Martial Arts Skill Levels

............ COMMENTS.............
Bruce Lee
...............100 MAS....At this level a Martial artist is the equal of a 1 SA enhancement

AMAZON --------- Have many Silver millennium artifacts mostly Serenity judge or lower.
..................30 MAS....Will probably have a 10 SA female form
...................27 MAS....might have a 10 SA alternate female form
.................80 MAS....will have a 10 SA alternate female form
Amazon Elder.
............75 or minus 10 MAS less than fifteen in the amazon village
Amazon Warrior...........25 or minus 15 MAS some will have a 10 SA female form

ANYTHING GOES ---------- has a collection of Aura Based special techniques
Happosai ................95 MAS....lots of exploitable weaknesses, has a few Silver Millennium artifacts.
Ranma....................39 MAS....Has a female form with a 20 SA kryptonian enhancement
Genma....................60 MAS....(Genma is that nasty.) has panda form +5 MAS
.....................40 MAS....possible higher has been sparing with enhanced military personnel
....................32 MAS....Has been sparing with enhanced military personnel
...................06 MAS....Has a 75 SA enhancement plus MAS level Soun considered minimal
...................05 MAS....Skill level she considered minimal self defense
Students.................03 MAS....Plus or minus 10 MAS some will have an Kryptonian enhancement.

AMERICAN MILITARY Has access to kryptonain enhancements and heavy weapons

Special forces
...........04 MAS....lacks aura manipulation has access to 5 to 15 SA enhancements
Secret Service
...........04 MAS....lacks aura manipulation has access to 70 to 75 SA enhancements
General forces
..........01 MAS....lacks aura manipulation has access to 3 to 5 SA enhancements.

BIRDPEOPLE ----------large number of Silver millennium artifacts of the low royalty class.
Saffron adult
...........200 MAS....Original post 1SA with near instant regeneration and fire �magic�
Saffron child
........... 14 MAS
.....................45 MAS....Has access to Silver millennium era royal armour and artifacts
Birdpeople warrior
.......15 or minus 20 MAS, some have alternate 10 SA female form

CHINESE MILITARY Looking to purchase a few Lex enhancements for testing purposes
General forces
...........02 MAS....generally much lower tech than the USA
Special forces
..........04 MAS....generally lower tech than the USA
First Generation Mecha
...XX........roughly equal to 1 SA has weapons that can kill a 3 SA few dozen prototypes
Second Generation Mecha
..XX........roughly equal to 3 SA has weapons that can kill a 8 SA few hundred
Third Generation Mecha
..XX........roughly equal to 5 SA has weapons that can hurt a 75 SA one prototype

MUSK DYNASTY ---------- Have a few Silver millennium artifacts.
.....................85 MAS....will probably have a 10 SA female form, expert at aura manipulation.
Musk Warrior
.............20 MAS....Plus or minus 15 MAS, some will have a 10 SA female form

RUSSIAN MILITARY -------- Looking to purchase a few lex enhancements for testing purposes
General forces
...........01 MAS....generally lower tech than the USA
Special forces
...........04 MAS....generally slightly lower tech than USA
First Generation Mecha...XX........roughly equal to 1 SA has weapons that can kill a 5 SA increasing numbers
Second Generation Mecha .XX........roughly equal to 3 SA has weapons that can kill a 10 SA several dozen

SENSHI ---------- Large number of Silver Millennium artifacts High royalty class
....................-1 MAS....2 SA equivalent, Serenity Broach alter reality over several kilometers.
Senshi....................1 MAS....2 SA equivalent�magical� skills and attacks.

.....................50 MAS....normal human form.
Taro monster
............60 MAS....when uncharged with external life force
Taro charged Monster....116 MAS....Monster form at 2/3 SA for short period after life force charge taken.

....................35 MAS....Alternate 10 SA Jusenkyo form weapon user chi based

Tatewaki Kuno
............35 MAS....3 SA black market enhancement Lex Luthor weapon user katana based
Kodachi Kuno
.............20 MAS....3 SA black market enhancement Prone to use gas attacks and weapons
Principal Kuno...........20 MAS....3 SA black market enhancement Prone to weird weapons and explosives

WORLD MILITARY ---------- looking into kryptonain enhancements.
General forces
...........01 MAS....Has access to conventional weapons from Chinese to American levels.
Special forces
..........03 MAS....Has access to conventional weapons from Chinese to American levels

Ukyo .
...................25 MAS....weapons and explosives

..................40 MAS

.................02 MAS....100 SA enhancement possibly limited access to kryptonain technology
Ultrawoman .
.............03 MAS....93 SA enhancement possibly limited access to kryptonian technology
.................01 MAS....75 SA has access to the secret service equipment
..................01 MAS....93 SA enhancement access to American Military heavy weapons.
Lex Luther
..............04 MAS....35 SA enhancement wealthy business man high tech and heavy weapons.
................00 MAS....35 SA enhancement scientist wealthy sponsor.
Asabi ...................05 MAS....30 SA enhancement assistant to Gretchen and Lex


This table is roughly for the period 2001 to 2006, there will be some varation across the period.

MAS stands for Martial Arts Skill.

SA=Superman's Ability, In general this represents the percentage of superman's 100%.

SR=Superman's Reserve, the percentage of stored power, roughly how long you can do something.

100SR represents the ability to store about 100 days of trapped solar energy at sea level.

SR is replenished or recharged by exposure to light of the spectra of Earth's Sun.

Four hours of sea level sunlight is required to replenish or recharge 1 SR, writers option determines how haze and cloud cover effect this recharge rate.