First some definitions
SA= Superman's Ability
Represents a simple percentage of superman's powers by definition superman is 100 SA. Your SA level determines how strong, how fast and what superpowers you have access to.
(Kryptonian Aura Abilities and HowSuperIsSuperman)
SR= Superman's Reserve and is equal to the SA value
Represents a simple percentage comparison to the amount of solar energy superman's kryptonian aura traps, in his case superman's aura will hold enough trapped energy to allow him to “TAP” a higher dimensional power source for 100 days before he needs to again be exposed to the light spectra of a yellow dwarf star. On average near sea level SR recharges at the rate of one SR level per four hours of unclouded sunlight. Going into orbit where the light density is higher allows recharging at the rate of 1 SR per 15 minutes.
Contrary to popular belief the energy for superman's powers does not come directly from the trapped or stored solar energy instead the higher energy spectra of a yellow dwarf star interacts with his protective kryptonain aura and allows him to TAP energy from a higher dimension superman has a 100SA “TAP”
This represents a person's skill in martial arts, a person with a MAS level of one has the equivalent of a first level black belt. A 100 MAS level martial artist is roughly the equivalent of a 1 SA kryptonian enhancement.
The SA and SR values of a kryptonian enhancements can be increased on a yearly basis by a person's MAS level at the rate of their MAS level divided by 100, in other words a Martial artist with a 10 SA 10 SR enhancement and a 25 MAS level will increase their SA and SR by 0.25 SA and 0.25 SR every year.
NOTE The Civilian and low level military enhancement packages can never have their SA and SR go above 8SA and 8SR, no amount of MAS or VSA can increase this enhancement above these maximums, both packages do not use a living donor to copy the Kryptonian aura and are missing several key features that are found in all other packages that use a living donor.
VSA=Virtual Superman's Ability
A person with Martial Arts Skill above 10 MAS usually has a basic understanding of their body and their chi and how to manipulate it, this gives them an advantage in using a kryptonian enhancement, they can add half their MAS level to their SA and appear to have a virtual SA that is that much higher than their actual SA level in four areas usually their (1)protective aura, (2)strength, (3)speed and (4)one other ability. Using this VSA level instead of their normal SA level comes at the cost of burning their SR at a much higher rate specifically VSA/SA times faster.
A woman with a 40 MAS level and a enhancement of 10 SA 10 SR is fighting a man with a 1 MAS level and a 15 SA 15 SR enhancement, and wishing to quickly over match him the woman goes all out and uses her MAS level to increase her SA level to it's virtual maximum of 30 SA she suddenly becomes twice as tough, strong and fast as him, but at the cost of burning her SR 3 times faster than the man, if she doesn't defeat him quickly she will find herself powerless six time faster than the man who already has a SR rating higher than hers.
None of the Kryptonian enhancement packages are cumulative, repeated enhancements at the same SA level will not increase an individuals SA or SR rating. A civilian managing to get two passes in the 3SA civilian center would remain at 3SA and 3SR, but a 3SA civilian could be raised to 5SA and 5 SR, if he was to join the US military. The 3 SA civialian could buy a higher enhancement from Gretchen and Luthor increaseing his SA and SR rating to what ever he purchased.
Silver Millennium artifacts and enhancements are complex and give various “magical” powers not related to the Kryptonian aura enhancements in some cases the artifacts can be additive with each other or a Kryptonian enhancement, but all Silver Millennium “magic” enhancements are limited in raw strength, toughness and speed to about 2SA for an individuals body, in some cases a Silver Millennium artifact can give the potential for extremely high healing rates, much like the legendary werewolves.
Lex and Gretchen's package 35SA and 35SR
Multi-frequency voltage donor transfer aura overlay.
Presidential package 75SA and 75SR
Natural lightning donor transfer aura overlay.
Military package 15SA and 15SR
Synthetic thick crystal donor transfer aura overlay.
Synthetic thin crystal aura resonance match.
Enhancements that are limited to very specific groups or can't be purchased
Lucille's ray-gun 93SA and 93SR
Red and Green kryptonite proven very dangerous Lucille's original red kryptonite sample has been ”lost/hidden”, donor transfer aura overlay.
Kryptonian descendants that come to earth as an adult 95SA and 95SR
Kryptonian's raised from early childhood on Earth 100SA and 100SR
Remnants of the Silver millennium "magic" has a maximum of 2SA and 2SR and usually has ”magical” or esper abilities unlike Kryptonian super powers.
Jusenkyo, Henshin Rods and other so called magical artifacts such as mirrors, rings, pendants, bracers, swords and many other things.
In 1996-09 Jusenkyo had a partial Kryptonian aura added to one of the pools, this was not discovered until 2001-04
started 1994 rumors 1998 Publicly confirmed 2005
Maximum 35% of Superman's Ability or 35SA
Maximum 35% of Superman's Reserve or 35SR
Gretchen's machine, is very flexible in the SA levels it can enhance a person to, up to it's maximum of 35, the SR is always equal to the SA level.
A rat 5SA, Gretchen Kelly 35SA, Lex Luther 35SA, Asabi 30SA. Lex has also made available through the black market a wide range of enhancement levels from 1SA to 28SA, with most enhancement levels being much less than 10SA.
This package was never officially purchased by any representative of the US government, but a small number of independently wealthy politicians purchased wildly varying enhancements from Lex.
The black market cost varied greatly the initial offering of 2SA enhancement went for $2,000,000 dollars, with each additional level increasing the price by $1,500,000 up to 10 SA.
The rarely offered 28SA price never dropped below $75,000,000, but when the Mexican facilities went into full operation, in 2019-06 the price for foreign nationals dropped to $50,000 for a 1SA enhancement. with an additional $100,000 per SA level up to 3SA.
An individual who is enhanced by Gretchen's machine needs to spend at least a month in isolation training before than can safely interact with un-enhanced humans.
The powers, Gretchen's enhancement give are dependant on the SA level purchased, but always lacks any ability above 35SA such as Flight, Heat Vision and Regeneration.
Initially the most common enhancement Luther put up for sale was 2SA that gave the recipient some super senses and a level of superhuman strength, speed, and resistance. Later when the 3SA American military package became wide spread he increased this to higher levels eventually offering 28SA as the top of the line product, available only at a king's ransom.
Gretchen's machine uses modulated high voltage at thousands of specially tuned frequencies to transfer the Kryptonain Aura pattern along with a measure of trapped solar energy from a donor to another person.
Each enhancement drops the donor's SA level by half the purchased SA level and lowers the donors SR level by the same amount. A year is required for the donor's SA levels to stabilize and return to normal. The recipient's SA level is initially stable at half their purchased level and twelve months are required to reach their purchased SA and SR level.
Gretchen's machine is tuned to use humans enhanced by natural lightning or enhanced by her machine and it can destabilize their kryptonian aura to less than 0.01 SA, weakening them to near un-enhanced human levels and requiring roughly two years to recover.
Gretchen's machine has trouble transferring from people born with a Kryptonian enhancement or people enhanced by the Military or Civilian packages that use the synthetic kryptonite. When Kyrptonians or people enhanced by the Military or Civilian methods are used as donors, her machine is limited to a 1SA 1SR enhancement, and is unable to use the same donor more than once a year.
Often called the criminals package and originally well known for being used by criminals it is not actually against any state or federal law to sell, buy or have this enhancement.
The public assumes that it is illegal because it is most common among criminals and the lack of people willing to acknowledge having this package.
Initially Luther offers a range up to 2SA, but after the american military and later the civilian programs starts he increases this range to 20SA with a rare 28SA for the truly moneyed.
A raid of Fort Knox, in 2005, by thirty “criminals”, several of which had kryptonian type enhancements as well as the “stolen” Chinese mecha causes a government investigation that publicly proves the existence of a non-military source for enhancement and links it to Gretchen.
The investigation discovers that a private kryptonian enhancement program exist somewhere in America and links it to the Gretchen Kelly this is the first public confirmation that a non governmental enhancement program exits. The Government reluctantly admits that it can surpass the military package, but quickly point out it is inferior to the Presidential package. The public and most world governments assumed that Gretchen's package uses a slightly improved form of the synthetic kryptonite or a natural sample that is similar to the synthetic material produced in limited amounts and at great cost for the two American Government enhancement programs.
The highest levels of the US government is aware of Lex and Gretchen's method, but have decided to keep it a secret hoping he will keep there secrets, later his package is used to take the heat off of the US's enhancement programs.
Lex is very careful to conceal just how high Gretchen's equipment can go, and most assume it is limited to 30SA. The US Government believe it is less than 40SA because it has never been known to produced a flight capable enhancement.
Luther views his unspoken agreement with the US government and the leaking of the recipients, of his package as insurance and is very careful in reporting all foreign nationals that pay his prices for an enhancement.
The US government has directed several clandestine attempts to obtain enhancements to Luther as a method to keep them away from the military and presidential package, this was used less after the public release of the civilian program.
Lex sent a vague warning about a high concentration of Chinese and Russian enhancements to the Government of after Lex Corp was paid to enhance several Chinese and Russian "criminals" to 5SA, these "criminals" were part of the Raid on Fort Knox in 2005..
started 1998 revealed 2000
Maximum of 75% Superman's Ability or 75SA
Maximum 75% of Superman's Reserve or 75SR
The SR level is always equal to the SA level.
William Waldeker 75SA, Jesse Stipanovic 80SA and any recipient of the Presidential Package varies 70SA to 75 SA, which are usually carefully selected secret service agents, very rarely military personnel and in a single unique case a Japanese civilian.
Room and board for Waldeker's sister, at the White House, the lower of the donors SA and SR for upt to a year and a minimum of two months training, before the enhanced agents are allowed to return to duty.
Full flight capability with heavy lift, the enhancement level is high enough that it grants the ability to extend their flight aura around large fragile objects and mostly ignore balance or problems caused by lifting from unreinforced points, much like superman does with car bumpers or the keel of a ship.
The flight ability also allows them to mostly ignore inertia and control their position, they can punch things with nearly full force and not worry about flying off in reaction to their blows.
This package can sometimes lack heat vision and always lacks the Kryptonian empathic/telepathic abilities, Jessi's enhancement levels are 5SA higher because his initial enhancement was at such a young age. The enhancement varies from 70 to 75 SA when Waldeker is used as the donor, but when one of the other agents are used it varies from 70SA to that agents actual SA value.
The general public feels the Presidential package is the only one that creates a true superman.
The Presidential package uses natural lightning to transfer the kryptonian aura pattern usually by tradition in a thunderstorm on the Empire state building.
Each enhancement destabilizes the donor's SA level by 16SA and leaves the recipient with an initial stable 16SA, the donor's aura requires 12 months to fully stabilize and return to it's original SA level. The recipient's aura needs a year to reach it's maximum value in the 70SA to 75 SA range, both the donor and the recipients SR levels increase as the SA levels increase to thier stable levels.
Test done with Waldeker indicate that more than two enhancements a year destabilizes the donor's aura dangerously close to the loss of flight capability, for several months.
William Waldeker was the first recipient of this package and a short time later it was disrupted by multiple uses of Gretchen's Tuned high voltage machine.
Jesse was the second recipient, but his growth spurts were interfering with his ability to use his enhancement and he effectively lost his powers until his late teens when his growth slows and stops, ultimately his SA levels build to a slightly higher level than Waldeker's.
Roughly a year after the last episode of "Lois and Clark" W. Waldeker is attacked by a super powered Gretchen and Lex in an attempt to kidnap him for further research they are soundly defeated being unable to fly and having a power level of 35SA compared to Waldeker's 75SA.
Waldeker immediately checks on his sister breaking up a kidnapping attempt and goes into hiding for five months blocking several more attempts to kidnap him or his sister, finally in desperation he directly approaches the U.S. president and makes a proposal, two weeks later his sister becomes a permanent resident of the white house and Waldecker goes to the empire state building during a thunder storm with two secret service agents.
Just over two years after Waldeker enhances the first two agents an attempt on the presidents life forces three secret service agents to reveal their abilities on live TV. A few pointed questions from congress and the senate forces a partial revelation with an official story line that claims the government has a program underway to mimic superman's powers called the Ultraman project.
This package is heavily regulated by federal law and is never open to the President or any other politician a special constitutional amendment is enacted that requires all presidentially enhanced agents to submit complete yearly reports of all activities to the supreme court and limits the number of active enhancements to a maximum of ten agents nominally placed directly under the presidents command, but tasked with guarding the President, Congress and the Senate. Later provision are added to the amendment to allow a 51% majority in each house to allow presidential enhanced secret services agents to be taken off active duty and “loaned” out or tasked with other jobs.
The actual method of enhancement for this package is only know to the agents that receive it and the highest ranking officers in each branch of the armed forces.
The agents are aware that Gretchen, Superman, probably Lex Luther and Ultrawoman know the true method, but less than a year after the public revelation, a list was dropped at the white house detailing every person that has purchased the Luther package along with their SA enhancement level, it also ended with a promise to continue dropping complete monthly list and an implied threat to reveal all if they are ever outlawed. The list contained a way to secretly contact Luther with ads placed in the Daily planet.
The reaction of several foreign countries to the revelation of the Presidential program and shortly before this of the military program cause the US government to try and use Luther's black market package as a pressure relief valve for the very powerful forces seeking access to the presidential and military packages.
The highest levels in the government are aware of the general method Gretchen's machine uses and they are also aware of its limitations in the number of enhancements it can perform.
Waldecker's sister has the presidential package, but she has never demonstrated the ability to fly, the white house staff are aware of her strength, but eventually assume she was an early test subject that had her mind damaged by one of the enhancement packages.
In later years the public assumes the Presidential package is a much improved version of the military and civilian packages and that it uses an even more expensive version of the synthetic kryptonite.
started 1998 revealed 2000
Maximum of 15% of Superman's Ability or 15SA
Maximum 15% of Superman's Reserve or 15SR
The SR level is always equal to the SA level.
Special forces:
10 to 15 SA only available to the US special forces and a rare few selected from other friendly nations.
General military:
3 to 8 SA after 2015 most US military personnel get a standard 5 SA enhancement.
3 to 8 SA later spun off as the civilian enhancement package, with any enhancement above 3SA being extremely rare.
The maximum 15SA enhancement level has access to limited X-ray vision and enhancement of all other senses as well as a toughness, speed and strength well above human levels or any of the later civilian packages.
This package lacks flight ability and that limits the usefulness of the superhuman strength, even a lowly private with a 3SA or 5SA enhancement has the raw strength to easily pick up and walk off with a mid sized Truck, but in practice his feet would sink into the ground as the ground overloaded under his feet and the nonstandard loading would warp the vehicle's unreinforced frame. He can punch hard enough to shatter blocks of concrete, but would be thrown back dozens of meters by the force of his blow, run at high speeds but only have limited control of stopping or turning, in general any enhancement under 40SA has effects very similar to a person operating in a near zero gravity environment.
Expensive three years of research taking 30% of the armies black fund each year.
The Synthetic material is extremely tedious to manufacture and extremely costly to produce.
The recipients of a 10 to 15SA level enhancement requires a living donor be used and that donor aura is destabilized and does not return to its original level for a year. The recipient needs at least a months training before it is safe to allow interact with un-enhanced personnel.
The lower level enhancements below 10SA is limited, by economics to about 5SA for the military and the recipients come out of the process with no initial super powers and a slow rate of power build up that means no special training is required.
The US military has managed to develop a poor copy of Lucille's original red kryptonite ray-gun by using a synthetic crystalline material made of precisely constructed layers of titanium and uranium and other more exotic materials.
The military uses two slightly different methods of enhancing personnel the first a donor method that can give a 10 to 15 SA enhancement level and a second low level method that requires no donor, but can go no higher than 8SA and is usually limited to 3 to 5 SA.
Special forces:
The 10 to 15SA method fires a high intensity laser into a five centimeter
thick sample of the synthetic kryptonite, the sample's thickness causes
it to emit a very weak beam that requires a living kryptonian aura of
at least 30SA be placed between the beam and the enhancement chamber.
The enhancement chamber is designed to hold one to five recipients, any
more and the SA levels drop below 10SA.
The process requires the donor and recipients be in the active beam and containment chamber for twelve hours, with each enhancement destabilizing the Donor's SA level by 10 and dropping the SR of the donor by 10, roughly a year is required for the donor's SA and SR levels to recover.
The recipients after twelve hours have an initial stable SA level of 5 and 5 SR, with their ultimate SA level depending on the number present in the chamber. One recipient in the chamber means their SA levels will eventually grow to 15 SA, while five recipients in the chamber will eventually reach 10SA.
General Military / Civilian
The 3 to 8 SA method fires a high intensity laser into a four millimeter
thick sample and it emits an intense beam that is fed into a second device
filled with a complex arrangement of synthetic crystals, that modulate
the beam partially like a living kryptonian's aura. The modulated
beam is then routed into a large containment chamber usually able to
hold several hundred people.
The recipients must be under an active beam for 24 hours and initially it has no noticeable effect, but the recipients slowly develop a kryptonian aura and start to trap solar energy and their SA and SR levels increase over the next year to a maximum based on the intensity of the modulated beam sent into the containment chamber.
This method is relatively fragile and higher beam intensities above the 3SA level starts degrading the synthetic material and the modulation device, at 5SA the material is good for several thousand uses, at the intensities needed for 8SA the modulation crystals and other materials can barely survive one use.
Originally before the Civilian program the military had set up a few sites able to enhance 300 hundred personnel a day to the 3 to 5SA levels.
The High level 10 to 15SA method was reserved for the elite special forces and the enhancement rate never exceeded much more than few dozen a year, and were only done at the original research center.
A Special forces General in charge of watching superman figures out the reason and cause for Ultrawoman he makes a deal obtaining a pardon for Lucille and her sister.
Lucille is unable to fully duplicate her original ray gun with any other sample of red kryptonite but does manage to create a version using synthetic kryptonite designed with data held in her research notes, it is limited to transferring a maximum of 15SA of superman's ability.
Initially only used on selected special forces, within a year a government mandate required that an enhancement be applied to all American military personnel.
A slightly different process and form was developed that allowed a modulation chamber to replace the living kryptonian source, but it is limited to roughly 5SA because of the synthetic material's tendency to burn out at higher beam intensities.
The military package was revealed by a senator just a few days before the Presidential package was forced into the open leading most to assume they are connected. The senator was responsible for overseeing a research program into new types of armour and had ordered the program cancelled as a failure just after it had secretly started producing the synthetic materials used in the Lucille's enhancement program. The general in charge revealed the armies Ultraman program to the senator.
The senator's son, a captain in the air-force was killed in a terrorist attack at his air-base within days of his father being told of the armies enhancement project and the senator makes an impassioned public plea for some form of the Ultraman project to be applied to all military personnel.
After much debate the government ordered the army to start enhancing all military personnel. The Military choose to use the recently developed method that doesn't drain enhanced personnel to create a standard 3SA enhancement package, later this is raised to 5SA and is applied on the completion of basic training. The 10SA and 15SA levels are reserved for the the elite special forces and requires that GIJane or someone with a SA rating 30 or above be a donor.
Government regulation during service and after, of enhanced personnel is initially tight, but quickly drops to minimal levels after the Civilian package is introduced.
Canadian military personnel were enhanced in extremely limited numbers until they agreed to secretly pay for the construction of one enhancement facility, at an American base near the Canadian border. Japan and England quickly followed with a similar secret agreement to pay for the construction of an enhancement facility at an American base in each country eventually these two foreign centers were enhancing 100 Americans and 200 foreign military personnel a day to the 3SA level.
The military program is assumed to be the joint effort of military scientist and a renegade New Kryptonian known as GIJane only the highest levels in the military are aware that the Kryptonian called GIJane is Lucille and a native human.
Most in the military assume that the Presidential and Luther packages uses a method similar to theirs, probably with small sample red kryptonite or a better synthetic copy.
Only the very highest ranking officers in the armed forces are aware of the true method used in the Presidential or Luther enhancement packages.
Lucille, her sister and at least one top ranking officer in the military program is aware of Ultrawoman's true origin and identity.
started 2010 revealed 2008
Maximum of 8% of Superman's Ability or 8SA
Economic maximum 3% of Superman's Ability or 3SA
SR or Superman's Reserve are equal to the SA level.
Method used on or by
US Military, US Civilians later slowly accessible to the world varies 1SA to 8SA
Most US civilians get 3SA, with most of the US military eventually settling on 5SA.
The american version is standardized at 3SA for all american civilians with a rare 5SA given to about a dozen state troopers and medical personnel from each state.
The 3SA level gives access to some enhanced senses, but lacks X-ray, telescopic and microscopic vision and has a lower raw strength and toughness than the 5 SA and the rare 10 SA to 15 SA that become the standard enhancements for the American armed forces.
Expensive required the moth-balling of three aircraft carrier groups along with the closing of several military bases and other major Government cutbacks. The US military required that all civilian enhancement facilities be built at military bases as a method of keeping those bases open and to better maintain the secrecy of the Military package.
No training is needed, the slow rate of power build up allows an individual to safely adjust without any special training needed.
The civilian package uses the same method as the 3 to 8SA military package, but is limited, in the U.S. to 3SA to conserve the synthetic materials and modulation chambers, often the military will use the same facility to enhance military personnel to the 5SA level.
Each Civilian facility is built to the same design and only at a military bases in each state, each site can enhance roughly 300 civilians per day at the 3SA level with an option to easily switch over to 5SA for military personnel.
A 10 year medical study of enhanced military personnel is leaked to the public revealing that even the minimal 3SA package probably increases life expectancy to more than three centuries.
A year later the government requires the US military to make a 3SA package freely available to all US citizens on their registering or re-registering for selective service and reporting when called to the designated military facilities around the country.
Initially a 5SA enhancement was to be made available to state troopers and emergency personnel, but the reduction in the synthetic materials life quickly limited this to a dozen for each state.
All american military branches are willing to upgrade the 3SA package for a 7 to 15 year enlistment of civilians with wanted skills.
Rumors of the higher levels extending life spans to six plus centuries created a windfall for the military, at least in skilled personnel.
The Canadian military always closely linked to the America's military received limited access to the 3SA military package and later after agreeing to pay for additional facilities also received access to the civilian package for its citizens, as well as a few special forces units being enhanced to 10 SA.
A year after the civilian program started in America the Japanese manage to develop a limited process that salvaged burned out synthetic kryptonite from the now semisecret American/ Japanese military enhancement center. They used this badly eroded salvaged material to build a low level civilian enhancement facility at one of their self defense bases it quickly started enhancing 200 Japanese civilians a day at 2SA, other countries were less successful and started turning to the UN demanding access to the slowly increasing number of civilian sites in America.
Initially the process for making the synthetic kryptonite and the associated hardware was kept closely guarded, but massive political pressure from the UN and the rest of the world forced the US to reveal most of the Civilian package's secrets.
Eventually the only remaining, so called secret was the rumored cheaper method that large groups of people and governments insisted America must have for manufacturing the synthetic kryptonite and resonance chambers.
NELL and LUCILLE'S RED KRYPTONITE RAY GUN started 1995 ended 1995
Maximum of 93% of Superman's Ability or 93SA
Reserves of 93% of Superman's Reserve or 93SR
Enhancement drops reserves of donor 99.9SR and weakens them to near human levels requiring nearly 3 years to fully recover.
This ray guns is lost, location know only by Superman and possibly Ultrawoman.
Method used on or by
Ultrawoman and Lucille(GIJane) both are assumed to be Kryptonain by the public and most world governments.
GIJane and at least one General in the US military is aware that Ultrawoman is Lois, but both have kept her secret and their near certainty about Superman's identity.
The refusal of Utrawoman and Superman to give up the ray-gun or the kryptonite has caused some minor friction in the generally friendly relations of GIJane with Superman and Ultrawoman.
Earth version started 1966 revealed 1991
The standard for the other packages.
100SA for a child born with a full kryptonian aura that is raised in our solar system.
100SR for a child born with a full kryptonian aura that is raised in our solar system.
95SA for an adult krytonian not raised under our star.
95SR for an adult kryptonian not raised under our star.
Not a formal package and is open to only those with a full Kryptonian aura enhancement, the most notable members believed to be Superman and Ultrawoman, there is believed to be at least one other Kryptonian and she is closely associated with the US military code named or called GIJane.
Only a few top generals are aware that GI Jane is not true Kryptonian.
Rumors abound of a group of south american countries allowing Kryptonians to move to earth and farm!?
The American government is certain there is a small New kryptonian colony somewhere in South America, but it is keeping a low profile.
Silver Millennium artifacts.
A lost technology based on latent esper abilities and the use of salvaged black kryptonite to manipulate reality. Silver Millennium technology often allowed the manipulation of the universe on the quantum level usually limited by volume the larger the change in reality the smaller the volume the effect can be achieved in.
Most of the black kryptonite came from the multi-ton warp cores of the fifteen ships that remained in earth orbit and the FTL transmitters originally set up on earth.
All are characterized by having a terrestrial crystal, usually Gem quality with a small piece of black kryptonite embedded deep within.
These artifacts link to the possessor's aura amplifying and focusing their esper ability, most artifacts give a minimal enhancement to their body only the Henshin rods of the Senshi reach as high as 2SA, but most artifacts also confers several limited “magical” abilities based on the artifact and sometimes the latent esper ability of the user.
The HENSHIN rods and all of the Silver millennium artifacts have an effect that is firmly based in multi-dimensional quantum physics, and represents a cross section of the almost 2000 years that the Serenity line ruled earth and the other colonies across the solar system.
Nearly all remaining Silver Millennium artifacts are constructed with bulk terrestrial crystals with a near microscopic amount of black kryptonite and most can be grouped into mid and late era artifacts. Early era artifacts are almost nonexistent most were salvaged and the materials reused in making mid and late era artifacts.
Middle era artifacts were almost never broken up for salvage because of the discovery of method of leaving vague biological memories on the devices, these memories could only be accessed by the users descendants, making most devices valuable enough to not recycle.
Late era artifacts are only discernible from mid era artifacts in the improvements to the designs such as the clarity of the memories, the ability to store larger amounts of power, smaller amounts of black kryptonite were used, and where generally more efficient and flexible in what they could do.
Not all Silver Millennium artifacts were hand held or human size the most common large artifact was the Dome of shielding, this device used half a splinter of black kryptonite and almost four hundred kilograms of qartze, aluminum and iron.
It should be noted that by the 20th century that six out of ten Americans and five out of Ten for the less diverse countries could access the stored memories of any Silver millennium artifact and quickly gain a feel for how to use it.
Nine of the thirteen henshin rods and possible the Serenity broach have reappeared in Japan after being lost for over 20,000 year they appear to be in the hands of several girls most in their early teens.(see year 1982 and 1996-09 forward.)
An executive named Serenity was also a high ranking member
of a radical feminist group called Silver. Serenity was placed in charge
of a the research program designed to tap the power of other planets
in earth's solar system and use it, the program was nearing the final
testing phase and the large black kryptonite “power taps” had already
been placed on various planets, with only the final testing and fine tuning
left before the thirteen HENSHIN rods were finished, Serenity used these
still experimental rods to overthrow the democratic council of Atlantis
and set herself up as dictator, becoming the first Queen Serenity.
(see years 20650 BC to 18532
The first Serenity formed a dictatorship ruled with her twelve so called princesses and for the next 300 years she ruthlessly confiscated or destroyed every remnant of the colonies earlier technology forcing the population to depend on the new esper/black kryptonite technology that she and her appointed nobility effectively had a monopoly on.
HENSHIN RODS derive their great power from being linked to a significant chunk of black kryptonite salvaged from the colony ship's warp core and buried deep in each of the nine planets and several of the largest moons in the solar system. The possessor of a HENSHIN rod has a 2SA enhancement to their body and a limited ability to alter reality in a small area around themselves, for example all the rods allow their user to alter their clothes, create a illusion of being someone or something else, call a copy of a small object into existence and maintain it for long periods of time, in general a HENSHIN rod that can alter a large area is limited to one aspect of reality and lacks a focused attack, while a HENSHIN rod with a powerful focused attack is limited to a relatively small area.
(see years 20600 BC, 18453 BC )
RINGS from the Ring rebellion are minor artifacts created in great numbers, first created about ninety years after Serenity took control and represented another groups attempt to Oust Serenity and take her place. The Rings had several major draw backs, chief among these was the need for the Ring to draw on the energy reserves of the person wearing the Ring, which lead to exhaustion after only twenty to thirty minutes, of heavy use. The main advantage of the Rings was the tiny amount of Black kryptonite needed and the huge number that could be produced. The Ring Rebellion failed, but the first Serenity acquired the technology and they were produced in relatively large numbers throughout the reign of the Serenity's, mostly for the nobility and high level military officers.
The Nobility and Wizard class was allowed access to black kryptonite splinters throughout the Silver Millennium and these were used to produce a large variety of ”magical” artifacts, all these devices were power limited usually only having Sunlight, fire, moving water, moving air or the human aura as a power source.
The ONE HUNDRED and ONE pools of JUSENKYO are the remnants of Beryl's attempt to produce an enhancement comparable to the Senshi's HENSHIN rod based powers and was the original source of the Youma variant forms. Beryl used the pools to give her rebels a relatively powerful second body that could be hidden and remain undetectable until needed.
Originally Jusenkyo contained over eighty different types of powerful Youma forms all required life force energy to become fully functional and can absorb that energy from any life form they touch or store the radiated energy of their normal form, some Youma forms had the ability to touch an object and summon and control quantum shadows of that object turning it into a very small cloud of weapons that follow the will of their creator. Only two Youma template pools survive to the 20th century and up until 1996 when a partial kryptonian aura was added to a female template pool, these remaining two were the most powerful templates left at Jusenkyo.
Jusenkyo creates a complete alternate body based on the template stored in the pool and aspects of the victims aura, the form not in use is moved very slightly out of normal space and held in stasis until the switch occurs, every effort was made to make this extra body undetectable by any method and the only reliable way of detecting this extra body is usually the applications of hot and cold water, but this method only works if the agent doesn't have a lock placed on the alternate form, Beryl's Rebellion had countless ways of locking and unlocking the extra forms with any number of devices from bracelets to water from specially designed containers.(see year 18596 BC to 17232 BC)
Only two triggers are know to cause the switching of Jusenkyo forms hot/cold water or the death of one body, a week to five years after the current bodies death the other form will appear from stasis near the place the current body died allowing the individual to live on in that form.
The Pools represent a mixture of Silver Millennium technology and the technology of another race allied with Beryl that was attempting to invade earth from another universe, the pools were secretly grown almost forty years before the downfall of the final Queen Serenity and represent a desperate move by Beryl to find a way to break the hold the Serenity line had on earth and the rest of the solar system.
NOTE the liquid in the Jusenkyo pools is simple water, it has no special characteristics and is simply a convenient working medium for the crystalline machines grown in the walls and in the quantum focusing array in the pseudo bamboo rods set in the center of each pool.
The Youma form was only partially successful in matching the Senshi and great numbers or large Youma forms were required to match the enhancements given by the henshin rods and other weapons of the Serenity regime.
In modern times all but two of the pools have templates of more mundane life forms, ranging from house cat sized animals to a few animals weighing around two tons and standing no more than three meters high.
The recent addition of a partial kryptonian aura to a pool that originally only gave a un-enhanced female form has stirred things up and indirectly united the local tribes and brought the the site to the full attention of China's ruling party.