances a number of the rich and wealthy most are 1SA to 3SA with several higher exceptions from the ruling class in Arab countries. The core of the Communist party in China eventually purchased 5SA packages and the current Chinese leader acquired a 7SA package in a closely guarded supposedly secret trip to Luther's enhancement facility in the United States, fairly close to the Mexican border.



A man and his son leave on a six month training trip to China, several legendary training grounds are the fathers targets.

 (Rising Sun)

Japan's new super hero code named “Rising Sun” is introduced by the emperor, the same day China and North Korea deny her the right to use their airspace.

 The past year has been hectic for Kasumi to say the least and only her slowly building kryptonian enhancement has allowed her to complete a year of intensive special forces and general military training, as well as attending a local high school, as an exchange student. Her load is increased as she now has to “commute” to Japan and put in appearances as Rising Sun.

When the girl was free to return from her stay as an “exchange student”, their was already a regular flow of military and Secret Service agents for her father to teach. This eventually included all presidential enhanced secret service agents and a selection of enhanced special forces from various branches of the armed forces rotating through several months training from her father.

A reporter discovers Waldeker's identity and connects him to his first appearance in metropolis, forcing the secret service to release a cover story of him being the first volunteer recipant of the presidential package.

Continuing problems with the magnetic driven gun causes China and Russian to instead install a 120mm auto cannon in their second generation mechs.

England and Japan both make a similar agreement to the Canadians and construction of an enhancement center begins at an American military base in each country.


A man and his son looking for obscure fighting techniques, arrive at Jusenkyo. The boy falls into the Kryptonian enhanced pool and as designed the pool creates an alternate female form giving it a partial Kryptonian aura of about 10SA and 10SR, however as the confused boy now a red headed female stands in the pool, the unstable aura energy absorb from the kryptonian is discharged through the female form stunning her, throwing her from the pool and increasing her kryptonian enhancement to 20SA and 20SR. The boy's female form is roughly the same age as his normal form, but it is near maturity, and his extensive martial art's training allows her to further stablize the kryptonian aura and maintain the female forms power through the final maturing process. 

A few days later the Saotome boy in his female form accidentally breaks the lower jaw of a nearby village's champion in a challenge match over a panda. In the violence that follows the boy inexperienced with the power levels of his female form accidentally contributes to the destruction of the amazon village and badly mauls three village elders. At first believed destroyed she escapes with the cause of the trouble, a greedy pet panda. The majority of the warriors and the last two unhurt village elders now carrying several powerful and ancient artifacts start chasing the girl.  While the least hurt village elder interrogates the young woman's guide, returning with him to Jusenkyo the elder is escorted by a few of the villages walking wounded warriors.  The elder test the pool first with the guide and then with two "volunteer" warriors and finally with herself.

The elder realizes the pool of drowned girl has changed and now gives a superhuman female form. Eventually the tribes around Jusenkyo determine that the pool's template has been modified from a normal young girl to that of a superhuman young woman with a partial kryptonian aura. The aura is initially around 1 SA and 1SR and slowly builds over twelve months to 10SA and 10SR.

The Soatome girl and a panda, still running from the Amazon village's war-party encounters Herb the prince of the exiled Musk dynasty, in the fight that follows this encounter Herb is quickly defeated. Turning from Musk territory the girl and her panda start to climb Phoenix mountain. The following Amazon war-party now in an uneasy alliance with the Musk prince and his escorts arrives at the edge of the the bird people's territory unwilling to anger the bird people or their temperamental and powerful self proclaimed Phoenix god, they camp almost two miles from their territory, giving up the chase and planning to return to the their homes in the morning.

During the night a fight starts a quarter of the way up the mountain and the combined war party watches as the fire magic of the bird people proves ineffective and the flares and fireballs of their attacks show that they are being forced up the mountain and deeper into their sacred territory.

Finally near the summit there is a large explosion, followed by a burning flare that is thrown off the mountain slamming into the ground just outside the Phoenix's territory and relatively close to the Amazon and Musk encampment. The elders rush to see if anything was left of the outsider that destroyed their village, they instead discover the badly beaten form of Kima wearing a full set of the feared “magical” armour. The armour uses black kryptonite and was designed and constructed during Silver millennium by the Beryl rebellion for the first Bird people created at Jusenkyo.

 The life saving first aid the Amazon elder gave the current leader of the bird people prevented a fight between the dis-trustful neighbors and for the first time in over a thousand years started to lay the foundation for a peace between the two groups.

Ten years Later the Amazon, Musk and Bird People of Phoenix Mountain stand together and stop the Chinese when the communist discover the existence of the kryptonian enhancement pool and move to finally take control of an area that had been largely forgotten.



Enough synthetic kryptonite and resonance chambers are produced to finally put three more enhancement centers into operation, in America. A laser miss calibration at one enhancement center results in 600 personnel enhanced to 8SA and the synthetic kryptonite and resonance chamber burned out after two days use.

Taiwan worried about spy reports of Chinese battle mech advances approaches the American government and manages to buy twenty 3SA enhancements for their special forces.

A Japanese trawler and cruise liner both report seeing a red headed woman towing a panda as she ran on the water to Japan. The report would have been discounted, save for a few fishermen fired for drinking, except for the nearly ten minutes of video shot of the girl after she had passed a cruise liner. Analysis of the video indicated she was not walking, but running. The Japanese coast guard called it a college prank performed with a submarine or some form of submersible powered skis.

China tests several Luther enhanced 2SA military officers against there current Battlemech design, causing them to increase the size, the armour and firepower significantly.



Waldeker is officially transfered from the Secret Service around the president to NASA. Congress and the Senate vote to allow an additional Secret Service agent to be enhanced and she is tasked with patrolling washington DC, protecting government facilities and helping around the nation.

Waldeker is employed, by NASA to clear space junk and fix the orbits of satellites and as a flying lifeguard or watchdog for shuttle flights.

A reporter jokingly calls Waldeker “Captain Spaced”.

The residents of the Nerima district of Tokyo are rudely awakened one night to Rising Sun fighting five possibly alien women, she was assisted by a Red Hawk. An enhanced masked vigilante relatively new to the area, but known to have assisted Rising Sun in the past. Eyewitness's claim the women were weaker than Red Hawk, but demonstrated abilities not associated with America's kryptonian enhancements. The purple haired sisters could best describe as superhuman weather witches or telekinetic warriors and were able to summon tornadoes move small objects without touching them the others were winged women and their agility and skill in the air was barely matched by Rising Sun's superior speed and strength, the battle ended abruptly after thirty-five minutes when “Captain Spaced” arrived from orbit to give assistance and the five attackers regrouped and vanished in a cloud of dust and were lost in the sewer systems.

Russia develops a software system that when coupled with the invasive neurointerface technology allows a pilot to use the electronics of his Battlemech to speed up his thinking and reaction time by a factor of five.

China and Russia start selling early model Battlemechs, these smaller mecha lack the super-strong armour, the 120mm auto cannon and have a more traditional control interface technology.

Gretchen and Luther discover the 1SA limitations of her machine when trying to use the twenty Taiwan enhancements as donors. Taiwan had initially approached Luther and made a deal where they would supply twenty donors taking half the 3SA enhancements for their military and allowing him to use the others, nobody is happy with the newly discovered limitation, or that further test show that each donor can only be used once a year.

Taiwan finally makes an agreement to allow Luther to use these 3SA special forces every year to enhance ten additional Taiwanese personnel to 1SA while allowing Luther to sell the 1SA enhancements he gets from the other ten.



Waldeker is loaned at his request to a group of private companies a week later he places a specially modified super-tanker into orbit and Space-conductors Inc. is born.

Ultrawoman pounds sixteen very early model Chinese Battlemechs into scrap after a General in a South America supported by China attempts to use them to stop free elections and set herself up as a dictator.

The enhancement site in canada receives it's synthetic kryptonite and resonance chamber and goes into full operation enhancing American and Canadian personnel, a month later the facilities in England and Japan receive their materials and quietly go into full operation.

Israel starts construction of a secret Battlemech research and limited production center, research is already underway to find a safe non-invasive way of mentally controlling battlemechs.



Space-conductors announces limited production of 8192 gigabyte 3D ram chips.

The U.S. military is approaching 600,000 enhanced personnel, with over 100,000 enhanced allied military personnel in Japan, Canada and England combined.

The Secret Service, the US Army, the US Marines and later the Air Force all become very interested in gaining teachers certified in the Tendo school of anything goes. All are reluctant to enter into a formal agreement with Genma because of what the background checks have revealed. Soun insists that all pupils training for a "Anything Goes" teaching certificate must not have a kryptonian enhancement until after they are certified as teachers by him.

America agrees to enhance seventy-five special forces personnel to 3SA for each nation that is a member of NATO.

Waldekar is making weekly supply pod runs to orbit with consumables, and returning with rotating crew and memory chips.

China demonstrates what they call a full production model Battlemech they claim able to stand up to the Ultraman project.

China prototypes a slightly larger Battlemech, with the magnetic rail-gun, but it is severely power limited and prone to overheating in both the cold fusion reactor and the magnetic gun.

The Secret Service are the first to formally request that Soun Tendo fully train and certify a "Anything Goes" teacher. They send their civilian Martial Arts adviser Frank Nash.  The man already a grand master in Lima Lama has black belts in at least four other forms. Including what is considered to be grand master skill level with a Bowie knife. Frank is not happy when his promised 3 SA enhancement is suddenly put on indefinite hold until he can become a certified instructor in some unknown minor martial arts school in Japan.  Frank hoping to win his certificate immediately Challenges the school's master Soun Tendo to a match. The next five minutes are very bruising and embarrassing as he quickly realizes just how outclassed he is and that Dan and several other agents whose skill he has "polished" in the past recognized this and have settled in to watch eating popcorn. 



Waldecker puts two rebuilt submarines into orbit as part of a joint NASA/Navy program. The subs are heavily modified SSBNs retaining their torpedoe tubes and the torpedo storage to house probes mounted on space worthy guided missiles. The ballistic missile bay and drive shaft were replaced with generators, labs, life support and additional living space. The atomic reactor's power output was tied to the four ion rockets each rated for a thrust of 0.02 gravities.  The two subs retained their wet navy names of  "George Washington Carver" and  "James K. Polk" and their SSBN disignations were changed to SSRV 656 and SSRV 645 standing for Space Service Research Vessels.

The United States Army becomes the second group to contract with Soun for "Anything Goes" instructors.  GI Jane's research of Ranma's enhancement reveals it has a base or rest state level of 20 SA. Yet Ranma can push it far higher with her training gaining super abilities that only appear when SA levels exceed 40 percent.  Soun will certify two students, but in an informal agreement between Ranma, Soun and GI Jane the second student will receive much of their training from Ranma.

Waldecker allows himself to be used to enhance one army officer and four members of a naval seal team to 10SA using GIJane's enhancement facilities

A joint resolution is put before the UN to force America to reveal to the world the techniques of the Presidential enhancement package for the good of humanity, vetoed by the U.S.

Israel's first two experimental battlemechs have controls similar to the Russian design and lack a neuro interface. Two Battlemech pilots are put into year long coma in the first test of an experimental non invasive neurointerface that used intense magnetic fields to sense key areas in the brain.



One american "space-sub" breaks earth orbit and heads for the moon returning two months later after successfully placing a tethered basket on the moons surface and then reeling it back with a kilogram of lunar dust. During the return flight it also carefully places 300 stealthed micro-sat's in many orbits around the earth and moon to watch for another kryptonain invasion.

The US Marines become the third group to formally petition Soun to train and certify a "Anything Goes" martial art instructor. Most of the 3 SA Marines used as guards at the Japanese embassy have been training under Soun for nearly 3 years.  All these Marines have gained higher level kryptonian abilities and most have the ability to see in the infrared spectrum.  Two of the best students have pushed a base 3 SA enhancement to a virtual 7 SA and no longer require binoculars and can focus gaining a superhuman sense of smell. 

The U. S. military is nearing 60% enhancement for it's personnel, Australia buys three thousand six hundred 3SA enhancements from the US, after spending six months testing eight military personnel enhanced by Lex Luthor to 1SA.



The US Airforce starts rotating enhanced personnel from their Japanese bases through a two year training program that is mostly taught by Genma.

Superman and Ultrawoman lift two super-tankers wielded top-deck to top-deck into LEO for consortium of micro-chip makers trying to compete with Space-conductors Inc. now the makers of memory chips that ”bring space to your computer's memory.”

In return for releasing 5,000 dissidents Superman puts a super-tanker called RedStar into LEO for the Chinese government. A week later the first three ton supply shell is lunched from a super-gun deep in China, called "Spaceguntwo". The Redstar's large crew is rotated infrequently with monthly launches of a ballistic system similar to America's Mercury program.

Israel successfully test a safer version of their non invasive neurointerface and start limited production of a Battlemech that lacks the super-armour of the Russian and Chinese mechs, but are slightly smaller, faster and very stealthy.

Lex enhances several Russian and Chinese agents to 10SA learns about a plan to rob Fort Knox were it is rumored a large concentration of enhancement supplies are stock-piled.

An experimental garden in one of the Navy's space-subs succeeds in taking 50% of the carbon out of the life-support cycle doubling range, but it converts it to mostly inedible plant material with only 10% being recycled as food.

China reports to the UN that 20 battlemechs were stolen from a research center, they fail to mention that 12 have the still experimental magnetic pulse gun installed and all have the high strength armour.

Sonny Bono is elected president  and 8 years later his Vice president Bruce Lee is elected president of the United States.


Thirty “criminals” attack Fort Knox piloting "stolen" Chinese battlemechs the fight is fierce and deadly because the battlemech's heavy firepower is more than a match for the 3SA guard forces. Thanks to Lex the attack is not a complete surprise, but the Chinese battlemechs, discounted by American experts allows them to reach the vaults, the “criminals” are dismayed by the absence of synthetic kryptonite and surprised by the arrival of GIJane, and Rising Sun who with the help of the counter attacking 3 SA regular forces takes the supermechs down in a destructive running battle that is spread across half the state of Kentucky. Superman and Ultrawoman are working major accidents in Russia and Europe, Waldeker is doing a Lunar water survey for the UN, Rising Sun was filling in patrolling the US, while the enhanced presidents secret service agents where all tasked with Japan and the security of a major summit meeting being held there.

Some reporters start referring to Waldecker respectfully as ”Captain Space”.

The UN clears China of any wrong doing, because they warned most national governments of the battlemech “theft” well before the attack and had informed high ranking UN officials a month before that.

Israel worried about reports of enhanced Arabs above 15SA purchases two 20SA enhancements from Luther and start production of an upgraded battlemech.

Prince Herb of the Musk Dynasty, an expert at chi or aura manipulation develops a way to transfer a 1SA 5SR enhancement from his female form to his warriors without using the Jusenkyo pool, the process a modified healing method that transfer small amounts of Chi from a donor requires a very large sample of Amber and the user of the technique must have a high level of martial arts training as well as being an expert in Chi manipulation, the technique isn't particularly draining of the expert, but to reach the full 1SA enhancement requires it be applied daily for at least four months.

Prince Herb attempts to teach the technique to both the Amazons and Birdpeople, but only a single Amazon elder who is an expert healer manages to quickly learn it. The Phoenix argues that Herb and later, the Amazon elder must give preferential treatment to the winged form of his birdpeople. He points out that the resulting enhanced winged form would allow near supersonic flight and might match the military aircraft that sometime fly over the region.



The US military starts modifying and distributing current stocks of what was previously crew served heavy weapon as the personal arms of enhanced infantry, in a stop gap measure to allow their 3SA military to better stand up to the new Chinese battlemech technology.

Research programs are started with the goal of picking the new super heavy hand weapons for the US armed force's enhanced personnel.

A deal is made with Israel trading military enhancement technology for their experimental battlemech technology. A 3SA enhancement facility is started at a military base in Israel and a Battlemech production center is started in the U.S. In return for a dozen functional battlemechs, the U.S. secretly enhances two officers in Israel's military to 15SA.

All branches of the U.S. military are approaching near 95%, enhancement of all active duty personnel. All branches of the U.S. military starts enhancing reservist enlisted for more than 5 years.



A super-gun much smaller than the Chinese super-gun is finished in the canal zone funded by Space-conductor Inc, NASA and a group of Japanese companies, it starts putting 1.5 tons per week of high grade silicon and other consumables into orbit.

The PLO is shattered in raids that captures or destroys roughly 95% of their military assets and kills or captures 85% of the terrorist leadership and training core.

Waldecker orbits two “ferrys” for Space-conductor, solar powered they don't have rockets instead using two mile long conductive tether lines and earth's magnetic fields to move from the main factory to other orbital facilities.

Waldecker is now commonly referred to respectfully as“Captain Space”.

A Military study group recommends all American troops be armed with a minimum of a 0.50 caliber Rifle that is able to sustain multiple twenty round burst of saboted high velocity ammunition.

Israel researchers develop a super-conducting overlay for their suits that stores energy in a fractal 3 D pattern that “gels”the air around the suit. The ”gelled” air uses the stored energy to try and absorb the kinetic energy from any incoming projectile before it can damage the battlemech.



Waldeker puts a specially constructed Japanese super tanker sized station into LEO, a week later the station splits into 3 sections connected by cables that slowly separate until they are kilometers apart, creating significant gravity effects in the upper and lower sections.

Waldekar spends a month lifting clear curved panels to enclose the cables in long tubes between the 3 sections, of the Japanese station, the clear tubes are designed to have half sections that are pressurized, with the transport elevators running in vacuum..



A Japanese robotic jet-rocket plane is destroyed when a tether extending down within 300 kilometers of the earths surface is missed and the end coupler on the tether shatters the experimental craft's composite hull.

Japan offers hotel rooms with “gravity” to crewmen in space and Space-conductors Inc. rents the the highest gravity floors on the low side and starts giving groups of personnel one week stays on these floors allowing them to extend the crew's time in orbit.

The panama space-gun starts orbiting supplies for the Japanese station, now lunching a total of 2.5 tons a week.

Construction of a second space gun is started in the canal zone and a large space-gun is started in Russia.



Space-conductor Inc., NASA and a small group of Japanese and Canadian investor successfully lunch and link up a modified SR-71 to the Japanese tether and bring back a ton of micro-chips and experimental foundry materials.

The U.S. military chooses a new personal rifle, it is a 0.50 caliber weapon with a thirty round magazine that can fire in three round burst.

The Japanese station starts using conductive tethers and earth's magnetic fields to slowly compensate for the movement of cargo from and to earth's orbit.

Waldeker puts three more solar powered “tether ferrys” in orbit, two for Japan and one for NASA.

In return for the release of 2000 political prisoners superman puts a Chinese “space-sub” into orbit.

Superman, at their request also puts a Russian “space-sub” into orbit.

America makes a deal with Israel and converts and orbits an obsolete atomic sub for them, in return Israel's experts supply the materials and expertise to add the fractal energy shield from their battlemechs to all of america's space-subs, James K Polk SSRV 645 is the first to recieve this refit.



In a surprise outgrowth of an attempt to improve on ion rockets a Mississippi based company develops a hot fusion drive that can in near vacuum produce 105% of the power input as well as high thrust as a side benefit.

Waldeker, Utrawoman and Superman place eight super tankers on the moon, as a part of a UN project all are to be essentially linked Bio-domes that will hopefully become a self supporting colony of up to 8000 "lunarians" it is a UN project with the tankers rebuilt for space by various UN member nations.

A medical report detailing a ten year study of the Ultraman project is “mistakenly” posted to a medical journals web-site. The report uses a hypothetical 100 year old man and claims that if he is given a 3 SA enhancement, he will regenerate over the next 7 to 10 years to an apparant biological age close to thirty. The report provides proof that the military's Ultraman enhancement is slowing the aging process by a factor of five to seven depending on the enhancement levels envolved.

Two Modified NASA SR-71s start carrying supplies to the Japanese station and returning to earth with semiconductors and experimental products.

The first Japanese Green house section, in their stateion goes into operation and starts selling novelty vegetables on earth.



NASA uses Waldeker to accelerate twelve large probes to mars, in preparation for the crewed flight late next year of a "Space-sub" to mars.

The air-force pulls several moth-balled SR-71's out of storage and starts converting them to an improved version of NASA's commercial near sub-orbital tether design.

Three cruiser sized cargo vessels nominally under UN control, but paid for by individual states or groups of states are orbited by Rising Sun and Ultrawoman. They have ion drives that produce 2/50 g thrust combined and a tether skyhook system for accessing the moon's surface from extremely low lunar orbits.

Political pressure is being placed on the military and voters are wondering about the military package's health benefits, Politicians are feeling the heat and wanting it for themselves.



America starts overhauling the "space-sub" George Washington Carver SSVR 656 replacing the four ion rockets with two fusion impulse rockets.

France pays Waldeker to orbit a "space-sub" and a super tanker station for them, it does not break apart into sections, but a tether is dropped within 800km of earth's surface.

A non military kryptonian enhancement program is proposed, the US military fights to keep it's methods secret and fears the massive cuts it knows will be required to pay for any realistic civilian program. The military finally agrees but requires the enhancement centers be built at military bases in each state.

Two space-cannons in the canal zone are now orbiting five tons of supplies a week.

The Russian's complete a very large space-gun and start orbiting three tons a week.

Japan's space farms start selling space chicken, duck and fish meat to earth, as a novelty and as a luxury to the facilities in space. The station will take partial payment in the ”waste” organic materials from the life support systems of other facilities and ships in space.

George Washington Carver SSRV 656  fusion impulse conversion is a limited success the two impulse rockets can produce rapid pulse accelerations of up to 0.8 gravities, but the pulsed nature of the fusion drive requires the reinforcement of the ”space-sub” adding mass and reducing the maximum acceleration to 0.5 gravities.



The American civilian enhancement program is started and three of the military facilities switch to enhancing 300 civilians a day at 3SA that is eventually called the civilian package.

Construction of 48 civilian enhancement sites roughly one in each state is started at various military bases in america.

The UN and other countries demand the US make the civilian enhancement available to the world.

The air-force starts sub-orbital testing of three converted SR-71's.

The original enhancement center under GIJane's control switches to improving military personnel enlisted for 7 years or more from 3SA to 5SA or higher.

Canada makes a deal and agrees to pay for the construction of an enhancement center at a Canadian air base, to enhance 300 civilians a day to 3SA.

Japan develops a way to use salvaged material from the single joint american/Japanese enhancement center and starts enhancing 200 citizens a day, to 2SA a hundred and fifty are picked by a national lottery and the rest are given as awards to emergency personnel.

Reluctantly the U.S. military puts the crystalline structure of the civilian grade material along with the complete plans for the resonance chamber into the public domain the released design is able to economically enhance three hundred per day to the 3 SA level.

China accuses America of holding back, and cheating the world, giving away a enhancement method designed to bankrupt other nations.

Russia accuses the USA of having a cheaper method of producing synthetic kryptonite, America denies this points to the changes occurring in their budget.

Russian hard liners claim America hasn't fully revealed its enhancement process and is dragging its feet to keep the rest of the world from having the full benefit.

NASA loses funding for completing the conversion of a submarine for a trip to Mars and is forced to moth ball the partially converted submarine.



China loses an experimental lifting body spacecraft while testing it, the flight controls partially lock at 200000 meters and the craft veers into a mountain range, the pilot has a 3 SA enhancement and rides it down to 1000 meters before ejecting.

An event long dreaded by the Birdpeople of Phoenix mountain occurs and their existence is revealed by the spacecraft recovery teams, shortly there after the Amazons and Musk dynasty are brought to the attention of the Chinese Government, when it is discovered that several women have a very high kryptonian enhancement and that it came from a pool somewhere in the Jusenkyo valley.

Their are dozens of resolution put forth by various countries in the UN to have the western countries build their enhancement centers, each is vetoed.

Religious riots in India centered mainly around rumors of babies being born with no souls, the enhancements are already supposedly keeping souls from being freed for new birth, no damage is done, but work on that countries single civilian kryptonian enhancement center is slowed.

France starts secret construction of a half sized enhancement center at one of its military ports, they plan on using reconditioned salvaged material purchased from Japan.

The US publicly enhances five Canadian and five Japanese special force personnel to 10SA.

Rumors appear that claim the enhancement process alters the DNA of the recipient, claiming that the human race is replacing itself with alien half breeds.



After a negotiations failed to convince Superman to lift four more spacesubs into orbit and smarting from having to beg him to orbit their earlier heavy space craft the Chinese and Russians sign a secret agreement and jointly start a large research program into an atomic lift system similar to the Orion research project dropped in the 1960's by America.

The first fully Canadian owned kryptonian enhancement facility goes into operation and construction of a second facility is started at another Canadian military base.



A third Japanese/American facility is completed and starts enhancing 310 civilians a day at 3SA. The original American/Japanese facility switches to 5SA and continues enhancing Japanese and American military personnel. .

The Japanese self defense base housing the civilian facility is attacked, by unknown terrorist, but they are stopped by enhanced military personnel.

France, after citing several genetic studies, that prove their is no change in the DNA of enhanced personnel starts construction of a full sized civilian facility near their capital.

The U. S. Air-force succeeds in flying a modified SR-71 into LEO and back down, it is armed with a chemical laser that can be fired more than 5 times and four guided 100 kilogram kinetic kill spikes.

The Second Japanese facility replaces the salvaged enhancement materials and switches to enhancing 300 civilians a day to 3SA.


A large "Earth first" group appears and destroys or damages enhancement facilities being constructed around the world these attacks fail completely in the US, Canada, Israel and Japan largely because all the facilities are built or being built at military bases. Most of these surviving enhancement centers were constructed as part of deals made with the US government and have large numbers of 3SA military personnel present. The rest of the world's known facilities are civilian projects and lack the enhanced military personnel present at the surviving sites.

One of GI Jane's research assistant doing a study for the US marines discovers the 8 SA training limit of most enhanced personnel. He writes a report for both the Army and Marines that correctly surmises that the civilian and most common non-donar based military enhancement gives a incomplete kryptonian enhancement.  The Assistant has discovered what Gretchen's research had shown her over ten years before. 

After England's newly started civilian facility is badly damaged, the government announces a lottery enhancing fifty citizens a day to 3SA along with british military personnel at the American base in England.

The Public civilian facility in France is badly damaged and work is slowed to a crawl.

Russia votes in communist hard-liners who promise to complete a enhancement facility within two years.

The US Army wishing to increase or at least maintain a larger number of special forces personnel with double digit enhancements ask GI Jane and her research assistant to find a way to transfer the 10 or 15 SA enhancement from a special forces personnel on retirement.

China implements a new crack-down filtering all electronic communication into or out of China.



The ruling groups within Russia and China are encouraged by the large strides the Orion project is making. The technology developed from the alien crash site is solving many problems turned up in Russia's earlier research into atomic propulsion.

The governments of both Russia and China decide it is time to withdraw from the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and as per that agreement they submit formal notification of their withdrawal from said treaty becoming effective in one year. This notification is accompanied by speechs pointing out that aliens are now a fact of life within the solar system and the 1967 treaty is giving them a near monopoly on space and more importantly the human's solar system.

This Marked the effective end of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, within minutes countries had started giving notification and in the following days and months all nations withdrew from the treaty, with Japan being the last hold out.



Japan completes two more enhancement centers and both combined start enhancing an additional 600 civilians a day at 3SA.

Canada's second civilian facility goes into operation enhancing 305 civilians a day at 3SA

Late in the year France's small secret enhancement facility goes into operation, using the salvaged material from Japan and starts enhancing ninety military personnel every two days at 3SA along with twenty randomly selected French citizens, from law enforcement..

Chinese police forces are stopped forty miles from Jusenkyo valley at the largest major pass into the area, the thirty thousand man conventional armed force is surprised and overwhelmed when they suddenly lose air cover and a relatively small force of kryptonian enhanced female warriors stage a surprise attack in one of the narrow passes.

The Chinese government decides to send infiltrators into the Jusenkyo area, over the next two years, none of these return.

Bruce Lee is elected President of the United States, his vice president is Joy Ramiraz a New Mexico Judge.


 The Cold years start


Countless attacks by the well armed and apparently well funded “Earth Firsters” group slows work on enhancement sites world wide, but especially the civilian enhancement projects in Russia and China.



The “Earth firsters” succeed in closing all civilian enhancement sites in Europe the surviving production equipment is moved to military bases in each country and construction is restarted.

The first EU site is finished from salvaged material taken from several destroyed civilian enhancement sites in the EU and starts enhancing 310 military personnel a day at 3SA.

The withdrawal date for the OST 1967 treaty comes and goes with no action taken by Russia or China that breaks the OST 1967, several former member breath a sigh of relief and the matter is mostly dropped from the worlds political RADAR. Unknown to most of the world the Russian and Chinese Orion projects have hit a snag pushing their launch window from sometime between May and July to the following year.



A Russian enhancement center 90% complete is destroyed by a terror attack consisting of five stolen and then armored tanker trucks driven through the surrounding military base into the enhancement center and detonated eyewitness claim the drivers were seen leaping unhurt from the flames.

A week later a A Chinese facility is heavily damaged when a barge loaded with fuel and explosives is detonated on a nearby river.

China and Russia accuse America of the attack and form a WARSAW type organization to rival NATO referred to simply as the new WARSAW.

Dozens of Attacks continue on enhancement sites around the world.

Several middle east countries join the new WARSAW, these are soon followed by several minor african nations.

A small cargo ship loaded with explosives is stopped and then detonates just outside the French port that houses their only functional enhancement center. The port and military base are damaged, but the enhancements are not slowed.

The EU enhancement site starts a lottery picking 30 civilians a day to be enhanced.



China shocks the world by using atomics to put a battleship sized spaceship into orbit, it retains a destroyers class firepower and using its atomic powered ion rockets can reach 0.02 gravities acceleration. It is later revealed to have atomic steam rockets that allow 1.5 gravities acceleration for an unknown period of time.

The same week Russia puts a super-tanker sized spaceship into orbit using atomics it is tentatively classed as having a cruiser class armament, but lacks the armour of the Chinese ship, also its ion rockets can only provide 0.015 gravities acceleration.

GI Jane and the other research scientist carefully modify the first donor based enhancement device by installing a very small shard of red kryptonite in a very heavily shielded sliding mount.  This red kryptonite target can can slide in replacing the normal synthetic kryptonite target.  When the red kryptonite is used a donor with a kryptonian enhancement as low as 10 SA can be used.  The laser beam from the red kryptonite is far weaker than Lucilles original red kryptonite laser from the 1990's and requires the 10 SA Donor to be present in the beam for twelve hours.  One benefit of the heavy shielding and weaker beam is that it only reduces a 10 SA Donor to a 1 SA enhancement.  It gives a single recipient a immediate 4 SA enhancement that builds to 8 SA over the next 12 months.  One unchanged side effect is the donor's recovery time is tripled to 36 months.  While not quite what the military wanted it is discovered that the "Anything Goes" instructors can train these donor based students to improve their SA levels beyond 8 SA.

The moth balled partially converted NASA "space-sub" originally intended for Mars is pulled from storage and conversion is started for a more military based mission.

It is leaked that the royal families of several arab states are already enhanced resulting in several families being ousted including most that were friendly to the US.

Riots occur in England when it is revealed that the extended royal family has a 7 SA package purchased over the last twelve years from Luther.

Two civilian enhancement centers are hurriedly completed at British military bases, and using badly pitted synthetic kryptonite and worn resonance chambers. These chambers nearly ready to be discarded by America's 5SA military program starts enhancing 500 British citizens a day to 2 SA.

Russia produces evidence that appears to show America, Japan and possible France and Israel have been bank rolling the Earth First terrorist, only America's Veto power prevents the UN from passing a resolution to put troops into the terror states to "inspect" all military sites and free up enhancement centers for other nations.



The Navy/NASA replaces the ion drives of the James K Polk SSRV 645 with two fusion impulse drives, both "space-subs" also recieve a weapons refit.

Attacks continue on enhancement and synthetic kryptonite production facilities world wide mostly annoying, but does slow construction.

A huge heavily guarded “kilo” site in the EU goes into operation enhancing close to 3000 civilians a day at the 2 SA level.

Waldecker orbits a heavily modified super-sub, a submarine conversion based on hull number SSBN 634 Stonewall Jackson originally intended for Mars it has been altered into a full warship, it's two fusion impulse drives each produce 0.4 gravities acceleration. It also has externally mounted solid fuel sprint rockets that allow it to exceed 5 gravities for short periods.

China and Russia secretly complete their first enhancement centers ignoring their civilians they instead burn all the civilian class synthetic kryptonite and resonance chambers they can produce enhancing more than 400 loyal special forces personnel a day to 7SA.

Japan has managed to finish five additional enhancement centers, and are enhancing over four thousand a day at 3SA, America is enhancing more than 10000 civilians a day.

The Chinese again uses atomics to put a armored super-tanker into space, but instead of going into earth orbit the ship continues to the moon and a month later two Russian “space-subs” detach going into lunar orbit, while the super-tanker uses steam and solid fuel rockets to land on the moon and declare itself a lunar colony..

The Chinese and Russians claim an area 2,000 kilometers across centering on their new moon base placed close to the top or north orbital pole of the moon.



China sends a major force into the Jusenkyo area spear headed by their latest battlemech and a a significant number of the newly enhanced special force units, the battlemechs are blinded in freak storms that produce multiple tornadoes and the special forces are outclassed by the enhanced amazon warriors and the enhanced  1 SA birdmen that are able to fly at near supersonic speeds.

The American “Space-subs” are given over fully to Navy or SpaceNavy command increasing the number of earth/moon patrols.

The America congress and senate allows three more secret service agents to be enhanced with the Presidential package and then loan them out to the various branches of the military.

Every American state has at least one civilian enhancement facility in full operation enhancing just over 300 civilians a day to 3SA.

A Joint American/Korean 1SA enhancement facility is built in South Korea using salvaged synthetic kryptonite it starts enhancing 500 a day with half the enhancements being sold for 35,000 dollars each. The other half are used to enhance South Korean military personnel and 50 civilians chosen at random.

A Russian civilian enhancement facility is destroyed by an old 747 packed with explosives and crashed into it, they claim it was 80% complete, America and France release satellite photo's showing it was only 30% complete.

GI Jane sets up one super-tanker biosphere base on the moon for joint American/Japanese/ Canadian colony and another super-tanker is placed by Waldeker for a British/Australian/ Italian/Spanish colony each base claims 1000 kilometers radius around itself both bases are placed to cover the bottom or southern orbital pole of the moon.

The South American section of the UN moon base succeeds in forming a semi-stable Biosphere able to completely recycle 85% of the carbon in their life support into human food, it still produces a 15% waste of unused plant material.

Russians presents evidence that the explosives used to destroy their enhancement facilities came from Japan and increase their claims that the U.S. and her allies are trying to keep the enhancements from them and the rest of the world.

NATO loses eight nations seven form a smaller organization, but one joins the new WARSAW.

The Storm years


China and Russia cut all connections to the west and pass strict laws making it illegal to contact any nation not a member of the new WARSAW. Rumours leak from the WARSAW nations of several successful attacks on kryptonian enhancement centers within China, Russia and other WARSAW member nations.  

China mobilizes massive numbers of troops and Battlemechs to the Chinese coast adjacent to Japan, spies report that large numbers of WARSAW member nation troops are also present.

China and Russia demand that Japan dismantle half her enhancement facilities and give them to China, Russia and their allied countries.

France hires Waldeker to place a super-tanker sized biosphere base on the moon and then orbit a cruiser sized armed supply ship able to accelerate at 0.04 gravities.

While the Japanese politicians debate in a closed session giving into China's demands and the United Nations drags it feet on producing a unified response the emperor personally and secretly presents the American president with a complex plan to admit Japan as twenty separate states into America's union.

The emperor calls a national news conference and demands that the Japanese people be allowed to choose between the Eagle or that dark Dragon.

The single American carrier group in the area is ordered to extreme alert, the same day Rising Sun captures a Chinese sub in Japanese water, it is armed with atomic tipped torpedoes.

Two young adults are noticed to be helping Superman and Ultrawoman, when pressed Earth's only officially recognized kryptonian family admit that they are two of their children.



Japan holds a vote and in a move that surprises China, America and Japan's politicians 80% vote to join the US as outlined in the emperor's proposal.

Three days after the vote four additional carrier groups suddenly appear in the area after being moved at high speeds by Ultrawoman, Waldeker and most of the presidential enhanced secret service agents.

The United States holds a vote and Japan is reluctantly allowed to join the United States as 20 Japanese states.

France completes two small space-guns and starts orbiting 1.5 tons a week of consumables for their military and civilian space assets.

In a secret deal worked out in the ads section of the Daily Planet Lex Luther operatives are allowed to “steal” enough badly worn synthetic kryptonite and resonance chambers to build two civilian level enhancement centers. His operatives “escape”to Mexico and make a deal with that government granting them immunity from extradition.  Work begins immediately on two civilian class enhancement centers at two Mexican military bases.

The American Government complains of Mexico harboring criminals, but does little else.

A copy of Gretchen's version of a donor based enhancement machine goes into operation at a third Mexican military bases enhancing one military officer a week to 2SA, Gretchen continues operating the original enhancement facilities in the US.



The first civilian class enhancement center is put into operation at one of the Mexican military bases, it enhances 210 military personnel and 200 randomly chosen Mexican civilians a day to 2SA.

A week later the second Mexican civilian class enhancement center goes into operation enhancing 310 people a day to 2SA, it splits the enhancements between 200 military personnel and 110 who can pay the 50,000 dollar price tag.

Israel is attacked by five arab countries, the attack was massed well back from Israel's borders and is a complete surprise that is blunted by the eighteen hours the mechanized ground forces take to reach Israel's borders.

The older first generation Chinese Mechs and Russian made mechs and tanks are nearly matched by Israel's fewer third generation mechs, tanks and kryptonian enhanced personnel. In a related move North Korean troops mass along the border with South Korea, slowing America's aid to Israel as her defenders are slowly pushed back into her borders at a half mile a day.

Libya invades Algeria spear headed by several old first generation chinese Battlemechs and Russian tanks.

Superman, Waldeker and the most of the presidential secret service agents move a carrier group from Asia to the Mediterranean sea and it's aircraft help Israel to establish air superiority over the area. This allows Israel to start driving the Arabs back at more than a mile a day.

Libya declares violation of their airspace and national borders and starts launching missiles at the US carrier group.

North Korea Invades South Korea using Fifteen third generation top of the line Russian and Chinese ultra class battlemechs to break the South Korean defenses.

The same day four small North Korean cargo ships each carrying seventy solid fuel ballistic missiles fire on the east coast of the America. The ships abandoned by their skeleton crews over an hour before reaching firing position are spaced from Florida to Rhode Island. Continuing on autopilot they launched when they reached preset coordinates roughly 110 miles off the coast.   Each vessel had a single primary target and five secondary target.  The four primary targets were naval bases

at Jacksonville FL, Norfork VA, Washington DC and  Newport RI each received twenty missiles. Each of the twenty secondary targets recieved ten missiles.   The missiles had a CEP of five kilometers and contained a one metric ton warhead made up of 500 two kilogram explosive submunitions that were released with a uniform random dispersion in a circle one kilometer across.  Roughly ten percent of the missiles were intercepted by missile defense systems and a presidential class ultraman assigned security for the east coast.

North Korean forces overrun the enhancement center in South Korea due to the speed of the Ultramechs they capture it mostly intact.

The North Korean invasion is stopped just outside South Korea's capital when the air-force uses two orbital SR-71's carrying kinetic missiles to destroy the four remaining operational ultrabattlemechs along with ten heavy russian tanks, the SR-71's are damage, but make it back to orbit when China reveals a ground based national Laser defense grid, by firing on the spacecraft as they skip back out of the atmosphere over North Korea.

North Korean moves the South Korean enhancement facilities to specially prepared underground enhancement center near the Chinese border and quickly start enhancing over 500 military personnel a day to 1 SA.



Starting with the George Washington Carver the American spacenavy starts upgrading the fusion pulse rockets, on all "Space-subs" to a more advanced design that can supply a continious steady thrust instead of pulsed thrust.  It is not announce that the improved fusion drives have the ability to be used as weapons.  The fusion rockets can now be "bolted" as low kiloton range fusion cannons. The down side is that it takes nearly an hour to get the fusion rocket fully back on line producing both thrust and excess power.

The US launches 400 cruise missiles at North Korean military bases and supply grid.

Algeria falls to the Libyan forces, Libyan military bases are hit by Cruise missiles, long range stealth bombers and kinetic strikes from converted SR-71.

Two more Korean cargo ships bombard the east coast from 500 miles out, 85% of the nearly 160 missiles are shot down by patrolling enhanced secret service agents, hastily installed orbital and ground based Lasers, Patriot and Arrow anti ballistic missile systems.

The US secretly takes 2500 Algerian refugees and enhances them to 3SA followed by the beginning of intensive year long military training program.



American and South Korean forces push the North Korean forces back across the 38th parallel and continue a slow advance into North Korea.

Pearl Harbor and Midway are attacked by two container ships under North Korean control.  Both bases were attacked nearly simultaneously from 300 miles out by twenty-four ballistic missiles each containing a one metric ton submunition warhead.  Unlike the earlier attacks on the East coast roughly a fourth of the warheads released their submunitions just above the atmosphere.  The defense systems for both bases stopped roughly 60 percent of the intact warheads.  The ship's crew had hidden the missiles as standard cargo containers and tossed overboard a covering of containers before raising and firing the weapons. The ships both owned by corporation not associated with North Korea were captained and crewed by what appeared to be Philippine nationals. The majority of each ship's crew were actually North Korean navel officers that had managed to be hired over several years. It was never discovered where the missiles came from, but most intelligence agencies believe they came from a secret storage base somewhere in Asia.

Chinese reinforcements cross into North Korea and troops start boarding ships in several Chinese harbors the South Korean advance stops and holds after pushing the border forty-five miles further north.

Several incidents of Russian “space-subs” obtaining weapons lock on rival lunar facilities, causes most nations to quickly arm their lunar bases.

An eccentric billionaire pays Waldeker to orbit four converted super-tankers and a specially built ship that looks like a sky scraper the five ships link up and the Billionaire ask for 4000 enhanced volunteers to join his crew and become the first Mars colony.

The Mexican enhancement facility that uses a copy of Gretchen's machine starts enhancing 2500 people a day to the 1SA level 1500 of these slots are being sold by Lex Luther to any taker, mostly the upper middle class from South American countries and around the world.  Luther has made a deal that requires the Mexican citizens and military personnel enhanced at the other two facilities show up once a year to be donors for Gretchen's machine.



The Billionair's composite super ship breaks orbit with 4800 colonist and Waldeker helping to provide two gravities of thrust.

Two months later the ship enters orbit around Mars and the colonist and crew prepares to separate the ships as they search for places to set the colonies on mars.

Libya crippled by intense U.S. bombardment after the pressure eased on Israel, formally joins the WARSAW pact,  the day after joining WARSAW China and Russia fire a ballistic missile armed with a very small nuclear warhead across the "bow" of the navel task force, no attempt was made to intercept the missile which landed 30 kilometers from the fleet before detonating under water.



The U.S. sends 2500 enhanced Algerian volunteers swimming ashore.  Relatively lightly armed compared to current United States troops, but they quickly  overrun Libya's few Tinman battlemechs and Tanks. The Algerian volunteers prove to be more than a match for the mostly conventionally armed and un-enhanced Libyan infantry forces. China and Russia respond by loaning Libya several third generation battlemechs that are not allowed out of Libya's original borders.

The Four locations finally chosen for the Mars colonies the colony ship's crew and Captain Space carefully separates the composite ship into 5 hulls.   The sky scraper like central section will remain in orbit and contains the the Ion drives, atomic reactor and orbital manufacturing equipment, it is parked in a low polar orbit around Mars.

 Captain Space de-orbits the  four remaining hulls placing them in the carefully picked locations on the surface of Mars all are within 600 kilometers of the north polar ice cap.  The Central section in polar orbit releases two tethers, the lower one extending  within 150 km of Mar's surface.

A small space gun is unpacked and put into operation on the surface at one of the colonies and work begins on a runway.

Two enhancement facilities in the Japanese states start enhancing 600 South Korean military personnel a day to 2 SA.

The Martian colonies successfully complete what they call a carbon garden, essentially a kilometer long green house made from local materials with large air locks installed. The colonist using earth moving equipment harvest enough dry ice and subsurface water ice off the polar icecap to raise the  internal pressure to twice Earth's at sea level.  Never intended for human habitation work crews wearing scuba tanks plant crops in the high pressure CO2 environment.



Waldeker returns to earth after a careful study of the first martian carbon garden's production rate show that it can feed well over 10,000 people.

In a move believed to have been  motivated by revenge or possibly insanity the North Korea ruler orders the firing of his land based  missiles that are armed with advanced submunition warheads.  Roughly 600 ballistic missiles, fired from every portion of North Korea are aimed at Tokyo city Tokyo.  Rising Sun, Ultrawoman and the in place anti-missile and laser systems stop just over 480 of them, but an estimated 120 missiles succeed in penetrating these defenses and release their two ton payloads in four waves.   The payload consisted of about 250 eight pound submunitions,  each submunition contained an explosive charge or was packed with thermite and designed to penetrate several floors of a buildings.  A defense shield of unknown design and technology manages to stop the smaller first and second waves of super sonic submunitions, but it flickers during the larger third and collapses completely under the fourth wave. An estimated 10000 submunitions strike Tokyo at over a 1000 kmph, these weapons killed hundreds and started thousands of fires.

In retaliation for this attacks and earlier attacks, the United States destroy's the North Korean capital city using conventionally armed cruise missiles and deep penetration kinetic warhead strikes from orbit.  All remaining North Korean military bases are hit with kinetic weapons from orbit, including the ones occupied by Chinese and Russian advisors. China and Russia and all of WARSAW are apparently shaken by the revelation of a new technology in the the form of partially successful Tokyo shield, and refuse North Korea's pleas for reinforcement.  China and Russia are actually shaken by a direct threat from the US president to the leaders of China and Russia stating any further attempts to defend North Korea will force the United States to widen the war.

Two additional Secret Service agents receive the presidential enhancement and are based in the Japanese states, GIJane, Ultrawoman and Waldeker also increases their patrols in the area helping Rising Sun to protect the the area until the two new agents gain the ability to fly.

Gregory Peck is elected President with his running mate John Wayne for Vice president.

China's enhancement centers switch from 7SA enhancements of trusted special forces to enhancing all troops to 2 SA. China makes this enhancement the center piece of a massive retraining program that is obviously geared toward operations in space or non-terrestrial environments.

Rumours spread in the WARSAW nations that the enhanced troops are being prepared for off  planet deployment, rumours talk of the Moon and Mars, others say Venus or Mercury, most think it's the Moon.



One of the two Russian space-subs in orbit around the Moon breaks orbit and uses the Earth to sling shot itself out of the Earth/Moon gravity well, the ship is under continuous ion drive at 1/50 gravity apparently making for Mars.

Captain Space starts making dozens of clandestine supply missions to Mars ferrying weapons systems and associated weapons experts from England, Canada, France, Germany and other countries to the Mars Colony.   Eventually these experts from various countries, mostly NATO members establish colonies that together with the large United States colony claim all the northern hemisphere of Mars.

The North Korean dictator announce his resignation naming his son as his successor.

Russia begins it's own massive training program to prepare it's military for for off planet operations, they also promises a 2 SA enhancement. Unlike China the Russians also start enhancing selected loyal civilians to 1 SA. 

The hastily resupplied United States ship ?_________? with a few minor changes to it's crew leaves Earth orbit three weeks later headed for Mars with an acceleration of 0.5  gravities.

Very Late in the year the United States ship enters orbit around Mars about a  week ahead of the Russian ship and drops a large and varied collection of probes on Olympus Mos claiming it as a future US SpaceNavy facility.

The ?________?  then docks with the Martian colony space station and off loads several tons of manufacturing equipment and parts ordered by the colonist, as  per the deal the Martian colonist declared themselves a territory of the United States and petition for consideration of admission of their territories as a state of the Union. 

When the Russian ship arrives it goes into a polar orbit and drops a large number of probes on and around the south pole claiming it for Russian, China and all  WARSAW states.



Early in January a medical report is released that shows 100% of the children born to mothers enhanced by the military in the period 2000 to 2004 are spontaneously developing kryptonian enhancements slightly higher than their mother's enhancement at birth. The Study done on 67 children, links the development of powers to the ending of growth spurts and shows a statistical average age of 17 for females and 19 for males, but it has ranged from from 16 to 23 years in a few cases.

The Russian spacesub after doing a complete polar orbit survey of Mars matches orbit with the Martian moon of Phobos and establishes a small prefab base on it claiming it for Russia and China. A month later the United States ship undocks from the Martian space station as per one of the agreements it moves supplies to establish a moon base on Deimos, claiming it as part of the Martian colonist territory.

The world wide web is hit by a wave of destructive virus, worm and hack attacks most are aimed at the United States and all are traced to South Korean servers near the new boundary with North Korea.

The War with North Korea in a unofficial cease fire since the destruction of Pyongyang enters a electronic/economic phase as Hackers apparently in North Korea's employ launch a constant often well coordinated attack on the United States and her allies. 

The 34th enhancement center is completed in England using salvaged materials from United States Military program and starts enhancing 350 English citizen a day to 2 SA.

The 180th enhancement center is completed in the combined Japanese/American states.

Late in December when the Russian Captain, is informed in a group of heavily encrypted and classified messages that the relief ships will be delayed by a least two months he activates a secret set of orders and contacts the Martian colonist.

Four days later, following it's Captains orders, the Russian spaceship docks with the Martian space station trading orbital images and weather station access codes along with a small obsolete tunnelling machine built with parts and unobtainium cutters for critical supplies for his moon base and ship's life support system.



Captain Space makes several high speed deliveries to Mars ferrying critical supplies and rotating a small number of crew for the ?_________?.

A vigilante group based mostly in the United States is formed and starts trying to retaliate for North Korea's continuous electronic attacks.  The North Koreans are surprised when several attacks are very successful, they had believed their internet was protected in it's shared isolation with the Russian and Chinese internet.

Several Cyber attacks from the US vigilante group "overshoot" and penetrate the heavily regulated Chinese and Russian internet.

China and Russia both use atomics to put very large ships into low Earth orbit these ships spend time docked to the Chinese and Russian space stations having the thrust plate's reconfigured.  Just over a month after entering earth orbit the two ships undocked and then quickly orbit out on Ion rockets and new ultra high velocity steam jets, once reaching a safe distance from Earth, they surprise the world by linking up and the Russian ship uses it's atomic Orion drive to insert the linked ships into an orbit that will place them near Mars within six months.

The United States is surprised by these new Russian and Chinese Orion ships and is unable to speed up completion of any of the four advanced vessels under construction.  The US is unwilling to transfer any more local Earth-moon spacecraft to Mars.  The orbital spy network is showing evidence of at least two more vessels being readied for launch in Russia and China with others under construction.

The United States government instead decides to buy two converted submarines from the European Union by trading enough synthetic kryptonite and resonance chambers to build three enhancement centers.  The converted subs were nearing completion in the European Union and had been slated for orbiting by Captain Space later that month.

These two spacesubs are moved to American facilities by presidential level Ultramen and over the next four months are modified having their original six Ion rockets replaced with three fusion rockets and improved weapons system added.  The internal structure is also reinforced allowing them to handle 2 gravities of thrust with emergency thrust going to 3 gravities for short periods.

The two converted subs are put into Earth orbit roughly two months before the combined Russian and Chinese ship arrives at Mars. These spacesubs are quickly tested over the next 30 days and then launched on a Ultraman assisted flight path that lets them reach Mars just over a month ahead of the combined Russian and Chinese ships.



A company releases a 96 hour collection of videos made with consumer grade low light video equipment and is entitled "Near Jupiter" this collection was made by Captain Space in his spare time after completing some of his cargo runs to mars.  It consisted of near orbit images of Jupiter and all her know moons and includes three unknown tiny asteroid moons orbiting Europa. The video collection sells nearly a 400 million copies as well as nearly a billion of  the associated copy righted screen savers and video wall murals. It leads to public questions and criticism  about why NASA hasn't hired Waldeker to place probes around the outer planets. NASA previously fully occupied with the near Earth orbit, the Moon and Mars starts planning several missions to Jupiter and starts lobbying for two presidential level Ultramen to power the missions.

The combined Russian and Chinese ships reach Mars and the Chinese portion uses it's atomic Orion drive and steam rockets to insert both into a polar orbit.  After spending about a week in orbit eight large sections separate from the two linked ships and then descend to land near the southern carbon ice cap.  The landings are accomplised by using a combination of solid fuel rockets, aerodynamics and steam jets.  It was not know at the time but one section crashes and is badly damaged killing two of the 7 SA crew and releasing most of the on board air supply requiring a high speed overland rescue mission from other just landed bases.

Four months after the release of  Waldeker's "Near Jupiter" collection NASA is severely embarrassed when Captain space this time working with a professional photographer with a 3 SA enhancement returns with 300 hours of high quality video of Saturn and her moons. These spectacular videos and images dubbed the "Near Saturn" collection sell well over a billion copies.

Usagi ?****? former governor of the state of Tokyo running as the Vice Presidential running mate to ____________   are elected to the office of President of the United States.

The first WARSAW Carbon Garden goes into operation on Mars and within a couple of months a large space gun starts orbiting food along with other raw materials to Phobos base.

Late in the year the United State's orbits the first of a new line of space ships designed from the bit file up for space and incorporating several improvements all are roughly 500 meter long the first to be orbited is named the Yamamoto.

Just under 500 meters Yamamoto is powered by six fusion rockets of a improved design they provide 25 gravities of thrust for short periods or up to eight gravities for longer periods.  The design also incorporate's a 7th internal Tokamak fusion powerplant designed to help meet power demands when one of the fusion rockets was fired as plasma bolt weapon.  

The Yamamoto also incorperated two small atomic reactors to provided emergency power or reserve power when the fusion powerplants were shut down.  The spaceship is armoured with the Israeli invented fractal energy shield and under it's outerskin of superconducting fractals is a two centimeter layer of unobtainium armour copied from samples of the Chinese and Russia superarmour.  The unobtainium was produce using modified molecular beam epitaxy and was very expensive for the United States to produce.  It is also roughly 15% stronger than what the Chinese and Russians are willing to sell to the west, but roughly equal to what most WARSAW nations have available for their own equipment.

 The Yamamoto is put through a five month trail run patrolling the Earth Moon system testing the fusion rockets, hull and other systems.  During the trails it was discovered that the Fusion Rockets have to be "bolted" or fired in symetrical pairs.  The asymetical firing of a single fusion rocket placed more strain than expected on the spacecraft's frame and the secondary oscillations took longer than anticipated to dampen out  of the nearly 500 meter long  hull.



Early in the year a United States weapons research center testing and fusion rockets on the moon discovers a method of firing longer range attacks with the fusion rockets.  The research centers discovers that under certain conditions the fusion rockets can be made to expell stable packets of plasma that could travel relatively long distances before spontanously exploding.  Called "smoke rings" the ejected donut shaped plasma packets are stable for up to a minute after leaving the fusion rockets magnetic containment fields.  An advantage over bolting a fusion rocket was that twenty minutes weren't required to restart the fusion rocket. While firing smoke rings power did drop below break even, but as soon as the ejection of smoke rings was ended power quickly built above breakeven and thrust was never lost.  

The 254th enhancement center is completed in the United States and construction of new enhancement centers is ended.  The 254 centers are grouped based on population with a minimum of one to each of the 70 states and the rest distributed based on population all are constructed at military bases within the United States.

Laws Governing the rationing of the production of synthetic kryptonite and resonance chambers are changed and all production in excess of what was needed to keep the current United States facilities operational is sold or traded to allies at a slight profit and to neutral or unalligned countries with a higher profit margin.

Several privately funded kryptonian enhancement centers are started and privately own synthetic kryptonite production lines are set up.

The UN manages to get a treaty passed giving control of a strip of land extending fifty kilometers either side of the Martian equator and circling the planet.  Officially it is to be buffer zone, but Russia, China and the United States support it in part to try and curry favor with the neutral nations giving them access to Mars outside of NATO and WARSAW.

The UN Bio-diversity research program ask Superman and his family to move four specially constructed supertanker sized biodomes to the moon.  The Bio-domes were constructed then moved to various locations on Earth.  Each is  left open as UN work crews carefully try to transplant copies of the local enviroment.  The UN is unaware that the New Kryptonians have taken an interest in the project and are supplying clandestine help through their Brazil base.  The New Kryptonians have constructioned their own supertanker sized biodomes in the southern enclave and are avidly watching the Martian carbon gardens. 

The New Kryptonians receiving FTL reports from the Brazil base have already constructed Carbon Gardens and are modifying one of their few starships with a black kryptonite warp core into something capable of docking with and then lifting the Brazil biodomes.  They plan on sending the ship to Earth to collect them and hopefully use them to seed a copy of part of Earths rich biosphere on one of  their marginal colony worlds. 

In early December a second Yamoto class ship is orbited, named the Robert Goddard she is just over 500 meters, her launch was delayed by the addition of a third atomic reactor.  It didn't solve the power problem, but it did help to reduce the power shortage if  the ship had to "bolt" four of it's six fusion rockets as weapons.

The modification to fire "smoke rings" were not included, the changes to the fusion rockets was to new and looked to only require relatively minor changes to the design, so it was decided to wait until those changes were fully tested and finalized before modifying the ships Fusion rockets.



Waldeker is hired by the United States SpaceNavy and Captain Space along with GI Jane transport and places the first portions of the SpaceNavy's new Martian base near the 25 kilometer summit of Olympus Mos. Expansion begins immediately in the form of tunneling.

The "Robert Goddard" starts a break in patrol between the Earth and Moon.

The same week a spaceship based on a destroyer sized hull is orbited for NASA the design has a single Tokamak fusion power plant that can be vented as a small center line fusion rocket and one atomic reactor that can power the Four Ion drives. The ship is limited to a maximum of 1.5 gravities thrust and designed to cruise at 0.17 gravities of thrust under ion drive.  NASA names the ship Jovian and after a two month shake out cruise around the Earth Moon system two presidential class Ultramen boost it toward Jupiter and it quickly enters Jupiter space under it's own power with a twenty-five man research crew.

About two weeks after the NASA ship enters the Jovian system Captain Space and his ship's small crew match orbits and have a quick visit before heading back sunward from a voyage.  Waldeker and his crew had been visiting several of the outer planets working on another planetary photo collection.  In spite of  most of NASA's upper management being hostile to Captain Space the Jovain's crew is overjoyed to discover Waldeker's future flight plans put him in the "area" between a couple of the planned Ultraman resupply missions and the NASA crew in an informal trade agreement use the high quality video equipment left by Captain space to collect pictures.  The crew irritated at NASA's strict policy of no personal video equipment quickly accept the equipment and set up a private laser link with the Martian colonist to coordinate their secondary Captain Space resupply line through the Martian communication network.

Late in the year













They come


Howard Melton

Arthur Hansen

Patrick Vera

Chad Abramson