The Galactic arm around earth

The Earth, Krypton, Cobol exist in a dead zone created by two warring super-powers around a billion years ago.

The biological super-weapons created by these super-powers are still active and common on earth, we call them molds and virus.

The asteroid belts common to most star systems, are the result of that war and the planetoid sized ships they fought each other with.

There are sargasso seas or dark zones in spread across the dead zone where most forms of FTL drives fail and all electro-magnetic emission are heavily dampened.

The most reliable FTL or stardrive, for the sargasso areas is the warp drive based around kryptonite.

500 million years ago the First wave a large group of wandering aliens passes through bioforming several worlds by introduced dinosaurs and the associated species. Earth, Krypton, and Cobol are visited by these wanderers and like all other worlds the introduced species are immune or resistant to the biological weapons.

100 million years ago the second wave another large group of wandering aliens bioformed many of the same worlds introducing mammals and birds and what we think of as more modern species to Earth and Cobol. Krypton was missed by the second wave and maintained the First wave biosphere.


Battlestar Galactica  We plan on trying to integrate the new series into this, so far the movie only required minor changes.

This uses a modified version of the old TV series and ignores the later episodes set after the refugee fleet finds Earth.

Earth and Krypton were both established from the 13 th colony fleet, believed to be the last fleet to leave a dyeing Cobol.

The Starships use a material named Black kryptonite to warp space and achieve FTL speeds, their is no soloium.

The 12 colonies and the war with the cylons happened, the 12 colonies lose that war and the Battlestar Galactica with the refugee fleet leaves in search of earth.

That fleet will not find earth until around the late 2020's or early 2030's.



Some episodes are ignored or not used and others have been replaced with alternate versions.

See TIMELINE years (1966-1999)

There is a large alternate history for the Krypton home world and the New kryptonians.

See TIMELINE years( 8.5 billion BC to 1996)

In this idea it is assumed all of the people who got a “taste” of superman's power eventually had their super powers come back. At least three of these were put in a position to start selling copies of their super powers.

In this version of superman's universe his kryptonian powers did not develop until Clark was in his late teens.

By 2010 there are four publicly known Sources of enhancement or “packages”, they all give the individual some percentage of a Kryptonian's ability, all are limited to less than a 100% of Superman's Ability or SA and most are far less.

The four public “packages” actually use two different methods of giving a human some percentage of superman's abilities.

Most people and world governments assume that all are variations on the American military's method, this however is wrong.

The Presidential enhancement uses a natural lightning strike and Gretchen's method uses a complex high voltage mulitfrequency machine to mimic natural lightning, both require a living donor.

The America's military uses synthetic materials to mimic the aura transfer effect, of the red kryptonite in Lucille's ray gun. You know the ray gun that gave Lois superman's powers and let her be the one in tights for a while.

The enhancement packages differ greatly in the maximum percentage of superman's ability they can give and the raw numbers of people they can be used to enhance.

We also assume a less "super" superman, in other words a superman who's power is more in line with the demonstrated abilities in the Lois & Clark series.

A low yield atomic bomb (0.5 kilotons) would hurt him badly about like the asteroid he destroyed and a high yield fusion bomb would kill him or any other kryptonian. (See the file HowSuperIsSuperman)

This universe has a very different past from the standard superman story, for example Earth's Humans and Kryptonians are both remnants of a large group of refugees.

About 21,000 BC the refugee fleet stopped at earth and a large splinter group colonized a small continent they name Atlantis.

The majority of the refugees took most of the ships and continued on for another 16 years and finally colonized a planet they named Krypton.

There are other reasons for Clark or any Kryptonian having super-powers, but Clark is just like he looks essentially human.

(SEE SECTION 5.0 TIME LINE 20949 BC to 20810BC) for more details on why Superman and all Kryptonians can have super-powers, when they return to earth's solar system.

It was extremely rare for a person under 15 years of age to receive any type of Kryptonian aura enhancement and in all know cases the enhancements seemed to not “take” or fade until the child was in their late teens and most of their growth spurts have ended.

Enhanced earth humans are vulnerable to green kryptonite disruption of their powers, and will be affected by all forms of kryptonite in the same way superman is.

The only safe form of kryptonite is black kryptonite all other forms of kryptonite have effects that slowly become lethal to any human without a Kryptonian aura.

The pain and other effects on Superman or any earth human with a Kryptonian aura come from the solar energy trapped by the person's aura being released in an uncontrolled manner, if no yellow solar energy is trapped in the Kryptonian aura, then it can protect them from the harmful effects of kryptonite.

Any level of Kryptonian enhancement causes the person to slowly regenerate over an eight year period to an apparent biological age of about 25 and then age at a greatly reduced rate that is dependent on actual age and on SA level or percentage of superman's ability the enhancement gave you.

(SEE SECTION 3.0 KRYPTONIAN AURA ABILITIES for approximate life spans.)

These enhancement packages are not a cure-all for human sickness, but they are extremely effective at making humans resistant to most types of infection and general injury.

The enhancement packages usually allows a person to survive long enough to recover from what previously was a lethal disease, but it does not prevent the person from catching a disease, it reduces the severity, usually to the level of the common cold.

The enhancement effectively makes a person immune to getting cancers, but has varied effects on any cancers present before undergoing the aura imaging.

The effect depends on the type of cancer some forms it slows or stops the growth, while with others it makes it grow faster and a few cases it has no effect, the same goes for any other type of genetic disease.

All these enhancements induce a self sustaining change in a humans aura or bio-energy fields that allows them to trap yellow sunlight and to a lesser extent Neutrino's and to use that energy to tap a higher dimension for a ready energy source.

 Children born to an enhanced woman have an equivalent SA level that slowly fades 7 to 13 days, after birth, to near un-enhance levels. These children's SA levels remain just above the un-enhanced norm until the child reaches their late teens, then their SA and SR levels will slowly grow to match and then surpass their mother's enhancement level by 5 SA.

Civilian and Military enhancements that use the resonance chamber in place of a living donor are flawed and top out at 8 SA.

The Kryptonian aura is designed for humans, and all attempts to use it on non human life forms has ultimately failed, in some situations it can give the animal a boost that slowly degrades over a few days or weeks.


This uses a very heavily modified version of a Japanese anim that was for girls just entering their early teens.

The actual main time period of the show isn't heavily used, the nine Henshin rods exist, but the monsters they fought no longer exist, there are an additional 4 rods and edeymon's rose pendant.

The Senshi are actually modern clones of their Silver Millennium counterparts, with copies of the original memories passed to them through the Henshin rods

The timeline contains a large amount of material on the period referred to as the Silver Millennium and the artifacts and technology of that period is the basis of all the “magic” in this universe.(see TIMELINE 20650 BC to 18440 BC)

The Silver Millennium Quantum technology is usually just referred to as “magic” and most who possess remnants of the technology and realize the truth go to great lengths to keep it mysterious and magical.(see Timeline 20650 BC - 18440 BC)

Silver Millennium period artifacts survive on earth and the dead planetary colonies scattered about the solar system. The artifacts vary from the Jusenkyo pools that eventually helped to bring about the Silver Millennium's downfall to the stolen Hinshin Rods that allowed the first Serenity to establish the Silver dictatorship of the radical feminist group.

All the “magical” artifacts are based, at least in part on esper/aura technology and the remnants of black kryptonite brought to the system by the original colony ships.

The other colours or forms of kryptonite can be used to make Silver Millennium type artifacts, but using them would eventually be lethal to any human that does not have a kryptonian aura and will painfully short out the powers of a person with a Kryptonian aura.



This is another Japanese anim, but instead of young girls it was aimed at young boys, a modified version of it's story elements are used in this universe.

Martial Arts.

Any “magic” found in this version of the Ranma 1/2 series is based on the remnants of the Silver Millennium artifacts and the Black kryptonite technology that underlies it.

This leads to several minor changes and limitations in the Ranma 1/2 universe.

Magical scrolls currently don't exist,

In this universe the pools of Jusenkyo were created as part of a weapon's program, they were used to create spies and warriors that could fight the Sailor Senshi or planetary enforcers, as the Beryl's rebellion called them.

Jusenkyo is a creation of the Beryl rebellion each pool is a mixture of Silver Millennium technology and the alien's know as the Metellians, each pool creates an alternate form based on the template programmed into that pool and certain aspects of the victim's aura.

The pools template or “curse form” is not selected by drowning a person or animal in a pool, it takes a direct order from Saffron the Lord of the bird people.

The AI system controlling Jusenkyo will try and replace a pool's template with a copy currently present in it if it meets a set criteria established in year 18447 BC, the pool is required to look for stronger template..

The animal templates and two remaining Youma templates available at Jusenkyo are not human and can not receive a kryptonian enhancement.

 Saffron the Phoenix or self proclaimed God of the bird people is a human with the birdpool modification, but he has an additional modifications that increase his abilities far above the other birdpeople.

 The Phoenix's has the raw strength and speed the near equivalent of a 1SA enhancement as well as the ability to create fire-storms. He is probably the only true immortal on the planet and is probably the most experience martial artist on the planet.

 Completely destroying his body will cause it to spontaneously appear as a baby in an egg like structure and slowly regenerate with all memories eventually returning.

 Saffron has a special relationship to Jusenkyo and to a certain extent can control it, but this is limited to a small set of pre-programmed orders.

 Having a alternate Jusenkyo form does not interfere with the human form receiving or having a kryptonian enhancement, the kryptonian enhancement will not bleed from one form to the other.

 The alternate form, created by a Jusenkyo pool is completely separate from the victims original and stored slightly out of phase with this universe.

 This means that damage does not carry from one form to the other.

 The alternate forms can only be created at the pools the water from the pool is just water.

 Currently there is no Instant powder, but other artifacts do exist that can give alternate forms permanently or for a few days.

 Many magical artifacts from Ranma 1/2 still exist and function just as they do in the normal timeline, but it is assumed they used black kryptonite as their foundation.

 The Nanban mirror exists and allows access to alternate version of reality, not a true time machine in the traditional sense it can take you to a parallel universe's past, present and future.

 It was commissioned by serenity as a method to search for any remnants of the metellian invaders.

 The wishing sword exist, but is severely limited created as an attempt to rival the Serenity Broach it can grant wishes, but the area of effect is rough 10 meters in diameter. The sword requires 100 years to re-charge and can only grant 3 wishes per use.

 There are three major tribes around Jusenkyo, the Bird people, the musk and the Amazons.

 The modern Bird people of Phoenix mountain are the direct descendants of the technicians and guards for the rebellion's Jusenkyo project, they have the largest store of Silver Millennium artifacts on earth and only the hidden and undiscovered Serenity achieves on the moon contains a larger collection of artifacts.  

 The Bird people of Phoenix mountain are fully human with a relatively minor genetic addition that enhanced their strength and gave them wings along with a group of highly specialized muscles allowing them to have a very short bursts of powered flight followed by long term soaring.

 The Musk  well thats a secret.

 The Amazon's the direct descendants of the lost amazonium city moved into the area 3000 years ago after a surprise raid destroyed their achieves and thousands of years of written history.

 The Jusenkyo valley area is home to less than 40,000 people all nominally belonging to these 3 groups.